View Full Version : Roll Call Issues

04-24-2008, 10:06 PM
Roll calls are not for Russ to campagin for Scott Isreal. Russ can support whoever he wants to. The PBA should be allowed to make roll call presentations, but they should be scripted by the board not by the individual. This means that every board member or rep who speaks speaks from a pre written script which should also be provided to the men and women in the roll call so this finger pointing and questioning as to what took place does not happen. I also believe that the department can censor our conversations and what is said in a roll call setting as it is the agencies time, but that should be within reason as well.

my two cents! 8) 8) 8) 8)

Everyone be safe and back each other up.[b]

04-24-2008, 10:54 PM

04-24-2008, 11:17 PM
Roll calls are not for Russ to campagin for Scott Isreal. Russ can support whoever he wants to. The PBA should be allowed to make roll call presentations, but they should be scripted by the board not by the individual. This means that every board member or rep who speaks speaks from a pre written script which should also be provided to the men and women in the roll call so this finger pointing and questioning as to what took place does not happen. I also believe that the department can censor our conversations and what is said in a roll call setting as it is the agencies time, but that should be within reason as well.

my two cents! 8) 8) 8) 8)

Everyone be safe and back each other up.[b] Russ Diperna has never mentioned in a presentation about who he is supporting. Stop the lies and tell the truth. Lies, Lies, Lies. You will do anything to defend Lamberti. Enjoy it for now, because in six months he's gone.

04-25-2008, 11:00 PM
I was there sarge, so grow some and tell the truth. Whoever you are stop spreading lies. The only truth was that Russ was asked to leave from the command and no every district was issued a memo that PBA business is not to be discussed by ON DUTY deputies, but rather only OFF DUTY deputies in the parking lot.

To the nazi's in all the commands. F-You!!!

04-25-2008, 11:27 PM
i was there too. Russ was not told to leave....the Deps were....to go work. Get your facts right.

04-26-2008, 02:57 AM
All I saw was Sgt. Baldwin who is disgruntled because he couldnt get re-elected to the PBA last time, run back to Chief Pages office and lie to him and say Russ was bad mouthing the Sheriff, which as a Union Official he is entitled to do but didnt. But unfortunately Lamberti's team of Nazis doesnt allow free speech and now the PBA Reps have to stand out in parking lots to speak to their members like this is some type sweat shop. Maybe we should change our uniforms to black with a little red arm band and high boots it would better represent what the Sheriff is all about.

04-26-2008, 03:53 AM

Any Deputy, in any BSO facility, on or off duty, can NOT talk about the NFL Draft this weekend. ANy discussions of a non Lamberti for Sheriff nature will face severe discipline. However, feel free to talk about my great but short lived acting career on Alf.

04-26-2008, 04:25 AM

Any Deputy, in any BSO facility, on or off duty, can NOT talk about the NFL Draft this weekend. ANy discussions of a non Lamberti for Sheriff nature will face severe discipline. However, feel free to talk about my great but short lived acting career on Alf.

Dude that is so awesome(LOL) Next we wont be allowed to speak about anything at all. Starting to seem like the Jenne administration all over again doesnt it????

04-26-2008, 06:15 AM
All I saw was Sgt. Baldwin who is disgruntled because he couldnt get re-elected to the PBA last time, run back to Chief Pages office and lie to him and say Russ was bad mouthing the Sheriff, which as a Union Official he is entitled to do but didnt. But unfortunately Lamberti's team of Nazis doesnt allow free speech and now the PBA Reps have to stand out in parking lots to speak to their members like this is some type sweat shop. Maybe we should change our uniforms to black with a little red arm band and high boots it would better represent what the Sheriff is all about.


04-26-2008, 07:48 AM
Roll calls are not for Russ to campagin for Scott Isreal. Russ can support whoever he wants to. The PBA should be allowed to make roll call presentations, but they should be scripted by the board not by the individual. This means that every board member or rep who speaks speaks from a pre written script which should also be provided to the men and women in the roll call so this finger pointing and questioning as to what took place does not happen. I also believe that the department can censor our conversations and what is said in a roll call setting as it is the agencies time, but that should be within reason as well.

my two cents!

Everyone be safe and back each other up.[b][/quote:wg9jursl]

Then there was this:

Russ Diperna has never mentioned in a presentation about who he is supporting. Stop the lies and tell the truth. Lies, Lies, Lies. You will do anything to defend Lamberti. Enjoy it for now, because in six months he's gone.

And then this:

I was there sarge, so grow some and tell the truth. Whoever you are stop spreading lies. The only truth was that Russ was asked to leave from the command and no every district was issued a memo that PBA business is not to be discussed by ON DUTY deputies, but rather only OFF DUTY deputies in the parking lot.

To the nazi's in all the commands. F-You!!!

and then this:

i was there too. Russ was not told to leave....the Deps were....to go work. Get your facts right.

and then this:

All I saw was Sgt. Baldwin who is disgruntled because he couldnt get re-elected to the PBA last time, run back to Chief Pages office and lie to him and say Russ was bad mouthing the Sheriff, which as a Union Official he is entitled to do but didnt. But unfortunately Lamberti's team of Nazis doesnt allow free speech and now the PBA Reps have to stand out in parking lots to speak to their members like this is some type sweat shop. Maybe we should change our uniforms to black with a little red arm band and high boots it would better represent what the Sheriff is all about.

That's five different people claiming to be there, all saying that Sheriff Lamberti is stopping free speech, and yet, not one story is consistent. You guys are supposed to be trained observers?????

You guys call Lamberti the liar and you cant get your story straight from a roll call speech. Moving along.......no hidden agenda here to see.....keep moving folks. RIDICULOUS

04-26-2008, 07:56 AM
[quote="A Sergeant":14bwjqde]Roll calls are not for Russ to campagin for Scott Isreal. Russ can support whoever he wants to. The PBA should be allowed to make roll call presentations, but they should be scripted by the board not by the individual. This means that every board member or rep who speaks speaks from a pre written script which should also be provided to the men and women in the roll call so this finger pointing and questioning as to what took place does not happen. I also believe that the department can censor our conversations and what is said in a roll call setting as it is the agencies time, but that should be within reason as well.

my two cents!

Everyone be safe and back each other up.[b]

Then there was this:

Russ Diperna has never mentioned in a presentation about who he is supporting. Stop the lies and tell the truth. Lies, Lies, Lies. You will do anything to defend Lamberti. Enjoy it for now, because in six months he's gone.

And then this:

I was there sarge, so grow some and tell the truth. Whoever you are stop spreading lies. The only truth was that Russ was asked to leave from the command and no every district was issued a memo that PBA business is not to be discussed by ON DUTY deputies, but rather only OFF DUTY deputies in the parking lot.

To the nazi's in all the commands. F-You!!!

and then this:

i was there too. Russ was not told to leave....the Deps were....to go work. Get your facts right.

and then this:

All I saw was Sgt. Baldwin who is disgruntled because he couldnt get re-elected to the PBA last time, run back to Chief Pages office and lie to him and say Russ was bad mouthing the Sheriff, which as a Union Official he is entitled to do but didnt. But unfortunately Lamberti's team of Nazis doesnt allow free speech and now the PBA Reps have to stand out in parking lots to speak to their members like this is some type sweat shop. Maybe we should change our uniforms to black with a little red arm band and high boots it would better represent what the Sheriff is all about.

That's five different people claiming to be there, all saying that Sheriff Lamberti is stopping free speech, and yet, not one story is consistent. You guys are supposed to be trained observers?????

You guys call Lamberti the liar and you cant get your story straight from a roll call speech. Moving along.......no hidden agenda here to see.....keep moving folks. RIDICULOUS[/quote:14bwjqde][/quote:14bwjqde]


04-26-2008, 10:22 AM
This crap will stop once the contract is voted in and Lamberti is elected.

04-26-2008, 11:19 AM
Great post, On The Rise.

Like I have been saying...to much smoke and mirrors. The contract will pass.

04-26-2008, 12:44 PM
You guys are too easy. I wrote all the posts and I don't even work for BSO. I'm in 9th grade at HS but I won't tell you which one because you guys work there.

I love the internet.

04-26-2008, 02:31 PM
All I saw was Sgt. Baldwin who is disgruntled because he couldnt get re-elected to the PBA last time, run back to Chief Pages office and lie to him and say Russ was bad mouthing the Sheriff, which as a Union Official he is entitled to do but didnt. But unfortunately Lamberti's team of Nazis doesnt allow free speech and now the PBA Reps have to stand out in parking lots to speak to their members like this is some type sweat shop. Maybe we should change our uniforms to black with a little red arm band and high boots it would better represent what the Sheriff is all about.

I was in there....Matt asked some simple questions...i missed the part when he ran back to Chief Page. I go on here every once and a while just to get a good laugh. Man up and confront Matt....or me. I think its pretty easy to figure out who I am.

04-26-2008, 03:57 PM
Why should we have to figure it out post your name on here and you will be confronted.

05-01-2008, 01:28 AM
Roll calls are not for Russ to campagin for Scott Isreal. Russ can support whoever he wants to. The PBA should be allowed to make roll call presentations, but they should be scripted by the board not by the individual. This means that every board member or rep who speaks speaks from a pre written script which should also be provided to the men and women in the roll call so this finger pointing and questioning as to what took place does not happen. I also believe that the department can censor our conversations and what is said in a roll call setting as it is the agencies time, but that should be within reason as well.

my two cents! 8) 8) 8) 8)

Everyone be safe and back each other up.[b]

Roll Calls are also For Sgts spewing their personal view on why I should Accept Jesus, why I should buy the latest crap their wife is hawking, and why white Deputies are inheritently racist. Thats what Sgts get to talk about in roll call.

05-02-2008, 11:50 PM
More on Russ-