View Full Version : PBA

04-09-2008, 07:37 PM
Is it just me or can anyone tell me exactly what PBA has done for AG Law since they took over? No new contracts just a copy of IUPA's old contract with a few words changed. Exactly what are they doing?
We all know getting us a raise is a lost cause due to the great Admendment 1 being passed. How about fixing problems in the contract and policy. Moral is down, at least at my station, and it would only take little things to bring it back up.

PBA what good are you when you, in my eyes, have not done anything to make life better for the Officers you are suppose to be supporting.

04-11-2008, 03:49 AM
Ask the man which the I-95 area elected and the appointed one. A dam director and board member and we still know nothing. The fact is they both are more worried about making things easy on theirselves in tally. It time to oust them both and have a election to appoint two capable folks for the jobs. Hell its hard to get things when the states cutting left and right. But better communication of the going ons would help. Asking folks to show up when needed in tally like we used to. They constantly travel on our dime! Dues funds, expelling like popcorn. A informed group would be more willing to help in anyway they could. So board members stop the photo ops and you get folks involved. All these photo ops do is piss folks off. Do your jobs or the ouster will fall upon you! Its promised and have already been spoke of.

04-12-2008, 01:43 AM
This is typical. Elected board members only trying to make themselves look good and not worrying about the troops. Happens everywhere. When did the collective bargaining unit elect these board members? I never received any notice of elections at my station. When is the next election? Anybody have answers?

04-12-2008, 04:55 AM
Our director was elected by our troops. Three ran for it, the problem, only about 40 votes or less total.

The other, board member, was the only one that ran for the position so he got it by default.

Since these two have been in their positions, they have put communication at an all time low. Remember this. When the oust comes, and it is begging to turn its wheels now, vote vote vote. We must get them out.

04-12-2008, 07:55 AM
When can we oust our current board?

05-03-2008, 03:06 PM
Is it just me or can anyone tell me exactly what PBA has done for AG Law since they took over? No new contracts just a copy of IUPA's old contract with a few words changed. Exactly what are they doing?
We all know getting us a raise is a lost cause due to the great Admendment 1 being passed. How about fixing problems in the contract and policy. Moral is down, at least at my station, and it would only take little things to bring it back up.

PBA what good are you when you, in my eyes, have not done anything to make life better for the Officers you are suppose to be supporting.

Keep paying you dues and don't worry about the small things.

agent ecks
05-06-2008, 01:08 AM
I guess Piss down my Back And tell me it's raining has already forgotten that they can be replaced. But I guess they took care of FHP so they figure FHP will take care of them when the time comes...

05-06-2008, 01:14 AM
They screwed us again, it was always about FHP, no offense meant to troopers, they did what they can do. But all state cops were were scammed by PBA. And Penny just hush boy.

05-06-2008, 01:29 AM
I hear that the positions we lost were due to Terry Rhodes our Chief of staff, she hates cops and wants to civilianize us. We lose positions, and FHP gets a raise because they have positions unfilled. Thanks Rhodes and capitol crew you suck. I have been told the headquarters people are furious with her and dumba$$ cronies.

Is this true about her?

agent ecks
05-06-2008, 01:36 AM
I hear that the positions we lost were due to Terry Rhodes our Chief of staff, she hates cops and wants to civilianize us. We lose positions, and FHP gets a raise because they have positions unfilled. Thanks Rhodes and capitol crew you suck. I have been told the headquarters people are furious with her and dumba$$ cronies.

Is this true about her?

Let's see: The Headquarters people serve at the pleasure of the Commissioner. Do you think they care about anything but their own job enough to piss his Chief of Staff off? They didn't get where they are by pissing people off.

05-08-2008, 09:31 PM
We all need to stand together and not turn on each other or our sister law enforcement agencies. The failure of the Capitol people T. Rhodes & Co to support us is the reason we lost positions. We will make our voices heard this year. Tallahasse command has been in our corner and worked with a PBA that sold them out too!.