View Full Version : Budget Crunches? Please!

05-02-2008, 12:38 AM
So, everyone's been made aware of the budget crisis we're in at the SO and many have gone above and beyond to watch and keep OT under control, however, now we learn that when an employee leaves, they decide not to re-hire for that position BUT dole that money out to other employees within that unit... Hmm... I wonder which unit it could be... anyone care to guess?

05-02-2008, 02:44 AM
so, they can do what they want with money, just go to work and do your job.

05-02-2008, 10:28 AM
I DO go to work every day and do the best job I can. I give 110% to my job however, it's frustrating watching year after year, people just coast by and get by (and even make bigger raises) just becuase they can kiss up. It get's frustrating. Isn't this a forum to discuss what's going on?

05-02-2008, 11:52 AM
To jas

This forum is for informational purposes not a CRYING towel. Hiding behind the website does not accomplish anything. You can say what you want about who does what, where how and why but just because something happened and you do not like it and you are upset and you post it on the blog does not accomplish anything. You have resources use them... If you do not know what I am talking about then go to work and give your 110% and good things will happen to you too...

05-04-2008, 12:19 PM
Whoever is using the JAS (AKA) "Just a Secretary" tag for their comments, please don't use it anymore. Some people may make the wrong assumption and think that one or both of these TOTALLY INNOCENT support staff people may have posted it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now we don't want that, do we??? Let's be fair.

05-08-2008, 02:37 AM
It's not like you (three) not use your 1st amendment right. Oh, I forgot you only use that option to stir the pot. Where are you now that you have been exposed? Let me guess - I would venture to say that all of you are giving your 110% :roll: to the job. How wonderful to have people like you to run the gossip train. I would not be able to think of anyone else better. Great job, and keep up the good work. Maybe someone will put in a good word for you to the Sheriff.

The Sheriff: the one who signs your paycheck for the work you do. Again - FANTASTIC work my friends.

05-08-2008, 11:28 AM
well ,well and 3rd shift your both the face of hypocrisy .You have an issue with someone talking bad about others and hiding behind a website, but your on here doing the same damn thing. Also you need to learn to proof read before you post. It would make you look a little smarter because you leave out key words that would make people understand a sentence. idiots

05-08-2008, 11:38 PM
Let's see now, the English major above that suggested that 3rd Shift and Well Well need to proof read, needs to take a short course also. You begin a sentence without capitalization and you also use the word "your" twice when you should be using "you're." Take a look around your trailer for an English composition book. You can get a nice pair of reading glasses at the dollr store. By the way, "your" is correct in the sentence above as possession is shown.

05-08-2008, 11:51 PM
Oh no, I misspelled dollar - I must be an idiot too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess I must have dain brammage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please JAS, come back and save us!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The board is lost without you!!!!

05-14-2008, 06:57 PM
Jesus! I hope none of you immature idiots come to my house if I call for assistance.

mod 511
05-15-2008, 03:18 PM
I'm not familiar with what goes at the Hernando County Sheriffs Office. Since this post doesn't bash any particular person by name it has been staying on here as long as it has. I'm going to be paying close attention to the Hernando site now that I am your moderator. I'm not any way affiliated with your department so I'm going to be totally fair with what is posted. Please understand that I stand firm with our Terms of Use and I will stand by them. This post has been edited several times and some are under review for having that poster banned. If anyone has any problems or needs to speak to me can request that through my email address. MOD511@leoaffairs.com

MOD 511

05-30-2009, 02:47 PM
So, everyone's been made aware of the budget crisis we're in at the SO and many have gone above and beyond to watch and keep OT under control, however, now we learn that when an employee leaves, they decide not to re-hire for that position BUT dole that money out to other employees within that unit... Hmm... I wonder which unit it could be... anyone care to guess?

I'm so sick of this place and the favoritism that goes on. Now Tricky ****y is trying to get more money while threatening our jobs. :x

05-31-2009, 01:53 AM
The real problem is Amedment 1. What a nightmare it has created for government employees.

05-31-2009, 02:23 AM
The real problem is Amedment 1. What a nightmare it has created for government employees.
What about the employee in the private sector? Our taxes were getting out of hand and Nugent didn't care about spending wildly. He still doesn't or he would have made such a fool out of himself. Times are tough and government employees make more then lots of people in the private sector. Don't blame people for doing what Nugent should have done a long time ago, cutting costs. Blame the greedy man for where our department is now. Low morale and the public has no trust in us.