View Full Version : Major Frost Does it again!

05-01-2008, 09:25 PM
I just wanted to take a second and brag on Major Frost. He came into
our roll calls yesterday and thoroughly explained where the Office is heading and especially where D3 is heading. This kind of communication is unprecedented in D3. Major Frost has successfully closed the huge gap in communication between the troops and the staff that had previously existed in D3.

Major Frost is an innovator and a true leader. He told us that as long we are doing our job and doing it well, the way he is leading us to do it, he has our backs and for us not to worry about complaints.

Major Frost I know you got a nice place in Knoxville, but what are your plans for 2012? hmmmm

05-02-2008, 12:21 AM

05-02-2008, 02:39 AM
Don't worry about complaints? WOW, amazing! So share his perspective with us, or is it a secret?

05-03-2008, 06:47 AM
Don't worry about complaints? WOW, amazing! So share his perspective with us, or is it a secret?

His approach is quite simple; get out there and do police work. If you are doing your job correctly, someone is bound to complain about you sooner or later.

Don't get me wrong, he specifically said to be courteous and human as you go about doing your job. His main point is that you don't get complained on if you are sitting under a tree for ten of your twelve hours. If you are out there stirring the pot and putting people in jail, there will be complaints, and it is his job to handle them.

He is more than willing to field these complaints!!!

The specific example he gave was from a citizen who was complaining that he lives in a certain area and had been stopped X amount of times and his son who was running around in the early hours of the morning had also been stopped X amount of times by the 'green team'.

When the guy finished airing his grievance, he asked the Major what he was going to do to rectify the "problem".

Major Frost's response was quite simple. "I'm going to thank them for doing exactly what I asked them to do."

The point here is he is not giving anyone a blank check to go out and violate SOP's or the constitution. He is simply saying that if you go out and be aggressive, you will encounter a very small minority of unhappy citizens who will complain about being stopped and talked to. In these cases, HE HAS YOUR BACK. Let him do the worrying, just focus on your job.

Be a polite cop when you need to be and restore order when you need to. Just remember, you are a Deputy Sheriff. He will take care of the rest.

05-04-2008, 02:39 AM
text book leader ship dwell on the positive back your troops if they mess up n fall coach them build them up then get them back into the game simple truly care for your folks without a need to threaten them or lead by fear they will always give the best plus. great job frost u should teach a leadership class for all the staff just think what kind of office we would have if all would follow your lead sure hope the boss see s this works. we love our sheriff but a few below him need to take your class.

05-05-2008, 09:53 PM
Its nice to hear that from a Major, why dont you ask 307 how that's working out. Anyone can call in a complaint and say whatever they want. What you need is supervisers who know how to take care of their people, because in the end, the dep. usually gets the shaft if these people cry loud enough. It starts at the top and those two 'holier than thou fanatics' have forgotten what its like to be on the road. thanks for the money, id like a little understanding.

05-06-2008, 04:25 AM
It must be nice to have a GOOD, or should I say GREAT leader at the district level. My biggest gripe is that the upper command staff WILL NOT let the district Capts or Majors make any decisions without having to stick their noses in it and turn a simple request into a big production........that as usual, will take weeks or months to make a decision! For gosh sake, let the district leaders make a decision every once in awhile and get rid of all the constant RED TAPE and power trip!