View Full Version : To Forgive is Divine

05-05-2008, 12:35 AM
Al Lamberti, in spite of this contract is still the best man to be Sheriff. We can disagree with him on this contract but let's not disagree on what direction we want this place to go. Judge him as a man subject to fallibility just like all the rest of us. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.

05-05-2008, 12:51 AM
Al Lamberti, in spite of this contract is still the best man to be Sheriff. We can disagree with him on this contract but let's not disagree on what direction we want this place to go. Judge him as a man subject to fallibility just like all the rest of us. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. I totally agree but the insulation his staff provides keeps him from knowing about what is about to befall him. Do not sell yourself short you are more than "just a cop". Make that call to him and let him know there are people out here he needs to speak to...soon. Stay Safe TP

05-05-2008, 12:54 AM
[quote="just a cop":2iz1wn1j]Al Lamberti, in spite of this contract is still the best man to be Sheriff. We can disagree with him on this contract but let's not disagree on what direction we want this place to go. Judge him as a man subject to fallibility just like all the rest of us. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. I totally agree but the insulation his staff provides keeps him from knowing about what is about to befall him. Do not sell yourself short you are more than "just a cop". Make that call to him and let him know there are people out here he needs to speak to...soon. Stay Safe TP[/quote:2iz1wn1j]

Drink the Kool Aid Reverend Jones!!

05-05-2008, 01:06 AM
[quote="just a cop":alqi90es]Al Lamberti, in spite of this contract is still the best man to be Sheriff. We can disagree with him on this contract but let's not disagree on what direction we want this place to go. Judge him as a man subject to fallibility just like all the rest of us. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. I totally agree but the insulation his staff provides keeps him from knowing about what is about to befall him. Do not sell yourself short you are more than "just a cop". Make that call to him and let him know there are people out here he needs to speak to...soon. Stay Safe TP

Drink the Kool Aid Reverend Jones!![/quote:alqi90es]

Shut up DiPerna!

05-05-2008, 01:54 AM
Al Lamberti, in spite of this contract is still the best man to be Sheriff. We can disagree with him on this contract but let's not disagree on what direction we want this place to go. Judge him as a man subject to fallibility just like all the rest of us. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.

I wouldnt vote for that liar to be the dogger catcher of Broward County. November cant come fast enough as far as Im concerned and then were finally free.

05-05-2008, 02:26 AM
why would i vote for a guy who has money for his friends, political paybacks, friends of jenne, and all kinds of perks. but he dosen't have enough to share with me. thank you i'll take my support elsewhere.

05-05-2008, 03:06 AM
Maybe you'll find this to be a stupid question but, did the Sheriff not get a nice raise when he went from Major to Sheriff?

Must be nice, we like to experience the same thing Sheriff Al

05-05-2008, 03:15 AM
That's a ridiculous thing to say. Would you not get a raise if you went from a deputy to Lieutenant? We all want more money, but that's a stupid point.

05-05-2008, 12:17 PM
[quote="just a cop":2iqyi3xl]Al Lamberti, in spite of this contract is still the best man to be Sheriff. We can disagree with him on this contract but let's not disagree on what direction we want this place to go. Judge him as a man subject to fallibility just like all the rest of us. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. I totally agree but the insulation his staff provides keeps him from knowing about what is about to befall him. Do not sell yourself short you are more than "just a cop". Make that call to him and let him know there are people out here he needs to speak to...soon. Stay Safe TP

Drink the Kool Aid Reverend Jones!![/quote:2iqyi3xl]

No Thanks, I'll pass on the kool aid. But just remember Poison can come from many false leaders. The end result is that you will probably get the no vote but at what cost. The union's reputation is just as damaged as Lamberti's and for what? Can't see the membership backing anyone the union puts up now. What a mess. Both side made mistakes. The world is watching to see which side has the courage to deflate their ego and do what's right by the deputies. That's the part I haven't seen yet. If you think D. Brickman is the solution you are either very naive or very evil.

05-05-2008, 04:46 PM
[quote="just a cop":27wl3jh5]Al Lamberti, in spite of this contract is still the best man to be Sheriff. We can disagree with him on this contract but let's not disagree on what direction we want this place to go. Judge him as a man subject to fallibility just like all the rest of us. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. I totally agree but the insulation his staff provides keeps him from knowing about what is about to befall him. Do not sell yourself short you are more than "just a cop". Make that call to him and let him know there are people out here he needs to speak to...soon. Stay Safe TP

Drink the Kool Aid Reverend Jones!!

No Thanks, I'll pass on the kool aid. But just remember Poison can come from many false leaders. The end result is that you will probably get the no vote but at what cost. The union's reputation is just as damaged as Lamberti's and for what? Can't see the membership backing anyone the union puts up now. What a mess. Both side made mistakes. The world is watching to see which side has the courage to deflate their ego and do what's right by the deputies. That's the part I haven't seen yet. If you think D. Brickman is the solution you are either very naive or very evil.[/quote:27wl3jh5]

Last time I looked Brickman isnt running for any seats and is retiring in December from the PBA. He is longer the problem. As far as LeMack goes he is the worse public speaker ever, I seriously doubt he can win. A Sheriff who is constantly lying and strong arming his employees is a big problem. That problem will be eliminated in November. I wouldnt care if the Plumber who is running for Sheriff wins but Lamberti will not be Sheriff Im willing ot bet the farm on that.

05-06-2008, 02:06 AM
[quote="just a cop":270rx7l4]Al Lamberti, in spite of this contract is still the best man to be Sheriff. We can disagree with him on this contract but let's not disagree on what direction we want this place to go. Judge him as a man subject to fallibility just like all the rest of us. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. I totally agree but the insulation his staff provides keeps him from knowing about what is about to befall him. Do not sell yourself short you are more than "just a cop". Make that call to him and let him know there are people out here he needs to speak to...soon. Stay Safe TP

Drink the Kool Aid Reverend Jones!!

No Thanks, I'll pass on the kool aid. But just remember Poison can come from many false leaders. The end result is that you will probably get the no vote but at what cost. The union's reputation is just as damaged as Lamberti's and for what? Can't see the membership backing anyone the union puts up now. What a mess. Both side made mistakes. The world is watching to see which side has the courage to deflate their ego and do what's right by the deputies. That's the part I haven't seen yet. If you think D. Brickman is the solution you are either very naive or very evil.

Last time I looked Brickman isnt running for any seats and is retiring in December from the PBA. He is longer the problem. As far as LeMack goes he is the worse public speaker ever, I seriously doubt he can win. A Sheriff who is constantly lying and strong arming his employees is a big problem. That problem will be eliminated in November. I wouldnt care if the Plumber who is running for Sheriff wins but Lamberti will not be Sheriff Im willing ot bet the farm on that.[/quote:270rx7l4] I join you on that farm thing....too many warnings have been issued thru the channels and the Sheriff has chosen to ignor them....from the Republican friends and ole Top Cop himself...in person..very sad ending for a man considered to be righteous...very sad. You have a chance Sheriff...pick up that phone...be the Man you say you are. Some still believe in you, and there is more than one Sgt. praying for you. Stay Safe TP ( Isn't that Sgt. pretty close to you on Sundays ? )

05-08-2008, 12:08 AM
Until all the Ken Jenne staff are gone the rank and file still see this place as status quo..and the azs kissing Sgts and LTs that are snuggling up to him and telling him how great things are are just looking for Captains bars and could care less about the troops

05-08-2008, 12:48 AM
The Sheriff is really lost right now, he thinks that sending around these stupid memos and making Deputies sign for them is going to change anyones mind. First of all he waited to long the since the majority of the membership has already voted. He comes off as desperate by having Supervisors read at roll call that they have a right to change their vote at any time. Unfortunately he just doesnt get it, he thinks this is just about money and the more propaganda he puts out the more and more Deputies get turned off by it. Its sad very sad.

05-08-2008, 01:50 AM
The Sheriff is really lost right now, he thinks that sending around these stupid memos and making Deputies sign for them is going to change anyones mind. First of all he waited to long the since the majority of the membership has already voted. He comes off as desperate by having Supervisors read at roll call that they have a right to change their vote at any time. Unfortunately he just doesnt get it, he thinks this is just about money and the more propaganda he puts out the more and more Deputies get turned off by it. Its sad very sad.

I would like to make a point here. I think the contract is not great, but not bad. It is a compromise like everything else in life. Economic times are tough, and we don't have it all that bad. That free car gets more valuable every day as gas goes up.

We suffered under Jenne, and the PBA was not only silent, but complicit. Brickman said to the Sun Sentinel; "He thought Jenne was a good guy, and hopes he gets his pension." Are you for real? The memo out from the PBA urging us to vote no is signed by Brickman, Marano, Reggio, and I forgot who the last one was. Point being, Brickman and Morano don't have a dog in the race, they don't even work here. They think they are teamsters, just like Lambert did. Why not all the strong language when Jenne was in office? Because he would have CRUSHED them. They were smart enough to get in bed with him. 3/3/3 was all Jenne ever gave, and gave away the health benefit. Where was the PBA then? They endoresed his contracts and said he was a great guy!

Now, we have an honest Sheriff who will not be vindictive, and they know it. So deputies (many with no real time on the job) are running around bad mouthing the Sheriff, writing memos to criticize the administration, and Al is reluctant to do anything about them because he does not want to be Jenne all over. Al is a good and honest man. Could he have done things better here and there? Sure. He has been in office a whole 7 months. Give it a little time.

What is the solution? Israel? I don't know him, but he runs a department about the size of Lauderdale by the Sea. Is he going to come in here a stranger, and work miracles? I doubt it.

Lemack? Same thing. Outsider, bringing in more outsiders, his own agenda, same old same old. I have lived through the Navarro/Cochran/Jenne transitions, and everyone had high hopes that each new Sheriff was going to make things great. Two were disappointing, to say the least, and the last one went to prison. Wake up people. PS- I know how many of you ran around with Chris Roberts when he was running against Cochran, like he was the second coming. He turned out to be a nightmare, so much that he never even made the primary. But when he first said he was running, all of the people flocked to him because of what he SAID, not what he could deliver. Promises are easy, reality is hard.

Give Al a chance. Disagree respectfully if you must, but I believe in him, because I have known him a long time, and saw him in action when he had nothing to gain, and he was just as much a gentleman then as he is now. And no, I am not seeking a promotion or anything else. My bed here at BSO is made, and retirement is around the corner. I just ask you to think about it. Is the next guy that you all seem to be running to really going to do it, or is he just telling you what you want to hear?

05-08-2008, 06:38 AM
The Sheriff is really lost right now, he thinks that sending around these stupid memos and making Deputies sign for them is going to change anyones mind. First of all he waited to long the since the majority of the membership has already voted. He comes off as desperate by having Supervisors read at roll call that they have a right to change their vote at any time. Unfortunately he just doesnt get it, he thinks this is just about money and the more propaganda he puts out the more and more Deputies get turned off by it. Its sad very sad.

I would like to make a point here. I think the contract is not great, but not bad. It is a compromise like everything else in life. Economic times are tough, and we don't have it all that bad. That free car gets more valuable every day as gas goes up.

We suffered under Jenne, and the PBA was not only silent, but complicit. Brickman said to the Sun Sentinel; "He thought Jenne was a good guy, and hopes he gets his pension." Are you for real? The memo out from the PBA urging us to vote no is signed by Brickman, Marano, Reggio, and I forgot who the last one was. Point being, Brickman and Morano don't have a dog in the race, they don't even work here. They think they are teamsters, just like Lambert did. Why not all the strong language when Jenne was in office? Because he would have CRUSHED them. They were smart enough to get in bed with him. 3/3/3 was all Jenne ever gave, and gave away the health benefit. Where was the PBA then? They endoresed his contracts and said he was a great guy!

Now, we have an honest Sheriff who will not be vindictive, and they know it. So deputies (many with no real time on the job) are running around bad mouthing the Sheriff, writing memos to criticize the administration, and Al is reluctant to do anything about them because he does not want to be Jenne all over. Al is a good and honest man. Could he have done things better here and there? Sure. He has been in office a whole 7 months. Give it a little time.

What is the solution? Israel? I don't know him, but he runs a department about the size of Lauderdale by the Sea. Is he going to come in here a stranger, and work miracles? I doubt it.

Lemack? Same thing. Outsider, bringing in more outsiders, his own agenda, same old same old. I have lived through the Navarro/Cochran/Jenne transitions, and everyone had high hopes that each new Sheriff was going to make things great. Two were disappointing, to say the least, and the last one went to prison. Wake up people. PS- I know how many of you ran around with Chris Roberts when he was running against Cochran, like he was the second coming. He turned out to be a nightmare, so much that he never even made the primary. But when he first said he was running, all of the people flocked to him because of what he SAID, not what he could deliver. Promises are easy, reality is hard.

Give Al a chance. Disagree respectfully if you must, but I believe in him, because I have known him a long time, and saw him in action when he had nothing to gain, and he was just as much a gentleman then as he is now. And no, I am not seeking a promotion or anything else. My bed here at BSO is made, and retirement is around the corner. I just ask you to think about it. Is the next guy that you all seem to be running to really going to do it, or is he just telling you what you want to hear?

Long time BSO, what a great post. I share the same sentiments as you. Where were all these people when Jenne was in office? I can't remember during his whole tenure anyone calling him a liar. Now that we have a real cop in office who wants to change the negative ways, he gets called a liar on this message board (every day) for no reason. Every point has been argued and disproven. Sheriff Lamberti is a stand-up guy. I guarantee you he sees what is going on, and he is putting out the truth for all of us to see it. He does not want us to get swayed by people with conflicting agendas and political aspirations. He is telling the truth to those who have been blinded. Don't make a mistake based on misinformation.

05-08-2008, 06:55 AM
The Sheriff is really lost right now, he thinks that sending around these stupid memos and making Deputies sign for them is going to change anyones mind. First of all he waited to long the since the majority of the membership has already voted. He comes off as desperate by having Supervisors read at roll call that they have a right to change their vote at any time. Unfortunately he just doesnt get it, he thinks this is just about money and the more propaganda he puts out the more and more Deputies get turned off by it. Its sad very sad.

I would like to make a point here. I think the contract is not great, but not bad. It is a compromise like everything else in life. Economic times are tough, and we don't have it all that bad. That free car gets more valuable every day as gas goes up.

We suffered under Jenne, and the PBA was not only silent, but complicit. Brickman said to the Sun Sentinel; "He thought Jenne was a good guy, and hopes he gets his pension." Are you for real? The memo out from the PBA urging us to vote no is signed by Brickman, Marano, Reggio, and I forgot who the last one was. Point being, Brickman and Morano don't have a dog in the race, they don't even work here. They think they are teamsters, just like Lambert did. Why not all the strong language when Jenne was in office? Because he would have CRUSHED them. They were smart enough to get in bed with him. 3/3/3 was all Jenne ever gave, and gave away the health benefit. Where was the PBA then? They endoresed his contracts and said he was a great guy!

Now, we have an honest Sheriff who will not be vindictive, and they know it. So deputies (many with no real time on the job) are running around bad mouthing the Sheriff, writing memos to criticize the administration, and Al is reluctant to do anything about them because he does not want to be Jenne all over. Al is a good and honest man. Could he have done things better here and there? Sure. He has been in office a whole 7 months. Give it a little time.

What is the solution? Israel? I don't know him, but he runs a department about the size of Lauderdale by the Sea. Is he going to come in here a stranger, and work miracles? I doubt it.

Lemack? Same thing. Outsider, bringing in more outsiders, his own agenda, same old same old. I have lived through the Navarro/Cochran/Jenne transitions, and everyone had high hopes that each new Sheriff was going to make things great. Two were disappointing, to say the least, and the last one went to prison. Wake up people. PS- I know how many of you ran around with Chris Roberts when he was running against Cochran, like he was the second coming. He turned out to be a nightmare, so much that he never even made the primary. But when he first said he was running, all of the people flocked to him because of what he SAID, not what he could deliver. Promises are easy, reality is hard.

Give Al a chance. Disagree respectfully if you must, but I believe in him, because I have known him a long time, and saw him in action when he had nothing to gain, and he was just as much a gentleman then as he is now. And no, I am not seeking a promotion or anything else. My bed here at BSO is made, and retirement is around the corner. I just ask you to think about it. Is the next guy that you all seem to be running to really going to do it, or is he just telling you what you want to hear?

Long time BSO, what a great post. I share the same sentiments as you. Where were all these people when Jenne was in office? I can't remember during his whole tenure anyone calling him a liar. Now that we have a real cop in office who wants to change the negative ways, he gets called a liar on this message board (every day) for no reason. Every point has been argued and disproven. Sheriff Lamberti is a stand-up guy. I guarantee you he sees what is going on, and he is putting out the truth for all of us to see it. He does not want us to get swayed by people with conflicting agendas and political aspirations. He is telling the truth to those who have been blinded. Don't make a mistake based on misinformation.

Hey what flavor is that Kool Aide and where can I get some. It must be good because obvious you drank a lot of it. Well see what you think of your hero when this contract get voted down overwhelmingly.

05-08-2008, 01:07 PM
The Sheriff is really lost right now, he thinks that sending around these stupid memos and making Deputies sign for them is going to change anyones mind. First of all he waited to long the since the majority of the membership has already voted. He comes off as desperate by having Supervisors read at roll call that they have a right to change their vote at any time. Unfortunately he just doesnt get it, he thinks this is just about money and the more propaganda he puts out the more and more Deputies get turned off by it. Its sad very sad.

I would like to make a point here. I think the contract is not great, but not bad. It is a compromise like everything else in life. Economic times are tough, and we don't have it all that bad. That free car gets more valuable every day as gas goes up.

We suffered under Jenne, and the PBA was not only silent, but complicit. Brickman said to the Sun Sentinel; "He thought Jenne was a good guy, and hopes he gets his pension." Are you for real? The memo out from the PBA urging us to vote no is signed by Brickman, Marano, Reggio, and I forgot who the last one was. Point being, Brickman and Morano don't have a dog in the race, they don't even work here. They think they are teamsters, just like Lambert did. Why not all the strong language when Jenne was in office? Because he would have CRUSHED them. They were smart enough to get in bed with him. 3/3/3 was all Jenne ever gave, and gave away the health benefit. Where was the PBA then? They endoresed his contracts and said he was a great guy!

Now, we have an honest Sheriff who will not be vindictive, and they know it. So deputies (many with no real time on the job) are running around bad mouthing the Sheriff, writing memos to criticize the administration, and Al is reluctant to do anything about them because he does not want to be Jenne all over. Al is a good and honest man. Could he have done things better here and there? Sure. He has been in office a whole 7 months. Give it a little time.

What is the solution? Israel? I don't know him, but he runs a department about the size of Lauderdale by the Sea. Is he going to come in here a stranger, and work miracles? I doubt it.

Lemack? Same thing. Outsider, bringing in more outsiders, his own agenda, same old same old. I have lived through the Navarro/Cochran/Jenne transitions, and everyone had high hopes that each new Sheriff was going to make things great. Two were disappointing, to say the least, and the last one went to prison. Wake up people. PS- I know how many of you ran around with Chris Roberts when he was running against Cochran, like he was the second coming. He turned out to be a nightmare, so much that he never even made the primary. But when he first said he was running, all of the people flocked to him because of what he SAID, not what he could deliver. Promises are easy, reality is hard.

Give Al a chance. Disagree respectfully if you must, but I believe in him, because I have known him a long time, and saw him in action when he had nothing to gain, and he was just as much a gentleman then as he is now. And no, I am not seeking a promotion or anything else. My bed here at BSO is made, and retirement is around the corner. I just ask you to think about it. Is the next guy that you all seem to be running to really going to do it, or is he just telling you what you want to hear?

Long time BSO, what a great post. I share the same sentiments as you. Where were all these people when Jenne was in office? I can't remember during his whole tenure anyone calling him a liar. Now that we have a real cop in office who wants to change the negative ways, he gets called a liar on this message board (every day) for no reason. Every point has been argued and disproven. Sheriff Lamberti is a stand-up guy. I guarantee you he sees what is going on, and he is putting out the truth for all of us to see it. He does not want us to get swayed by people with conflicting agendas and political aspirations. He is telling the truth to those who have been blinded. Don't make a mistake based on misinformation.

Hey what flavor is that Kool Aide and where can I get some. It must be good because obvious you drank a lot of it. Well see what you think of your hero when this contract get voted down overwhelmingly.

The flavor of my Kool Aide is called REALITY, and I have been drinkng it for a long, long time. How the contract vote goes will not change my opinion of Al Lamberti at all. He is not my hero, just a good, honest, decent man. I knew him when he was a sergeant. He has never changed, never let the rise in rank over the years affect how he treats people. I am sure he has forgotton more about law enforcement than you will ever know. Why don't you go visit Ken Jenne in prison and tell him what a great sheriff he was? :D