View Full Version : Vaughan / Brickman

05-10-2008, 06:16 PM
Wow - I just loved reading my new Broward Centurion and the letters from **** Brickman and Neil Vaughan. Both insist we vote down the proposed contract and goes so far to basically say that they bribed the Sheriff by supporting him so know he has to give them whatever they want - no matter how impractical it is. Now the PBA decides to complain about the promotional system and the 3/3/3 but isn’t this the same offer that both of them and the entire PBA endorsed for the last two contracts under the prior Sheriff? So now that it is Lamberti and not Jenne you think it's a "pitiful" offer. What was it during that last six years under Jenne? Pretty convenient timing considering you both would love to see your good friend Lemack become Sheriff. Where was the PBA for all those years during Powertrac? Oh yeah, Hanrahan sat on his fat a s s and slept through all of them while the old Sheriff raped his employees. The PBA never said anything. You guys are a joke! Don't you guys get it, they have an agenda and they are using every single deputy/sergeant in BSO to get it. You better think about what you are doing. Go ahead and vote no to the contract if you must but don't confuse the contract with the election. If Lemack or Israel gets in here they will destroy the place, you can bet on that.

05-10-2008, 06:31 PM
I get it, and I think many others do also.

05-10-2008, 07:23 PM
I just want a fair deal, just like the fair deals I wanted on the last 3 contracts. We deserve more than what is being offered. The BSO At-Large Reps. want a fair deal too. That's why they voted to turn down this offer. Lamberti is the best candidate but we need more in the contract.

Some individuals (on both sides) may have their own agendas. Don't let dislike or hatred for an individual be the basis for your vote. Vote on the offer being presented and how it compares with other agencies.

ALL of these COUNTY/CITYagencies are F.R.S.,
Coconut Creek: '07-'08 received 4.5% & a pay for performance of 5%, 4% or 3%
Hillsboro Beach: '07-'10 received 7-7-7%

Top pay:

BSO $63,977
Margate $65,505
Metro Dade $67,162
PBSO (Master Deputy program)
I $69,468 (5% in '08 & 5% in '09)
II $72,600
III $75,876
IV $79,296
Coconut Creek $74,959
Miami Gardens $76,000

Here are some questions to ponder.

I'm not a big fan of the PBA, but if you guys don't trust them, how did they win the PERC election?

The BSO/Exec. board has changed. When will we start to support or at least trust them.

YES = Stuck for three years with below the cost of living wage increases (no matter who is elected Sheriff.). We will be the lowest paid FRS agency in South Florida.

NO = Imposed one year contract (the same 3% we'd be getting anyway) that expires in six months. We'll be negotiating with the Sheriff again before the election.


05-10-2008, 09:16 PM
Well I am glad you speak intelligently about this topic, not like some of the other crybaby crap that post ("show me the money, show me the money...") and you are the first to compare apples to apples with other State pension agencies but if you really want to go a step further look at their medical contributions and take home vehicle policy. How many BSO Deputies drive 100+ miles round trip on the agency's dime while gas is almost $4.00 a gallon? I'm just saying that it's all pretty much relative and times are tough financially for the agency just like is for you and me. I agree we deserve more than 3/3/3 but also believe we are going to be a victim of the tough economic times. How can we expect the Sheriff to commit to 5% raises over the next two years when he might not get the money? What does he cut?

05-10-2008, 09:39 PM
Well I am glad you speak intelligently about this topic, not like some of the other crybaby crap that post ("show me the money, show me the money...") and you are the first to compare apples to apples with other State pension agencies but if you really want to go a step further look at their medical contributions and take home vehicle policy. How many BSO Deputies drive 100+ miles round trip on the agency's dime while gas is almost $4.00 a gallon? I'm just saying that it's all pretty much relative and times are tough financially for the agency just like is for you and me. I agree we deserve more than 3/3/3 but also believe we are going to be a victim of the tough economic times. How can we expect the Sheriff to commit to 5% raises over the next two years when he might not get the money? What does he cut?

Every agency on that list with the exception of Miami Dade is allowed to take their vehicle home within three counties. PBSO allows their Deputies to take it to 7 counties and allows them to have their family and friends in the car, eliminating a car payment and insurance for a personal vehicle. Yes they pay a whopping $45 a month for this privlege but something tells me if the same offer was made to BSO Employees they would take it in a heart beat. Coconut Creek make the Cops pay a nominal fee is they take the car to the Jupiter/Tequesta area but I dont hear anyone complaining. As far as medical contributions go PBSO and Coconut Creek pay less then we do and Coconut Creek give their employees a $4500.00 check if dont take any benefits. All the rest of the agencies on that are on a 80%Employer-20% Employee split just like BSO. Its amazing how all these other agencies can offer 5% and better raises over the next few years and Sheriff cant find anything, its a real disgrace. Maybe the Sheriff should be thinking to himself I have lost 425 or so Deputies in the last 4 years the second highest turnover in the Tri-County Area maybe it would cheaper to give fair and equitable raises then continually spend millions hiring and training new inexperienced employees. Im sorry to say the Sheriff is trying to buy us cheap and using scare tatics and propaganda to do it.

05-10-2008, 09:51 PM

05-10-2008, 11:05 PM
I don't think I will have a take home car after retirement but a 5,5,5, will help with my pension. Take the damn car... I prefer the hike in pension... I am not a lifer.... What good is the free car when I leave? Big freaking deal... The more money you make now will reflect later especially when you cash in your comp time, vacation time and sick time... NOT THE CAR!!!!!!!!!! Stop using that for an excuse for not paying us. I will be glad to drive a scooter to work everyday...

05-11-2008, 12:52 AM
Take my car and give me $450 a month for it. That will go towards my pension too. Also I would not drive to and from work in uniform like they do in other big cities where cops get dressed at work. New law suit on that issue involving the donning and doffing of uniforms. The numerous agencies have to pay all their cops 1 hr OT for dressing and undressing for work at the station because they refuse to get dressed at home.

05-11-2008, 03:24 AM
Well I am glad you speak intelligently about this topic, not like some of the other crybaby crap that post ("show me the money, show me the money...") and you are the first to compare apples to apples with other State pension agencies but if you really want to go a step further look at their medical contributions and take home vehicle policy. How many BSO Deputies drive 100+ miles round trip on the agency's dime while gas is almost $4.00 a gallon? I'm just saying that it's all pretty much relative and times are tough financially for the agency just like is for you and me. I agree we deserve more than 3/3/3 but also believe we are going to be a victim of the tough economic times. How can we expect the Sheriff to commit to 5% raises over the next two years when he might not get the money? What does he cut?

Thank you for your compliment. I try to point out the important stuff that people need to make a wise decision.

This may be an unpopular opinion but I don't have a problem with an assessment for out of county take homes. The take homes benefit the agency just as much if not more than it does us. Less use (8 hrs. a day vs. 16 or 24 hrs.) equals less maintenance. One of the other reasons for take homes is visibility. Without going into detail here, the in county cars are seen where they need to be. A nominal fee wouldn't hurt very much for outside of Broward.

The bottom line is other area agencies have received 5-5-5 or very close to it. Let's go for one year deals until the budget is worked out. I understand money is tight but with the money given back over the years and the below the cost of living increases we've had, it isn't too hard to justify a fair increase.

What do we have to loose by going to impasse? The least we'll get is the 3% he's already offering for just a one year deal that expires this October. We'll be negotiating again before the election.

I don't know but do you think sooner or later nobody will be applying to BSO and we'll all be working O.T.?

05-11-2008, 07:43 AM
I still want to know what Tough times the County is going through.

2003 Broward County Operating Budget: $1.56 Billion

2008 Broward County Operating Budget : $2.59 Billion

http://www.broward.org/budget/yr2008/br ... vision.pdf (http://www.broward.org/budget/yr2008/brief/06commissionvision.pdf)

Here is the link if you dont believe me ..its page 10 & add the operating expenses.

Remember this is the Operating budget (where BSO funds come from) and not the Total budget (which includes debts and capital outlays).

So the Operating Budget goes up over $1 BILLION in 5 years and Im supposed to shed a tear because they have to Cut a measly $100 million!! Now the commisioners are crying about service cuts and closing libraries. This county has wasted Hundreds of Millions of dollars on bullshyt items like $72 Million Cricket stadiums. If the County commission wants to pick a fight with us we will be happy to explain to all the voters who pay $5,000 a year in property taxes how Ritter and Wexler frolic with their money.

DO NOT believe this crap about budget cuts and the county has no money. These Democrats have been spending like their is no tomorrow.

The money is there for the County and BSO to Compensate us in line with every other agency in S. Florida. 5,5,&5 barely does that!

05-11-2008, 11:07 AM
It's becoming clearer and clearer:


05-11-2008, 11:40 AM
It's becoming clearer and clearer:


Youre a moron!!!

05-11-2008, 12:12 PM
I just want a fair deal, just like the fair deals I wanted on the last 3 contracts. We deserve more than what is being offered. The BSO At-Large Reps. want a fair deal too. That's why they voted to turn down this offer. Lamberti is the best candidate but we need more in the contract.

Some individuals (on both sides) may have their own agendas. Don't let dislike or hatred for an individual be the basis for your vote. Vote on the offer being presented and how it compares with other agencies.

ALL of these COUNTY/CITYagencies are F.R.S.,
Coconut Creek: '07-'08 received 4.5% & a pay for performance of 5%, 4% or 3%
Hillsboro Beach: '07-'10 received 7-7-7%

Top pay:

BSO $63,977
Margate $65,505
Metro Dade $67,162
PBSO (Master Deputy program)
I $69,468 (5% in '08 & 5% in '09)
II $72,600
III $75,876
IV $79,296
Coconut Creek $74,959
Miami Gardens $76,000

Here are some questions to ponder.

I'm not a big fan of the PBA, but if you guys don't trust them, how did they win the PERC election?

The BSO/Exec. board has changed. When will we start to support or at least trust them.

YES = Stuck for three years with below the cost of living wage increases (no matter who is elected Sheriff.). We will be the lowest paid FRS agency in South Florida.

NO = Imposed one year contract (the same 3% we'd be getting anyway) that expires in six months. We'll be negotiating with the Sheriff again before the election.


The same post on every blog. Get a new one obviousman. Anyone who has half a brain knows that there are other factors that play into the pay.

05-11-2008, 04:02 PM
I still want to know what Tough times the County is going through.

2003 Broward County Operating Budget: $1.56 Billion

2008 Broward County Operating Budget : $2.59 Billion

http://www.broward.org/budget/yr2008/br ... vision.pdf (http://www.broward.org/budget/yr2008/brief/06commissionvision.pdf)

Here is the link if you dont believe me ..its page 10 & add the operating expenses.

Remember this is the Operating budget (where BSO funds come from) and not the Total budget (which includes debts and capital outlays).

So the Operating Budget goes up over $1 BILLION in 5 years and Im supposed to shed a tear because they have to Cut a measly $100 million!! Now the commisioners are crying about service cuts and closing libraries. This county has wasted Hundreds of Millions of dollars on bullshyt items like $72 Million Cricket stadiums. If the County commission wants to pick a fight with us we will be happy to explain to all the voters who pay $5,000 a year in property taxes how Ritter and Wexler frolic with their money.

DO NOT believe this crap about budget cuts and the county has no money. These Democrats have been spending like their is no tomorrow.

The money is there for the County and BSO to Compensate us in line with every other agency in S. Florida. 5,5,&5 barely does that!

05-11-2008, 04:03 PM
I still want to know what Tough times the County is going through.

2003 Broward County Operating Budget: $1.56 Billion

2008 Broward County Operating Budget : $2.59 Billion

http://www.broward.org/budget/yr2008/br ... vision.pdf (http://www.broward.org/budget/yr2008/brief/06commissionvision.pdf)

Here is the link if you dont believe me ..its page 10 & add the operating expenses.

Remember this is the Operating budget (where BSO funds come from) and not the Total budget (which includes debts and capital outlays).

So the Operating Budget goes up over $1 BILLION in 5 years and Im supposed to shed a tear because they have to Cut a measly $100 million!! Now the commisioners are crying about service cuts and closing libraries. This county has wasted Hundreds of Millions of dollars on bullshyt items like $72 Million Cricket stadiums. If the County commission wants to pick a fight with us we will be happy to explain to all the voters who pay $5,000 a year in property taxes how Ritter and Wexler frolic with their money.

DO NOT believe this crap about budget cuts and the county has no money. These Democrats have been spending like their is no tomorrow.

The money is there for the County and BSO to Compensate us in line with every other agency in S. Florida. 5,5,&5 barely does that!

05-11-2008, 04:05 PM
No to the contract and no to Lamberti, yes to Isreal in November!!!

05-12-2008, 03:14 AM
The difference is we hated Jenne and knew what a crook he was. We expected more from Lamberti. Not insults and lies.

Wow - I just loved reading my new Broward Centurion and the letters from . Brickman and Neil Vaughan. Both insist we vote down the proposed contract and goes so far to basically say that they bribed the Sheriff by supporting him so know he has to give them whatever they want - no matter how impractical it is. Now the PBA decides to complain about the promotional system and the 3/3/3 but isn’t this the same offer that both of them and the entire PBA endorsed for the last two contracts under the prior Sheriff? So now that it is Lamberti and not Jenne you think it's a "pitiful" offer. What was it during that last six years under Jenne? Pretty convenient timing considering you both would love to see your good friend Lemack become Sheriff. Where was the PBA for all those years during Powertrac? Oh yeah, Hanrahan sat on his fat a s s and slept through all of them while the old Sheriff raped his employees. The PBA never said anything. You guys are a joke! Don't you guys get it, they have an agenda and they are using every single deputy/sergeant in BSO to get it. You better think about what you are doing. Go ahead and vote no to the contract if you must but don't confuse the contract with the election. If Lemack or Israel gets in here they will destroy the place, you can bet on that.

05-12-2008, 03:18 AM
Well I am glad you speak intelligently about this topic, not like some of the other crybaby crap that post ("show me the money, show me the money...") and you are the first to compare apples to apples with other State pension agencies but if you really want to go a step further look at their medical contributions and take home vehicle policy. How many BSO Deputies drive 100+ miles round trip on the agency's dime while gas is almost $4.00 a gallon? I'm just saying that it's all pretty much relative and times are tough financially for the agency just like is for you and me. I agree we deserve more than 3/3/3 but also believe we are going to be a victim of the tough economic times. How can we expect the Sheriff to commit to 5% raises over the next two years when he might not get the money? What does he cut?

Then have Deputies that live outside the county pay a per mile rate from the county line on a monthly basis.

05-12-2008, 03:21 AM
[/quote] Every agency on that list with the exception of Miami Dade is allowed to take their vehicle home within three counties. PBSO allows their Deputies to take it to 7 counties and allows them to have their family and friends in the car, eliminating a car payment and insurance for a personal vehicle. Yes they pay a whopping $45 a month for this privlege but something tells me if the same offer was made to BSO Employees they would take it in a heart beat. Coconut Creek make the Cops pay a nominal fee is they take the car to the Jupiter/Tequesta area but I dont hear anyone complaining. As far as medical contributions go PBSO and Coconut Creek pay less then we do and Coconut Creek give their employees a $4500.00 check if dont take any benefits. All the rest of the agencies on that are on a 80%Employer-20% Employee split just like BSO. Its amazing how all these other agencies can offer 5% and better raises over the next few years and Sheriff cant find anything, its a real disgrace. Maybe the Sheriff should be thinking to himself I have lost 425 or so Deputies in the last 4 years the second highest turnover in the Tri-County Area maybe it would cheaper to give fair and equitable raises then continually spend millions hiring and training new inexperienced employees. Im sorry to say the Sheriff is trying to buy us cheap and using scare tatics and propaganda to do it.[/quote]


05-12-2008, 03:29 AM
I don't think I will have a take home car after retirement but a 5,5,5, will help with my pension. Take the darn car... I prefer the hike in pension... I am not a lifer.... What good is the free car when I leave? Big freaking deal... The more money you make now will reflect later especially when you cash in your comp time, vacation time and sick time... NOT THE CAR!!!!!!!!!! Stop using that for an excuse for not paying us. I will be glad to drive a scooter to work everyday...

Thank you for the common sense. Keep the car I need to pay my mortgage.

05-12-2008, 03:31 AM
Take my car and give me $450 a month for it. That will go towards my pension too. Also I would not drive to and from work in uniform like they do in other big cities where cops get dressed at work. New law suit on that issue involving the donning and doffing of uniforms. The numerous agencies have to pay all their cops 1 hr OT for dressing and undressing for work at the station because they refuse to get dressed at home.

Show me the money baby. VOTE NO!!!!!!!!

05-12-2008, 03:34 AM
I just want a fair deal, just like the fair deals I wanted on the last 3 contracts. We deserve more than what is being offered. The BSO At-Large Reps. want a fair deal too. That's why they voted to turn down this offer. Lamberti is the best candidate but we need more in the contract.

Some individuals (on both sides) may have their own agendas. Don't let dislike or hatred for an individual be the basis for your vote. Vote on the offer being presented and how it compares with other agencies.

ALL of these COUNTY/CITYagencies are F.R.S.,
Coconut Creek: '07-'08 received 4.5% & a pay for performance of 5%, 4% or 3%
Hillsboro Beach: '07-'10 received 7-7-7%

Top pay:

BSO $63,977
Margate $65,505
Metro Dade $67,162
PBSO (Master Deputy program)
I $69,468 (5% in '08 & 5% in '09)
II $72,600
III $75,876
IV $79,296
Coconut Creek $74,959
Miami Gardens $76,000

Here are some questions to ponder.

I'm not a big fan of the PBA, but if you guys don't trust them, how did they win the PERC election?

The BSO/Exec. board has changed. When will we start to support or at least trust them.

YES = Stuck for three years with below the cost of living wage increases (no matter who is elected Sheriff.). We will be the lowest paid FRS agency in South Florida.

NO = Imposed one year contract (the same 3% we'd be getting anyway) that expires in six months. We'll be negotiating with the Sheriff again before the election.


The same post on every blog. Get a new one obviousman. Anyone who has half a brain knows that there are other factors that play into the pay.

yeah the factor that you got your nose up lamberti's ass. that factor?

05-12-2008, 05:12 AM
Thats a very significant factor!!!!

05-13-2008, 05:45 AM
I still want to know what Tough times the County is going through.

2003 Broward County Operating Budget: $1.56 Billion

2008 Broward County Operating Budget : $2.59 Billion

http://www.broward.org/budget/yr2008/br ... vision.pdf (http://www.broward.org/budget/yr2008/brief/06commissionvision.pdf)

Here is the link if you dont believe me ..its page 10 & add the operating expenses.

Remember this is the Operating budget (where BSO funds come from) and not the Total budget (which includes debts and capital outlays).

So the Operating Budget goes up over $1 BILLION in 5 years and Im supposed to shed a tear because they have to Cut a measly $100 million!! Now the commisioners are crying about service cuts and closing libraries. This county has wasted Hundreds of Millions of dollars on bullshyt items like $72 Million Cricket stadiums. If the County commission wants to pick a fight with us we will be happy to explain to all the voters who pay $5,000 a year in property taxes how Ritter and Wexler frolic with their money.

DO NOT believe this crap about budget cuts and the county has no money. These Democrats have been spending like their is no tomorrow.

The money is there for the County and BSO to Compensate us in line with every other agency in S. Florida. 5,5,&5 barely does that!

Funny How when you defeat them with facts they just try to bury the post

05-15-2008, 01:42 AM

05-23-2008, 04:08 AM
When will we ever get our own union back???

05-23-2008, 06:43 AM
When will we ever get our own union back???

Why woukd we want to switch Unions, the PBA did what they were supposed to do, they stood up for us and the unfair contract was voted down. Now the ball is in the Sheriffs court, well see whether hell act like a baby because he didnt his way or hell step and make us his priority, only time will tell.

05-24-2008, 03:12 PM
When will we ever get our own union back???

Why woukd we want to switch Unions, the PBA did what they were supposed to do, they stood up for us and the unfair contract was voted down. Now the ball is in the Sheriffs court, well see whether hell act like a baby because he didnt his way or hell step and make us his priority, only time will tell.

BSO needs a union to stand up for the MEMBERSHIP....not the personal political agenda of Brickman and the other leeches at the Hollywood PBA. The PBA really FVCKED us now and 831 of us licked their balls. This contract was wrose than the one we NEVER had a chnace to vote on. THANKS PBA....yeah they did what they were supposed to do.

05-24-2008, 05:31 PM
When will we ever get our own union back???

Why woukd we want to switch Unions, the PBA did what they were supposed to do, they stood up for us and the unfair contract was voted down. Now the ball is in the Sheriffs court, well see whether hell act like a baby because he didnt his way or hell step and make us his priority, only time will tell.

BSO needs a union to stand up for the MEMBERSHIP....not the personal political agenda of Brickman and the other leeches at the Hollywood PBA. The PBA really FVCKED us now and 831 of us licked their balls. This contract was wrose than the one we NEVER had a chnace to vote on. THANKS PBA....yeah they did what they were supposed to do.

The 3/opener/opener should have been presented to the members without the lies.

05-24-2008, 05:57 PM
While I agree the 3/3/3 should hav ebeen voted down, I also agree we would have been in a better position with the 3/open/open. But as usual the PBA fvcked us on that too for their own personal gain.

05-24-2008, 10:27 PM
I hope the Sheriff does us right even after he gets elected. There is NO DOUBT he will.

05-25-2008, 12:08 AM
I hope the Sheriff does us right even after he gets elected. There is NO DOUBT he will.

He hasnt done us right yet and thats why he wont be back after November.