View Full Version : Israel Soon Ousted

04-20-2008, 04:10 PM
For all those Israel for Sheriff supports out there, inside and outside BSO, you better take heed.

Serious matters have been uncovered about Israel, as well as one of his most active supporters, that will automatically prevent him from becoming Sheriff of Broward or anywhere else in the public arena for that matter. All will be revealed in due time by his opposition. Like Shaque, Israel is history. Both self destructive. If you want to support anyone other than the current Sheriff, who is rising like a rocket, and looks like no one will stop him, then you had better switch to someone like Lemack. Not too qualified, and not much of a choice, granted, but a much, much safer bet than Israel if you wish to vote against Lamberti. The other idiots are just playing with themselves, and supporting Israel is just down right foolish. We want this important seat in Broward back and, if all stays as it is, we will surely lose it.

04-20-2008, 08:19 PM
Bump it! Grind it! Push it! Leave it!

04-20-2008, 09:45 PM
It was only a matter of time.

04-20-2008, 09:53 PM
Bye Bye

04-20-2008, 10:46 PM
If Lemak is so great why didn't the Hollywood PD push for him after their chief left...makes you wonder what's wrong with him.

04-20-2008, 10:57 PM
For all those Israel for Sheriff supports out there, inside and outside BSO, you better take heed.

Serious matters have been uncovered about Israel, as well as one of his most active supporters, that will automatically prevent him from becoming Sheriff of Broward or anywhere else in the public arena for that matter. All will be revealed in due time by his opposition. Like Shaque, Israel is history. Both self destructive. If you want to support anyone other than the current Sheriff, who is rising like a rocket, and looks like no one will stop him, then you had better switch to someone like Lemack. Not too qualified, and not much of a choice, granted, but a much, much safer bet than Israel if you wish to vote against Lamberti. The other idiots are just playing with themselves, and supporting Israel is just down right foolish. We want this important seat in Broward back and, if all stays as it is, we will surely lose it.

Did'nt you have the same sort of post last week in reference to Lemack. You can be no other than the great Santucci. Earn that large salary by putting political posts on leoaffirs. Your attempt at Machiavellian tactics are pretty lame Santucci! We know its you.

04-20-2008, 11:47 PM
Who is that funny lookin guy that follows Scotty around everywhere?

04-21-2008, 12:02 AM
For all those Israel for Sheriff supports out there, inside and outside BSO, you better take heed.

Serious matters have been uncovered about Israel, as well as one of his most active supporters, that will automatically prevent him from becoming Sheriff of Broward or anywhere else in the public arena for that matter. All will be revealed in due time by his opposition. Like Shaque, Israel is history. Both self destructive. If you want to support anyone other than the current Sheriff, who is rising like a rocket, and looks like no one will stop him, then you had better switch to someone like Lemack. Not too qualified, and not much of a choice, granted, but a much, much safer bet than Israel if you wish to vote against Lamberti. The other idiots are just playing with themselves, and supporting Israel is just down right foolish. We want this important seat in Broward back and, if all stays as it is, we will surely lose it.

04-21-2008, 12:17 AM
For all those Israel for Sheriff supports out there, inside and outside BSO, you better take heed.

Serious matters have been uncovered about Israel, as well as one of his most active supporters, that will automatically prevent him from becoming Sheriff of Broward or anywhere else in the public arena for that matter. All will be revealed in due time by his opposition. Like Shaque, Israel is history. Both self destructive. If you want to support anyone other than the current Sheriff, who is rising like a rocket, and looks like no one will stop him, then you had better switch to someone like Lemack. Not too qualified, and not much of a choice, granted, but a much, much safer bet than Israel if you wish to vote against Lamberti. The other idiots are just playing with themselves, and supporting Israel is just down right foolish. We want this important seat in Broward back and, if all stays as it is, we will surely lose it.

sounds like some republicans are getting a little nervous!!!

04-21-2008, 01:32 AM
For all those Israel for Sheriff supports out there, inside and outside BSO, you better take heed.

Serious matters have been uncovered about Israel, as well as one of his most active supporters, that will automatically prevent him from becoming Sheriff of Broward or anywhere else in the public arena for that matter. All will be revealed in due time by his opposition. Like Shaque, Israel is history. Both self destructive. If you want to support anyone other than the current Sheriff, who is rising like a rocket, and looks like no one will stop him, then you had better switch to someone like Lemack. Not too qualified, and not much of a choice, granted, but a much, much safer bet than Israel if you wish to vote against Lamberti. The other idiots are just playing with themselves, and supporting Israel is just down right foolish. We want this important seat in Broward back and, if all stays as it is, we will surely lose it.

sounds like some republicans are getting a little nervous!!!

Republicanas has nothing to do with it.....loser. BSO proud.

04-21-2008, 01:46 AM
What a joke, I cant believe Sheriff AL is getting so desperate and so scared of Scott Isreal that he would sink to these tatics. Its bad enough he makes a habit of lying to the Deputies about just about anything that he now has one of his henchman come on here and attempt to ruin the good name of someone he doesnt even really know, thats just disgusting. Ill tell you this, I dont know who Im going to vote for but it sure wont be Al Lamberti. By the way please dont insult our intelligence, if you had dirt on Chief Isreal or any other candidate for that matter you would be all to happy to release it. Im putting a vote for anyone other then Al sign on my lawn tommrow, Im so disgusted with him right now.

04-21-2008, 02:31 AM
OOh, sounds like you have the "real" dirt. Why don't you post it? Oh yeah, you still have to make it up.

Israel for sheriff.

04-21-2008, 02:44 AM
What is the news on Isreal? Don't come on here saying he is going to be outed without facts. That is bvllsh1t. Either tell us what is up or stop spreading lies on any canidate.

Lamberti Supporter

04-21-2008, 03:58 AM
Oh please one of Lamberti's henchman start this thread and when the you dont get the desired reaction now all of a sudden your against these tatics please, what did I say earlier about insulting our intelligence. All I have to say is:

Lamberti out
Isreal in

Oh yeah while Im at it: Vote no for 3%,3%,3%
That is all!!!!

04-21-2008, 09:33 PM
What a joke, I cant believe Sheriff AL is getting so desperate and so scared of Scott Isreal that he would sink to these tatics. Its bad enough he makes a habit of lying to the Deputies about just about anything that he now has one of his henchman come on here and attempt to ruin the good name of someone he doesnt even really know, thats just disgusting. Ill tell you this, I dont know who Im going to vote for but it sure wont be Al Lamberti. By the way please dont insult our intelligence, if you had dirt on Chief Isreal or any other candidate for that matter you would be all to happy to release it. Im putting a vote for anyone other then Al sign on my lawn tommrow, Im so disgusted with him right now.

Why does it have to be Sheriff Lamberti supporter's spreading this? Why couldn't it be Lemack supporters....After all, Israel needs to get past LeMack before he can even face Lamberti.

It's not McCain putting all the negative stuff out about Obama right now......It's Billary....

04-21-2008, 10:47 PM
Why aren't you guys outraged over the stupid Lauderhill Cricket Stadium??????????????????????? What the @%&^ is wrong with you morons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-21-2008, 11:10 PM
Why aren't you guys outraged over the stupid Lauderhill Cricket Stadium??????????????????????? What the @%&^ is wrong with you morons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The PBA didn't say it was alright.

04-22-2008, 06:26 AM
What a joke, I cant believe Sheriff AL is getting so desperate and so scared of Scott Isreal that he would sink to these tatics. Its bad enough he makes a habit of lying to the Deputies about just about anything that he now has one of his henchman come on here and attempt to ruin the good name of someone he doesnt even really know, thats just disgusting. Ill tell you this, I dont know who Im going to vote for but it sure wont be Al Lamberti. By the way please dont insult our intelligence, if you had dirt on Chief Isreal or any other candidate for that matter you would be all to happy to release it. Im putting a vote for anyone other then Al sign on my lawn tommrow, Im so disgusted with him right now.

Why does it have to be Sheriff Lamberti supporter's spreading this? Why couldn't it be Lemack supporters....After all, Israel needs to get past LeMack before he can even face Lamberti.

It's not McCain putting all the negative stuff out about Obama right
now......It's Billary....

They go after the Isreal supporters because they know hes the real threat, LeMack cant campaign till after July, the city of Hollywood wont let him and hes stuck in the middle of that corruption scandal. So they just attack who their scared of. Have no doubt about it Isreal will win and the real fun begins :)

04-22-2008, 06:37 AM
Know why he won't post it? Because when he hits, we'll hit back. And much much harder.


04-24-2008, 04:46 AM
Anyone but Lamberti for Sheriff, Ill vote for the Plumber!!!