View Full Version : Sheriff's race

05-02-2008, 03:52 PM
Whats anyone have to say about the Sheriff having some competition this election term? I have met Levins, hes a great guy.

05-04-2008, 02:18 AM
I think he may have a hard time against Sheriff May. But, It is possibly a way to conitue for the people of Okeechobee to get to know Levins. I like you think Levins is a good man. I believe he will give Stephen a run for his money when he runs. Levins talks straight unlike Stephen.

05-04-2008, 08:34 PM
Tom Levins for Sheriff
Paid for by the Committee to elect Tom Levins for Sheriff...lol

Think about this while your counting that raise money.....oh yeah thats right you didn't get a raise

05-06-2008, 05:50 AM
Whats anyone have to say about the Sheriff having some competition this election term? I have met Levins, hes a great guy. :lol:

No chance guy... Not gpoing to happen. Major Shakey Hands aint got a chance either.... :shock:

05-08-2008, 07:35 PM
OK no Levins does not have a chance in winning this election. Just wasting money, and he has no real poilitical connections to speak of other than his connections in the corrections division (within the dept.). And that would not necessarily be a good thing. He may be used to running a prison, but he is not used to running a county. Big difference there.

As for the Undersheriff, he is a good man, he is open to the public all the time, and he is very caring and understanding. He has been groomed for years to take over that spot. Unlike many other people, for this county in particular. I cannot think of anyone who would better serve this county than him. Hometown people taking care of hometown people. The way it should be. And you can say all you want to about the good ole boy system of things, but the bottom line is, it is all about family. Levins aint family. And no one else is family either.

05-10-2008, 11:04 AM
Tom Levens lost all possible respect by saying the crap he does on his web videos. Paul May has faults but he has been a great sheriff and has done a lot for this town. Tom Levens is a Correctional "wana-bee". I will back our sheriff and so should eveybody else in this race.

05-10-2008, 04:07 PM
OK no Levins does not have a chance in winning this election. Just wasting money, and he has no real poilitical connections to speak of other than his connections in the corrections division (within the dept.). And that would not necessarily be a good thing. He may be used to running a prison, but he is not used to running a county. Big difference there.

As for the Undersheriff, he is a good man, he is open to the public all the time, and he is very caring and understanding. He has been groomed for years to take over that spot. Unlike many other people, for this county in particular. I cannot think of anyone who would better serve this county than him. Hometown people taking care of hometown people. The way it should be. And you can say all you want to about the good ole boy system of things, but the bottom line is, it is all about family. Levins aint family. And no one else is family either.

You are right on several things. Levins should have never done the videos and has some things to learn about the Sheriff's Office. Sheriff May has done alot and over all is a good man with good heart. You are also right about the Major being groomed for the job. But that is where you are possibly mislead. The major still has learning to do. He must get some firmness about him and learn to look at all things be telling someone what they just want to hear. He tells people what they want to hear at that time then doesn't think what the long term effect is. To who is grooming him. Start working a little harder or he will have a tough time pull off the election when it is his turn.

05-10-2008, 07:00 PM
[quote="Hold On":2e8ot5sm]OK no Levins does not have a chance in winning this election. Just wasting money, and he has no real poilitical connections to speak of other than his connections in the corrections division (within the dept.). And that would not necessarily be a good thing. He may be used to running a prison, but he is not used to running a county. Big difference there.

As for the Undersheriff, he is a good man, he is open to the public all the time, and he is very caring and understanding. He has been groomed for years to take over that spot. Unlike many other people, for this county in particular. I cannot think of anyone who would better serve this county than him. Hometown people taking care of hometown people. The way it should be. And you can say all you want to about the good ole boy system of things, but the bottom line is, it is all about family. Levins aint family. And no one else is family either.

You are right on several things. Levins should have never done the videos and has some things to learn about the Sheriff's Office. Sheriff May has done alot and over all is a good man with good heart. You are also right about the Major being groomed for the job. But that is where you are possibly mislead. The major still has learning to do. He must get some firmness about him and learn to look at all things be telling someone what they just want to hear. He tells people what they want to hear at that time then doesn't think what the long term effect is. To who is grooming him. Start working a little harder or he will have a tough time pull off the election when it is his turn.[/quote:2e8ot5sm]

What videos on what website? I would like to hear what he has to say.

05-10-2008, 07:20 PM
Well that was not hard to find at all. How can someone try to woo the officers and staff at the S.O. and in the same run of videos bash a deputy? Oh and by the way, wouldn't that be considered hear say? I noticed that in that particular video you decided to wear your "cross" tac tie. Did you think that it would make you look more credible? Truly it sounds like Ed Miller all over again. I hope you old schoolers will remember what kind of hell that was, next thing you know, he will be spouting about integrity, and you will not even be allowed to go into Kahootz to get chicken wings because they serve beer. For some reason, that almost came across as trying to impose his own religion on the S.O. Not that he has a chance of winning against our Sheriff anyway, but to whomever would be likely to consider him in the next election, you better open your eyes and take a deep breath. The more time that goes on, the more people will forget what life there used to be like. A Sheriff should be a LEADER not a DICTATOR. Go Spank, you will always have my support, and my vote.

05-11-2008, 11:23 AM
well now....i believe you just stepped on yourself there.....the best way to win the election?...get the deputies in your corner. but trash talkiing about one? not a good idea. not a good idea at all.
agreed i was on the levins bandwagon but not anymore. not when your sounding like john q public wanting to gripe and groan like a civilian would to the sheriff or the chief thinking he'll get a free toaster out of the deal. now your just wasting money. concentrate on the more important issues. better health insurance, better pay, union negotiations. these are the issues. retention, continuity. tough luck tom see you in 4 .......when will they learn.

05-14-2008, 12:47 AM
All I can say is Levins sounds like he will be a MICRO MANAGER from his video's. Great idea using todays technology for your campaigning, however, in my opinion, not done very well. Word of advise, don't slam cops. Every cop is going to speed. Its been that way forever. Take care of that issue with the abuser's of speed when you are in charge. There are more important things that the voter's and employees are concerned about than micro managing.

Just curious. Is Donnie Yates also going to be on his administration?

05-14-2008, 02:16 AM
All you hear about is how impressive Levins' resume is, well, let me just say about the videos, if you are going to go through the trouble of trying to make videos, please don't read off the paper in front of you. That looks truly unprofessional. But hey, it was the great staff at OCSO that would have taught me that particular tidbit about public speaking. Hmmm, maybe you should have learned something from the great Mary Ann Dana ;) LEVINS~ We are not impressed!

05-14-2008, 08:54 PM
How many of us have been going to lunch when an accident call comes in...sig 4 unknown injuries unknown roadblock..you bet your ass we haul butt trying to get to the injured and help them.. once a Deputy gets on scene and radios us letting us know there are no injuries or roadblock we no longer need to run code and we stop and continue what we doing..going to lunch. i can see how an average citizen may see us blow a light and then turn into subway and be pissed because they think we are misusing our authority.. but according to Levins ...He has years of experience and he should know better.. hold on my brothers and sisters we are in for a miserable election year..and Mr. Levins I for one am an honorable woman who in no way holds myself higher than anyone. i do not feel that i am perfect or above the law in any way as a matter of fact if i could come up with a filtering devise somewhere between my mind and my mouth i would be a better person in general but i dont expect the citizens of okeechobee to be perfect either. there are thousonds of times we give warnings to people and just as many times that we dont stop them at all for a small infraction. trust me if every speeder got a ticket we would not be complaining about getting a raise. i for one hold myself and family accountable for our actions and our words.. please remember this the next time you try to bring shame on my department and my profession. there are more honorable ways to run a race..look into them please for all of our sakes.

05-21-2008, 07:48 PM
well i have watched the video's..

sounds like some of you are wanting to use your trump card already, i would have to agree with him, why would you race to breakfast???

I also see that he has posted some job interviews on his web site, wonder if the nurse will apply for jail administrator???

05-23-2008, 02:23 AM
Lets just say this, it is quite presumptious for Levins to post these positions considering that he is not going to be Sheriff of this county. Not only in this election, but is quite questionable for the next one either. And as far as his political affiliations may stand, please, I would rather have a freakin Rosier in there running the jail, than to have Ronnie throwed out, and one of his assumed political allies(Levins) in there. Give me a break, everyone knows Levins' political aspirations are a joke, and most of Okeechobee County just wishes he would run in Glades County and get out of our faces. And throw out LaFlam? Geez he could run for Sheriff and beat him, are you kidding me? And Road Patrol Supervisor as well? Capt. Slay would walk all over you as well. And Administration Supervisor, what the hell is that, I thought that was the Sheriff??!!! Another way of making yourself look like an ass Mr.Levins, congats. You do a great job, and by the way, Spanky is going to spank that ass next term too. Waste some more money. He hehehehehe ; Run for Glades County you have a better chance! And those people you think are doing you so much good within the dept. take those a**hole's with you, cuz we know who they are, and don't want them anyway. Put them to work in Glades, yeah that is what you do. Bye Bye Now Oh good thing there is a disclaimer at the end of that page!! ROFLMAO

And to the undereducated individual that watched the videos, (oh I really hope you were not THAT impressed, cuz if you were I pity you)(OUCH!!) That is not a trump card, that is just stupidity, and if that is a "TRUMP CARD" it leaves a lot to be desired! PUHHHHLLLLEEEEAAAAZZZZEEEE, Get a freakin life, there is not a soul in theis county that does not speed. And I am quite sute Levins' himself, does as wll, beings that he has to drive all the way from Wh*re Haven to Chobee, and I am quite sure that he has used the same exact "trump card" as well to get his own self out of a speeding ticket. No one is squeaky clean, and no one is a saint.

Oh and by the way, jerk, is the nurse did apply for Jail Administrator, I am sure she would make a damn good one. According to Levins' supporters, she is running it anyway. LOL Well it ain't gone under yet. ROFLMAO Hell why not let her run for Sheriff?? Bet that would get dome folks moving.... Better yet, let her run as UnderSheriff and her hubby run for Sheriff. Oh wait, then everyone would be beat out, cuz you know how many Palm Beach Yankees live in Chobee now, keep messin with folks, you will get what you want....Peace Out.....

05-24-2008, 02:03 AM
First of all let me say... The Deputies had to vote in a UNION just to get some representation in this county... Second, Wheres the money? Uhhh Its in the Secretaries paycheck or did you all forget that? It sounds like a bunch of whining was going on, and all the people who are complaining that they cant live on or support their families on what they are making are forgetting just that.

It looks to me that when a person comes from the "outside" ( which is exactly what Paul May was also, ( what experience did he have running a Department? ) and makes observations, everyones quick to be offended. Why?

You all like the way its been going the past 4 years I suppose, Thats why about 10 people have left to go to other agencies... right?

Someone mentioned Micromanaging, well, I think that installing video and audio in the Deputy room, and having your boy monitor everyones laptops might qualify as just that...
Dont knock a guy for making an observation thats proably true, and for trying to bring a little morality to a department thats needed it for a long time, now whos married to whose ex wife this week, and whos sleeping with whos husband/wife/daughter/son/inlaw, take your pick.. its all true and it all goes on in the department...

Tom Levins would be the best thing to happen to this department in a very long time.. and if you all choose to stay with what youve got, then stop complaining, cause the rest of us who think a change would be good, dont wanna hear it.. so stick with what ya got and watch the money keep getting filtered to the top while the rest beg and plead for overtime... 4 more years of the same, sure, why not..

05-24-2008, 02:31 PM

05-24-2008, 09:18 PM
First of all let me say... The Deputies had to vote in a UNION just to get some representation in this county... Second, Wheres the money? Uhhh Its in the Secretaries paycheck or did you all forget that? It sounds like a bunch of whining was going on, and all the people who are complaining that they cant live on or support their families on what they are making are forgetting just that.

It looks to me that when a person comes from the "outside" ( which is exactly what Paul May was also, ( what experience did he have running a Department? ) and makes observations, everyones quick to be offended. Why?

You all like the way its been going the past 4 years I suppose, Thats why about 10 people have left to go to other agencies... right?

Someone mentioned Micromanaging, well, I think that installing video and audio in the Deputy room, and having your boy monitor everyones laptops might qualify as just that...
Dont knock a guy for making an observation thats proably true, and for trying to bring a little morality to a department thats needed it for a long time, now whos married to whose ex wife this week, and whos sleeping with whos husband/wife/daughter/son/inlaw, take your pick.. its all true and it all goes on in the department...

Tom Levins would be the best thing to happen to this department in a very long time.. and if you all choose to stay with what youve got, then stop complaining, cause the rest of us who think a change would be good, dont wanna hear it.. so stick with what ya got and watch the money keep getting filtered to the top while the rest beg and plead for overtime... 4 more years of the same, sure, why not..

OK we had to wote in a union yes, and yes there are things that are behind times within the Dept. But where is the money?? Why don't you ask your county commissioners? They are the ones that approve our funding, they are the ones that cut our funding, and they cut our raises. Do you really think Levins will be different when it is not the Sheriff that is doing it but the County Comissioners? Why don't you vote the real decision makers out of office and replace them? That is where the problem is lying, but you place blaim where it does not belong, and yeah we all know Juanita got a raise, big deal. Get over it. You did get money, you got a bonus, that was equal to what your raise would have been. Again, the Sheriff only submits his budget to the county, and they approve it. Why don't you picket on some of there behinds? They are the ones that are clueless as to what LEO's in general go through, whether it is on the road or in the jail, and they really don't give a damn. Paul May does care, and as for being an outsider, I hardly consider him to be an outsider as he has been in and out of this jail we have probably longer than you have been breathing dear ;)

It is hard for everyone everywhere to make a living right now in this economy. PERIOD. Go to the real source. I think it was a good thing that the union finally got voted in, it should have been done the last time we all voted. But it was not, now the county commissioners have to recognize that there will be changes in our dept. that they will have to answer to and tend to as well, there will be no more sweeping us under the rug when we are the ones risking our lives to make this county safe for them and everyone else. We have made a huge triumph! Be glad and embrace that, but place the blame where it is due, please. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS!!! Governor Charlie Christ. Raise hell with them, that is where ya money went baby. And Levins can't change that

05-27-2008, 06:31 PM
Whomever the Sheriff may be should be jumping up and down on the desks of Every County Commissioner that has a say in the budget for the Sheriffs Office. When preparing a Budget, he should be factoring in raises for his people, not trying to keep it the same. I dont know if you know, but this county has reserves ( thanks to George Long) and that money could be paying your Electric Bill,, However, if no one is asking for it, It stays right where its at... In the county Commssioners Hands... If someone cares about their employees, they do what it takes to get them to stay. They do what it takes to get them the money... and thats not happening right now. He should be at EVERY meeting asking for money for his people... He should be letting the citizens of Okee know just how much he needs to give his people the raises they deserve..

05-29-2008, 01:10 AM
It sounds like you really just have a lot of animosity towards the Sheriff, and the administration as a whole. I am very sorry you are so miserable in your job. Maybe you can go to work in Glades County with Levins if you like him that much. I am sure he is looking for new folks all the time. Some people you can never make happy and you sound like one of them.

05-29-2008, 11:00 AM
I work there also and I agree with guest girl. Sheriff May could even go to the governor and bypass the commissioners for more money. He even got a sorrier health insurance to save the department, employees be damned.

05-29-2008, 04:26 PM

Please get your facts together, Levins does not work for Glades County, he works for Wackenhut. He is merely an Aux. Dep. with them so stop the comments towards Glades :(

05-29-2008, 07:37 PM
I know exactly where Levins works, and who he is, and the last time I checked, the prison was in Glades County, duh, Moore Haven Correctional Facility, and I believe it is Geo is it not?? NOT WACKENHUT

05-29-2008, 07:55 PM
Nooooo.. what it sounds like is that Quick IS one of the administrators.. thats why hes so quick to tell others to go elsewhere... just like the 10 who have left so far. Thats the open door policy, if you dont like it, go out the door. Which some have, and if there arent some changes, Im sure more will. The Sheriff hasnt done enough to get enough money for his people. The complaining isnt getting anything done. Showing the County Commisioners and the Sheriff that you mean business when its time to vote will get it done.

I noticed Quick had nothing to say about the comments I made about the money, only personal attacks toward me. Why dont you address the real issue we are talking about. Its sad that a Union had to be voted in by the Deputies, just to get some representation. IF we had our boss representing us, we wouldnt have had to do it.

05-29-2008, 07:59 PM
Hey Guys, Just a note to let you know Levins cannot run for Sheriffs in Glades County, "THANK GOD" he is all yours because he lives in Okee. On another note he is an auxillary officer for GCSO his main job is a contracted security guard at GEO. Please do not get this confussed. But for those who want to vote for him they will be searving D. Yates and S. Norton as command staff. Yea Remember the miller days it will all come back in two fold, not to mention hargraves will probably be on the coat tails also. GOOD LUCK PM I hope that you kick his ass in the election.

05-30-2008, 06:38 AM
so enlighten us quick what are you happy about?...having a job ? we all have jobs. we also pay $4.00 a gallon for cheap gas. or just maybe you havent busted your ever lovin aZZ and got absolutely nothing in return.

but please we are all ears..........

06-08-2008, 09:17 PM
OK no Levins does not have a chance in winning this election. Just wasting money, and he has no real poilitical connections to speak of other than his connections in the corrections division (within the dept.). And that would not necessarily be a good thing. He may be used to running a prison, but he is not used to running a county. Big difference there.

As for the Undersheriff, he is a good man, he is open to the public all the time, and he is very caring and understanding. He has been groomed for years to take over that spot. Unlike many other people, for this county in particular. I cannot think of anyone who would better serve this county than him. Hometown people taking care of hometown people. The way it should be. And you can say all you want to about the good ole boy system of things, but the bottom line is, it is all about family. Levins aint family. And no one else is family either.

okay you say levins has no experience in running a county only a prison. Then tell me what experience did May have except being a highway patrolman? I think Levins would be the right man for the position...

06-10-2008, 05:57 AM
Good for you, vote for him, but I am sure the vast majority will be voting Paul May.

06-16-2008, 04:15 PM
I wouldnt bet on it....

06-17-2008, 04:09 AM
OK no Levins does not have a chance in winning this election. Just wasting money, and he has no real poilitical connections to speak of other than his connections in the corrections division (within the dept.). And that would not necessarily be a good thing. He may be used to running a prison, but he is not used to running a county. Big difference there.

As for the Undersheriff, he is a good man, he is open to the public all the time, and he is very caring and understanding. He has been groomed for years to take over that spot. Unlike many other people, for this county in particular. I cannot think of anyone who would better serve this county than him. Hometown people taking care of hometown people. The way it should be. And you can say all you want to about the good ole boy system of things, but the bottom line is, it is all about family. Levins aint family. And no one else is family either.

okay you say levins has no experience in running a county only a prison. Then tell me what experience did May have except being a highway patrolman? I think Levins would be the right man for the position... I don't work for OCSO nor am I saying anything negative in regards to Levins for Sheriff, but I am speaking as a citizen in Okeechobee County. Sheriff Paul May may have not had that much experience as a newly elected sheriff, but now he has almost 4 years running the Sheriff's Office and I feel has done a good job doing so. For current employee's with issues with May, just think, if Levins were to get elected, you may be getting a whole new set of problems, not to mention 4 years less experience as sheriff for this county. I'm sure if Paul wins this election, he will be able to focus more on standing up for you troops out protecting us citizens. Sheriff Paul May has my vote and I hope my feelings are correct in saying that he will help his employee's in the future years. Hang in their guys and gals. Retired LEO

06-19-2008, 05:17 AM
I wouldnt bet on it.... I would, you a gamblin man?

07-21-2008, 12:00 AM
okee sheriff race