View Full Version : how about this

05-06-2008, 02:54 AM
a Lt/Sgt carreer killing duo lying in formal IAs, a female officer being baker acted, a female officer getting fired for sleeping with a married officer (who was also fired), a female officer sleeping with EVERYONE playing googlebaby with supervisiors for special treatment, a midnight sgt whos wife has been in the lobby due to his ongoing pursuit of female officers to include guess who (if you work there), good officers getting thier future taken from them by an adim that has done much worse than any of us could ever do, a top brass guy who is in bed with an ex-convict, other Lts that seem to have God complexs lying in compstat, lying about crime trends, God help you if you were even born up north, a pba president that already has your deal sealed before you even know you're in an IA (thats even if you are ever told at all), you can not trust you "brother" because that word does not exsist at fmpd, a female cpc that calls for swat when some one says no to her on a traffic stop, detectives that rat there sgt out, and so on and so on and so on..............this site would crash if i kept telling the truth....lets not forget about an officer shooting a taser off at the mall (just because he thought it would be cool).....the poor city manager must be ready to commit hari-cari having to deal with such nonsense.....

05-06-2008, 03:48 AM
Too funny, but turns to sadness because its true, what goes around comes around, and the LT/sgt duo of mugsy and satch are still at it.

05-06-2008, 04:01 AM
check the sgt's mdt, I wonder what the mrs would think !

05-08-2008, 09:42 PM
The delta duo probably come to work 15 minutes early to read the blogs, it must be killing them something is here they can't control :lol: