View Full Version : Shame on the PBA

04-12-2008, 11:16 PM
I cannot believe the PBA posted this county commission meeting on their website. This is disgusting. I thought the PBA was supporting Lamberti until otherwise stated? With friends like the PBA the Sheriff does not need any enemies.......

The PBA is trying to make an argument with this video that does not hold water. They are banking on our stupidity, and that the members will only hear the line that the Sheriff can do whatever he wants with the money.

Well PBA we are not that stupid, we listened to the video, and we saw that disgusting commissioner that brought the topic up, her facial expressions and body language was evidence of her hidden agenda. We heard them say that Lamberti can do whatever he wants with the money, and in the same breath say that he cannot subsidize the payroll of cities with that money. Well which is it?????

The PBA stepped on their hose again, this will backfire, it only further proof of the PBA's and the Commision's hidden agenda for Lamberti to fail, because he is a Republican. It is shameful that these people would not do what is in the BSO's and Broward County's best interest, because a person's name has an "R" in front of it.

Shame on the County Commission and all of the PBA executive members, and whatever PBA reps. allowed this to happen.

04-13-2008, 12:41 AM
I cannot believe the PBA posted this county commission meeting on their website. This is disgusting. I thought the PBA was supporting Lamberti until otherwise stated? With friends like the PBA the Sheriff does not need any enemies.......

The PBA is trying to make an argument with this video that does not hold water. They are banking on our stupidity, and that the members will only hear the line that the Sheriff can do whatever he wants with the money.

Well PBA we are not that stupid, we listened to the video, and we saw that disgusting commissioner that brought the topic up, her facial expressions and body language was evidence of her hidden agenda. We heard them say that Lamberti can do whatever he wants with the money, and in the same breath say that he cannot subsidize the payroll of cities with that money. Well which is it?????

The PBA stepped on their hose again, this will backfire, it only further proof of the PBA's and the Commision's hidden agenda for Lamberti to fail, because he is a Republican. It is shameful that these people would not do what is in the BSO's and Broward County's best interest, because a person's name has an "R" in front of it.

Shame on the County Commission and all of the PBA executive members, and whatever PBA reps. allowed this to happen.

I think Al will fail because he is Al.. He is way over his head and can't spell budget yet alone manage one!! Always trying to place the blame on someone else just like with Powertrac..
Thanks Al...

04-13-2008, 01:07 AM
Sheriff Lamberti is a good pick. Regardless of what you might think, he is also the most qualified and ambitious.

I think he is good for the citizens and for us because he isn't a politician. He is a 'tell it like it is' type of Sheriff and gets right to the point of things without all the nonsense.

I think it is nice he is INVOLVED in all matters of BSO - clearly his 411 Friday E-mails show he is involved and is aware of our needs and those of the public at large. He is also not into wasteful spending, which I think is a huge plus.

04-13-2008, 01:09 AM
I cannot believe the PBA posted this county commission meeting on their website. This is disgusting. I thought the PBA was supporting Lamberti until otherwise stated? With friends like the PBA the Sheriff does not need any enemies.......

The PBA is trying to make an argument with this video that does not hold water. They are banking on our stupidity, and that the members will only hear the line that the Sheriff can do whatever he wants with the money.

Well PBA we are not that stupid, we listened to the video, and we saw that disgusting commissioner that brought the topic up, her facial expressions and body language was evidence of her hidden agenda. We heard them say that Lamberti can do whatever he wants with the money, and in the same breath say that he cannot subsidize the payroll of cities with that money. Well which is it?????

The PBA stepped on their hose again, this will backfire, it only further proof of the PBA's and the Commision's hidden agenda for Lamberti to fail, because he is a Republican. It is shameful that these people would not do what is in the BSO's and Broward County's best interest, because a person's name has an "R" in front of it.

Shame on the County Commission and all of the PBA executive members, and whatever PBA reps. allowed this to happen.

I think Al will fail because he is Al.. He is way over his head and can't spell budget yet alone manage one!! Always trying to place the blame on someone else just like with Powertrac..
Thanks Al...

Spoken like a true outsider, still no substance from mister bold letters. As a political outsider your opinion means nothing. The sheriff is a good man obviously you have an axe to grind. You should also show him the respect he deserves by addressing him as sheriff not Al.

04-13-2008, 01:13 AM
I cannot believe the PBA posted this county commission meeting on their website. This is disgusting. I thought the PBA was supporting Lamberti until otherwise stated? With friends like the PBA the Sheriff does not need any enemies.......

The PBA is trying to make an argument with this video that does not hold water. They are banking on our stupidity, and that the members will only hear the line that the Sheriff can do whatever he wants with the money.

Well PBA we are not that stupid, we listened to the video, and we saw that disgusting commissioner that brought the topic up, her facial expressions and body language was evidence of her hidden agenda. We heard them say that Lamberti can do whatever he wants with the money, and in the same breath say that he cannot subsidize the payroll of cities with that money. Well which is it?????

The PBA stepped on their hose again, this will backfire, it only further proof of the PBA's and the Commision's hidden agenda for Lamberti to fail, because he is a Republican. It is shameful that these people would not do what is in the BSO's and Broward County's best interest, because a person's name has an "R" in front of it.

Shame on the County Commission and all of the PBA executive members, and whatever PBA reps. allowed this to happen.

I think Al will fail because he is Al.. He is way over his head and can't spell budget yet alone manage one!! Always trying to place the blame on someone else just like with Powertrac..
Thanks Al...

Spoken like a true outsider, still no substance from mister bold letters. As a political outsider your opinion means nothing. The sheriff is a good man obviously you have an axe to grind. You should also show him the respect he deserves by addressing him as sheriff not Al.

Sure Artie I would if I was making the same 130,000 a year you are!!!

04-13-2008, 03:35 PM
PBA =Pattern Bargaining Azzholes. Ask Karl Marx for an explanation.

04-14-2008, 11:33 PM

04-15-2008, 04:36 AM
It was a public meeting and ther Sheriffs could have showed up and defended his position and he didnt so what does that say about him and his credibility.

04-15-2008, 07:30 AM
PBA=Penis Breath Azzhats

04-15-2008, 07:31 AM
PBA= Puzzy Belch Aroma

04-21-2008, 05:10 PM

04-21-2008, 08:02 PM
How DARE the PBA expose Al's Lies. Who do they think they are?

04-21-2008, 09:59 PM
How DARE the PBA expose Al's Lies. Who do they think they are?

Man, you have that backwards.....

04-21-2008, 10:46 PM
Why aren't you guys outraged over the stupid Lauderhill Cricket Stadium??????????????????????? What the @%&^ is wrong with you morons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!