View Full Version : We should know....

05-02-2008, 09:30 PM
Before we vote we should find out if it is true that the Sheriff has obtained an agreement from several contract cities to give us the 2% on top of the 3% he has already agreed to. If so, it seems to me, that it looks REAL good for 5-5-5 *if* we vote NO to this contract. Can someone from the PBA Executive Board please confirm or deny this?

05-02-2008, 10:19 PM
The only reason the Sheriff said that in Pompano was so when this contrat gets voted down and it will. He could turn the situation around to his favor and say "I contacted all 17 Contract Cities and I fought and got you your extra 2%". Dont believe anything that comes out his mouth, I wouldnt believe anything he said unless his tougne was notarized. Hes going to give us our raise because if he doesnt were going to make sure his butt lands on the street in November not because and went and fought for us.