05-06-2008, 11:18 PM
Commissioners to Lamberti: Trim spending as other county agencies:

A battle has begun between Sheriff Al Lamberti and Broward County commissioners over their demand that he shoulder half of the spending cuts needed to pay for the property tax relief voters approved.

County budget analysts warned commissioners Tuesday that Lamberti has proposed between $15 million and $20 million in cuts although they want to slice $50 million from the Broward Sheriff's Office.

Commissioners vowed not to retreat on their requirement that the sheriff trim his spending the same percentage as other county agencies. They said they are prepared to mount an unprecedented appeal to Gov. Charlie Crist and even sue the sheriff.

"We thought the sheriff would respectfully listen to what we said to him and that this would not happen," Commissioner Ken Keechl said. "I'm not willing to take the total hit."

The sheriff and commissioners will sit down May 20 to discuss his spending plans. He has given the county a $719.2 million budget that encompasses his regional law enforcement and fire services, the operation of the jail system, and local police and fire protection he provides through contracts with communities such as Oakland Park and Dania Beach.

Lamberti aide Art Santucci declined to comment afterward on the commission's stance, saying the sheriff wanted to save such discussions for the face-to-face meeting.

Broward budget analysts have estimated $100 million must be cut to balance their spending in light of the overwhelming approval of the tax relief plan. Between now and October, commissioners will explore cuts including reduced hours at parks and libraries, taking away aid to community shuttle services and privatizing other services.

Commissioners began their budget review Tuesday by looking at cuts to growth management, environmental protection, economic development and affordable housing agencies.

They said the sheriff must bear an equal share of the cuts because of the extensive impact of some of the other proposals. They questioned ideas that they reduce spraying for mosquitoes and that they turn protection of reefs and sea turtles over to volunteers.

05-06-2008, 11:25 PM
"although they (commissioners) would like to trim 50 million? That's cuz they already know that, that's what the sheriff if about to return back to them. Bunch of hypocrites. The don't want the people to know that the sheriff's office is always turning back money, so that the people won't ask what the hell they did with it. So now, that they know Al is about to return approx. 50 million, they want to make it sound like they are cutting back his budget by 50 million. yeah right.

05-06-2008, 11:41 PM
Commissioners to Lamberti: Trim spending as other county agencies:

A battle has begun between Sheriff Al Lamberti and Broward County commissioners over their demand that he shoulder half of the spending cuts needed to pay for the property tax relief voters approved.

County budget analysts warned commissioners Tuesday that Lamberti has proposed between $15 million and $20 million in cuts although they want to slice $50 million from the Broward Sheriff's Office.

Commissioners vowed not to retreat on their requirement that the sheriff trim his spending the same percentage as other county agencies. They said they are prepared to mount an unprecedented appeal to Gov. Charlie Crist and even sue the sheriff.

"We thought the sheriff would respectfully listen to what we said to him and that this would not happen," Commissioner Ken Keechl said. "I'm not willing to take the total hit."

The sheriff and commissioners will sit down May 20 to discuss his spending plans. He has given the county a $719.2 million budget that encompasses his regional law enforcement and fire services, the operation of the jail system, and local police and fire protection he provides through contracts with communities such as Oakland Park and Dania Beach.

Lamberti aide Art Santucci declined to comment afterward on the commission's stance, saying the sheriff wanted to save such discussions for the face-to-face meeting.

Broward budget analysts have estimated $100 million must be cut to balance their spending in light of the overwhelming approval of the tax relief plan. Between now and October, commissioners will explore cuts including reduced hours at parks and libraries, taking away aid to community shuttle services and privatizing other services.

Commissioners began their budget review Tuesday by looking at cuts to growth management, environmental protection, economic development and affordable housing agencies.

They said the sheriff must bear an equal share of the cuts because of the extensive impact of some of the other proposals. They questioned ideas that they reduce spraying for mosquitoes and that they turn protection of reefs and sea turtles over to volunteers.


05-06-2008, 11:42 PM

05-06-2008, 11:46 PM
The Sheriff will put those bunch of morons in their place.

05-07-2008, 12:00 AM
The Sheriff will put those bunch of morons in their place.

Hope you're right. go Al, go Al, go Al.

05-07-2008, 12:54 AM
We all need to support Sheriff Lamberti in his efforts to stop the Commissioners from taking 50 Millon from his budget. This is the Democrats vs the Republican Sheriff. If we support the Sheriff I believe we will see him come to terms with us on our contract demands. The commissioners are taking our raise from us not Sheriff Lamberti. We need to fill the Commission Chambers and e-mail all the commissioners with our support of Sheriff Lamberti.


I have done all the work for you above I have attached each of the commissioners public e-mail addresses. Every BSO employee needs to tell them we oppose their budget request to lower our budget by 50 Million. Send these e-mail addresses to your friends and family let's overload their email inboxes with out discust for them makiing this a political issue.

Stand United against the commission.

PS. I am a not a Sheriff Lamberti Insider I am just a regular working family man who needs an honest wage for putting my life on the line for our community.

05-07-2008, 01:03 AM

05-07-2008, 01:44 AM
The Sheriff will put those bunch of morons in their place.

Hes on pace to give back 50 million already, what are we supporting him on. If he doesnt give back $50 Million he will give back $33 Million again like last year. There is no budget cut and his budget next year will still be bigger then it is this year. Stop drinking the Kool Aid.

05-07-2008, 03:22 AM
The Sheriff will put those bunch of morons in their place.

Hes on pace to give back 50 million already, what are we supporting him on. If he doesnt give back $50 Million he will give back $33 Million again like last year. There is no budget cut and his budget next year will still be bigger then it is this year. Stop drinking the Kool Aid.

It seems to me like you are the one drinking the kool aid and again twisting the facts. Lamberti did not give back the money back last year, your democratic friend KJ did. There is no proof that he will be giving any money back this year, except for the "research" of some washed up scumbag so called "economist" hired by the crooked PBA.

05-07-2008, 03:55 AM
The Sheriff will put those bunch of morons in their place.

Hes on pace to give back 50 million already, what are we supporting him on. If he doesnt give back $50 Million he will give back $33 Million again like last year. There is no budget cut and his budget next year will still be bigger then it is this year. Stop drinking the Kool Aid.

It seems to me like you are the one drinking the kool aid and again twisting the facts. Lamberti did not give back the money back last year, your democratic friend KJ did. There is no proof that he will be giving any money back this year, except for the "research" of some washed up scumbag so called "economist" hired by the crooked PBA.[/quote

You can honestly write that and say you didnt drink the Kool Aid and why are you attacking the PBA Economist, you dont even know the man???
Just for your information he is the economist for every PBA and FOP in the state and hes been this since the early 1970s. Something tells me he knows more then some washed up brown noser.

05-07-2008, 10:47 AM
Its carzy. You here the county demanding large budget cuts, but some of you still blame the sheriff. Lets gets this right. Our wonderful county leaders can care less about public safety. Most of them can care less if we get shot. Less cops equals more crime. Plain and simple. They rather make sure the turles are protected then the people. I love turles, but people come first. We need to stand up for our boss. Put the contract on the side for a little while. Lets get behind him and stick our boots up the county's butt. I hoe then next time Jacobson is a victim, she does get the god treatment. Maybe when she calls the sheriff direct the line will be busy. They wants cuts but they want us to kiss their butts to. I got and idea. We all know were the homes are. We need to cut the amount of patrol done by their homes and give the extra time to the poorer areas. Lets start by Jacobson home in Pompano. She was a big supporter of K.J. and his personal friend. Great judge of character. Maybe she needs to cut her high paid assistant.

05-07-2008, 03:01 PM
I am sure that going to impass will work. I am sure the public will want to hear about the cry babies at the S.O. who want 5 5 and 5.

Good luck on getting any support from the public in these tough times.

05-07-2008, 04:21 PM
Its carzy. You here the county demanding large budget cuts, but some of you still blame the sheriff. Lets gets this right. Our wonderful county leaders can care less about public safety. Most of them can care less if we get shot. Less cops equals more crime. Plain and simple. They rather make sure the turles are protected then the people. I love turles, but people come first. We need to stand up for our boss. Put the contract on the side for a little while. Lets get behind him and stick our boots up the county's butt. I hoe then next time Jacobson is a victim, she does get the god treatment. Maybe when she calls the sheriff direct the line will be busy. They wants cuts but they want us to kiss their butts to. I got and idea. We all know were the homes are. We need to cut the amount of patrol done by their homes and give the extra time to the poorer areas. Lets start by Jacobson home in Pompano. She was a big supporter of K.J. and his personal friend. Great judge of character. Maybe she needs to cut her high paid assistant.

When was the last time you had seen a county commisioner in a Lw Enforcement Funeral??? Enough Said!!!!

05-07-2008, 04:23 PM
I am sure that going to impass will work. I am sure the public will want to hear about the cry babies at the S.O. who want 5 5 and 5.

Good luck on getting any support from the public in these tough times.

Id rather get nothing at Impasse then voluntarily take a raise that I dont agree with. Its amazing EVERY other agency in the tri-county area was able to get a 5% raise including PBSO, but we should settle for less. Its an insult and Im not going to take it. You know what amazes me Sheriff Bradshaw asked, no let me change that DEMANDED $40 Million extra in this years budget for salaries, new vehicles, and equiptment up grades for his men and gives pratcially nothing back at the end of the year. Our Sheriff gave $33 Million back last year and is on pace to give back $50 Million this year. Where is our Sheriff standing up to the County Commission demanding more money for the above mentioned items??? Sheriff Bradshaw demands the best for his men and our Sheriff wants to leave us with scraps as the lowest paid in the County. I know all the Lamberti lovers will say if you dont like it go to PBSO, my answer is I shouldnt have to the Sheriff should want to take care of his brave men and women without having to be asked. This is why we will have a new Sheriff in November.

05-07-2008, 04:29 PM
The more crime gets out-of-control, the more likelihood you will see commissioners lose their own seats because they chose to pay less for law enforcement services.

Ideally the Sheriff needs our support and we need to give to him. I just wish he would honor a 5x5x5 contract.

05-07-2008, 05:06 PM
I am sure that going to impass will work. I am sure the public will want to hear about the cry babies at the S.O. who want 5 5 and 5.

Good luck on getting any support from the public in these tough times.

Id rather get nothing at Impasse then voluntarily take a raise that I dont agree with. Its amazing EVERY other agency in the tri-county area was able to get a 5% raise including PBSO, but we should settle for less. Its an insult and Im not going to take it. You know what amazes me Sheriff Bradshaw asked, no let me change that DEMANDED $40 Million extra in this years budget for salaries, new vehicles, and equiptment up grades for his men and gives pratcially nothing back at the end of the year. Our Sheriff gave $33 Million back last year and is on pace to give back $50 Million this year. Where is our Sheriff standing up to the County Commission demanding more money for the above mentioned items??? Sheriff Bradshaw demands the best for his men and our Sheriff wants to leave us with scraps as the lowest paid in the County. I know all the Lamberti lovers will say if you dont like it go to PBSO, my answer is I shouldnt have to the Sheriff should want to take care of his brave men and women without having to be asked. This is why we will have a new Sheriff in November.

First get your facts straight, Sheriff Lamberti never gave back 33 Million, that was Ken Jenne the criminal who could have settled this contract prior to his conviction for tax evasion and mail fraud. It is true Sheriff Lamberti may give back up to 50 million, but if I was him I would not give that corrupt commission a dime. The commission is a bunch of democrats who would never have said to Jenne you need to cut the budget for fear of him cutting them of politically at the knees. The commissioners believe because Sheriff Lamberti is a Republican they can push him around. We need to really show our sheriff and commission that we mean business by showing up on May 20th and sending e-mails till they give him the money for his budget. Once he gets the funds we hold Sheriff Lamberti to the fire to give us the money we deserve; 5%, 5% and 5%.

Whos is going to stand there with me!!!

05-07-2008, 08:53 PM
I am sure that going to impass will work. I am sure the public will want to hear about the cry babies at the S.O. who want 5 5 and 5.

Good luck on getting any support from the public in these tough times.

Id rather get nothing at Impasse then voluntarily take a raise that I dont agree with. Its amazing EVERY other agency in the tri-county area was able to get a 5% raise including PBSO, but we should settle for less. Its an insult and Im not going to take it. You know what amazes me Sheriff Bradshaw asked, no let me change that DEMANDED $40 Million extra in this years budget for salaries, new vehicles, and equiptment up grades for his men and gives pratcially nothing back at the end of the year. Our Sheriff gave $33 Million back last year and is on pace to give back $50 Million this year. Where is our Sheriff standing up to the County Commission demanding more money for the above mentioned items??? Sheriff Bradshaw demands the best for his men and our Sheriff wants to leave us with scraps as the lowest paid in the County. I know all the Lamberti lovers will say if you dont like it go to PBSO, my answer is I shouldnt have to the Sheriff should want to take care of his brave men and women without having to be asked. This is why we will have a new Sheriff in November.

First get your facts straight, Sheriff Lamberti never gave back 33 Million, that was Ken Jenne the criminal who could have settled this contract prior to his conviction for tax evasion and mail fraud. It is true Sheriff Lamberti may give back up to 50 million, but if I was him I would not give that corrupt commission a dime. The commission is a bunch of democrats who would never have said to Jenne you need to cut the budget for fear of him cutting them of politically at the knees. The commissioners believe because Sheriff Lamberti is a Republican they can push him around. We need to really show our sheriff and commission that we mean business by showing up on May 20th and sending e-mails till they give him the money for his budget. Once he gets the funds we hold Sheriff Lamberti to the fire to give us the money we deserve; 5%, 5% and 5%.

Whos is going to stand there with me!!!

I think you are by yourself!! If we vote yes to 3/3/3 then that's all we are getting no matter how much we suck up to Al...... I say vote no and when Al Pony's up with our 5/5/5 then we support him. Until then, you are the lone ranger....

05-07-2008, 10:37 PM
I respect who ever is in office. Myself and my family are glad that we have insurance and a take home vehicle, and the Sheriff pays for the gas. I know the Sheriff will fight the commision, remember Gov. Crist has his back. Just remember that KJ caved in and gave back 33 miilion. What happen to all the reserve funds that was taken in all these years from property taxes? You should concentrate on getting the commision to not take public saftey money, remember we lost deputies. Everyone is entiltled to their own choice of canidates, but dont trash each other and stand behilnd who ever is in office to put a stop to the scumbags at the county commision.

05-07-2008, 11:29 PM
I respect who ever is in office. Myself and my family are glad that we have insurance and a take home vehicle, and the Sheriff pays for the gas. I know the Sheriff will fight the commision, remember Gov. Crist has his back. Just remember that KJ caved in and gave back 33 miilion. What happen to all the reserve funds that was taken in all these years from property taxes? You should concentrate on getting the commision to not take public saftey money, remember we lost deputies. Everyone is entiltled to their own choice of canidates, but dont trash each other and stand behilnd who ever is in office to put a stop to the scumbags at the county commision.

Ask Al about the millions in his discretionary funds, you might not be talking the way you are if you knew!!! Al can fund a 5/5/5 raise without missing a beat!!!

05-08-2008, 12:57 AM
I am sure that going to impass will work. I am sure the public will want to hear about the cry babies at the S.O. who want 5 5 and 5.

Good luck on getting any support from the public in these tough times.

Id rather get nothing at Impasse then voluntarily take a raise that I dont agree with. Its amazing EVERY other agency in the tri-county area was able to get a 5% raise including PBSO, but we should settle for less. Its an insult and Im not going to take it. You know what amazes me Sheriff Bradshaw asked, no let me change that DEMANDED $40 Million extra in this years budget for salaries, new vehicles, and equiptment up grades for his men and gives pratcially nothing back at the end of the year. Our Sheriff gave $33 Million back last year and is on pace to give back $50 Million this year. Where is our Sheriff standing up to the County Commission demanding more money for the above mentioned items??? Sheriff Bradshaw demands the best for his men and our Sheriff wants to leave us with scraps as the lowest paid in the County. I know all the Lamberti lovers will say if you dont like it go to PBSO, my answer is I shouldnt have to the Sheriff should want to take care of his brave men and women without having to be asked. This is why we will have a new Sheriff in November.

First get your facts straight, Sheriff Lamberti never gave back 33 Million, that was Ken Jenne the criminal who could have settled this contract prior to his conviction for tax evasion and mail fraud. It is true Sheriff Lamberti may give back up to 50 million, but if I was him I would not give that corrupt commission a dime. The commission is a bunch of democrats who would never have said to Jenne you need to cut the budget for fear of him cutting them of politically at the knees. The commissioners believe because Sheriff Lamberti is a Republican they can push him around. We need to really show our sheriff and commission that we mean business by showing up on May 20th and sending e-mails till they give him the money for his budget. Once he gets the funds we hold Sheriff Lamberti to the fire to give us the money we deserve; 5%, 5% and 5%.

Whos is going to stand there with me!!!

Not me, I will support someone who fails to support me especially when they have the finanacial means to do so. The Sheriff better wake up and soon, hes about to hit George Bush levels in public opinon poll amongest his employees. Novemeber will be here before anyone knows it and if he keeps on the path hes on hell be standing on a podium giving a concession speech by himself.

05-08-2008, 08:34 PM
I am sure that going to impass will work. I am sure the public will want to hear about the cry babies at the S.O. who want 5 5 and 5.

Good luck on getting any support from the public in these tough times.

Id rather get nothing at Impasse then voluntarily take a raise that I dont agree with. Its amazing EVERY other agency in the tri-county area was able to get a 5% raise including PBSO, but we should settle for less. Its an insult and Im not going to take it. You know what amazes me Sheriff Bradshaw asked, no let me change that DEMANDED $40 Million extra in this years budget for salaries, new vehicles, and equiptment up grades for his men and gives pratcially nothing back at the end of the year. Our Sheriff gave $33 Million back last year and is on pace to give back $50 Million this year. Where is our Sheriff standing up to the County Commission demanding more money for the above mentioned items??? Sheriff Bradshaw demands the best for his men and our Sheriff wants to leave us with scraps as the lowest paid in the County. I know all the Lamberti lovers will say if you dont like it go to PBSO, my answer is I shouldnt have to the Sheriff should want to take care of his brave men and women without having to be asked. This is why we will have a new Sheriff in November.

First get your facts straight, Sheriff Lamberti never gave back 33 Million, that was Ken Jenne the criminal who could have settled this contract prior to his conviction for tax evasion and mail fraud. It is true Sheriff Lamberti may give back up to 50 million, but if I was him I would not give that corrupt commission a dime. The commission is a bunch of democrats who would never have said to Jenne you need to cut the budget for fear of him cutting them of politically at the knees. The commissioners believe because Sheriff Lamberti is a Republican they can push him around. We need to really show our sheriff and commission that we mean business by showing up on May 20th and sending e-mails till they give him the money for his budget. Once he gets the funds we hold Sheriff Lamberti to the fire to give us the money we deserve; 5%, 5% and 5%.

Whos is going to stand there with me!!!

Not me, I will support someone who fails to support me especially when they have the finanacial means to do so. The Sheriff better wake up and soon, hes about to hit George Bush levels in public opinon poll amongest his employees. Novemeber will be here before anyone knows it and if he keeps on the path hes on hell be standing on a podium giving a concession speech by himself.

You think because there are a few malcontents on here, who have no life and spend their time in *****fest rantings that his public opinion is dwindling? You are so easily persuaded, it's not even funny. You let other's disgruntled ramblings persuade your opinion and then take that opinion as being gospel.

Listen, the sheriff layed out his response to the union, and so far, I haven't seen anything from the union disputing the Sheriff's response.

05-09-2008, 12:08 AM
The Union doesnt need to provide an answer to his response because it is so ridiculous were happy to let it stand on its own. The best advertisement for a NO vote is the Sheriff and his 14 memos that we have to sign for. It shows his level of desperation and he has really turned off the general membership especially the Road Patol Contingent. If the Sheriffs minions spent less time brown nosing and more time speaking with the rank and file they would know morale is terrible and the men are losing faith in the Sheriff. Have no illusion this contract will be voted down and then we will take it from there.

05-10-2008, 12:05 AM
I am sure that going to impass will work. I am sure the public will want to hear about the cry babies at the S.O. who want 5 5 and 5.

Good luck on getting any support from the public in these tough times.

Id rather get nothing at Impasse then voluntarily take a raise that I dont agree with. Its amazing EVERY other agency in the tri-county area was able to get a 5% raise including PBSO, but we should settle for less. Its an insult and Im not going to take it. You know what amazes me Sheriff Bradshaw asked, no let me change that DEMANDED $40 Million extra in this years budget for salaries, new vehicles, and equiptment up grades for his men and gives pratcially nothing back at the end of the year. Our Sheriff gave $33 Million back last year and is on pace to give back $50 Million this year. Where is our Sheriff standing up to the County Commission demanding more money for the above mentioned items??? Sheriff Bradshaw demands the best for his men and our Sheriff wants to leave us with scraps as the lowest paid in the County. I know all the Lamberti lovers will say if you dont like it go to PBSO, my answer is I shouldnt have to the Sheriff should want to take care of his brave men and women without having to be asked. This is why we will have a new Sheriff in November.

First get your facts straight, Sheriff Lamberti never gave back 33 Million, that was Ken Jenne the criminal who could have settled this contract prior to his conviction for tax evasion and mail fraud. It is true Sheriff Lamberti may give back up to 50 million, but if I was him I would not give that corrupt commission a dime. The commission is a bunch of democrats who would never have said to Jenne you need to cut the budget for fear of him cutting them of politically at the knees. The commissioners believe because Sheriff Lamberti is a Republican they can push him around. We need to really show our sheriff and commission that we mean business by showing up on May 20th and sending e-mails till they give him the money for his budget. Once he gets the funds we hold Sheriff Lamberti to the fire to give us the money we deserve; 5%, 5% and 5%.

Whos is going to stand there with me!!!

Not me, I will support someone who fails to support me especially when they have the finanacial means to do so. The Sheriff better wake up and soon, hes about to hit George Bush levels in public opinon poll amongest his employees. Novemeber will be here before anyone knows it and if he keeps on the path hes on hell be standing on a podium giving a concession speech by himself.

You think because there are a few malcontents on here, who have no life and spend their time in *****fest rantings that his public opinion is dwindling? You are so easily persuaded, it's not even funny. You let other's disgruntled ramblings persuade your opinion and then take that opinion as being gospel.

Listen, the sheriff layed out his response to the union, and so far, I haven't seen anything from the union disputing the Sheriff's response.
Nice response when you are making $185,000.00-what do you care

05-10-2008, 03:46 AM

05-10-2008, 04:47 AM
Oh yeah, ABA anyone but AL!!!

06-20-2009, 01:39 PM
I think the next time a police officer or citizen becomes a victim of a violent crime due to this reduction in work force the families need to sue the Broward County Commissioners, they are not performing their duties and are putting their political agenda before public safety. The #1 priority should be Public Safety and these jobs that are on the County Payroll because of nepotism, politcal favors, etc. NEED TO BE CUT NOW.