View Full Version : How can chief fire good cops?

05-11-2008, 03:44 PM
How is it possible that Chief Darling could be allowed to fire the Captains?

Arent you guys protected by civil service RULES??

If he can fire good cops like them,then NO ONE is SAFE and your department really SUCKS!


05-11-2008, 08:04 PM
I dont get it? Some of you are claiming that a Major and 2 Captains are about to be fired and NO OUTRAGE!!!

I can understand some not supporting Major Blom, for he is an outsider who has a city PENSION but YOUR guys?

Papo,where is the FOP? Where is the SUPPORT? Where is the PROTESTS?

Whether you like Ian or Dermit is not the issue. These guys,if fired,are f#^&ed! They have families to feed!!!

Papo,these are our brothers and you will let them fall??

It sadens me to see the depths which some of you have fallen! DISGRACEFUL!

Ian and Dermit,I hope the good lord looks out for you guys cause your "FRIENDS" dont seem to give a sh@^!!!!

05-11-2008, 09:34 PM
So the question is, "How could the Chief fired good Captains? Really simple.

1) Some Captain is a THREAT to the Chief

2) FOP Prez is in bed with the Chief, case in point, "I will fight for the members only, I have nothing to do with whatever is going on with the Chief" El Tipo forgot Moffett and Horgan, were executive board members for FOP., And they rose up the ranks, like no other command staff has. Look at their area of responsibilities and accomplishments, compare to other command staff. Bottom line is "the Circle" better hope Moffett and Horgan get fired or, they will one day have to work under them.

3) I hate to say it, but it is that "The Circle" running the show

05-12-2008, 12:14 AM
You guys are too much. I know Major Blom and realize that his somewhat tense relationship with your Chief is in large part due to his unyielding support for the rank and file. Now at the first sign of turmoil you guys call him an outsider and turn your backs on him. UNBELIEVABLE……..WHAT AN ORGANIZATION.

05-12-2008, 12:41 AM
Who said anyone is getting fired?

05-12-2008, 03:57 AM
your cheaf created 2 sworn positions that didn't exist before he got here. A Major and a Comander.

togethre the supervise 5 officers. Of the 5, one is a lt and the other a sargent.

Let me get this straight. Your department needs 1 Major, 1 Comander, 1 lt and 1 sarge to supervise three officers?


05-12-2008, 12:16 PM
If too top heavy then DEMOTE but dont fire! Hasta cuando?
Common sense folks,,,,,,

05-13-2008, 12:03 AM
I dont get it? Some of you are claiming that a Major and 2 Captains are about to be fired and NO OUTRAGE!!!

I can understand some not supporting Major Blom, for he is an outsider who has a city PENSION but YOUR guys?

Papo,where is the FOP? Where is the SUPPORT? Where is the PROTESTS?

Whether you like Ian or Dermit is not the issue. These guys,if fired,are f#^&ed! They have families to feed!!!

Papo,these are our brothers and you will let them fall??

It sadens me to see the depths which some of you have fallen! DISGRACEFUL!

Ian and Dermit,I hope the good lord looks out for you guys cause your "FRIENDS" dont seem to give a sh@^!!!!

Papo if you can't see it, let me help. FOP ain't going to do shi@ why, easy because if you fired two capt. they need replacement. And who can it be let me see one capt. can be the FOP president the other one is the question. As far as the Major, let me see who can I put there? Oh I know, my workout bubby Hurley. Wouldn't Major Hurley sound good. You see everyone keeps blaming the Chief but the union is helping him do whatever he wants with this department. We are only as strong as the people who voice are problems and right now FOP is not doing it. This department is sinking like the Titanic make sure you have your life vest.

05-13-2008, 01:24 AM
Major Blom. If what I heard today is true then you really don't belong here. When the Chief called you in and gave you the ax you were supposed to justify your position and try to keep your job. NO instead you defended the 2 Captains and came up with a plan to reduce funding so the Chief could keep them on his staff. You are certainly not senior staff material for the schools p.d. Go somewhere else. Go to another department where the leaders put there troops first. I don't know where that is but this aint it. Y B IN DA WRONG PLACE.

05-13-2008, 01:26 AM
The union prez didn't even call horgan or moffit to see how they were doing. didnt they all serve on the fop bored together? very low class.

if you think this doe not have hurley written all over it you are crazy. you actually think hulry didn't know this was going to happen? didnt give moffit or horgan a heads up. how many brownie points did that get you? i know i know you were on vacation right?

it doesnt help when the operations major slams them every chance she gets.

this place is fuucked up

05-13-2008, 01:56 AM
Everybody nos that Hurlster and Howie have got photos of Gerry.

05-14-2008, 04:08 AM

Incompetence, poor judgement, lack of vision and leadership are some of the things that we in this department have grown accustomed to in our Chiefs.

Unfortunately you have taken things to a new level in going after pensions, jobs and police officers families. This is unheard of in the law enforcemment community and you really have no business at the head of any law enforcement agency.

The rank and file want you gone (for good reason) and now your staff wants you gone as well (for good reason). Most of the CABINET think you're a joke and the Board members feel sorry for you. You are quickly headed toward taking your spot as the worst chief in the history of s florida law enforcement. Agencies can usually survive bad chiefs as the damage that they inflict upon an organization can be repaired when they leave. However, when you take someones job and pension the damage is irrepairable.

You're done as the chief whether you want to admit it or not. You are DONE AS CHIEF. Oh, you can still hold out a while longer and run around like you are important but the fact is YOUR DONE This job was just not your cup of tea. You're like a kid on the ferris wheel who does not want to get off the ride when its over. The ride is over Gerry. Get off and let someone else take a seat. Be a MAN and Find an excuse to step down and get out before you cause anymore damage or ruin the lives of good cops. Work out a deal with the next Chief to protect Hurley and then go hunting or fishing. If you're lucky you will be forgotten rather than remembered.

05-14-2008, 01:54 PM
Dude, you guys should be outraged!!!! I would start by recalling your Union president, that guy is looking out for himself and not the rank and file. He's looking for his own promotion.

No wonder you don't have a contract!

If you choose to do nothing, then I can see why the guys in brown gowns don't respect you.

05-14-2008, 01:57 PM
The positive spin on this is that Rudy is a Baker & he will do the Chief in anyday now.

Trust me, it's going to happen.

05-14-2008, 03:51 PM
What an unraveling!

Based on a one year budget reduction, your department has come apart at the seems. One true opportuntiy for leadership has gone silent and the best talent administratively is on the chopping block.

What is clear is that message forums were not available when this happened the last time jobs were on the line (70s-80s) and who knows what would have been posted.

The reality is that most MDSPD officers have the skills to excel anywhere. Some however, should be freaking out right now!

MDSPD don't be bothered or worried by posts that try to demean the type of work you do. Be worried by who is steering the ship and that IF this passes what the future might hold.

05-16-2008, 02:44 AM
You can show your displeasure by working elsewhere and making a lot more than working 10 months a year. Every agency is hiring. If your certified, you can shop around these days. You do not have to take the sh?t if your way far away from retirement. Check your options folks.

05-16-2008, 03:05 AM
Thaks Hurley. I 'll do that.

05-17-2008, 02:04 AM
Thaks Hurley. I 'll do that.Ron that couldn't be Hurley because he doesn't have time to write here. he is to busy with his head and body up the chief's As*.

05-17-2008, 01:52 PM
So what we bbqing this weekend at talegate/???? seting up the tent?