View Full Version : Scott Israel Supporters

04-21-2008, 09:14 PM
Russ, John, Marc, and all the other Scott Israel supporters that continually bash the contract offer, bash Sheriff Lamberti, and bash everything else they can think of, we get it already, you will never be happy until your guy gets in as Sheriff. You have ulterior motives, and I am sure you are expecting some sort of payback from Mr. Israel.
I find it odd that the guys who are the laziest and do the least amount of work are the ones whining the loudest. The three of you combined don't do the work of one mediocre deputy. And by the way Russ, you keep using the reasoning that Deputies are dying everyday, and this is a fair argument for those of us that are actually on the street, but you my friend, I don't think you are in much danger on midnight shift in the fishbowl!!!!!!!!!
Rather then bash Israel, like you have bashed Lamberti, I will just conclude by saying, compare the two honestly, and then tell me that Israel is more qualified for the position then Lamberti.

04-21-2008, 09:39 PM
Russ, John, Marc, and all the other Scott Israel supporters that continually bash the contract offer, bash Sheriff Lamberti, and bash everything else they can think of, we get it already, you will never be happy until your guy gets in as Sheriff. You have ulterior motives, and I am sure you are expecting some sort of payback from Mr. Israel.
I find it odd that the guys who are the laziest and do the least amount of work are the ones whining the loudest. The three of you combined don't do the work of one mediocre deputy. And by the way Russ, you keep using the reasoning that Deputies are dying everyday, and this is a fair argument for those of us that are actually on the street, but you my friend, I don't think you are in much danger on midnight shift in the fishbowl!!!!!!!!!
Rather then bash Israel, like you have bashed Lamberti, I will just conclude by saying, compare the two honestly, and then tell me that Israel is more qualified for the position then Lamberti.

Chief Israel is much more qualified than Al...

04-21-2008, 09:43 PM
Russ, John, Marc, and all the other Scott Israel supporters that continually bash the contract offer, bash Sheriff Lamberti, and bash everything else they can think of, we get it already, you will never be happy until your guy gets in as Sheriff. You have ulterior motives, and I am sure you are expecting some sort of payback from Mr. Israel.
I find it odd that the guys who are the laziest and do the least amount of work are the ones whining the loudest. The three of you combined don't do the work of one mediocre deputy. And by the way Russ, you keep using the reasoning that Deputies are dying everyday, and this is a fair argument for those of us that are actually on the street, but you my friend, I don't think you are in much danger on midnight shift in the fishbowl!!!!!!!!!
Rather then bash Israel, like you have bashed Lamberti, I will just conclude by saying, compare the two honestly, and then tell me that Israel is more qualified for the position then Lamberti.It doesn't matter, in 6-months and 1-week, Lamberti and the boys are gone. Good morning Sheriff Isreal. CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-21-2008, 10:02 PM
There are some of us who don't believe in the PBA conspiracy theory that Brickman is looking to smear our Sheriff. The current board has given their seal of disapproval and I'm with them. I do believe Sheriff Lamberti is the best candidate. I believe our Sheriff is playing hardball with us and those who are looking to gain something are openly in support of his offer, in the hopes they will be rewarded. That's how politics have been played here since before Navarro. Until we as a group stand up for ourselves, we'll always be selling ourselves short. If some want to prostitute themselves for their own personal gain, they will have to live by their decision. But by doing so (knowing that it's been done by several deputies before) it goes against what we are supposed to stand for, truth, honesty and integrity. Maybe that's why we've had the dark times we've recently had.

I'm not a malcontent; I just want what's fair. Other area agencies have received 5%, we should too. I know fairness in BSO can be considered oxymoron but change can happen.

04-21-2008, 10:41 PM
Russ, John, Marc, and all the other Scott Israel supporters that continually bash the contract offer, bash Sheriff Lamberti, and bash everything else they can think of, we get it already, you will never be happy until your guy gets in as Sheriff. You have ulterior motives, and I am sure you are expecting some sort of payback from Mr. Israel.
I find it odd that the guys who are the laziest and do the least amount of work are the ones whining the loudest. The three of you combined don't do the work of one mediocre deputy. And by the way Russ, you keep using the reasoning that Deputies are dying everyday, and this is a fair argument for those of us that are actually on the street, but you my friend, I don't think you are in much danger on midnight shift in the fishbowl!!!!!!!!!
Rather then bash Israel, like you have bashed Lamberti, I will just conclude by saying, compare the two honestly, and then tell me that Israel is more qualified for the position then Lamberti.

Chief Israel is much more qualified than Al...

Why aren't you guys outraged over the stupid Lauderhill Cricket Stadium??????????????????????? What the @%&^ is wrong with you morons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-21-2008, 11:14 PM
Russ, John, Marc, and all the other Scott Israel supporters that continually bash the contract offer, bash Sheriff Lamberti, and bash everything else they can think of, we get it already, you will never be happy until your guy gets in as Sheriff. You have ulterior motives, and I am sure you are expecting some sort of payback from Mr. Israel.
I find it odd that the guys who are the laziest and do the least amount of work are the ones whining the loudest. The three of you combined don't do the work of one mediocre deputy. And by the way Russ, you keep using the reasoning that Deputies are dying everyday, and this is a fair argument for those of us that are actually on the street, but you my friend, I don't think you are in much danger on midnight shift in the fishbowl!!!!!!!!!
Rather then bash Israel, like you have bashed Lamberti, I will just conclude by saying, compare the two honestly, and then tell me that Israel is more qualified for the position then Lamberti.

Chief Israel is much more qualified than Al...

Why aren't you guys outraged over the stupid Lauderhill Cricket Stadium??????????????????????? What the @%&^ is wrong with you morons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love cricket and will enjoy the new stadium.. When is it suppose to be done?

04-22-2008, 03:09 AM
Russ, John, Marc, and all the other Scott Israel supporters that continually bash the contract offer, bash Sheriff Lamberti, and bash everything else they can think of, we get it already, you will never be happy until your guy gets in as Sheriff. You have ulterior motives, and I am sure you are expecting some sort of payback from Mr. Israel.
I find it odd that the guys who are the laziest and do the least amount of work are the ones whining the loudest. The three of you combined don't do the work of one mediocre deputy. And by the way Russ, you keep using the reasoning that Deputies are dying everyday, and this is a fair argument for those of us that are actually on the street, but you my friend, I don't think you are in much danger on midnight shift in the fishbowl!!!!!!!!!
Rather then bash Israel, like you have bashed Lamberti, I will just conclude by saying, compare the two honestly, and then tell me that Israel is more qualified for the position then Lamberti.

Don't worry, your spot in the fishbowl will be waiting for you. Thanks for caring. Embrace the hate.

04-22-2008, 06:07 AM
Russ, John, Marc, and all the other Scott Israel supporters that continually bash the contract offer, bash Sheriff Lamberti, and bash everything else they can think of, we get it already, you will never be happy until your guy gets in as Sheriff. You have ulterior motives, and I am sure you are expecting some sort of payback from Mr. Israel.
I find it odd that the guys who are the laziest and do the least amount of work are the ones whining the loudest. The three of you combined don't do the work of one mediocre deputy. And by the way Russ, you keep using the reasoning that Deputies are dying everyday, and this is a fair argument for those of us that are actually on the street, but you my friend, I don't think you are in much danger on midnight shift in the fishbowl!!!!!!!!!
Rather then bash Israel, like you have bashed Lamberti, I will just conclude by saying, compare the two honestly, and then tell me that Israel is more qualified for the position then Lamberti.

Don't worry, your spot in the fishbowl will be waiting for you. Thanks for caring. Embrace the hate.

You know whats funny first you bash these 3 who by the way are all registered Republicans for standing up to the Sheriff and fighting for a better raise for you and everyone else. Now correct me if Im wrong but I thought thats whata good PBA Rep is supposed to do. I dont know where I heard that, must have read it somewhere. Then you attack them and the rest of the PBA for supposedly backing LeMack who by the way cant even Campaign until almost August. Now your bashing these 3 who I see two on a regular basis for supporting Isreal. AL please keep your dogs on a leash thee making fool of themselves trying to make you look good. You do a good enough job of lying yourself into a corner you dont need their help making you look foolish. By the way Jay Leiner your day of reckoning is coming, just stay right where you are were coming for you.

Vote NO for 3%,3%,3%. Stand Together and fight for what you really deserve.

04-22-2008, 12:24 PM
Vote YES for 3%,3%,3%. Retro and no insurance raise. Stand Together and fight for what you really deserve.


04-23-2008, 03:09 AM
You get retro either way moron. We deserve more than 3%. VOTE NO.

04-23-2008, 03:22 AM
Vote YES for 3%,3%,3%. Retro and no insurance raise. Stand Together and fight for what you really deserve.


Yes is the way to go, and I'm sure Jay Leiner won't be going anywhere. He's done more with ECU than any of his predecessors. The guy is always right and has gained my respect through the years. Jay, continue to speak your mind, nothing to fear from Jeff Poole or any of the former NYPD fugitives.

04-23-2008, 03:24 AM
And yes I mention Jeff Poole by name because we can't simply disagree. He wants to be a nasty b@stard, so we can hang on the same level.

04-23-2008, 04:31 AM
Oh believe me Jay is going to be somewhere sooner then he thinks, it all starts tommorow. The PBA membership thank you for your betrayl and starting tommorw there going to show how they feel about. Buh Bye

04-23-2008, 05:59 AM
Posted: 04/22/08 22:22:15 Post subject:


YES wrote:
Vote YES for 3%,3%,3%. Retro and no insurance raise. Stand Together and fight for what you really deserve.


Yes is the way to go, and I'm sure Jay Leiner won't be going anywhere. He's done more with ECU than any of his predecessors. The guy is always right and has gained my respect through the years. Jay, continue to speak your mind, nothing to fear from Jeff Poole or any of the former NYPD fugitives.

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I do believe Jay voted NO on accepting the contract at the General membership meeting. Thanks JaY for stepping up to the plate and doing what was right. Kudos you can hold your head up high.

04-23-2008, 01:43 PM
Posted: 04/22/08 22:22:15 Post subject:


YES wrote:
Vote YES for 3%,3%,3%. Retro and no insurance raise. Stand Together and fight for what you really deserve.


Yes is the way to go, and I'm sure Jay Leiner won't be going anywhere. He's done more with ECU than any of his predecessors. The guy is always right and has gained my respect through the years. Jay, continue to speak your mind, nothing to fear from Jeff Poole or any of the former NYPD fugitives.

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I do believe Jay voted NO on accepting the contract at the General membership meeting. Thanks JaY for stepping up to the plate and doing what was right. Kudos you can hold your head up high.

EVERYBODY SEE THIS ..... more slight of mouth from those who who will sell the rest of us out for whatever reason.

Jay did vote NO.

04-23-2008, 05:10 PM
Jay voted no and the very next morning went to the Robbery Unit Office and started telling all the Detectives present including a Board Member that they should vote for this contract and its the best were going to get. Hey Jay next time you rush into an Office to do the Sheriffs bidding and betray the membership maybe you should have taken the time to look around Armando was standing right behind you. Good old Jay was caught doing this previously and was censored in writing by the PBA Executive Board. After Censor is supposed to be Suspension but it seems the Board didnt feel that was appropriate when it was brought to their attention that Jay Leiner donated $500.00 to the Sheriffs Campaign which is a MAJOR ethics violation for any Board member. Hey Jay guess what is the only course of action left after censor and Suspension. I think you can figure it out your a bright guy, and it starts today. Nice knowing ya!!!!