View Full Version : MANNY ZARDON

05-11-2008, 10:30 PM
I heard Manny is in a bit of trouble in the Gardens, any one have the info ?

05-12-2008, 09:02 PM
que paso

05-14-2008, 04:15 AM
Nothing to get exited about, only a PERK complaint. They have no bite, they can't even fine you. I got exited, then found out what PERK can do (nothing). I'm leaving this sorry department!!!

05-14-2008, 04:25 AM
That's too bad. Has anyone heard anything about Tony Sanchez? I heard he's being investigated and something is comming down soon. His a good guy I hope he comes out OK.

05-14-2008, 04:44 AM
once again, the lost idiots have wandered onto our site. O Mod, can you please delete these guys from Hialeah Gardens who lack the guts and/or courage and/or balls to use their own board? I am sick and freaking tired of reading their crap, when you know we have PLENTY of our own crap right here in the real, original Hialeah. Can you idiots stay in your own board and on your own side of 826? Manny is your problem now, to hell with him.

05-14-2008, 10:07 AM

05-14-2008, 12:13 PM
let talk about guts Hialeah, making sgt's to commander, please, Zardon would had been chief in hialeah since you dont need any police experience.


05-14-2008, 08:38 PM
congratulations on your new forum guys.

05-14-2008, 11:36 PM
congratulations on your new forum guys.


No I can come over to this Post and talk crap too!!!!!!


05-15-2008, 02:36 AM
Leave these guys alone dude, they are just like us. It's like China and Venezuela side by side.

05-15-2008, 02:39 AM
Hialeah and Hialeah Gardens should merge, build an airport, become a county and then drown both Mayors in the deepest lake we can find.

05-15-2008, 01:19 PM
Thank you Mod

05-16-2008, 09:32 PM
Thank you ModHey Gus, Mario you looked great on tv I hope you guys applied at other depts because you put the noose around your necks today

MOD 422
05-16-2008, 11:41 PM
This is not a SLAM site and the Forums should be used constructively. Messages (anonymous or not) accusing anyone (including political candidates) of wrong doing (and/or criminal accusations) without substantial proof or reference are subject to deletion. Use your REAL name unless the need for an Anonymous Message is warranted. Messages not requiring Anonymous status, but being abused, are subject to deletion by System Moderators. Anonymous Messages are not granted the same right to exist that properly identified Messages are. Failure to comply can result in Message deletion and/or access blockage.

05-17-2008, 03:32 AM

05-18-2008, 01:28 PM
I heard he got slammed a bit, and how he bad mouth the officers

05-20-2008, 03:54 PM
I heard he got slammed, regardless what happens, Manny it's not PMC.
Sorry, we will never quit fighting you !

05-20-2008, 05:05 PM
I like manny, at least he tells you how it is instead of writing you up. I am not as old as some of the others here but I think we're hurting ourselves. I hope the oldtimers know what their doing, because if not we're all going to pay for the few!!!!

05-20-2008, 05:41 PM
Since you say you’re so new, take some advice, leave now, like others have done. This place is a place to nowhere, manny is a back stabbing person, who when in Hialeah was self proclaimed zero, rem. Manny, playing dominoes at your house on duty, rem. that. So Mr. New. Leave now, plenty of places to go, unless this is manny writing this.

05-22-2008, 10:00 PM
Since you say you’re so new, take some advice, leave now, like others have done. This place is a place to nowhere, manny is a back stabbing person, who when in Hialeah was self proclaimed zero, rem. Manny, playing dominoes at your house on duty, rem. that. So Mr. New. Leave now, plenty of places to go, unless this is manny writing this.Manny you have no shame everyone knows your backround and all the things you did at Hialeah. Its amazing that anyone would consider giving you employment as a police officer, mush less a captain. Then, I look at the people that run that place and I can figure out why. Just looking at the way you conducted yourself when they interviewed you on camera shows what caliber of people you are. There are rafters with no education on sw 8th st that express themselves with more class than you. SHAMEFULL

05-25-2008, 07:07 PM
I laugh at you losers- if it's soooo bad get another job-oh I forgot- 99% of you couldn't even get a job with Opa-Locka-look in the mirror-be lucky youre getting paid because no one else would pay some one like you with your crappy borderline moronic background, don't even think about Walgreens or Wendy's!

05-25-2008, 09:54 PM
I laugh at you losers- if it's soooo bad get another job-oh I forgot- 99% of you couldn't even get a job with Opa-Locka-look in the mirror-be lucky youre getting paid because no one else would pay some one like you with your crappy borderline moronic background, don't even think about Walgreens or Wendy's!MANNY IF YOU WROTE THIS I'M CONVINCED YOUR EITHER RETARDED OR YOUR JUST AN A.H. HOW CAN YOU TALK ABOUT BACKROUNDS, YOU OF ALL PEOPLE. I THINK YOU NEED HELP YOU BETTER GO AND SEEK IT BEFORE YOU HURT SOMEONE.

05-26-2008, 02:22 AM
I laugh at you losers- if it's soooo bad get another job-oh I forgot- 99% of you couldn't even get a job with Opa-Locka-look in the mirror-be lucky youre getting paid because no one else would pay some one like you with your crappy borderline moronic background, don't even think about Walgreens or Wendy's!I dont agree with that 99 % statement, its better then that:

Look at all the Hialeah guys, Look at all the Miami PD guys, some are even sgts. we breed some good cops.

06-03-2008, 09:19 PM
Viva Zardon!!!

06-03-2008, 09:39 PM
Viva Zardon!!!Manny get a life or a girl friend "oh sorry maybe not" Why don't you tell everyone how youi sold your soul to Raul so they would not fire you from Hialeah PD Tell everyone how you sold out your friends even the one who hooked you up and built your two houses. Come on Manny come clean how much soul did you give it must of been alot. PUNK

06-12-2008, 03:14 PM
Rumor is that is pay back time, 07 of Off duty jobs, gee, who's idea was it.

07-08-2008, 12:55 AM
Manny, the best Captain we have

07-12-2008, 03:15 AM
Fancy Description: I am the Mayors friend, I have never passed a supervisor test, so now they hooked me up and I am the building manager !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In 1983, Manny successfully graduated from the Police Academy and began a long and prosperous career in the Hialeah Police Department that spanned almost 18 years. In the latter part of his career, Manny was a proud member of the Motorcycle Squad. In December of 2000, Manny was promoted to Commander within the same Department and currently supervises the operations of the Records, Forfeiture, Property, Civilian I.D., Court Liaison, Equipment Control and the Extra Duty Departments.

07-12-2008, 09:50 PM
say what you want but he is smarter than all of us. He knows who to hang with. He is laughing at us and enjoying every minute of it. Let it go already, he is the captain wether we like it or not. I personally never had a problem with him but if i did i would learn to live wuth it. Stop trying to create more problems, things are finaly getting alittle better, lets build on that. If you don't like it here then go somewhere else.

07-13-2008, 04:13 AM
say what you want but he is smarter than all of us. He knows who to hang with. He is laughing at us and enjoying every minute of it. Let it go already, he is the captain wether we like it or not. I personally never had a problem with him but if i did i would learn to live wuth it. Stop trying to create more problems, things are finaly getting alittle better, lets build on that. If you don't like it here then go somewhere else.never, is dark side will be revealed, this is only the start, he wanted the whoperia, not get ready, stay tune

07-15-2008, 09:49 PM
all I know is that the capt. Was right, we a made a hugh mistake. We listened to some of the senior guys and now we're paying for it. I remember things here being great and we all liked the captain for the most part. We got what we asked for, at least we learned who we can listen too and who we should stay away from. I blame my self for falling in the trap but I thaught the senior guys would have more common sense. Roger you were right!!! You are the only senior who spoke the truth to me. Don't count with me to play any more games!

07-15-2008, 09:58 PM
Manny Manny manny, your right when you were a so called veteran in Hialeah no one listen toy uo.

07-15-2008, 10:20 PM
Dude your obses with manny, ask him to marry you already. That's why we are were we are, believe it or not manny is not the onlyone that disagrees with you. If you had any sense you would see how sorry must of the guys are about listening to you.

07-15-2008, 10:21 PM
Manny Manny Manny, dont you have a clue, we dont like you, Yes WE, So go watch TV all alone in your big house.

07-16-2008, 10:03 PM
Manny was a veteran of what?
I worked with him in Hialeah. He was a POS then and I have to suspect that he is a POS now.
This is a guy that could not even write a decent report and was never anything other than a Patrolman, and he is your Captain.?
My condolences
Manny would not make a pimple in a cop's butt!

07-16-2008, 10:13 PM
Yes, however, he is still the Captain in our department. I know you probably whish you could be a captain as well, but some people are just destine to envi others for what they have. One day maybe some of these people will be as important and can have other people hating on them as they hate on manny. Manny you still have some guys here that love you and respect you. Don't chage and if you ever read this, please don't laugh too hard, understand that some people wish they could have what you have. It must be nice to be as bad as they say you are and still be captain!!!

07-16-2008, 10:27 PM
Manny was a veteran of what?
I worked with him in Hialeah. He was a POS then and I have to suspect that he is a POS now.
This is a guy that could not even write a decent report and was never anything other than a Patrolman, and he is your Captain.?
My condolences
Manny would not make a pimple in a cop's butt! DUDE MAN UR FULL OF C--- . :!: :twisted: :evil:

07-18-2008, 01:03 AM
A Captain of the Hialeah Gardens Police Department.
Appointed by the Mayor without a background test, a polygraph, or any competitive testing. He could not pass a simple Sgts. test in Hialeah, how is he capable to be a Captain?
I am sure that there are a lot of folks that worked with Manny that could suggest questions for the polygraph.
Sure he is destined for better things, what are they?
Oye Barbita Roja, got a dime bag?

07-18-2008, 02:34 AM
Keep hating on manny, it must be good to be the hated and not the hater. He is still the captain and your noting more than an over rated security guard. His laughing all the way to the bank. Ha ha ha, you wish you were friends with the mayor and you wish you could be captain. Looser!!!

07-18-2008, 11:07 AM
Keep hating on manny, it must be good to be the hated and not the hater. He is still the captain and your noting more than an over rated security guard. His laughing all the way to the bank. Ha ha ha, you wish you were friends with the mayor and you wish you could be captain. Looser!!!Good, Manny you admitted it your the Captain because your friends with the mayor. You just confirmed what everybody knows you can be a loser, unqualified, bad record and still get a job. So, Manny stop talking about other people not being cops it just that there not connected or better yet they don't have the gift of selling there soul like you did, or stabbing your friends in the back or even better your great talent of swallowing. You better hope your "friends" are around for a long time because if not you would have to sell water and churros at the corner. In closing I'd rather beg for money or get food stamps than stoop to the level that your at Miss Captain in your imagination.

07-18-2008, 01:48 PM
Zardon rules!!! Maybe manny could help you write the sign "will work for food" I sure hope manny reads this, it's really eating you from the inside that he achieved in the same career as you and me what you will never achieve. It must be nice to have power!! When you beg him for your job, please try not to cry, you've done enough of that here. Ha ha ha!!!

07-18-2008, 02:35 PM
dude, enough, your embarasing yourself and the rest of the PD. I can only asume that this is you mario, you have become so bitter is not funny anymore. Who cares if manny is friends with the mayor or not give it up already, you are obses with him, that's bad for your health and your ego. We lost, move on. I get on this site periodically to get useful info about law enforcement and all i find is this crap. Do you look foreard to getting home to write this bull? That is sad. Instead of wasting your time and effort in making a fool of yourself concentrate on gaining back the trust you lpst from the rest of the guys. I'm fed up with you and the few other's making things worse for the rest of us. We have lost way too much by listening to your nonsense. I hope you at least admit to yourself that you set us back a century. Please, don't insult our intelogence by saying this is manny, i hope he never reads this because your giving him what he wants. Anyone else who reads these post, please know that every department has the idiots and the envious, most of us are different and have moved on.

07-18-2008, 02:54 PM
Manny Manny Manny, Maybe we can get someone (a citizen) to ask which web sites you have been on while working.

07-18-2008, 04:25 PM
I think that's a great idea looser, so that you can finally see it's not manny. Mario I loose more respect for you everyday. By the way how does your a$$ feel after the a$$ kicking you got.

07-21-2008, 03:32 AM
Caballero, that man that calls himself the chief, Van Toth, is a disgrace. He tells everyone that "it's not greener on the other side", he is a liar. It is greener....very much greener. Remember the due to his shortness, and his soul selling he has lost all concept of where he came from. How he would be picked up from the floor while he was drunk while working off cuties. And Zardon, please guys, he would be playing dominoes on duty and taking calls from the dominoe table. Descarado. Any way we are doing great.....Sergio, Martinez, DC and others at the beach, Lui at Miami Gardens, Rojas, Rollie and others in the City. Guys, get out of there and do it quickly, The Department of Justice is looking into that illegal place. The administration is dirty, and you guys don't deserve to be there.....Anyone can guess who I am.......

07-21-2008, 03:33 AM
Caballero, that man that calls himself the chief, Van Toth, is a disgrace. He tells everyone that "it's not greener on the other side", he is a liar. It is greener....very much greener. Remember the due to his shortness, and his soul selling he has lost all concept of where he came from. How he would be picked up from the floor while he was drunk while working off cuties. And Zardon, please guys, he would be playing dominoes on duty and taking calls from the dominoe table. Descarado. Any way we are doing great.....Sergio, Martinez, DC and others at the beach, Lui at Miami Gardens, Rojas, Rollie and others in the City. Guys, get out of there and do it quickly, The Department of Justice is looking into that illegal place. The administration is dirty, and you guys don't deserve to be there.....Anyone can guess who I am.......

07-21-2008, 02:20 PM
Yes, the same looser that has been making the same predictions for years!!! I agree, if your not happy here leave, let the guys that want to work stay. After hearing the same tune about corruption now for years I know better than to believe the hype. Good luck to you.

07-21-2008, 04:23 PM
Caballero, that man that calls himself the chief, Van Toth, is a disgrace. He tells everyone that "it's not greener on the other side", he is a liar. It is greener....very much greener. Remember the due to his shortness, and his soul selling he has lost all concept of where he came from. How he would be picked up from the floor while he was drunk while working off cuties. And Zardon, please guys, he would be playing dominoes on duty and taking calls from the dominoe table. Descarado. Any way we are doing great.....Sergio, Martinez, DC and others at the beach, Lui at Miami Gardens, Rojas, Rollie and others in the City. Guys, get out of there and do it quickly, The Department of Justice is looking into that illegal place. The administration is dirty, and you guys don't deserve to be there.....Anyone can guess who I am.......What do you think, MZ came from Hialeah, the second worst Dept in Dade, behind us.

07-28-2008, 01:51 AM
manny--reflect, karma

08-04-2008, 10:26 PM
How does it feel to be the guy people love to hate.
Do you realize that nothing lasts for ever and you eventually will not have the rank to protect you?
What are you going to do then?
Is not the fall that hurts you, its the sudden deceleration.

08-05-2008, 05:54 PM
Wow, Lots of haters out there. I don't hate you Manny, Keep on being yourself, you were right about all this people all along. The more they write about you the better you should feel, that means that you are getting to them and that you are at least important enough to be on there minds quite often. Take all that is said here printed and use it as toilet paper. LOL :lol:

08-06-2008, 12:23 AM
I guess your philosophy also goes to all those other people whom you badmount. They are important enough to be talked about right? It goes both ways. By the way you expressed yourself you just gave yourself away, you are the hater since you know the meaning of hate, we are realistic sinse we do not hate we realize the difference between the good the bad and the ugly. That we have to live with, yes but for now because nothing is forever dude. Keep sucking ____ one day you may choke, meantime I'll continue to breathe. I have plan B and life will go on for me HG is a temporary pay check and your take it while it lasts, that's why you should like me plan ahead and have plan B. With or without a badge i will live to the fullest and that the Lord for that. By the way took yuour advise and used your comments as toilette paper, my a__ complaint about the low quality. Therefore I am ignoring your stupidity. Good Bye

08-06-2008, 03:31 PM
I see my comment really got to you, I love it. Keep using it as toilet paper, you will need to save the money for when you are unemployed. You sir are an idiot!!! :lol:

08-06-2008, 10:11 PM
I see my comment really got to you, I love it. Keep using it as toilet paper, you will need to save the money for when you are unemployed. You sir are an idiot!!! :lol:
You know what your the idiot ,and let me tell you why. It seems that you think that the universe revolves around Hialeah Gardens. Just for your own information have you heard what our peers think about this department? just to keep it simple because besides being a punk and an a$$ kisser your a moron. The majority think that its a Mickey Mouse Police dept run by a drunk and its corrupt. Thats right look at our history a cop beating chief of police, hired by a want to kill her husband mayor who got arrested. And then we have a mayor now that had to leave the City of Sweetwater because of his lets say suspicious activity. Then he fires the cop beating chief because he does not want to sign off on Zardon's backround because we all know about his history. But, he makes Toth the Chief because hes willing to prositute himself and sign off on Zardon and make him a Captain with ZERO qualifications for the job. Then we are on TV protesting about that same Captain Zardon who we all know is a radio clicker who disregarded officer safety when he worked for Hialeah PD. This guy would not be hired as a police officer anywhere just on that fact alone much less as a Captain of Police. The only reason hes here is because of his relationship with bemba suave I mean Raul Martinez and the boy mayor. If the boy mayor for any reason has to leave or is unelected the new mayors first action would be to fire Zardon and of course Van Toth for his lack of size and man hood. So, please stop pounding your chest about someone losing there job theres a whole big giant world out there and the majority of it 99.999 of it could give a rats A$$ what Hialeah Gardens hateful, corrupted administration says about anyone. Oh, before I forget pull that thing you have in your mouth out people are laughing at you. [/size]]

08-07-2008, 03:27 AM
I love how easy it is to get to your little brain. If this department is so bad then why are you here? Maybe your in love with Zardon, it's ok come out of the closet. Like I said you sir are hating idiot!

08-07-2008, 11:10 AM
I love how easy it is to get to your little brain. If this department is so bad then why are you here? Maybe your in love with Zardon, it's ok come out of the closet. Like I said you sir are hating idiot!No, Manny your in love with yourself because your one of the few people that has anything good to say about you. Really bro I feel sorry for you. You can call me a hater or say that I need to come out of the closet but you can't run away from your backround because its a matter of public record. The only reason some people might act like they like you is because of the position that you were given and they have no choice but to talk to you. But in the end your going to be a very lonely person. And I rather have a little brain than be you brother.

08-07-2008, 01:04 PM
little brain, i know is hard for you to comprehand that this is not manny but i understand thats how your tiny brain works. "bro" you sure you don't want me to put in a good word for you with manny? He may let you blow him, at least that would be a start untill you fully come out of the closet. If manny ever reads this he's going to love it, I know I would. Tiny keep on amusing us with your stupidity so that I can keep pulling your strings like a puppet. I command you to answer me!

08-08-2008, 03:30 PM
good boy tiny, but next time i want your response faster. Ok, I think it is clear that idiots like tiny are the problem with this department. If I can manipulate and make angry this idiot from my computer, can you immagine how this people are playing him like a puppet. Some of us are just too easy to manipulate and make angry (that's when we make mistakes). I will continue with this experiment just for the sake of fun. Ok, lets see now, get even angrier and respond quickly; You are a retard who is too dumb to see when your making a fool of yourself. It is dumb F*&% like you that give this department a bad name. I command you to respond immidiatly!!!