View Full Version : PBA Meeting

04-16-2008, 10:22 PM
We will see the folding card table PBA reps in action shortly. I hope the members decide to send Lame-Berti a message that we aren't taking less than 5 percent. He started out with 3-0-0, then went to 3-3-3? Who's zooming who here? I think Lame-Berti is to be honest with you. I'm getting tired of his antics. Isn't anybody else?

04-16-2008, 11:05 PM
We will see the folding card table PBA reps in action shortly. I hope the members decide to send Lame-Berti a message that we aren't taking less than 5 percent. He started out with 3-0-0, then went to 3-3-3? Who's zooming who here? I think Lame-Berti is to be honest with you. I'm getting tired of his antics. Isn't anybody else?

Nope...take the 3-3-3 and let's get on with it. The Lts got that and we arent getting anymore than they did. Open your eyes and see the PBA for what they are.

04-16-2008, 11:55 PM
Why is it that a 30 year guy can be well respected by all until he becomes Sheriff. Then, all of a sudden people want to call him names (Lame-berti) and speak bad of him.

I'll vote for the contract. Not because I love the terms, but simply because I trust Lamberti more than I trust our union.

04-17-2008, 12:21 AM
The Sheriff came to Pompano Beach and addressed the contract he was proposing with the rank and file. Number one I have never seen any other Sheriff do this. Number two it was great to finally see a true Sheriff who wears his uniform with pride like the rest of us. He made valid explanations about the 3,3, and 3 proposed raises and the other contract proposals. I respected him in the past and after today I will respect him even more. Let the membership decide on the contract and let's all move on. You all be safe and watch each other's backs.

Why is it that a 30 year guy can be well respected by all until he becomes Sheriff. Then, all of a sudden people want to call him names (Lame-berti) and speak bad of him.

I'll vote for the contract. Not because I love the terms, but simply because I trust Lamberti more than I trust our union.

04-17-2008, 12:31 AM
LAMBERTI is a stand up guy and I feel he is doing the best he can with the cards he was delt. We have no reason NOT to give him a chance. Just because some want others, like Isreal and such is no reason to bad mouth or name call our Sheriff. I, along with many others will vote LAMBERTI. BE safe.

04-17-2008, 01:40 AM
The Sheriff came to Pompano Beach and addressed the contract he was proposing with the rank and file. Number one I have never seen any other Sheriff do this. Number two it was great to finally see a true Sheriff who wears his uniform with pride like the rest of us. He made valid explanations about the 3,3, and 3 proposed raises and the other contract proposals. I respected him in the past and after today I will respect him even more. Let the membership decide on the contract and let's all move on. You all be safe and watch each other's backs.

Why is it that a 30 year guy can be well respected by all until he becomes Sheriff. Then, all of a sudden people want to call him names (Lame-berti) and speak bad of him.

I'll vote for the contract. Not because I love the terms, but simply because I trust Lamberti more than I trust our union.

Hook, line and sinker. Your missing the big picture my friend.

04-17-2008, 01:55 AM
We have a better chance of turning this agency around with Lamberti than we do with Lemak / Israel. I don't think this contract is great but it's the best we are going to get at this time. I'm voting yes.

04-17-2008, 02:01 AM
We have a better chance of turning this agency around with Lamberti than we do with Lemak / Israel. I don't think this contract is great but it's the best we are going to get at this time. I'm voting yes.

Are you saying that we can't get a better contract and still keep Lamberti?

04-17-2008, 02:42 AM
Let’s see we have the commission stating on video that they didn't tell the Sheriff he could not spend his budget anyway he wants. We have historical data showing that the Sheriff’s Office has returned over 15 Million plus dollars back to the County each year. We only need 2.5 mill for 5,5,&5. The Sheriff has already negotiated a 3% raise with the contract cities, so how is he showing good faith with our negotiations. He stood in front of us at the last meeting and stated he couldn’t take money from one bucket and transfer it to another, we now know this isn’t true. This insult of a contract will be presented to the membership for a vote; the elected board recommends a big thumbs down. We were promised when we choose The PBA over IUPA that we would except no less than 5,5,&5 this is why this insult should not even go to the membership. I believe in the democratic process, but based on the showing of people tonight, how many people will just say yes to get that quick fix, and/or because they didn’t invest enough energy to get the real facts. Don’t underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. Now that we have documented information on the budget and other things, isn’t it time to get the Sheriff back into a public form. I feel this will be better than him coming to roll call where he has the advantage.

04-17-2008, 02:54 AM
Let’s see we have the commission stating on video that they didn't tell the Sheriff he could not spend his budget anyway he wants. We have historical data showing that the Sheriff’s Office has returned over 15 Million plus dollars back to the County each year. We only need 2.5 mill for 5,5,&5. The Sheriff has already negotiated a 3% raise with the contract cities, so how is he showing good faith with our negotiations. He stood in front of us at the last meeting and stated he couldn’t take money from one bucket and transfer it to another, we now know this isn’t true. This insult of a contract will be presented to the membership for a vote; the elected board recommends a big thumbs down. We were promised when we choose The PBA over IUPA that we would except no less than 5,5,&5 this is why this insult should not even go to the membership. I believe in the democratic process, but based on the showing of people tonight, how many people will just say yes to get that quick fix, and/or because they didn’t invest enough energy to get the real facts. Don’t underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. Now that we have documented information on the budget and other things, isn’t it time to get the Sheriff back into a public form. I feel this will be better than him coming to roll call where he has the advantage.

Ignore this trash and vote YES

04-17-2008, 03:58 AM
Lamberti has now become a politican and his now behaving like one. Lamberti says to our face that only the best should get promoted and vows to promote the top 5 candidates. His contract proposal lets him pick from the top 5 scores, which could be dozens of people. Then Lamberti completely THROWS out the promotional process for Sgts wiching to becme Lt's NO TEST, NO REVIEW BOARD< NO LIST..JUST WHO SWALLOWS.

Then Lamberti says he cant use county money, but the Commision says he can. The accountant even revealed tonight that not all city contracts are revenue nuetral, he makes a profit on some. Finally The accountant revealed that Lamberti handed the County Commission back $30 million for the fiscal year that just ended...NoW here's the clincher...based on expenditures from Oct 1 (begining of fiscal year) to end of Feburary (last data he has gotten from BSO), Lamberti is on track to come in $50 MILLION UNDER BUDGET TO GIVE BACK TO THE COUNTY>

But Al says there is now $.....AL LIES!

04-17-2008, 05:19 AM
You are all IDIOTS!!!

Vote LAMBERTI, not someone dirty!

04-17-2008, 08:11 AM
I would never tell a fellow deputy how to vote but after sitting through that meeting how can anyone with a high school education and a little common sense not see that we are being lied to and snowed by the people we call superiors. He can give us a fair raise to get us close to the surrounding agencies AND give money back to make himself look fiscally responsible. Why can't he do that? A sgt said it best...5th out of 5 FRS agencies. Unacceptable!

04-17-2008, 12:07 PM
You are all IDIOTS!!!

Vote LAMBERTI, not someone dirty!

No dirtbag, you're the idiot. We're getting screwed and your gaping a-hole is leading the way. All we want is a fair raise and I'm not going to give away my vote for the next three years on a crappy contract. USE YOUR HEADS (the one between your shoulders). Each year inflation goes up MORE than three percent, so why would anyone be happy with just that?

Come on, vote no. Send a message with Lamberti that we will not be taken for granted.

And to his closest advisors who tell people "the sheriff can get elected without the deputies" that might be true but you can go F/u/c/k yourselves!!!

04-17-2008, 01:31 PM
Iam just expressing my opinion which I am not trying to push on anyone else.

The Sheriff came to Pompano Beach and addressed the contract he was proposing with the rank and file. Number one I have never seen any other Sheriff do this. Number two it was great to finally see a true Sheriff who wears his uniform with pride like the rest of us. He made valid explanations about the 3,3, and 3 proposed raises and the other contract proposals. I respected him in the past and after today I will respect him even more. Let the membership decide on the contract and let's all move on. You all be safe and watch each other's backs.

Why is it that a 30 year guy can be well respected by all until he becomes Sheriff. Then, all of a sudden people want to call him names (Lame-berti) and speak bad of him.

I'll vote for the contract. Not because I love the terms, but simply because I trust Lamberti more than I trust our union.

Hook, line and sinker. Your missing the big picture my friend.

04-17-2008, 01:44 PM
You stupid fat a$$-****khead slug fukking deputies. Lamberti just asked and received 3 million from the county commission to hire 26 new people for the pre-trial release program. We are putting this pieces of crap in jail and our own agency (PTI) is letting them out the next day. This shittz is unbelievable. I made an arrest for trafficking oxycotine over 300 pills and PTI let them out two days later, this is Lambertis baby and hes as guilty as the criminals. Next thing is a dirtbag will shoot one of us and pretrial will let him out the next day.

04-17-2008, 01:54 PM
We will see the folding card table PBA reps in action shortly. I hope the members decide to send Lame-Berti a message that we aren't taking less than 5 percent. He started out with 3-0-0, then went to 3-3-3? Who's zooming who here? I think Lame-Berti is to be honest with you. I'm getting tired of his antics. Isn't anybody else?

Whoa, there guy or gal. I do believe that the PBA asked for a 5-5-5 and Lamberti responded with a 3-opener-opener with the statement that he could not fund a 5-5-5 until he figured his budget after the cuts. He did not ever say that 3-3-3 was out of the question. The opener opener was to give us the 5-5 if he could and if not he would have reverted back to the 3-3, and never did he say it would be a 3-0%-0%, so stop trying to make the man look like he doesn't want to give the money. BEacuse he does if he can

04-17-2008, 02:14 PM
Why is it that a 30 year guy can be well respected by all until he becomes Sheriff. Then, all of a sudden people want to call him names (Lame-berti) and speak bad of him.

I'll vote for the contract. Not because I love the terms, but simply because I trust Lamberti more than I trust our union.

The PBA is full of it. I don't trust them. They want IMPASS only to smear Sheriff Lamberti's name so they can get there horse (LeMack) in the race.

Oh yea and they almost didn't want the membership to vote. They were going to vote for us because we can't think for ourselves.

PBA= HPD + Brickman notice there is no BSO in that?

04-17-2008, 02:20 PM
You stupid fat a$$-****khead slug fukking deputies. Lamberti just asked and received 3 million from the county commission to hire 26 new people for the pre-trial release program. We are putting this pieces of crap in jail and our own agency (PTI) is letting them out the next day. This shittz is unbelievable. I made an arrest for trafficking oxycotine over 300 pills and PTI let them out two days later, this is Lambertis baby and hes as guilty as the criminals. Next thing is a dirtbag will shoot one of us and pretrial will let him out the next day.

Not to mention that he is protecting the shitbag that killed the jailer, by hiding him in a jail outside of the county. Why is this?? Tephford's killer is in our jail. The shitbag that shot Hernandez is in our jail? Every other cop killer was held in our jail until trial. I don't understand this at all!

But then again, after watching his make that phony eulogy at the jailer's funeral, it was pretty clear that he doesn't care at all.

04-17-2008, 02:54 PM
Lamberti has now become a politican and his now behaving like one. Lamberti says to our face that only the best should get promoted and vows to promote the top 5 candidates. His contract proposal lets him pick from the top 5 scores, which could be dozens of people. Then Lamberti completely THROWS out the promotional process for Sgts wiching to becme Lt's NO TEST, NO REVIEW BOARD< NO LIST..JUST WHO SWALLOWS.

Then Lamberti says he cant use county money, but the Commision says he can. The accountant even revealed tonight that not all city contracts are revenue nuetral, he makes a profit on some. Finally The accountant revealed that Lamberti handed the County Commission back $30 million for the fiscal year that just ended...NoW here's the clincher...based on expenditures from Oct 1 (begining of fiscal year) to end of Feburary (last data he has gotten from BSO), Lamberti is on track to come in $50 MILLION UNDER BUDGET TO GIVE BACK TO THE COUNTY>But Al says there is now $.....AL LIES!

That fifty million is not ours! Your contract city has to pony up the cash for it you to get it. You're logic is crap... I'm voting yes. I get sincerety from Al and the same old tired shizznat from NYPD has beens.

04-17-2008, 02:59 PM
You stupid fat a$$-****khead slug fukking deputies. Lamberti just asked and received 3 million from the county commission to hire 26 new people for the pre-trial release program. We are putting this pieces of crap in jail and our own agency (PTI) is letting them out the next day. This shittz is unbelievable. I made an arrest for trafficking oxycotine over 300 pills and PTI let them out two days later, this is Lambertis baby and hes as guilty as the criminals. Next thing is a dirtbag will shoot one of us and pretrial will let him out the next day.

Not to mention that he is protecting the shitbag that killed the jailer, by hiding him in a jail outside of the county. Why is this?? Tephford's killer is in our jail. The shitbag that shot Hernandez is in our jail? Every other cop killer was held in our jail until trial. I don't understand this at all!

But then again, after watching his make that phony eulogy at the jailer's funeral, it was pretty clear that he doesn't care at all.

What right do you have to say "phony eulogy"?

04-17-2008, 03:01 PM
You stupid fat a$$-****khead slug fukking deputies. Lamberti just asked and received 3 million from the county commission to hire 26 new people for the pre-trial release program. We are putting this pieces of crap in jail and our own agency (PTI) is letting them out the next day. This shittz is unbelievable. I made an arrest for trafficking oxycotine over 300 pills and PTI let them out two days later, this is Lambertis baby and hes as guilty as the criminals. Next thing is a dirtbag will shoot one of us and pretrial will let him out the next day.

Not to mention that he is protecting the shitbag that killed the jailer, by hiding him in a jail outside of the county. Why is this?? Tephford's killer is in our jail. The shitbag that shot Hernandez is in our jail? Every other cop killer was held in our jail until trial. I don't understand this at all!

But then again, after watching his make that phony eulogy at the jailer's funeral, it was pretty clear that he doesn't care at all.

The guy is housed out of county to protect him, yes, but also to protect the integrity of our agency and the criminal case. Hollywood should have done us a favor by shooting him on sight, but that didn't happen. The deputy had a lot of friends and this douche may have been thrown off the roof of the jail, which would have been fine by me, but admittedly would have made us all look like crap. So stop using the tragic events of recent history as ammunition against Lamberti. It's a weak ploy aimed at at bringing the man down. Cry about wages if you want, but he hasn't done anything to hurt any of us.

04-17-2008, 03:04 PM
I didn't get a "Hurumph" from that guy!

04-17-2008, 04:00 PM
Lameberti is my hero!

04-17-2008, 05:36 PM
Lamberti has now become a politican and his now behaving like one. Lamberti says to our face that only the best should get promoted and vows to promote the top 5 candidates. His contract proposal lets him pick from the top 5 scores, which could be dozens of people. Then Lamberti completely THROWS out the promotional process for Sgts wiching to becme Lt's NO TEST, NO REVIEW BOARD< NO LIST..JUST WHO SWALLOWS.

Then Lamberti says he cant use county money, but the Commision says he can. The accountant even revealed tonight that not all city contracts are revenue nuetral, he makes a profit on some. Finally The accountant revealed that Lamberti handed the County Commission back $30 million for the fiscal year that just ended...NoW here's the clincher...based on expenditures from Oct 1 (begining of fiscal year) to end of Feburary (last data he has gotten from BSO), Lamberti is on track to come in $50 MILLION UNDER BUDGET TO GIVE BACK TO THE COUNTY>But Al says there is now $.....AL LIES!

That fifty million is not ours! Your contract city has to pony up the cash for it you to get it. You're logic is crap... I'm voting yes. I get sincerety from Al and the same old tired shizznat from NYPD has beens.

What rock did you wake up under? He has the money and needs to pay us what we deserve! You on the other hand are sucking on his nipple like a baby, and thinking kissing up will get you some where! Look at the lines of people trying to replace the Sworn Personel, there isn't one as no one wants this job that is qualified. How many have left for greener patures in PBSO? Think again you f---ing idiot!

04-17-2008, 09:43 PM
First of all we are not getting any PAY RAISES IN THIS CONTRACT!!! It is a cost of living that is due to ALL of us. After last nights meeting I became EDUMAICATED and I got an eye opener about our wonderful FALSE BSO budget.

I was going to take the 3,3 and 3 but its not fair and its not right. We deserve a fair COST OF LIVING PLUS A RAISE TOO. Cost a living in Broward alone is 6.2 %.

I am not happy with the longevity 2% the way it is written. The 20 Year personnel deserve it NOW!! and not maybe if we have the money. THEY HAVE THE MONEY!!.

Some of the comments from other members I agree with- I feel the PBA wants this to go to IMPASS for other reasons. They do not want Lamberti in office.

I was shocked last night that the board is handing out an opinion statement with the ballots- This has never been done. If KJ was in office they would of just told us to vote for it and keep your mouth shout.

Also where was the official advertisment for last nights meeting??? THERE WAS NONE!! That was crap and also the board decided to hand out the ballots not mail them to the members. WHY IS THIS???

HOWEVER- They are the union we all decided to keep and for today we have to live with them.

I respect Sheriff Lamberti for where he has been in his career but he needs to STOP LYING to us and give us a FAIR Contract.

04-17-2008, 09:50 PM
You stupid fat a$$-****khead slug fukking deputies. Lamberti just asked and received 3 million from the county commission to hire 26 new people for the pre-trial release program. We are putting this pieces of crap in jail and our own agency (PTI) is letting them out the next day. This shittz is unbelievable. I made an arrest for trafficking oxycotine over 300 pills and PTI let them out two days later, this is Lambertis baby and hes as guilty as the criminals. Next thing is a dirtbag will shoot one of us and pretrial will let him out the next day.

Not to mention that he is protecting the shitbag that killed the jailer, by hiding him in a jail outside of the county. Why is this?? Tephford's killer is in our jail. The shitbag that shot Hernandez is in our jail? Every other cop killer was held in our jail until trial. I don't understand this at all!

But then again, after watching his make that phony eulogy at the jailer's funeral, it was pretty clear that he doesn't care at all.

Hey F/U/C/K/ NUTS, the douche bags atty filed a motion to the judge asking that Rein's killer be kept in Miami-Dade for his own safety. Look it up it is there in black and white. I am all for the best money and contract we can get, but on the same note I still would like Lamberti to stay as Sheriff. I THINK, he is a good man just getting bad advice.

04-17-2008, 11:12 PM
Some of you seem so happy to go to impasse. I for one would love to get 5 5 5 but I think that is a dream we will not see, simply because of the recession. If anyone thinks we will get wide public support on this you have your heads in the sand. People are losing their jobs, they can not afford food for their families etc... We have a great job, and great pay considering we do not pay for our pension. Our health insurance cost is one of the lowest. Not to mention the take home car policy is very liberal.

Lets got to impasse. As Sheriff I would then say okay we need to save money. For no on no one outside the county can take a car home. Like Palm Beach you will pay 25.00 dollars a pay period for gas. Oh lets raise the insurance cost for the employees. If you do not think he can do this, he dam well can. I would if I thought I was offering everyone a fair contract. Lets think before we vote. We are a union that can not strike. So we have very little recourse. The sheriff has asked us for his support. He told us he will go to the county and try to get more money, but he would like the Commissioners chambers to be full of BSO staff when he does. He has my vote and support. Untill he does something to not make me trust him, I am sticking by him. He earned my respect when he addressed roll call yesterday in Pompano.

04-18-2008, 02:37 AM
Some of you seem so happy to go to impasse. I for one would love to get 5 5 5 but I think that is a dream we will not see, simply because of the recession. If anyone thinks we will get wide public support on this you have your heads in the sand. People are losing their jobs, they can not afford food for their families etc... We have a great job, and great pay considering we do not pay for our pension. Our health insurance cost is one of the lowest. Not to mention the take home car policy is very liberal.

Lets got to impasse. As Sheriff I would then say okay we need to save money. For no on no one outside the county can take a car home. [color=red}Like Palm Beach you will pay 25.00 dollars a pay period for gas. Oh lets raise the insurance cost for the employees. If you do not think he can do this, he dam well can.[/color] I would if I thought I was offering everyone a fair contract. Lets think before we vote. We are a union that can not strike. So we have very little recourse. The sheriff has asked us for his support. He told us he will go to the county and try to get more money, but he would like the Commissioners chambers to be full of BSO staff when he does. He has my vote and support. Untill he does something to not make me trust him, I am sticking by him. He earned my respect when he addressed roll call yesterday in Pompano.

Sure he can raise the insurance and then make us pay for out of county take-homes. I WOULD GO AS FAR TO DARE HIM TO DO THIS. We're already the lowest paid in the county. Who's going to apply to work here? In a matter of time, we'll all be working O.T. as they will not be able to fill the vacancies from the recently (or about to be) retired.

I'm tired of the PBA Conspiracy theorists who believe there's an ulterior motive. Let's see, who at the PBA meeting was questioning the economist, yelling at the reps. and pushing for a full vote. Hmmm, let's see there was the Civil Sgt. and then there was the Sgt. from I.A. (?) and oh yeah the Sgt. from D-15. Anybody see a common theme there?

Vote yes and we're stuck for three years with below the cost of living increases.

Vote No and we'll have a one year contract imposed on us that expires in six months. We'll be negotiating again before the election.

Please just think about the economics of this offer and remember that we've stood our ground so far and look what we've gained. What’s six more months?

04-18-2008, 03:48 AM
Perhaps the reason that many do not trust the union is because we've been here a long time. Under Navarro where was the union when we didn't get any raises? Where was the union when Cochran tried to dismantle the agency? Where was the union when Col. Wright all but called the cops racists, in print no less? Where was the union when Powertrac was destroying people and careers? Never a squeak.

But now their tough. It just so happens that they are being tough when an ex Hollywood guy wants to run for Sheriff. Where is Brickman from? Maybe it is unfair. Maybe they are looking out for us. Maybe they finally got the message after they almost lost to IUPA. Or maybe, they don't want Lamberti in for their own needs.

All I know is that Lamberti has always been a stand-up guy, where the Union has done nothing until now. It does make you wonder. Me, I trust Lamberti. If he says he can only give 3/3/3, then I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. Not that I won't change my mind about him later. But for now, with his history, his word is good enough.

04-18-2008, 04:46 AM
Your a fool and youll be following him right to the poor house. A few facts for everyone:

If we take the Sheriffs Offer offer in 2007-2008 we will rank dead last in starting pay and 14th in top out. From 2008-2010 we will rank 14th in Starting pay and 14th in top out pay. Lighthouse Point, Hillsboro Beach and Sea Ranch Lakes will make more money then us. This as a disgrace.

The Sheriff says there is no money but yet Sheriff Lamberti gave back 33 million dollars to the county commision last year. Obviously he would rather give his money to other politicians then to his Deputies, thats another disgrace.

The Sheriff likes to tell everyone he cant use County Funds to fund raises then how come he can use County Funds to subsidize his contracts with Lauderdale by The Sea and West Park. Thats 1.6 million by the way. Sounds like the Sheriff speaks with forked tougne.

The Sheriff came to the PBA meeting and swore up and down there was no money for raises in the last two years in the contract but when he was threatened with Impasse he amazingly found the money. Imagine if we turned down his offer what he would give us.

The Sheriff has been lying to us from jump if you follow him like lemmings and he doesnt get re-elected and believe me he wont then your stuck the contract you took out of blind loyalty to a man who has done nothing to improve your life. The only thing that people like about Sheriff Lamberti is that hes not Jenne. He hasnt done a thing for BSO and he never will.

04-18-2008, 10:05 AM
just to clarify, sheriff lamberti did not give 33 million back. It was Jenne.

04-18-2008, 10:33 AM
Your a fool and youll be following him right to the poor house. A few facts for everyone:

If we take the Sheriffs Offer offer in 2007-2008 we will rank dead last in starting pay and 14th in top out. From 2008-2010 we will rank 14th in Starting pay and 14th in top out pay. Lighthouse Point, Hillsboro Beach and Sea Ranch Lakes will make more money then us. This as a disgrace.

The Sheriff says there is no money but yet Sheriff Lamberti gave back 33 million dollars to the county commision last year. Obviously he would rather give his money to other politicians then to his Deputies, thats another disgrace.

The Sheriff likes to tell everyone he cant use County Funds to fund raises then how come he can use County Funds to subsidize his contracts with Lauderdale by The Sea and West Park. Thats 1.6 million by the way. Sounds like the Sheriff speaks with forked tougne.

The Sheriff came to the PBA meeting and swore up and down there was no money for raises in the last two years in the contract but when he was threatened with Impasse he amazingly found the money. Imagine if we turned down his offer what he would give us.

The Sheriff has been lying to us from jump if you follow him like lemmings and he doesnt get re-elected and believe me he wont then your stuck the contract you took out of blind loyalty to a man who has done nothing to improve your life. The only thing that people like about Sheriff Lamberti is that hes not Jenne. He hasnt done a thing for BSO and he never will. Stop quoting bad facts. If you going to compare salaries you need to compare agencies with the same pension plan and benefits. Each of the agencies you mention have to give a certian percentage into their own pensions. Some as high as 9 %. Oh lets deduct what they pay for insurance on top of that. Then lets see were we stand on the pay scale. If you are going to give facts, make sure they are accurate.

04-18-2008, 12:23 PM
Your a fool and youll be following him right to the poor house. A few facts for everyone:

If we take the Sheriffs Offer offer in 2007-2008 we will rank dead last in starting pay and 14th in top out. From 2008-2010 we will rank 14th in Starting pay and 14th in top out pay. Lighthouse Point, Hillsboro Beach and Sea Ranch Lakes will make more money then us. This as a disgrace.

The Sheriff says there is no money but yet Sheriff Lamberti gave back 33 million dollars to the county commision last year. Obviously he would rather give his money to other politicians then to his Deputies, thats another disgrace.

The Sheriff likes to tell everyone he cant use County Funds to fund raises then how come he can use County Funds to subsidize his contracts with Lauderdale by The Sea and West Park. Thats 1.6 million by the way. Sounds like the Sheriff speaks with forked tougne.

The Sheriff came to the PBA meeting and swore up and down there was no money for raises in the last two years in the contract but when he was threatened with Impasse he amazingly found the money. Imagine if we turned down his offer what he would give us.

The Sheriff has been lying to us from jump if you follow him like lemmings and he doesnt get re-elected and believe me he wont then your stuck the contract you took out of blind loyalty to a man who has done nothing to improve your life. The only thing that people like about Sheriff Lamberti is that hes not Jenne. He hasnt done a thing for BSO and he never will. Stop quoting bad facts. If you going to compare salaries you need to compare agencies with the same pension plan and benefits. Each of the agencies you mention have to give a certian percentage into their own pensions. Some as high as 9 %. Oh lets deduct what they pay for insurance on top of that. Then lets see were we stand on the pay scale. If you are going to give facts, make sure they are accurate.Exactly, there are a lot more factors to consider as well. So, rather than quote starting and top out salaries as Real Cop did, you need to quote the whole package which will give the full details and where we really rank with the rest of the FRS agencies in the county and neighboring sheriff's offices. Real Cop, if you are going to report information at least report all of it before you make a fool of yourself as you just did. Any rookie with no contract experience would believe you and jump on your little red wagon for the ride. But I, and others, who have been around for some time know the truth and know that there is a lot more to look at then just salaries. The perks that go along with the packages determine exactly how much of that slary is left in our pockets. And we do keep a lot whereas the other agancies have to pay out a lot. So, be smart and be credible in your posts. Do your research first, then your posts. Properly educate yourself so that you can properly educate others.

04-18-2008, 12:26 PM
I meant as Anonymous posted, not Real Cop.

04-19-2008, 12:01 AM
[quote=Anonymous]Your a fool and youll be following him right to the poor house. A few facts for everyone:

If we take the Sheriffs Offer offer in 2007-2008 we will rank dead last in starting pay and 14th in top out. From 2008-2010 we will rank 14th in Starting pay and 14th in top out pay. Lighthouse Point, Hillsboro Beach and Sea Ranch Lakes will make more money then us. This as a disgrace.

The Sheriff says there is no money but yet Sheriff Lamberti gave back 33 million dollars to the county commision last year. Obviously he would rather give his money to other politicians then to his Deputies, thats another disgrace.

The Sheriff likes to tell everyone he cant use County Funds to fund raises then how come he can use County Funds to subsidize his contracts with Lauderdale by The Sea and West Park. Thats 1.6 million by the way. Sounds like the Sheriff speaks with forked tougne.

The Sheriff came to the PBA meeting and swore up and down there was no money for raises in the last two years in the contract but when he was threatened with Impasse he amazingly found the money. Imagine if we turned down his offer what he would give us.

The Sheriff has been lying to us from jump if you follow him like lemmings and he doesnt get re-elected and believe me he wont then your stuck the contract you took out of blind loyalty to a man who has done nothing to improve your life. The only thing that people like about Sheriff Lamberti is that hes not Jenne. He hasnt done a thing for BSO and he never will. Stop quoting bad facts. If you going to compare salaries you need to compare agencies with the same pension plan and benefits. Each of the agencies you mention have to give a certian percentage into their own pensions. Some as high as 9 %. Oh lets deduct what they pay for insurance on top of that. Then lets see were we stand on the pay scale. If you are going to give facts, make sure they are accurate.Exactly, there are a lot more factors to consider as well. So, rather than quote starting and top out salaries as Real Cop did, you need to quote the whole package which will give the full details and where we really rank with the rest of the FRS agencies in the county and neighboring sheriff's offices. Real Cop, if you are going to report information at least report all of it before you make a fool of yourself as you just did. Any rookie with no contract experience would believe you and jump on your little red wagon for the ride. But I, and others, who have been around for some time know the truth and know that there is a lot more to look at then just salaries. The perks that go along with the packages determine exactly how much of that slary is left in our pockets. And we do keep a lot whereas the other agancies have to pay out a lot. So, be smart and be credible in your posts. Do your research first, then your posts. Properly educate yourself so that you can properly educate others.[/quote:1q2v92p3]

And where do we stand next to PBSO?

04-19-2008, 12:26 AM
We dont....we lag way behind

04-19-2008, 12:28 AM
We dont....we lag way behind

Bend Over Al will DRIVE!!!
Thanks Al....

04-19-2008, 12:38 AM
We are last in starting and top out versus other FRS agencies inclusing PBSO,Miami Dade,Margate,Wilton Manors,Coconut Creek, Town of Hillsboro,and Miami Gardens.

I agree we do not pay into our pension, but you can't discount the whole percentage of their contribution. Most of the these agencies have a 20/80 with a 3 yr AFC. Quite honestly, I would have rather contributed from the beginning and retire after 20 yrs with 80% and a 3 yr AFC.

Those that are for this contract need to seperate there feelings about Lamberti and the facts about our salaries. The facts are that I will vote no for this contract. I think it is obvious we are not on par with the other FRS agencies and city agencies. Another fact, their is no other candidate that I want other then Sheriff Lamberti. Voting no is not personal against him, just letting him know that the facts are the facts and we just want to keep up with the other agencies.

04-19-2008, 03:19 AM
The fact that other agencies pay into their pensions is really not on point. The PBA has negotiated awesome pensions for these agencies and in exchange they gave some of their pay raises. A perfect example of this was Miramar PD just accepted a 10% Raise over the next 3 years but went from 25 year retirement with a 75% pay out to a 20 year retirement with a 80% payout. I know I would pay into my pension to get out in 20 years with 80% of my gross salary and I think most other Deputies would too. Please take note that even though the City Miramar gave their Officers the best pension in the state they still received a bigger pay raise then the Sheriffs current offer and that my friends is a utter disgace. One more note on Miramar, if we took the Sheriffs Offer and Miramar did not receive a raise for the next 3 years they would still make $2000.00 more then we do, now thats really a disgrace!!!!

04-19-2008, 03:23 AM
just to clarify, sheriff lamberti did not give 33 million back. It was Jenne.

Actually no it was Sheriff Lamberti who gave back the money, Jenne was in prison before the financials for the 2007 budget were completed. It was Sheriff Lamberti who wrote the check have no doubt about that.