View Full Version : Seven corrections deputies placed on leave

05-11-2008, 05:21 PM
http://www.palmbeachpost.com/localnews/ ... leave.html (http://www.palmbeachpost.com/localnews/content/local_news/epaper/2008/05/11/0511deputiesleave.html)

Seven corrections deputies placed on leave


Palm Beach Post Staff Writer

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Palm Beach County sheriff's officials placed seven corrections deputies on leave in the past few days and are working with prosecutors to determine if criminal charges apply.

Officials from the sheriff's office and the State Attorney's Office would not disclose the nature of the investigation.

"By law, we're not allowed to talk about the investigation until it's complete," said sheriff's spokeswoman Teri Barbera.

Barbera said the seven deputies, under investigation for alleged misconduct, were placed on administrative leave with pay last week. Mike Edmondson, State Attorney's Office spokesman, said investigators expect to finish their investigation within the next few weeks.

05-11-2008, 08:28 PM
The very best jailers in the USA!!!!!!!!!

05-11-2008, 08:34 PM
We should not speculate about the investigation and attempt to fill in the blanks of information that we do not know about.

We should, however, commend this sheriff for taking care of business and cleaning up his own house of alleged corruption. Instead of looking the other way, he is confronting it head on. The house cleaning of the jail deputys is more than overdue. For those dedicated employees over there that do their job and do it well, you should hold your heads up high and continue to do what you are doing. For those of you that are greedy and corrupt, and just cannot help separate yourselves from lifes deadliest sins, you will finally get what you have had coming for soooooo long. You have been reaping the benefits of your misdeeds for a long time, but since your protectors are no longer here, the party which is riddled with criminal acts is just about over now.

I guess having pay parity with law enforcement was not enough for some. They had to have more, even if they needed to do it illegally.

05-11-2008, 10:44 PM
Numerous times I have brought scum bag thugs in the jail only to have correction deputies have an exchange with them some where along the lines like "Yo dawg, what up"
"What up dawg, why you back up in here?"
"You know dawg, just doing my thang"
"True, true, how yo momma doing?"
etc, etc ...

05-11-2008, 11:16 PM
and your point is? :roll:

05-11-2008, 11:45 PM
We should not speculate about the investigation and attempt to fill in the blanks of information that we do not know about.

We should, however, commend this sheriff for taking care of business and cleaning up his own house of alleged corruption. Instead of looking the other way, he is confronting it head on. The house cleaning of the jail deputys is more than overdue. For those dedicated employees over there that do their job and do it well, you should hold your heads up high and continue to do what you are doing. For those of you that are greedy and corrupt, and just cannot help separate yourselves from lifes deadliest sins, you will finally get what you have had coming for soooooo long. You have been reaping the benefits of your misdeeds for a long time, but since your protectors are no longer here, the party which is riddled with criminal acts is just about over now.

I guess having pay parity with law enforcement was not enough for some. They had to have more, even if they needed to do it illegally.

And we all know that there are no crooked cops. Just jailers.

05-12-2008, 02:55 AM
The earlier poster's comments pertained to a specific situation that is in the media right now. Unfortunately, there are crooked law enforcement officers, but right now we're discussing alleged crooked jailers.

Why deflect the comments from jailers to law enforcement, when there was no insenuation that there is any corruption in law enforcement?

As for the earlier alleged comments made between jailers and there clients that are brought in, does anyone with any reasonable level of intelligence need further clarification on "the point" that is trying to be made? It is unprofessional and it should be unacceptable and I have also been a witness to that kind of crap when I bring prisoners into the jail. Sometimes its kind of difficult to figure what side of the fence the jailer is on when he/she is on and off duty, when you hear them "rap" with these people on the streets. Its pretty pathetic.

05-12-2008, 09:39 AM
Anyone of us who has brought a 10-15 into CJ knows that most of the Jailers are cousins with the 10-15. It was only a matter of time. I used to work corrections and it was one thing to know a 10-15, it was another to show them the kind of respect that some of our Jailers do.



Perhaps our Law Enforcement reports would be better!

05-12-2008, 11:49 AM
We should not speculate about the investigation and attempt to fill in the blanks of information that we do not know about.

We should, however, commend this sheriff for taking care of business and cleaning up his own house of alleged corruption. Instead of looking the other way, he is confronting it head on. The house cleaning of the jail deputys is more than overdue. For those dedicated employees over there that do their job and do it well, you should hold your heads up high and continue to do what you are doing. For those of you that are greedy and corrupt, and just cannot help separate yourselves from lifes deadliest sins, you will finally get what you have had coming for soooooo long. You have been reaping the benefits of your misdeeds for a long time, but since your protectors are no longer here, the party which is riddled with criminal acts is just about over now.

I guess having pay parity with law enforcement was not enough for some. They had to have more, even if they needed to do it illegally.

For someone who says that there should be no speculation and no filling in of blanks with unknown facts....YOU sure just did a good job of it. Since ALL of you do not seem to know the entire truth behind any of this, Stop casting stones. I am not a corrections employee and I do not know all of those involved but I do know one of them. He is not, and has not, '...been reaping the benefits of misdeeds...' He has been honest about all of this and is, and was, only taking care of his family. Unlike MANY over there in corrections who call out for your reg. scheduled shift BUT show up for your overtime...now that's Theft. Grow up, stop starting rumors of untruths or half-truths, all of you. NONE of you would like to be under the IA microscope and have people starting stuff about you just so they could feel better about their existance. Children!!

I will agree with the over niceities to a 10-15 by the personell over there, tho. Maybe you think it makes that 10-15 act a bit better, causing minimal probs with and for others you are assigned to watch, but it sooooo sends the wrong message to others. They are there for a reason not for a gossip catchup session.

05-12-2008, 05:16 PM
You have got to be kidding me! The paper has story after story of road deputies being caught up in corruption......how soon we forget. I wonder how some of you get 200 hours of detail O.T. and some only 8? Oh thats right its just luck......................P.B.S.O..............wha t a team concept. AMAZING

05-12-2008, 05:19 PM
This sounds more like a BSO thread, where the almighty road deputies earn a higher salary than the jailers do.

I guess it just kills a lot of stuck-up people here that we operate on one pay scale. Live with it.

05-12-2008, 08:35 PM
We should not speculate about the investigation and attempt to fill in the blanks of information that we do not know about.

We should, however, commend this sheriff for taking care of business and cleaning up his own house of alleged corruption. Instead of looking the other way, he is confronting it head on. The house cleaning of the jail deputys is more than overdue. For those dedicated employees over there that do their job and do it well, you should hold your heads up high and continue to do what you are doing. For those of you that are greedy and corrupt, and just cannot help separate yourselves from lifes deadliest sins, you will finally get what you have had coming for soooooo long. You have been reaping the benefits of your misdeeds for a long time, but since your protectors are no longer here, the party which is riddled with criminal acts is just about over now.

I guess having pay parity with law enforcement was not enough for some. They had to have more, even if they needed to do it illegally.

For someone who says that there should be no speculation and no filling in of blanks with unknown facts....YOU sure just did a good job of it. Since ALL of you do not seem to know the entire truth behind any of this, Stop casting stones. I am not a corrections employee and I do not know all of those involved but I do know one of them. He is not, and has not, '...been reaping the benefits of misdeeds...' He has been honest about all of this and is, and was, only taking care of his family. Unlike MANY over there in corrections who call out for your reg. scheduled shift BUT show up for your overtime...now that's Theft. Grow up, stop starting rumors of untruths or half-truths, all of you. NONE of you would like to be under the IA microscope and have people starting crap about you just so they could feel better about their existance. Children!!

I will agree with the over niceities to a 10-15 by the personell over there, tho. Maybe you think it makes that 10-15 act a bit better, causing minimal probs with and for others you are assigned to watch, but it sooooo sends the wrong message to others. They are there for a reason not for a gossip catchup session.

YOU BASICALLY SAID WHAT I WAS THINKING ABOUT THAT POST ABOVE YOURS. There are mis-haps in both le and corr. However, it does make these individuals that are perfect feel even better about themselves. (make sure you spell right too or you will be checked off with an x by Mr. rookie man whom we hope holds a perfect future here at pbso) Good day my fellow co-workers.

05-13-2008, 01:07 AM
Seven corrections deputies placed on leave


Palm Beach Post Staff Writers

Monday, May 12, 2008

Seven Palm Beach County Sheriff's corrections officers are under investigation on allegations of organized scheme to defraud and official misconduct, State Attorney's Office spokesman Mike Edmondson said Monday night.

Sources close to the investigation said the officers allegedly bilked the sheriff's office of about $400,000, though officials with the sheriff's office would not disclose the nature of the investigation - only that it concerns financial matters.

The seven, three lieutenants and four sergeants, were identified as: Lt. Sandra Nealy, Lt. George Behar, Lt. Darrin McCray, Sgt. Eddey Velasquez, Sgt. Faulton Kemph, Sgt. John McCaffrey and Sgt. Kathy Dent. None has been charged.

Reached on Monday night, Nealy, an employee of the sheriff's office since 1986, said, "I don't have any comment." The others could not immediately be reached.

All of them work at the Palm Beach County Jail, sheriff's office spokeswoman Teri Barbera said. The sheriff's office placed them on administrative leave with pay Thursday.

Edmondson said the sheriff's office and state attorney's office have been investigating the matter "for months" and should be done within the next few weeks.

Organized scheme to defraud is a second-degree felony, Edmondson said. Official misconduct is a third-degree felony that could be upgraded to the second-degree if public documents are used during the crime.

Staff Researcher Sammy Alzofon contributed to this story.

http://www.palmbeachpost.com/localnews/ ... leave.html (http://www.palmbeachpost.com/localnews/content/local_news/epaper/2008/05/12/0511deputiesleave.html)

05-13-2008, 10:27 AM
computer manipulation

sound a bit familiar when a large agency down south had a situation
very similiar where the dude was scamming on the overtime,

he was caught a few times doing some self scheduling for personal gain,
and given a slap on the wrist, it finally got to the point that this dude
with his self rightous mental illness, the divource, living above and beyond your means lifestyle, child support, alimony kept ' LEON' , a 51
yr old jailer making the big bucks, it finally turned into a internal affairs case, and he went to see ' judy' and spilled his gut's, all of course on
the advice of the later JAILER PRESIDENT: PAT LAMBERT, who recently passed away, ' jailer LEON' ' played the crazy man routine and seen
judy for her wit and wisdom, jailer leon may now live in a cardboard box now , but his legacy lives on........

05-13-2008, 07:07 PM
Law enforcement is not immune from such conduct especially with all of the permits fiasco and CP deputies adjusting their schedules to work OT, if everyone lived within their means, this wouldn't happen. Cut up the credit cards and come down to reality, we work in a blue collar job but people want white collar salaries. Discipline and integrity are lacking occasionally on both sides, not just one bogarts the bad publicity. Although the parity in pay really perplexes me, but back in the day that bought votes so I can see how it was a bad practice that needs to be stopped. I also don't need to hear about how hard their job is; we're comparing apples to oranges and the danger, level of commitment, knowledge of the laws, depriving a citizen of their freedom by arrest, the fact LE wears a gun and vest to just make it home alive and the intensity and complexity of criminal investigations compared to hourly head counts and making sure each inmate gets a tray for dinner and the occasional break up a an affray doesn't equal to parity in pay. Sorry, but the citizens are often confused when a CO gets involved or acts impulsively out on the street and they should be wearing a different uniform. Comparing corrections to law enforcement is impossible given the job descriptions, responsibilities and danger. It's kinda of like comparing the Army administrative clerk with the Infantryman...

05-13-2008, 07:54 PM
Law enforcement is not immune from such conduct especially with all of the permits fiasco and CP deputies adjusting their schedules to work OT, if everyone lived within their means, this wouldn't happen. Cut up the credit cards and come down to reality, we work in a blue collar job but people want white collar salaries. Discipline and integrity are lacking occasionally on both sides, not just one bogarts the bad publicity. Although the parity in pay really perplexes me, but back in the day that bought votes so I can see how it was a bad practice that needs to be stopped. I also don't need to hear about how hard their job is; we're comparing apples to oranges and the danger, level of commitment, knowledge of the laws, depriving a citizen of their freedom by arrest, the fact LE wears a gun and vest to just make it home alive and the intensity and complexity of criminal investigations compared to hourly head counts and making sure each inmate gets a tray for dinner and the occasional break up a an affray doesn't equal to parity in pay. Sorry, but the citizens are often confused when a CO gets involved or acts impulsively out on the street and they should be wearing a different uniform. Comparing corrections to law enforcement is impossible given the job descriptions, responsibilities and danger. It's kinda of like comparing the Army administrative clerk with the Infantryman

Based on that theory cops in real cities like L.A.,Detroit,N.Y. and Chicago should get twice the amount of money you all mighty road deputies make. Since you only deal with the occasional shooting compared to the " shootings" and " gang issues" in those cities as well as the "real projects" .....give me a break! You are a big bad Palm Beach County Road Deputy....I wonder what the cops in the cities I mentioned working in Watts,Harlem,Humbolt Park, would think of a night in Palm Beach.....I already know "its like apples and oranges" As far as level of commitment and knowledge goes how dare you! Take a good look are you sure your all 10-8 out on the road?

05-14-2008, 01:54 AM
Law enforcement is not immune from such conduct especially with all of the permits fiasco and CP deputies adjusting their schedules to work OT, if everyone lived within their means, this wouldn't happen. Cut up the credit cards and come down to reality, we work in a blue collar job but people want white collar salaries. Discipline and integrity are lacking occasionally on both sides, not just one bogarts the bad publicity. Although the parity in pay really perplexes me, but back in the day that bought votes so I can see how it was a bad practice that needs to be stopped. I also don't need to hear about how hard their job is; we're comparing apples to oranges and the danger, level of commitment, knowledge of the laws, depriving a citizen of their freedom by arrest, the fact LE wears a gun and vest to just make it home alive and the intensity and complexity of criminal investigations compared to hourly head counts and making sure each inmate gets a tray for dinner and the occasional break up a an affray doesn't equal to parity in pay. Sorry, but the citizens are often confused when a CO gets involved or acts impulsively out on the street and they should be wearing a different uniform. Comparing corrections to law enforcement is impossible given the job descriptions, responsibilities and danger. It's kinda of like comparing the Army administrative clerk with the Infantryman

Based on that theory cops in real cities like L.A.,Detroit,N.Y. and Chicago should get twice the amount of money you all mighty road deputies make. Since you only deal with the occasional shooting compared to the " shootings" and " gang issues" in those cities as well as the "real projects" .....give me a break! You are a big bad Palm Beach County Road Deputy....I wonder what the cops in the cities I mentioned working in Watts,Harlem,Humbolt Park, would think of a night in Palm Beach.....I already know "its like apples and oranges" As far as level of commitment and knowledge goes how dare you! Take a good look are you sure your all 10-8 out on the road?

05-14-2008, 02:38 AM
Apples and oranges? That's funny. Coming from Corrections and now being on the road I find comments like that humorous and ignorant. Granted, there are more complexities to patrol work than corrections and there is the occasional; as one guy put it, "what up dog" dialect but I do remember the stress of controlling 120 inmates at one time and the weekly psychological punk-outs, the urine/feces, the 32 attempts...scary stuff. Trust me they deserve the money. I personally found that it took more courage to walk into the violent felons unit and stand your ground with no weapons than it does to make a traffic stop with seven weapons. I know I'm bias because I came from corrections but you can't make sweeping generalizations about all corrections deputies. My suggestion is get dual certified, work a couple months in the "JUNGLE / HOOD" (east and west tower) and then post your superiority or come on in and join the team.

Semper Fi

05-14-2008, 04:24 AM
Some of these messages going back and forth are getting a bit ridiculous. Coming from being a jailer and now being on the road for nearly 12 years, I can tell you that there is no comparison between the two jobs. Law enforcement is much more complex and requires far more knowledge than being a jailer. There are some real good people working in corrections, but all of them should feel fortunate that they have pay parity with law enforcement. What other counties in this state have pay parity? Hillsborough S.O. eliminated equal pay several years ago.

When was the last time someone was removed from corrections and placed on the road because they couldnt handle corrections? On the other hand, when was the last time someone was "sent back to corrections" because they couldn't handle the job in law enforcement? "Nuff" said on that.

05-14-2008, 12:16 PM
Based on that theory cops in real cities like L.A.,Detroit,N.Y. and Chicago should get twice the amount of money you all mighty road deputies make. Since you only deal with the occasional shooting compared to the " shootings" and " gang issues" in those cities as well as the "real projects" .....give me a break! You are a big bad Palm Beach County Road Deputy....I wonder what the cops in the cities I mentioned working in Watts,Harlem,Humbolt Park, would think of a night in Palm Beach.....I already know "its like apples and oranges" As far as level of commitment and knowledge goes how dare you! Take a good look are you sure your all 10-8 out on the road?

Ive talked with many NY cops that have come to work here in south florida.. and many have expressed how much more dangerous they feel here in south florida since EVERYONE has guns, and we patrol alone, instead of with a partner as done with NYPD.

05-14-2008, 03:40 PM
Some of these messages going back and forth are getting a bit ridiculous. Coming from being a jailer and now being on the road for nearly 12 years, I can tell you that there is no comparison between the two jobs. Law enforcement is much more complex and requires far more knowledge than being a jailer. There are some real good people working in corrections, but all of them should feel fortunate that they have pay parity with law enforcement. What other counties in this state have pay parity? Hillsborough S.O. eliminated equal pay several years ago.

When was the last time someone was removed from corrections and placed on the road because they couldnt handle corrections? On the other hand, when was the last time someone was "sent back to corrections" because they couldn't handle the job in law enforcement? "Nuff" said on that.

Maybe we should submit a proposal to the sheriff for higher pay for road cops, over jailers? What do you think?

05-14-2008, 05:00 PM
Some of these messages going back and forth are getting a bit ridiculous. Coming from being a jailer and now being on the road for nearly 12 years, I can tell you that there is no comparison between the two jobs. Law enforcement is much more complex and requires far more knowledge than being a jailer. There are some real good people working in corrections, but all of them should feel fortunate that they have pay parity with law enforcement. What other counties in this state have pay parity? Hillsborough S.O. eliminated equal pay several years ago.

When was the last time someone was removed from corrections and placed on the road because they couldnt handle corrections? On the other hand, when was the last time someone was "sent back to corrections" because they couldn't handle the job in law enforcement? "Nuff" said on that.

Maybe we should submit a proposal to the sheriff for higher pay for road cops, over jailers? What do you think?

I think we should do away with corrections or outsource like Orange Co Florida did

05-14-2008, 07:38 PM
I agree get rid of the jail.

05-14-2008, 07:39 PM
Some of these messages going back and forth are getting a bit ridiculous. Coming from being a jailer and now being on the road for nearly 12 years, I can tell you that there is no comparison between the two jobs. Law enforcement is much more complex and requires far more knowledge than being a jailer. There are some real good people working in corrections, but all of them should feel fortunate that they have pay parity with law enforcement. What other counties in this state have pay parity? Hillsborough S.O. eliminated equal pay several years ago.

When was the last time someone was removed from corrections and placed on the road because they couldnt handle corrections? On the other hand, when was the last time someone was "sent back to corrections" because they couldn't handle the job in law enforcement? "Nuff" said on that.

Maybe we should submit a proposal to the sheriff for higher pay for road cops, over jailers? What do you think?

I think we should do away with corrections or outsource like Orange Co Florida did

Yes... because the JAC is run so well...... :shock:

05-14-2008, 08:16 PM
Some of these messages going back and forth are getting a bit ridiculous. Coming from being a jailer and now being on the road for nearly 12 years, I can tell you that there is no comparison between the two jobs. Law enforcement is much more complex and requires far more knowledge than being a jailer. There are some real good people working in corrections, but all of them should feel fortunate that they have pay parity with law enforcement. What other counties in this state have pay parity? Hillsborough S.O. eliminated equal pay several years ago.

When was the last time someone was removed from corrections and placed on the road because they couldnt handle corrections? On the other hand, when was the last time someone was "sent back to corrections" because they couldn't handle the job in law enforcement? "Nuff" said on that.

Maybe we should submit a proposal to the sheriff for higher pay for road cops, over jailers? What do you think?

I think we should do away with corrections or outsource like Orange Co Florida did

Yes... because the JAC is run so well...... :shock:

http://www.orangecountyfl.net/cms/DEPT/ ... efault.htm (http://www.orangecountyfl.net/cms/DEPT/correct/admin/default.htm)

Orange county got rid of the jail and now they have two separate agencies. Law Enforcement needs more budget, and that would be a great way to get it. Either that, or privatize it. JAC isn’t as bad as you make it sound.

05-15-2008, 11:10 AM
in case of natural disasters and civil unrest, the elite road patrol
cannot handle the functions needed to maintain law and order.

in any case, your going to get.....1 deputy per so many residents
no matter how much crime their is.

the cry baby's will always try to weasel out of road patrol and into a cup
cake job thru hook up's and never thru their own credentials.

the county commission running the jail house :

funding comes from the tax payers

when pay raises are due, guess what they will get their raise faster
than: road patrol

privatize: who are you going to get to work hi risk ?????
their will be a mass exodus, and now your back to square one,
no one to work the jail's, you still have to be certified and meet the same standards. the hourly rate would be the same, the private companies
save money onthe hi risk retirement, so when a fight break's out, or
police actionis needed, road patrol get's called in because the private company: ' we don't get paid to break up fights' , thats the job of the guys in road patrol.

in any event: more scandals in road patrol, they need to clean up their
own backyard before throwing rocks at the same glass hose they live in.

05-15-2008, 01:43 PM
glass hose they live in.

Wonder where you work?

05-15-2008, 02:11 PM
Judging by your name and horrible spelling, you need to say no more. There is more scandals in the jail than on the road. Corrections have always been the department of infections. It’s embarrassing listen to what other LEOs who work for cities saying about corrections.

05-15-2008, 04:51 PM
Speaking of permit/ovetime misuse-what about someone way up in the chain who orders free deputies for events sponsored by clubs he belongs to or has close friends in.

Whiel all other pay for permit/overtime deputies-these select few gain benefit at the taxpayers expense. Maybe the Palm Beach Post will look at this.

05-15-2008, 08:17 PM
Speaking of permit/ovetime misuse-what about someone way up in the chain who orders free deputies for events sponsored by clubs he belongs to or has close friends in.

Whiel all other pay for permit/overtime deputies-these select few gain benefit at the taxpayers expense. Maybe the Palm Beach Post will look at this.

That is not misuse, why are you trying to stir that up?

05-15-2008, 09:08 PM
Speaking of permit/ovetime misuse-what about someone way up in the chain who orders free deputies for events sponsored by clubs he belongs to or has close friends in.

Whiel all other pay for permit/overtime deputies-these select few gain benefit at the taxpayers expense. Maybe the Palm Beach Post will look at this.

That is not misuse, why are you trying to stir that up?

how is that not misuse? thats preferential treatment.. providing services at tax payer expense to a private company that 99% of other private companies would have to pay for...

05-15-2008, 09:29 PM
Speaking of permit/ovetime misuse-what about someone way up in the chain who orders free deputies for events sponsored by clubs he belongs to or has close friends in.

Whiel all other pay for permit/overtime deputies-these select few gain benefit at the taxpayers expense. Maybe the Palm Beach Post will look at this.

That is not misuse, why are you trying to stir that up?

how is that not misuse? thats preferential treatment.. providing services at tax payer expense to a private company that 99% of other private companies would have to pay for...

Don't forget many of these businesses are taxpayers. Once in a while a favor is okay. It doesn't happen all the time.

05-15-2008, 11:53 PM
Speaking of permit/ovetime misuse-what about someone way up in the chain who orders free deputies for events sponsored by clubs he belongs to or has close friends in.

Whiel all other pay for permit/overtime deputies-these select few gain benefit at the taxpayers expense. Maybe the Palm Beach Post will look at this.

That is not misuse, why are you trying to stir that up?

how is that not misuse? thats preferential treatment.. providing services at tax payer expense to a private company that 99% of other private companies would have to pay for...

Don't forget many of these businesses are taxpayers. Once in a while a favor is okay. It doesn't happen all the time.

I would have to know what the event is before I could say if was misuse or not. Are the people hosting the event making money? If they are then I would say they should pay for permit D/S's. It's not fair to take Deputies out of my neighborhood to work for a private profitable event.

Now if it was a church or religious event of some sort, I can see giving back to the community by pulling resources to cover it.