View Full Version : Bill Smih I will buy you a steak dinner

04-30-2008, 09:23 PM
After what was said to you today and the cooments spit back out of your mouth made me proud to be a State Trooper. FINALLY we have showed our ba**s to someone. This is what we wanted for the last few years. I will be contacting you soon to offer that dinner to you, and also some annual leave if you need it. I think someone is sleeping with Lisa Carlton on our department?????? A few months back while talking to someone that is on our advisory board they made the comments that "hey you troopers should get a 5% pay raise this year" I wonder if our fate was already made before the session started.

04-30-2008, 09:27 PM
Don't know what this post is in reference to but I like B. Smith. He was cool when I was down south. I guess he stood his ground w/ someone. Good for him....don't mess with Bill no no no :twisted:

04-30-2008, 10:02 PM
To the contrary - I would not be surprised if we lost the 5% due to Bill's comment to the news today. It was just enough to piss the Legislature off and the Governor to line it out. While I agree with the candor and piss and vinegar, I do not agree with the comments BEFORE the budget is approved.

04-30-2008, 10:06 PM
To the contrary - I would not be surprised if we lost the 5% due to Bill's comment to the news today. It was just enough to piss the Legislature off and the Governor to line it out. While I agree with the candor and piss and vinegar, I do not agree with the comments BEFORE the budget is approved.

I agree..

He should have waited until Oct 2nd, the day we got the pay raise. Actually Nov 1st when the money was deposited into our accounts..

04-30-2008, 10:11 PM
Yep, True, True, True, at last checked Budget? not approved....


04-30-2008, 10:19 PM
what coments???

04-30-2008, 11:13 PM
what coments???

He said the legislature might as well stood on the capitol and threw the money in the air.

04-30-2008, 11:15 PM
Yep - I agree. Make them mad now is not real smart when PBA is teetering on having no members.

04-30-2008, 11:23 PM

Trooper for .50 cal guns
04-30-2008, 11:32 PM
TALLAHASSEE, Florida -- Florida Highway Patrol troopers are relieved, but a last-minute legislative deal to give them a 5 percent pay raise won't stem the tide of defections to higher-paying departments, a union official warned this morning.

"Don't get me wrong, we're very grateful," said Bill Smith, president of the FHP chapter of the Police Benevolent Association. "But this isn't going to stop people from leaving."

Lawmakers agreed late Sunday to spend $3.8 million for an across-the-board pay increase. Starting pay for the roughly 1,000 troopers is about $33,000. The agreement helped seal a deal on a $66.2 billion budget that the Legislature is expected to approve on Friday.

Legislators declined to approve a measure that would have raised $17.6 million for a 10-year step-pay plan, paid for with higher fees for delinquent motorists.

Smith estimates that since 2001, the state has spent up to $50 million training troopers who have left the highway patrol for local police departments or other agencies. Jumping ship can often mean an immediate pay raise of $12,000 or more, Smith said.

"You could have just stood on the top of the Capitol and tossed that money in the air," Smith said. Meanwhile, the ranks will keep getting thinner, after the state pays for training, Smith said.

In 1984, Miami-Dade County had 240 troopers, Smith said. Today, it has 88 road officers, he said. During the same period, the population there rose from 1.7 million to 2.3 million, he said.

Senate Appropriations Chairwoman Lisa Carlton, R-Osprey, said this morning that lawmakers did the best they could to shield law enforcement from the more than $4 billion in cuts they were forced to make while balancing the budget without raising taxes.

The same budget also slashes 199 probation officers from the Department of Corrections.

"We certainly hope this special pay increase will offset the loss of troopers," Carlton said. "Safety and security is our top priority."

Here is the link for the report.

http://www.tampabays10.com/news/local/a ... ryid=79345 (http://www.tampabays10.com/news/local/article.aspx?storyid=79345)

05-01-2008, 12:23 AM
Its all true, just bad timing. Hope you did not ruin it for us Bill.

05-01-2008, 12:54 AM
I'm pretty sure he was refering to the $50 million that the state paid to train troopers who have left. nothng wrong with him saying that, it was the truth. The article was poorly written.

05-01-2008, 12:58 AM
Bill didn't ruin anything, Crist won't line it out. The Senator is mad because she wanted 8 million of the 17 for the clerk of courts. She is supposed to running for clerk in her home county, since she is termed out of the Senate. Well, she didn't get her way, pitched a fit, pulled what ever dirt she had on Pruitt and had him change his mind. If you live near Osprey remember her come local election time. Of course our leadership didn't even make a whimper to Pruitt, they folded like a cheap suit. So you can see our executive staff and executive leader, really do not care about you or us or anything but themselves. They are quite literally perhaps the most morally bankrupt administration I have ever seen.

05-01-2008, 01:03 AM
I am a local news reporter and saw you Colonel and Executive Director at the Capital today. The Colonel was yelling at some trooper in the rotunda about being quite about the pay issue. It was very unprofessional, since it could be heard throughput the building. I am checking with my editor for the permission to run the story. I felt terrible for the trooper.

05-01-2008, 01:30 AM
would love to hear more about that incident.

05-01-2008, 01:36 AM
TALLAHASSEE, Florida -- Florida Highway Patrol troopers are relieved, but a last-minute legislative deal to give them a 5 percent pay raise won't stem the tide of defections to higher-paying departments, a union official warned this morning.

"Don't get me wrong, we're very grateful," said Bill Smith, president of the FHP chapter of the Police Benevolent Association. "But this isn't going to stop people from leaving."

Lawmakers agreed late Sunday to spend $3.8 million for an across-the-board pay increase. Starting pay for the roughly 1,000 troopers is about $33,000. The agreement helped seal a deal on a $66.2 billion budget that the Legislature is expected to approve on Friday.

Legislators declined to approve a measure that would have raised $17.6 million for a 10-year step-pay plan, paid for with higher fees for delinquent motorists.

Smith estimates that since 2001, the state has spent up to $50 million training troopers who have left the highway patrol for local police departments or other agencies. Jumping ship can often mean an immediate pay raise of $12,000 or more, Smith said.

"You could have just stood on the top of the Capitol and tossed that money in the air," Smith said. Meanwhile, the ranks will keep getting thinner, after the state pays for training, Smith said.

In 1984, Miami-Dade County had 240 troopers, Smith said. Today, it has 88 road officers, he said. During the same period, the population there rose from 1.7 million to 2.3 million, he said.

Senate Appropriations Chairwoman Lisa Carlton, R-Osprey, said this morning that lawmakers did the best they could to shield law enforcement from the more than $4 billion in cuts they were forced to make while balancing the budget without raising taxes.

The same budget also slashes 199 probation officers from the Department of Corrections.

"We certainly hope this special pay increase will offset the loss of troopers," Carlton said. "Safety and security is our top priority."

Here is the link for the report.

http://www.tampabays10.com/news/local/a ... ryid=79345 (http://www.tampabays10.com/news/local/article.aspx?storyid=79345)

Bill Smith is absolutly right, though we should have had this type pressure the whole time, its sad we didnt learn this from last year when we just turned our backs and didnt fight last year. WE HAVE TO KEEP PRESSURE ON THEM UNTIL IT IS SIGNED AND DELIVERED. The Florida PBA plays an entirely different game when it comes to the Florida Legislature than they do with City Commisioners and County Commisioners for the deputies and city guys. The PBA doesnt suck, just ask most city and couty guys, they have received good money through playing tough politics for years. The PBA needs to take the gloves off with the Florida legislature, its time to ruin a couple of those senators in the pubilc and then we will see the fruits of victory.

05-01-2008, 01:36 AM
If legislators or the governor does not like the union's opinon then tough. They are not royalty. Bill was not rude or out of line.
Bill was doing his job as the PBA rep. I am not a PBA fan by the way.
Who was the trooper the colonel needed to shut down at the capitol. Was it Bill or part of the legislative team? Or a rouge trooper just running his mouth. I worked for the colonel and I say if he jumped a troopers ass then the trooper needed it.

05-01-2008, 03:44 AM

05-01-2008, 03:56 AM
Tallahassee - Colonel John Czernis on behalf of the men and women of the Florida Highway Patrol would like to express our appreciation to both the House and the Senate for recognizing our Troopers in one of the most challenging budget years this state has faced.

Our Troopers understand the difficult decisions that lawmakers are facing this year and the significance of a pay increase during these challenging economic times. The Florida House and Senate leadership’s decision to support and fund a pay increase for over 1500 Troopers will assist in the Department’s recruitment and retention efforts by keeping our Troopers with the Patrol and our roadways safe.

“The members of the Senate and House and specifically the leadership in both Chambers are truly committed to the safety of the People of Florida and must be commended,” said Executive Director Electra Bustle.

“We are thankful to the House and the Senate for making the safety and security of the people of this great State a top priority. This salary increase is a poignant statement of the respect and recognition of what the Patrol does for Florida’s residents and visitors in keeping our highways safe and we thank them for that,” said Colonel John Czernis.

05-01-2008, 03:57 AM
Tallahassee - Colonel John Czernis on behalf of the men and women of the Florida Highway Patrol would like to express our appreciation to both the House and the Senate for recognizing our Troopers in one of the most challenging budget years this state has faced.

Our Troopers understand the difficult decisions that lawmakers are facing this year and the significance of a pay increase during these challenging economic times. The Florida House and Senate leadership’s decision to support and fund a pay increase for over 1500 Troopers will assist in the Department’s recruitment and retention efforts by keeping our Troopers with the Patrol and our roadways safe.

“The members of the Senate and House and specifically the leadership in both Chambers are truly committed to the safety of the People of Florida and must be commended,” said Executive Director Electra Bustle.

“We are thankful to the House and the Senate for making the safety and security of the people of this great State a top priority. This salary increase is a poignant statement of the respect and recognition of what the Patrol does for Florida’s residents and visitors in keeping our highways safe and we thank them for that,” said Colonel John Czernis.


05-01-2008, 04:03 AM

05-01-2008, 12:56 PM
I am a local news reporter and saw you Colonel and Executive Director at the Capital today. The Colonel was yelling at some trooper in the rotunda about being quite about the pay issue. It was very unprofessional, since it could be heard throughput the building. I am checking with my editor for the permission to run the story. I felt terrible for the trooper.

The Trooper probably laughed in his face and he had to go find Electra :shock:

05-01-2008, 01:11 PM
Tallahassee - Colonel John Czernis on behalf of the men and women of the Florida Highway Patrol would like to express our appreciation to both the House and the Senate for recognizing our Troopers in one of the most challenging budget years this state has faced.

Our Troopers understand the difficult decisions that lawmakers are facing this year and the significance of a pay increase during these challenging economic times. The Florida House and Senate leadership’s decision to support and fund a pay increase for over 1500 Troopers will assist in the Department’s recruitment and retention efforts by keeping our Troopers with the Patrol and our roadways safe.

“The members of the Senate and House and specifically the leadership in both Chambers are truly committed to the safety of the People of Florida and must be commended,” said Executive Director Electra Bustle.

“We are thankful to the House and the Senate for making the safety and security of the people of this great State a top priority. This salary increase is a poignant statement of the respect and recognition of what the Patrol does for Florida’s residents and visitors in keeping our highways safe and we thank them for that,” said Colonel John Czernis.

You must be one ofthe 1 year troopers making the same as your FTO with 10 years on. Am I right?????

05-01-2008, 06:39 PM
Bill was right to be thankful and frank! The numbers of Troopers leaving
will continue to mount! ISSUE NOT RESOLVED!!!

05-01-2008, 07:45 PM
I saw the mention of the Colonel at the Capital.... Well, I must come forward and admit that I observed the EXACT same thing. The Troooper wsa questioning why the "Pay Plan" did not go through and he was then disrespected by who I assume was your Colonel. This was just plain WRONG anyway you slice it.

I was surprised that this was not in a private office somewhere.
Sheme on you sir for your unprofessional attitude.

05-01-2008, 07:51 PM
I saw the mention of the Colonel at the Capital.... Well, I must come forward and admit that I observed the EXACT same thing. The Troooper wsa questioning why the "Pay Plan" did not go through and he was then disrespected by who I assume was your Colonel. This was just plain WRONG anyway you slice it.

I was surprised that this was not in a private office somewhere.
Sheme on you sir for your unprofessional attitude.

I suggest everyone send the colonel an email either through your MDT or to the FHP email listed on the FHP website. Voice your displeasure to him and express how we are not grateful to the state or him for agreeing with their backwards ways. Let's take FHP back and get it out of the sewers. It is your responsiblity to stand up and fight!

05-02-2008, 03:28 PM

Hey, just don't take my 208 away. This is where the real MONEY is made with FHP...... We all know it. just ask the trooper in Miami who allegedly made $200,000 last year?

05-03-2008, 10:12 PM
just ask the trooper in Miami who allegedly made $200,000 last year?

All lies. He didnt make 200K working anything related to FHP. I can promise that.

05-04-2008, 01:00 PM
I saw the mention of the Colonel at the Capital.... Well, I must come forward and admit that I observed the EXACT same thing. The Troooper wsa questioning why the "Pay Plan" did not go through and he was then disrespected by who I assume was your Colonel. This was just plain WRONG anyway you slice it.

I was surprised that this was not in a private office somewhere.
Sheme on you sir for your unprofessional attitude.

What's your side Bill? Will you file a complaint? Do you know how the guy Patton slapped feels? Inquiring minds want to know....... Did PBA send you home from Tally after this?

What's your side.......hurry before the post is deleted.

05-04-2008, 05:26 PM
No I was not sent home. just got home yesterday. The Col or the ED does not and will not ever run our chapter .... I will speak the truth and if the truth hurts....too bad. It is time we stand up for ourselves but we must stand together. When Tim R wrote the postings to call people....you all stepped up.....many family members called. It was great to walk into a Reps office and the aide was talking to a trooper...."and where do you work"..... I personally talked to the Gov and we are still getting our 5%. We are headed in the right direction....first we seperated from the others...now we have our own contract which we will always improve on...and now we got a pay raise when the others did not.....am i greatful....yes....is it enough....no....but the fight will continue. The rest I will not respond to at this time.....in time....in time.....the rest of the story later.......take care and be safe out there.

05-04-2008, 06:23 PM
TALLAHASSEE, Florida -- Florida Highway Patrol troopers are relieved, but a last-minute legislative deal to give them a 5 percent pay raise won't stem the tide of defections to higher-paying departments, a union official warned this morning.

"Don't get me wrong, we're very grateful," said Bill Smith, president of the FHP chapter of the Police Benevolent Association. "But this isn't going to stop people from leaving."

Lawmakers agreed late Sunday to spend $3.8 million for an across-the-board pay increase. Starting pay for the roughly 1,000 troopers is about $33,000. The agreement helped seal a deal on a $66.2 billion budget that the Legislature is expected to approve on Friday.

Legislators declined to approve a measure that would have raised $17.6 million for a 10-year step-pay plan, paid for with higher fees for delinquent motorists.

Smith estimates that since 2001, the state has spent up to $50 million training troopers who have left the highway patrol for local police departments or other agencies. Jumping ship can often mean an immediate pay raise of $12,000 or more, Smith said.

"You could have just stood on the top of the Capitol and tossed that money in the air," Smith said. Meanwhile, the ranks will keep getting thinner, after the state pays for training, Smith said.

In 1984, Miami-Dade County had 240 troopers, Smith said. Today, it has 88 road officers, he said. During the same period, the population there rose from 1.7 million to 2.3 million, he said.

Senate Appropriations Chairwoman Lisa Carlton, R-Osprey, said this morning that lawmakers did the best they could to shield law enforcement from the more than $4 billion in cuts they were forced to make while balancing the budget without raising taxes.

The same budget also slashes 199 probation officers from the Department of Corrections.

"We certainly hope this special pay increase will offset the loss of troopers," Carlton said. "Safety and security is our top priority."

Here is the link for the report.

http://www.tampabays10.com/news/local/a ... ryid=79345 (http://www.tampabays10.com/news/local/article.aspx?storyid=79345)

Bill Smith is absolutly right, though we should have had this type pressure the whole time, its sad we didnt learn this from last year when we just turned our backs and didnt fight last year. WE HAVE TO KEEP PRESSURE ON THEM UNTIL IT IS SIGNED AND DELIVERED. The Florida PBA plays an entirely different game when it comes to the Florida Legislature than they do with City Commisioners and County Commisioners for the deputies and city guys. The PBA doesnt suck, just ask most city and couty guys, they have received good money through playing tough politics for years. The PBA needs to take the gloves off with the Florida legislature, its time to ruin a couple of those senators in the pubilc and then we will see the fruits of victory.

lol.. The locals only gave those very large raises from 01 - 07 due to the housing bubble and local tax revenues skyrocketing with it. Now that they have it and the "huge" pay gap over FHP it wont change much because the state doesnt care about employee salaries but it was not because of PBA. The ones without PBA fared great over those years also.

05-05-2008, 01:36 AM


05-06-2008, 02:33 AM
I met Bill Smith in Tallahassee and he seemed to have a bulldog mentality. I believe if he was apart of the Florida Highway Patrol’s leadership (Colonial) we could get a whole lot more done. It a shame that people with his leadership abilities don’t promote up through FHP. That would make FHP a lot better agency. The leadership of the Florida Highway Patrol seems to have been neutered by the legislators.

05-06-2008, 02:38 AM
Bill S. and Tim R. are true leaders. Keep it up guys!

05-06-2008, 06:40 PM




05-06-2008, 09:42 PM
Bill & Tim is what FHP/PBA has needed all along. Bill & Tim are two good people with some marbles, to stand up to FHP brass

05-06-2008, 10:34 PM
Bill & Tim is what FHP/PBA has needed all along. Bill & Tim are two good people with some marbles, to stand up to FHP brass


05-07-2008, 12:58 AM
When is going to be time to push for the step pay plan again? This Fall or when?

05-07-2008, 01:44 AM
When is going to be time to push for the step pay plan again? This Fall or when?

Dude, are you serious? You don't get it do you? The step plan is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN ANYTIME! Unless maybe when pigs fly.

05-07-2008, 02:47 AM
A PBA insider said the step pay plan was a sure thing the next legislative session. When is the next Legislative Session?

05-07-2008, 02:49 AM
A PBA insider said the step pay plan was a sure thing the next legislative session. When is the next Legislative Session?

Haha, wow. Either you guys are really desparate or just really dumb. It is always the next time huh? You guys are like a bunch of little kids whose parents always say, "Not this time little Billy, but next time".

05-07-2008, 05:27 AM
A PBA insider said the step pay plan was a sure thing the next legislative session. When is the next Legislative Session?

Right, and Osama Bin Laden lives just next door too.