View Full Version : The Facts

04-15-2008, 11:19 AM
I rarely post on here but I wanted to because I think that you all need to realize that the 3-3-3 is going to go through. Why? Simply because we are tired of waiting and stressed out with all the crap going on. Obviously we went through the IUPA phase and that caused problems and raised stress, and the endless meetings for our contract was a pain in the ***, so now we are here with a final offer from the sheriff and I think we just need to take it and plan to negotiate better in 2009.

I think whoever is the sheriff needs to remember that the cities must pay 5% increases - not 3%.

04-15-2008, 02:24 PM
That is a typical lame reponse. You have no backbone and lack any conviction. People like you are lucky to have a job, so you will take anything. There are others that are an asset to the department and are willing to fight for what we are worth. I rather get a crap contract thrown down my throat then settle. At least if the sheriff does this, we know prior to the election what he is all about. As if, we don't know already.

04-15-2008, 02:28 PM
That is a typical lame reponse. You have no backbone and lack any conviction. People like you are lucky to have a job, so you will take anything. There are others that are an asset to the department and are willing to fight for what we are worth. I rather get a crap contract thrown down my throat then settle. At least if the sheriff does this, we know prior to the election what he is all about. As if, we don't know already.

I could not agreed with you more., you hit it right on :wink:

04-15-2008, 02:47 PM
It has been a long useless fight so far, but we can quit now!! We are being Dragged along by the BSO negotiators for months now and they are hoping we give up an settle. This contract is an insult!! There are other agency in Broward County who are taking care of their police officers, and our agency should be doing the same, don't cave in, stay strong and vote NO!!! Give the Sheriff something to think about while he's looking for support and money for his election. I'm sure he doesn't want an impaase hearing hanging over his head while he is trying to get elected. He wants this settle as bad as we do, but who will crack first, that is the real question. VOTE NO !!!!!!!

04-15-2008, 03:49 PM
That is a typical lame reponse. You have no backbone and lack any conviction. People like you are lucky to have a job, so you will take anything. There are others that are an asset to the department and are willing to fight for what we are worth. I rather get a crap contract thrown down my throat then settle. At least if the sheriff does this, we know prior to the election what he is all about. As if, we don't know already.

I could not agreed with you more., you hit it right on :wink:

Did you read what you wrote, "I rather get a CRAP CONTRACT thrown down my throat then settle"? THAT IS THE DUMBEST THING I HAVE EVER HEARD OF.
You must be from Old Pompano P.D. or North Lauderdale P.D. I heard this crap before during the former contract negotations and we settled for 3-3-3 after being offered 1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5. (check the addition it is the same amount). The Pompano and North Lauderdale personnel made it sound like a great accomplishment.
3-3-3 is the raise that was written into the city contracts and the County Commissioner doesn't want the sheriff to use County money to pay for the city contracts (even as salaries).
We are stuck between a rock (city contracts) and a hard place(the sheriff county commissioners and the PBA). Better to negotate with this sheriff (we know) than the next sheriff. 9% is better than nothing.


04-15-2008, 04:27 PM
No way!!! Fight for what you want, you just might get it!!

04-15-2008, 05:42 PM
That is a typical lame reponse. You have no backbone and lack any conviction. People like you are lucky to have a job, so you will take anything. There are others that are an asset to the department and are willing to fight for what we are worth. I rather get a crap contract thrown down my throat then settle. At least if the sheriff does this, we know prior to the election what he is all about. As if, we don't know already.

I could not agreed with you more., you hit it right on :wink:

Did you read what you wrote, "I rather get a CRAP CONTRACT thrown down my throat then settle"? THAT IS THE DUMBEST THING I HAVE EVER HEARD OF.
You must be from Old Pompano P.D. or North Lauderdale P.D. I heard this crap before during the former contract negotations and we settled for 3-3-3 after being offered 1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5. (check the addition it is the same amount). The Pompano and North Lauderdale personnel made it sound like a great accomplishment.
3-3-3 is the raise that was written into the city contracts and the County Commissioner doesn't want the sheriff to use County money to pay for the city contracts (even as salaries).
We are stuck between a rock (city contracts) and a hard place(the sheriff county commissioners and the PBA). Better to negotate with this sheriff (we know) than the next sheriff. 9% is better than nothing.


The county never said, Can not... They said, prefer not. BIG BIG diference

04-15-2008, 05:49 PM
Did you read what you wrote, "I rather get a CRAP CONTRACT thrown down my throat then settle"? THAT IS THE DUMBEST THING I HAVE EVER HEARD OF.
You must be from Old Pompano P.D. or North Lauderdale P.D. I heard this crap before during the former contract negotations and we settled for 3-3-3 after being offered 1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5. (check the addition it is the same amount). The Pompano and North Lauderdale personnel made it sound like a great accomplishment.
3-3-3 is the raise that was written into the city contracts and the County Commissioner doesn't want the sheriff to use County money to pay for the city contracts (even as salaries).
We are stuck between a rock (city contracts) and a hard place(the sheriff county commissioners and the PBA). Better to negotate with this sheriff (we know) than the next sheriff. 9% is better than nothing.


This is one of the worst reasons to vote yes. We were told for how long 3 open & open. We resisted and grumbled and now when we are about to declare impasse, all of a sudden it's 3, 3 & 3 ??? This just proves we need to keep fighting for what we deserve!

We have taken these below the cost of living increases for too long now. Look around the area here. How many departments got 5% or close to ??? Are we not worth 5%? Are our lives not worth 5%? Even with a 5, 5 & 5 we'll still be in the red with the cost of living. I'm tired of hearing all the crap about we're lucky to get any raise. Other departments (police & fire) have been given fair packages in today's times, why can't we? I understand that the Sheriff is trying to appear financially responsible but he also needs to show that he is responsive to our basic needs of supporting our families.

I think that of all the candidates, Lamberti is the best choice, but it's his office and our support to lose. While we may not want to go to impasse, neither does the Sheriff!


04-15-2008, 06:03 PM
The more I read the more I believe that the people telling us to vote no on the contract are lemack and Israel supporters who don't even work at BSO. 3,3,and 3 with no raise in health Ins is a good contract. Don't let these people who have hidden agenda's tell you how to vote.

Where were all these people during the last administration.

04-15-2008, 06:12 PM
The more I read the more I believe that the people telling us to vote no on the contract are lemack and Israel supporters who don't even work at BSO. 3,3,and 3 with no raise in health Ins is a good contract. Don't let these people who have hidden agenda's tell you how to vote.

Where were all these people during the last administration.

I've been here about 20 yrs. and have voted NO for every contract. I'm BSO all the way, we don't want this place becoming the Hollywood or the Ft. Lauderdale Sheriff's Office (not to insult HPD or FLPD). Ifour Sheriff wants our support he should support US!

04-15-2008, 06:42 PM
I agree one hundred percent and regardless of his statement that he does not need our support just the mere threat of Impasse got the Sheriffs offer to triple plus a possible longeivity step. I say we take it all the way, if this is the best the Sheriff can do. Support is a two way street you have to support us if you want us to hit the streets supporting you. The Sheriff has been lying to us for months and we should start to show him were not going to have it anymore and as much as it would disgust me to do so, I would vote for one of democratic candidates before I would take this crap contract.

04-15-2008, 06:47 PM
I'm leary of any post on this site that has been named "The Facts" Not such a great track record here as far as facts go.

04-15-2008, 07:01 PM
I think it is important to remember how much the Sheriff's final offer screws new hires on their health insurance.

I have been around for six years here, we can never forget to take care of the new guys. There's no reason their benefits should be less than ours. VOTE NO!

04-15-2008, 09:26 PM
I think it is important to remember how much the Sheriff's final offer screws new hires on their health insurance.

I have been around for six years here, we can never forget to take care of the new guys. There's no reason their benefits should be less than ours. VOTE NO!

I used to think the same way until I realized a lot of the contract cities have different retirements and benefits than most of us do.

04-15-2008, 09:35 PM
I think it is important to remember how much the Sheriff's final offer screws new hires on their health insurance.

I have been around for six years here, we can never forget to take care of the new guys. There's no reason their benefits should be less than ours. VOTE NO!

I used to think the same way until I realized a lot of the contract cities have different retirements and benefits than most of us do.

YEAH..THEY"RE BETTER.. read the latest PBA newsletter, Miramar just got a 20 year 80% with an 8 year drop.

04-21-2008, 05:09 PM