View Full Version : What happened to Sgt.'s Splitting forming their own union?

04-20-2008, 07:09 PM
The more I read on here, the more I think that the Sgt's should form their own bargaining unit. Most of the morons on here have no common sense, and it is no wonder we can not get anything accomplished. The Lt's seem to be happy with what they have negotiated. There are too many deputies out there that would never be happy.

04-20-2008, 07:19 PM
The more I read on here, the more I think that the Sgt's should form their own bargaining unit. Most of the morons on here have no common sense, and it is no wonder we can not get anything accomplished. The Lt's seem to be happy with what they have negotiated. There are too many deputies out there that would never be happy.

I agree and we can start one very easily. Everyone just keeps talking about it and doing notjhing to get it accomplished. Lets start with a quick vote of what Sgts want it and when we have a majority, we go for it!~ The moron deputies are too busy whining and not looking at the big picture. Lets break off from them and let them sit at impasse for a few years by themselves

04-20-2008, 08:10 PM
I agree!!!! Get-R-Done

04-20-2008, 08:19 PM
Well, finally, a worth-while topic. FYI, we sent out an informal survey to see how many were interested. This was a preliminary survey to see if we should seek more info. Well, we only survey a little over half of the sergeants and a small group (Oakland Park and Dania, go figure) were not interested. The crap we were hearing was that we were trying to sabotage the contract negotiations, which is ridiculous. Coral Springs, PBSO, and many more have separate bargaining units for officer / deputy and sergeant. Myself and a few others thought that there might be something to it. We called PERC and learned from a hearing officer that it certainly is possible. All we need is 30%, but it has to be within 180 on a contract ratification. It is probably too late for this contract, since it will most likely be ratified. But if we can get ourselves organized, we can be ready for the next one. The hearing officer said because the sheriff is all for it (and he is) it is merely a matter of the PBA filing the paperwork for us. And if they won't, i've spoken to the FOP regioanl director, and they would love to bargain for us.

04-21-2008, 01:31 AM
I say sgt's, go to FOP. Good riddance.

04-21-2008, 01:33 AM
I agree sergeants to FOP. At least then they will be represnted fairly.

04-21-2008, 01:35 AM
I say sgt's, go to FOP. Good riddance.

Why the sour grapes? We should have more benefits than deputies, and you would feel the same way if you were one of us.

04-21-2008, 01:49 AM
I know I would be happy to see you go and by the way you guys have plenty of time because this contract wont be ratified for a long time. 3%,3%,3% will be voted down, though if you Sgts want it so badly Im sure we can make it happen.

04-21-2008, 02:04 AM
Who is "we," is this Brickman, or a golfing buddy of his?

04-21-2008, 02:12 AM
As a Sergenat I would vote for our own union seprate from the Deputies. I would still vote no on this contract offer, but I will vote for Lamberti for Sheriff. I remeber what it like to get an outsider in here al a Cochran and Jenne.

04-21-2008, 11:07 AM
Don't drink and post.

04-21-2008, 03:05 PM
Why should you have more benefits other then higher pay. Most of you have not earned the position. I among others were on those lists and their was an unfair process. Most of the sgt's over the last 9 years are jokes.

I am not saying you, just in general. If you can't admit then you are untruthful. If all of you earned it fairly I would agree with better benefits.

04-21-2008, 03:37 PM
We probably beat you out because we could spell and form complete and correct grammatical sentences.

04-22-2008, 12:45 AM
Yes, thats the mentality of you morons. A good sgt sits in the office and red pens a report for a missing comma. Probably because you are scared to work the street.

04-22-2008, 01:07 AM
I hope you useless sergeants break away from the deputies. You sergeants are a fine piece of work! You can break away all you want.

04-22-2008, 02:02 AM
Yes, thats the mentality of you morons. A good sgt sits in the office and red pens a report for a missing comma. Probably because you are scared to work the street.

No, because that's our job. Your report is the only way that someone who has never met you, will judge you. We still find a way to work the road, I bet you can't repeat your post using Sgt. Reyka's name, you slimeball.

04-22-2008, 02:04 AM
Why should you have more benefits other then higher pay. Most of you have not earned the position. I among others were on those lists and their was an unfair process. Most of the sgt's over the last 9 years are jokes.

I am not saying you, just in general. If you can't admit then you are untruthful. If all of you earned it fairly I would agree with better benefits.
You can't possibly support higher benefits for us... That's why we need our own bargaining unit. I'm not bashing deputies, we just have different concepts regarding what we will fight for. You guys don't need us, and we don't need you. It's not a strength in numbers thing. It's only business, never personal.

04-22-2008, 03:33 PM
bye bye!!!

04-24-2008, 11:50 PM
That last loser Sergeant does not speak for the majority of us. All I've heard is how all of the sergeants want to break away and form their own union. The number 99% support it has been thrown around.By asking around that is just not true. We need to stick together, I for one am disgusted at the way you've talked to deputies. You are probably a coward that hides behind your deputies on calls because you are scared.

The fact that you would belittle them on this site shows what type of makeup you have. There are certain sergeants who support this for unknown reasons but my colleagues and I do not!!!!

04-25-2008, 03:31 AM
I beg to differ. If you had an opportunity to work a better schedule, maybe get a vacation time buy back, which would be easy because of the small amount of employees in the program, you would do it. All the talk Brickman makes about the short timer employees voting away some of your benefits just wouldn't matter because everyone in your bargaining unit is a sergeant moving closer to retirement. It's not a slam on deputies, we have different ideas about what is important to us. If you failed to evolve into your duties and inherant responsibilities as a supervisor, and don't think you have earned additional benefits, then you should stay in the deputies' bargaining unit. I'm sure they will give you a pat on the back. Douche