View Full Version : Lame-Berti

04-18-2008, 02:09 AM
It's funny that Lame-Berti would mention this site as his 411 Friday address. I first would say that if he would have given US the rank and file of his agency a fair wage increase, he would not have been criticized about the contract. Lame-Berti chose to give the members the long road to go in the negotiations and made sure he strung them out until the guys got desperate to take the scraps he has offered us.

Lame-Berti: please remember that you were a great major in our agency but now you are listening to the broken Republican values that are being told to you. You will not make the cut against the Democrats even if you have a lot of money so far. It's sad that you think the rank and file are not worthy of a reasonable wage increase.

Please, don't blame Jenne, or some other problem that you said happened to you since you took charge of BSO.

04-18-2008, 04:58 AM
Hey dont blame the Republicans for Lamberti hes a disgrace to the party.

04-18-2008, 07:28 AM
Oh, and what exactly did he say about this site???? Freedom of speech , that is what he said. He stated if you don't like it, don't read it. He never said anything negative about voicing our opinions. What he said was spot on!!
***** and moan all about the contract, but NONE of you were this boisterous with Jenne when he only gave 3,3,3 AND the economy was great. It's not all about 5,5,5. Look what else the contract has to offer. Then again, go to impasse and I hope you get a stick shoved up................... With everything included, 3,3,3 is FAIR. That is all I want. If I wrote the 411, I would say what a bunch of cry babies you are . WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

04-18-2008, 11:16 AM
Oh, and what exactly did he say about this site???? Freedom of speech , that is what he said. He stated if you don't like it, don't read it. He never said anything negative about voicing our opinions. What he said was spot on!!
***** and moan all about the contract, but NONE of you were this boisterous with Jenne when he only gave 3,3,3 AND the economy was great. It's not all about 5,5,5. Look what else the contract has to offer. Then again, go to impasse and I hope you get a stick shoved up................... With everything included, 3,3,3 is FAIR. That is all I want. If I wrote the 411, I would say what a bunch of cry babies you are . WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Well said !! I remember the last contract the PBA reps were telling everyone it was great and to vote yes. Now the same reps are telling everyone this contract sucks. It seems it was all great when Brickman was supporting Jenne. Jenne offers a low ball deal. Brickman says its great so vote yes. Lamberti offers a contract slightly better then Jenne's (no insurance hike) Brickman says its a bad contract vote no. Kinda of makes you wonder what his own agenda is. Has he been promised a position in our agenecy if his cronie gets in. No please I am not bashing the PBA as a whole. Its has done a lot of good, but they also suck at other things.

04-18-2008, 08:54 PM
Why does that bald headed fukk care what you get as his salary is $168,000.00 a year from the state. Lamberti I hope you choke you prick because we are choking.

04-18-2008, 09:40 PM
VOTE NO and let the Sheriff know that were not going to believe his lies anymore and were not going to be his doormat. Its about time we stood up to management and fought together as Unions do to get what we DESERVE!!!

04-19-2008, 11:07 AM
Why does that bald headed fukk care what you get as his salary is $168,000.00 a year from the state. Lamberti I hope you choke you prick because we are choking. Don't blame the sheriff for your problems. Maybe you need to learn how to live with in your means. I know some guys that our bithching about t I can afford my home. Well who the hell told you to buy a 400,000.00 home. On any cops salery that woul dbe almost impossible to afford. Get real. We are in a job that you will not get rich at. Plain and simple.

04-19-2008, 01:12 PM
Why does that bald headed fukk care what you get as his salary is $168,000.00 a year from the state. Lamberti I hope you choke you prick because we are choking. Don't blame the sheriff for your problems. Maybe you need to learn how to live with in your means. I know some guys that our bithching about t I can afford my home. Well who the hell told you to buy a 400,000.00 home. On any cops salery that woul dbe almost impossible to afford. Get real. We are in a job that you will not get rich at. Plain and simple.

You know, I'm getting tired of a55 kissers who post "live within your means" and other bull crap. Hey fat a55 Real Cop. Why don't you take your fist and stick it up your gaping a-hole, you scum bag. And while you're at it, tell your dumb a55 wife to keep swallowing when she's passed around the command staff. She's a real hit at the PSB!

Thanks for the advice Real Cop. What in the world would we do without you....

04-19-2008, 04:00 PM
It's amazing to me how the anti-Lamberti crowd on this site has to resort to name calling and such childish antics, while the pro-Lamberti crowd seems to be much more to the point and under control. That says a lot about the people positioning themselves behind another candidate.

We have a great job, with good pay, great benefits and a boss who cares about us. That is priceless to me.

All the other candidates will make empty promises to get your vote, but Lamberti is the only one telling the truth out there. I like how Israel weasled his way to the PBA meeting and tried to sell his empty promises to the crowd in the parking lot.

Lamberti for Sheriff.

Why does that bald headed fukk care what you get as his salary is $168,000.00 a year from the state. Lamberti I hope you choke you prick because we are choking. Don't blame the sheriff for your problems. Maybe you need to learn how to live with in your means. I know some guys that our bithching about t I can afford my home. Well who the hell told you to buy a 400,000.00 home. On any cops salery that woul dbe almost impossible to afford. Get real. We are in a job that you will not get rich at. Plain and simple.

You know, I'm getting tired of a55 kissers who post "live within your means" and other bull crap. Hey fat a55 Real Cop. Why don't you take your fist and stick it up your gaping a-hole, you scum bag. And while you're at it, tell your dumb a55 wife to keep swallowing when she's passed around the command staff. She's a real hit at the PSB!

Thanks for the advice Real Cop. What in the world would we do without you....

04-19-2008, 06:25 PM
Hmm so Lamberti is the onyl one out there telling the truth, lets review how our Sheriff has been honest with us shall we?

1)First he told us there was NO MONEY for raises in years 2 and 3 in our contract, as well as no money for a Longevity Step. When presented with the threat of Impasse and a Public Hearing(liars never like public hearings) he immidately tripled his offer and added the longevity step he swore there was no money for.

2)Our Sheriff told us that he was promoted using a fair open competitve Civil Service Test format which gave the position to the person who scored the highest and he wanted the same thing for us. When the PBA went to the table he outright refused and stated he needed to basically keep the promotional system the same with minor revisions.

3)The Sheriff continues to tell us he cant use County Money to fund our raises. Every Sheriff before this Sheriff has done it, when did suddenly become illegal??? When I ask Lamberti supporters where it is written that he cant do this, they always same the thing, "Sheriff Lamberti says you cant do it, so you cant" Wow so much for State Statutes. On a side note I implore all members to go to the PBA Website and watch the County Commison Video where they you that Sheriff is lying on this issue.

4)The Sheriff promised he would removed all the Jenne appointees from this agency so we could start over but yet with the exception of 3 they are all still career wreaking havoc with Deputies Professional and Personal lives.

Im sure I could sit here and type for several more hours to highlight all of Sheriffs Lamberti's lies but I have to go to work. By the way Mr. Amazing
if you think being ranked dead last in starting pay in Broward County and 15th in Top Salary is good pay then you need to raise your standards a bit.

04-20-2008, 08:02 PM

04-21-2008, 01:57 AM
Wow No Response from the I love Al crew, this might be a record. I guess its hard to argue with facts.

04-21-2008, 09:12 AM
Wow No Response from the I love Al crew, this might be a record. I guess its hard to argue with facts.

I think they are just as Lame as Lame-berti..
Thanks Al......

04-21-2008, 11:17 AM
Hmm so Lamberti is the onyl one out there telling the truth, lets review how our Sheriff has been honest with us shall we?

1)First he told us there was NO MONEY for raises in years 2 and 3 in our contract, as well as no money for a Longevity Step. When presented with the threat of Impasse and a Public Hearing(liars never like public hearings) he immidately tripled his offer and added the longevity step he swore there was no money for.

2)Our Sheriff told us that he was promoted using a fair open competitve Civil Service Test format which gave the position to the person who scored the highest and he wanted the same thing for us. When the PBA went to the table he outright refused and stated he needed to basically keep the promotional system the same with minor revisions.

3)The Sheriff continues to tell us he cant use County Money to fund our raises. Every Sheriff before this Sheriff has done it, when did suddenly become illegal??? When I ask Lamberti supporters where it is written that he cant do this, they always same the thing, "Sheriff Lamberti says you cant do it, so you cant" Wow so much for State Statutes. On a side note I implore all members to go to the PBA Website and watch the County Commison Video where they you that Sheriff is lying on this issue.

4)The Sheriff promised he would removed all the Jenne appointees from this agency so we could start over but yet with the exception of 3 they are all still career wreaking havoc with Deputies Professional and Personal lives.

Im sure I could sit here and type for several more hours to highlight all of Sheriffs Lamberti's lies but I have to go to work. By the way Mr. Amazing
if you think being ranked dead last in starting pay in Broward County and 15th in Top Salary is good pay then you need to raise your standards a bit.

1) The offer was 3, open, open, not 3, 0, 0.

2)Just because someone can study for a test and pay a thousand dollars for assessment center training does not mean they will make good leaders.

3)I don't know if it is written, but I've never been in charge of a budget this size, and I'm sure you have not either. He the one with the accountants and lawyers advising him.

4) If he removes ALL of the Jenne appointees that took years to learn their jobs, who will replace them? Certainly not you.

I don't hink he's lied to me. It's business, it's never personal.

04-21-2008, 05:27 PM
I never said that it was 3,0,0, I said that the Sheriff stated that he could guarantee there was any money for raises until he did the budget for those years and yet when he was threatened with Impasse he suddenly was able to offer raises. Well guess what I dont want his 3% and Im going to do everything in my power to make sure this doesnt pass and then well see what forked tougne AL will do then.

2)So what your saying is that since AL as well as most of the senior Command Staff was promoted under a test and an assesment center they are not neccesarily good leaders. You know what I completely agree but this agency is dying from the last 10 years of "wanding" people to positions they did not deserve, so you have some set of standard and a test and an assesment center is a good place to start. Unfortunately AL is only interested in promoting his buddies. Sounds a lot like a former felon of a Sheriff doesnt it???

3)It is written and has been stated by every member of the County Commison on video that AL can use his entire budget as he sees fit. But he continually lies to his hardworking Deputies and Sgts using this lame excuse and off handed threats to impose his will on this agency, this is a disgraceful tatic that he will pay for in November.

4)A monkey could do a District Chiefs job and everyone knows that. Most of the Command staff has minimal education above high school and I think somewhere in the 1500 people that work here we could replace the 25-40 Power Trac Criminals. This agency needs the worlds biggest enema and its going to get it in November.

I dont think AL has lied to me, I know he has. Its very personal to me because this is how I feed my family. Please keep the rhetoric to yourself, no one wants to hear it. VOTE NO TO 3,3,3 and show the Sheriff were not interested in hearing any more of his lies.

04-21-2008, 07:40 PM
The most important reasons to vote NO:

1) 3-3-3 will cost a topped out Deputy about $5400 in disposable income over the life of the contract due to inflation. Does that sound fair?
2) The promotional system as he proposes will essentially give him all administrative picks- If 5 people score 100 but 40 are on the list, he can pick 35 people before the the top scorers. Does that sound fair?
3) The longevity step is not guaranteed. Does that sound fair?
4) We are 15th in pay of larger agencies. We are 5th out of 5 of FRS agencies. Does that sound fair? And don't buy into other agencies pay into their pension. That's how they get better retirement benefits than you. and you cannot negotiate like they do.
5) Trying to strong arm the new people into voting yes. If they vote for this they'll get the HRA, if not he will cripple the plan. Does that sound fair?
6) If he forces us to Impasse, he can only impose a 1 year contract and we are already 7mos into it. We go right back to negotiations.
7) The retro pay I hear people worry about is about $1120 for a topped out Deputy at this time. You'll have to do the math for your own pay grade. Then figure how much you'll lose to inflation. 6% inflation, 3% raise times 3. SEE REASON 1. You'll lose a lot more to inflation than what your retro is.

04-22-2008, 12:04 AM
The most important reasons to vote NO:

1) 3-3-3 will cost a topped out Deputy about $5400 in disposable income over the life of the contract due to inflation. Does that sound fair?
2) The promotional system as he proposes will essentially give him all administrative picks- If 5 people score 100 but 40 are on the list, he can pick 35 people before the the top scorers. Does that sound fair?
3) The longevity step is not guaranteed. Does that sound fair?
4) We are 15th in pay of larger agencies. We are 5th out of 5 of FRS agencies. Does that sound fair? And don't buy into other agencies pay into their pension. That's how they get better retirement benefits than you. and you cannot negotiate like they do.
5) Trying to strong arm the new people into voting yes. If they vote for this they'll get the HRA, if not he will cripple the plan. Does that sound fair?
6) If he forces us to Impasse, he can only impose a 1 year contract and we are already 7mos into it. We go right back to negotiations.
7) The retro pay I hear people worry about is about $1120 for a topped out Deputy at this time. You'll have to do the math for your own pay grade. Then figure how much you'll lose to inflation. 6% inflation, 3% raise times 3. SEE REASON 1. You'll lose a lot more to inflation than what your retro is.

I think you are wasting your time with some of these Lame brains for Lame-Berti.
They just don't get it!!!!

04-22-2008, 06:22 AM
Its not that they dont get it, its either the AL has promised the world is they get this contract passed and he get re-elected which by the way will never happen. Or they have cushy jobs and there supervisors are telling them that is AL doesnt get re-elected the new Sheriff might come in and reassign them or in the case of Commanders and above FIRE THEM. No one is pushing this contract because they want it theres pushing it out of GREED!!!! Please remember that everyone when the time comes to vote. Vote no to 3,3,3. That is all!!!

04-22-2008, 06:47 AM
Hmm so Lamberti is the onyl one out there telling the truth, lets review how our Sheriff has been honest with us shall we?

I'm only going to address this first one, just to show how much you Sheriff Lamberti bashers distort the truth.

1)First he told us there was NO MONEY for raises in years 2 and 3 in our contract, as well as no money for a Longevity Step. When presented with the threat of Impasse and a Public Hearing(liars never like public hearings) he immidately tripled his offer and added the longevity step he swore there was no money for.

Sheriff Lamberti has stated on several occassions, and I have heard him myself, state, he could not negotiate the remaining two years of the contract until he saw how much the county commission was going to want to cut his budget for 2009. He stated it would be in April, and stated over and over again, once that number comes through, he would know what his budget would look like and how much he could offer.

When the numbers came in, the very next meeting, he offered the 3,3,and 3. Yet, you guys consistently state he lied. He never lied. He stated he had to wait to see how much the county commission was going to cut his budget. You guys stated he said he didn't have the money.....THAT IS NOT WHAT HE SAID and you KNOW IT!!! But go ahead and twist and distort and lie all you want.

2)Our Sheriff told us that he was promoted using a fair open competitve Civil Service Test format which gave the position to the person who scored the highest and he wanted the same thing for us. When the PBA went to the table he outright refused and stated he needed to basically keep the promotional system the same with minor revisions.

3)The Sheriff continues to tell us he cant use County Money to fund our raises. Every Sheriff before this Sheriff has done it, when did suddenly become illegal??? When I ask Lamberti supporters where it is written that he cant do this, they always same the thing, "Sheriff Lamberti says you cant do it, so you cant" Wow so much for State Statutes. On a side note I implore all members to go to the PBA Website and watch the County Commison Video where they you that Sheriff is lying on this issue.

4)The Sheriff promised he would removed all the Jenne appointees from this agency so we could start over but yet with the exception of 3 they are all still career wreaking havoc with Deputies Professional and Personal lives.

Im sure I could sit here and type for several more hours to highlight all of Sheriffs Lamberti's lies but I have to go to work. By the way Mr. Amazing
if you think being ranked dead last in starting pay in Broward County and 15th in Top Salary is good pay then you need to raise your standards a bit.

04-22-2008, 11:44 AM
Hmm so Lamberti is the onyl one out there telling the truth, lets review how our Sheriff has been honest with us shall we?

I'm only going to address this first one, just to show how much you Sheriff Lamberti bashers distort the truth.

1)First he told us there was NO MONEY for raises in years 2 and 3 in our contract, as well as no money for a Longevity Step. When presented with the threat of Impasse and a Public Hearing(liars never like public hearings) he immidately tripled his offer and added the longevity step he swore there was no money for.

Sheriff Lamberti has stated on several occassions, and I have heard him myself, state, he could not negotiate the remaining two years of the contract until he saw how much the county commission was going to want to cut his budget for 2009. He stated it would be in April, and stated over and over again, once that number comes through, he would know what his budget would look like and how much he could offer.

When the numbers came in, the very next meeting, he offered the 3,3,and 3. Yet, you guys consistently state he lied. He never lied. He stated he had to wait to see how much the county commission was going to cut his budget. You guys stated he said he didn't have the money.....THAT IS NOT WHAT HE SAID and you KNOW IT!!! But go ahead and twist and distort and lie all you want.

2)Our Sheriff told us that he was promoted using a fair open competitve Civil Service Test format which gave the position to the person who scored the highest and he wanted the same thing for us. When the PBA went to the table he outright refused and stated he needed to basically keep the promotional system the same with minor revisions.

3)The Sheriff continues to tell us he cant use County Money to fund our raises. Every Sheriff before this Sheriff has done it, when did suddenly become illegal??? When I ask Lamberti supporters where it is written that he cant do this, they always same the thing, "Sheriff Lamberti says you cant do it, so you cant" Wow so much for State Statutes. On a side note I implore all members to go to the PBA Website and watch the County Commison Video where they you that Sheriff is lying on this issue.

4)The Sheriff promised he would removed all the Jenne appointees from this agency so we could start over but yet with the exception of 3 they are all still career wreaking havoc with Deputies Professional and Personal lives.

Im sure I could sit here and type for several more hours to highlight all of Sheriffs Lamberti's lies but I have to go to work. By the way Mr. Amazing
if you think being ranked dead last in starting pay in Broward County and 15th in Top Salary is good pay then you need to raise your standards a bit.

Thats funny, because according to 2 county commissioners, Al hasnt gotten his numbers yet. But he found a way to do 3,3,&3?

04-22-2008, 03:10 PM

04-22-2008, 08:12 PM
A cant bury the truth bump