View Full Version : The second installment of the media wave of change

05-03-2008, 02:45 PM
In the continuing process of change, take a moment to look at the BSO law firm. Why do we need so many attorneys and all with take home vehicles and great salaries? What do they do? Isn’t part of their job to protect the agency? Look at the number of high cost lawsuits lost or about to be lost. Should they foresee the problems and advise someone on the proper route to take? Ah, job security by doing nothing, stalling and they making a deal. They don’t care, for it is not they money. Not held accountable, just like the rest of their profession, win or lose, they get paid and just move on to the next cluster. Again what is there the need to hire so many and most are related. Sounds like an Alabama family reunion.
All that money spent each month and it take forever to get an answer. Please put your question in writing and then wait months for a response and then wait a few months more for a possible answer. Why does it take months to just answer an email to let someone know you received their request for assistance? The street deputy has seconds to make a decision yet they are criticized by the ones who can take years for a simple answer. Did you notice the arrogance the BSO law firm displayed during the Jenne party for his fellow sheriffs (National Sheriff’s Association), held at the convention center?
Whenever an employee is suspended, with or without pay, the BSO legal team does their best to delay the process thus costing the employee their savings, their health and their future. Highly educated god like attitude yet are extremely slow and seldom correct. With so many on staff, why does the agency still go outside to yet more attorneys? Are public funds, tax dollars, so readily available that there is no accounting of to whom and for what the money just flows? Or is the reason behind such a huge number of lawyers in house and outsiders brought just part of the political team doing undercover work as BSO attorneys? I could understand the need if questions were answered expeditiously, lawsuits were adverted and good advice provided. Has anyone observed anything different? Right there would be a large savings and that could be shown as smart management and that could lead to public awareness. Clean house sheriff, or return as a major or retire. Respect the public, use the tax dollar wisely and remove the problems.
The public does not care if deputies make $6 an hour or $06 an hour as long as they get the service needed and the money is not wasted on what they perceive as payoffs to the political machine.

Do not be surprised if this surfaces again in a different media venue. If these threads gets removed it will be return again so all will get an opportunity to read.

05-03-2008, 03:31 PM
The Legal Department, like them or not, are necessary. These attorneys hardly ever represent BSO in big law suits....that is not their function...those cases are farmed out to law firms with an expertise in that field. How many contracts do you think BSO has in place with a $700 million dollar budget? Do you think those contracts are signed and re-negotiated with a stroke of a pen. No, they are created and reviewed by BSO Legal. There are legal jail issues, CPIS issues, Fire Rescue, and DLE issues that are handled internally. And don't think these attorneys make that much money...probably a six figure income, but they work 12 hour days and often on weekends.

I agree we need to trim the fat, but legal departments are necessary.

05-03-2008, 04:13 PM
I say we get rid of them all and sub it all out to a private firm.

05-03-2008, 04:55 PM
I say we get rid of them all and sub it all out to a private firm. There is no need for them to have take home cars. It's a BIG waste. Why do so many of these civ. inits have take home vehicles? Legal, Risk Mang., etc... Waste!

05-04-2008, 03:08 PM
In the next ten (10) days, Legal will have their hands full...and not perks. Try to get a straight answer from Legal on any issue and watch the " Rope a Dope " in action...bob and weave...keep Al unimformed that a certain Defense Attorney is after his back-side. Stay Safe TP

05-04-2008, 03:11 PM
In the next ten (10) days, Legal will have their hands full...and not perks. Try to get a straight answer from Legal on any issue and watch the " Rope a Dope " in action...bob and weave...keep Al unimformed that a certain Defense Attorney is after his back-side. Stay Safe TP Heh, watch your grammer TP...it's uninformed...and he is. TP II

05-04-2008, 03:12 PM
[quote="TOP COP":2un9041j]In the next ten (10) days, Legal will have their hands full...and not perks. Try to get a straight answer from Legal on any issue and watch the " Rope a Dope " in action...bob and weave...keep Al unimformed that a certain Defense Attorney is after his back-side. Stay Safe TP Heh, watch your grammer TP...it's uninformed...and he is. TP II[/quote:2un9041j] Thought you were in Church II...Stay safe TP