View Full Version : Oakland Park

05-07-2008, 01:29 AM
I saw a lauderdale lakes blog stating a vote of NO....So other's outside Dist 12 know, majority is a NO here.. Hopefully other districts speak out too so the message will be clear, we will not take this insulting contract which wont even support a modern day family in this deadly business...

05-07-2008, 01:39 AM
That is great news Im glad the PBA did such a great job of getting the message out there that is contract is not fair and equitable.

05-07-2008, 02:12 AM
That is great news Im glad the PBA did such a great job of getting the message out there that is contract is not fair and equitable.

Give it a rest and wait for the tally. I wouldnt listen to what the deputies say............I guarantee there are alot of YESES and there are cowards afraid to say they voted FOR IT

05-07-2008, 03:59 AM
Maybe a few but there are a lot more documented NO votes then those few.

05-07-2008, 11:06 AM
Well read this...Looks like Lamberti was telling th truth about waiting waiting to see what his budget was: Now they want to cut it by 50 million....You really think..the citizens are going to care if we turned down a 4% raise over three years...remember the PBA countered with 3-5-5. The fight is on as Lamberti stated....You may want to get your ballots back to VOTE YESS BABYY and yes you can change your vote up until May 16.

Broward County, sheriff battle over budget cuts
Lamberti's proposal not as lean as demanded by commissioners
By Scott Wyman | South Florida Sun-Sentinel
9:23 PM EDT, May 6, 2008

A battle has begun between Sheriff Al Lamberti and Broward County commissioners over their demand that he shoulder half of the spending cuts needed to pay for the property tax relief voters approved.

County budget analysts warned commissioners Tuesday that Lamberti has proposed between $15 million and $20 million in cuts although they want to slice $50 million from the Broward Sheriff's Office.

Commissioners vowed not to retreat on their requirement that the sheriff trim his spending the same percentage as other county agencies. They said they are prepared for the sheriff to appeal the budget to Gov. Charlie Crist, and to even sue Lamberti if still not satisfied.

"We are looking for equal participation," Mayor Lois Wexler said. "We made that clear from the get-go. The commission has refrained from micromanaging the sheriff, but there are many areas that would not affect public safety that could be addressed in his budget."

The sheriff and commissioners will sit down May 20 to discuss his spending plans. He has given the county a $719.2 million budget that encompasses his regional law enforcement and fire services, the operation of the jail system, and local police and fire protection he provides through contracts with 14 communities such as Oakland Park and Dania Beach.

Lamberti said a $50 million cut would have a substantial effect on his office because it would come out of the $468 million he receives in county property taxes to run the jail and regional services.

He said he hopes to avoid a fight but said he thinks voters did not want law enforcement cut when they approved the tax relief plan. He declined to comment further about his spending plan, saying he wanted to wait for the face-to-face meeting with commissioners.

"My opinion is public safety should not take the same cut as other government services," Lamberti said. "The No. 1 priority of government is public safety."

The last time a budget quarrel between a Broward sheriff and the commission landed in Tallahassee was 1974. State law allows the sheriff to appeal his budget to the governor and the rest of the state cabinet if dissatisfied with what the commission approves.

Crist appointed Lamberti as sheriff last year after Ken Jenne was convicted and imprisoned in a public corruption case. Before the Jan. 29 property tax relief vote, Crist also promised law enforcement would not be harmed.

Broward budget analysts have estimated $100 million must be cut to balance county spending in light of the overwhelming approval of the tax relief plan. Between now and October, commissioners will explore cuts including reduced hours at parks and libraries, taking away aid to community shuttle services and privatizing other services.

When commissioners cut spending last year for an initial round of tax relief, law enforcement bore less of the burden than other agencies. Jenne agreed to cut programs to prevent crime and keep first-time offenders from returning to the jail in addition to delaying construction of a new jail.

"We thought the sheriff would respectfully listen to what we said to him and that this would not happen," Commissioner Ken Keechl said of this year's budget talks. "I'm not willing to take the total hit."

Commissioners began their budget review Tuesday by looking at cuts to growth management, environmental protection, economic development and affordable housing agencies.

They said it's critical that the sheriff bear an equal share of the cuts because of the extensive impact other agencies face. They found some of the initial cost-cutting proposals to be impractical such as reduced spraying for mosquitoes and turning protection of reefs and sea turtles over to volunteers.

Environmental protection administrators had suggested volunteers take over protecting sea turtle nests and monitoring the buoys that mark the reef to boaters. But commissioners questioned if volunteers could be found.

__________________________________________________ ________

Why the PBA would decided to fight at a time with our economy in the toilet is very 13.
If the contract goes down....I hope you NO voters know what you are doing and have some sort of plan.


05-07-2008, 11:14 AM
In a time when our country is still losing people in the middle east, the Jack-@ss that started this thread has ballz calling himself a "foot soldier." We know you work for a living, kook.

05-07-2008, 01:27 PM
Well read this...Looks like Lamberti was telling th truth about waiting waiting to see what his budget was: Now they want to cut it by 50 million....You really think..the citizens are going to care if we turned down a 4% raise over three years...remember the PBA countered with 3-5-5. The fight is on as Lamberti stated....You may want to get your ballots back to VOTE YESS BABYY and yes you can change your vote up until May 16.

Broward County, sheriff battle over budget cuts
Lamberti's proposal not as lean as demanded by commissioners
By Scott Wyman | South Florida Sun-Sentinel
9:23 PM EDT, May 6, 2008

A battle has begun between Sheriff Al Lamberti and Broward County commissioners over their demand that he shoulder half of the spending cuts needed to pay for the property tax relief voters approved.

County budget analysts warned commissioners Tuesday that Lamberti has proposed between $15 million and $20 million in cuts although they want to slice $50 million from the Broward Sheriff's Office.

Commissioners vowed not to retreat on their requirement that the sheriff trim his spending the same percentage as other county agencies. They said they are prepared for the sheriff to appeal the budget to Gov. Charlie Crist, and to even sue Lamberti if still not satisfied.

"We are looking for equal participation," Mayor Lois Wexler said. "We made that clear from the get-go. The commission has refrained from micromanaging the sheriff, but there are many areas that would not affect public safety that could be addressed in his budget."

The sheriff and commissioners will sit down May 20 to discuss his spending plans. He has given the county a $719.2 million budget that encompasses his regional law enforcement and fire services, the operation of the jail system, and local police and fire protection he provides through contracts with 14 communities such as Oakland Park and Dania Beach.

Lamberti said a $50 million cut would have a substantial effect on his office because it would come out of the $468 million he receives in county property taxes to run the jail and regional services.

He said he hopes to avoid a fight but said he thinks voters did not want law enforcement cut when they approved the tax relief plan. He declined to comment further about his spending plan, saying he wanted to wait for the face-to-face meeting with commissioners.

"My opinion is public safety should not take the same cut as other government services," Lamberti said. "The No. 1 priority of government is public safety."

The last time a budget quarrel between a Broward sheriff and the commission landed in Tallahassee was 1974. State law allows the sheriff to appeal his budget to the governor and the rest of the state cabinet if dissatisfied with what the commission approves.

Crist appointed Lamberti as sheriff last year after Ken Jenne was convicted and imprisoned in a public corruption case. Before the Jan. 29 property tax relief vote, Crist also promised law enforcement would not be harmed.

Broward budget analysts have estimated $100 million must be cut to balance county spending in light of the overwhelming approval of the tax relief plan. Between now and October, commissioners will explore cuts including reduced hours at parks and libraries, taking away aid to community shuttle services and privatizing other services.

When commissioners cut spending last year for an initial round of tax relief, law enforcement bore less of the burden than other agencies. Jenne agreed to cut programs to prevent crime and keep first-time offenders from returning to the jail in addition to delaying construction of a new jail.

"We thought the sheriff would respectfully listen to what we said to him and that this would not happen," Commissioner Ken Keechl said of this year's budget talks. "I'm not willing to take the total hit."

Commissioners began their budget review Tuesday by looking at cuts to growth management, environmental protection, economic development and affordable housing agencies.

They said it's critical that the sheriff bear an equal share of the cuts because of the extensive impact other agencies face. They found some of the initial cost-cutting proposals to be impractical such as reduced spraying for mosquitoes and turning protection of reefs and sea turtles over to volunteers.

Environmental protection administrators had suggested volunteers take over protecting sea turtle nests and monitoring the buoys that mark the reef to boaters. But commissioners questioned if volunteers could be found.

__________________________________________________ ________

Why the PBA would decided to fight at a time with our economy in the toilet is very 13.
If the contract goes down....I hope you NO voters know what you are doing and have some sort of plan.


YOU ARE A COMPLETE IDIOT. I wont even waste my time to reply to your comments

05-07-2008, 08:35 PM
In a time when our country is still losing people in the middle east, the Jack-@ss that started this thread has ballz calling himself a "foot soldier." We know you work for a living, kook.

hey no one asked you to reply to this jerk, just stating that the majority of oakland park voted no. Now if you want to talk military service, I voluntered my service to this country, my MOS was 11b, ask somebody that served they will tell you what that it is, im sure you didnt have the intestinal fortitude to do that. Now I swore an oath there as well as in this state, neither oath said I had to defend a contract that pretty much puts my family in the poor house with the rising costs of living. Money must not be an issue with you...

05-07-2008, 10:51 PM
'Why the PBA would decided to fight at a time with our economy in the toilet is very 13.'

Wow, very well written, next time proofread before you trash someones post. Second of all, signal 13 = suspicous veh. Can't you even use ten codes right?

05-09-2008, 01:28 AM
just watch your back on what you say in oakland park. I hear the chief is good buds with the sheriff. c.y.a. :twisted: :twisted:

05-09-2008, 01:39 AM
just watch your back on what you say in oakland park. I hear the chief is good buds with the sheriff. c.y.a. :twisted: :twisted:

Not even close. Thats a rumor he started .....

05-13-2008, 01:17 AM
he's a joke

05-13-2008, 01:21 AM
Hey rookie go get your 10-code sheet, signal 13 can mean a person, vehicle, or incident. Guys like you make me laugh!!!!

'Why the PBA would decided to fight at a time with our economy in the toilet is very 13.'

Wow, very well written, next time proofread before you trash someones post. Second of all, signal 13 = suspicous veh. Can't you even use ten codes right?

05-13-2008, 07:29 PM
Wrong-O there buddy boy! Ill make you a copy of the 10-code and signal sheet when I get to work tomorrow and plaster it on here for you! There are specific signals for each of those, signal 13 is a vehicle, signal 13I is a suspicious incident and signal 13P is a suspicious person. Im guessing you are either an old fart who doesnt bother to read their MDC or a FNG who doesnt know any better!

05-13-2008, 11:53 PM
Now I know you are a rookie because the old sheets were different!!!!!!

Wrong-O there buddy boy! Ill make you a copy of the 10-code and signal sheet when I get to work tomorrow and plaster it on here for you! There are specific signals for each of those, signal 13 is a vehicle, signal 13I is a suspicious incident and signal 13P is a suspicious person. Im guessing you are either an old fart who doesnt bother to read their MDC or a FNG who doesnt know any better!

05-14-2008, 11:13 AM
LOL....now I'm getting challenged on how I used the signal 13.....very funny. The poster Hey Rookie is correct, the signal 13 was used different years ago.


05-14-2008, 09:36 PM
Hmmm 12 years makes me a rookie huh? Interesting....

05-27-2008, 02:13 PM
just watch your back on what you say in oakland park. I hear the chief is good buds with the sheriff. c.y.a. :twisted: :twisted:

It is not the chief that is buds with the sheriff, It's Rick Lacerra that is under the chief's desk that is the sheriff's bud.

05-27-2008, 10:01 PM
just watch your back on what you say in oakland park. I hear the chief is good buds with the sheriff. c.y.a. :twisted: :twisted:

It is not the chief that is buds with the sheriff, It's Rick Lacerra that is under the chief's desk that is the sheriff's bud.

I seriously doubt the sheriff would give LaCerra the time of day