View Full Version : Wish List

04-09-2008, 12:19 AM
With this completely open ended wish list that was issued to us, I believe that it would be very beneficial for us to attempt to narrow down our interests and offer a rather consistent set of suggestions. I believe that if our lists present a wide array of interests, with no one choice standing out, it would give the city an excuse to deny them all based on the fact that they "did not see an overwhelming agreeance or interest throughout the department".

I understand that not all officers read this forum, and that not everyone will easily agree on what changes/additions that they would like to see. However, I do believe that discussing this and maybe grasping 2-3 strong CONSISTENT choices couldn't hurt.

Personally, I would still like to see an expanded take home vehicle plan. I know that this is probably wishful thinking, but we need to continue pushing our interests and force them to deny us. Giving up on asking, out of the assumption that it would never happen, would just give them an easy out.

Secondly, and pretty much at the heart of any choice we make, is more money! It's sad, but at this point I would be happy to get a raise that just keeps up with inflation. I mean, with anything less than 4% we are basically taking a pay deduction. I truly feel that this is something that should be given to us automatically..not asked for...but then again, I live in a dream world :)

I also think the idea of comp time would be nice, and non-expensive for the city to employ. But for reasons unknown to me, I do not think the city would even consider it. Anyways, I would be happy to hear others opinions...

04-09-2008, 01:31 AM
1- Open up the overtime details...the walgreens will not last...meaning...let us work bars and parties.

2- You gave the other city workers 4% this contract...we better not be any different, and there is no good excuse why public safety should get less.

3- Increase the vacation amount we can save up.

4- Stronger lobbying for increased work force...at least 10 more officers.

5- improve our dental plan...its horrible.

6- Take home plan...and the cars to support it.

7- If PW wants to rob us blind...give them our car budget and make THEM balance it.

04-09-2008, 03:37 AM
1. A pay scale step plan with a built in COLA each year. In other words, 1st year officer makes $x. Second year officer makes $x+2000. Third year makes $x+4000, etc. With a COLA tied to the national inflation figures, it keeps the pay scale in line with the economy -AND- rewards longevity.

2. The dental plan does suck.

3. The ability to accrue Comp Time. I would like the ability to bank some comp time and use it when I need it. However, the accrual of comp time MUST be at the employee's request. If he or she wants the OT, the city needs to pay, not force comp time.

4. Expanding the take home plan is a good idea, but probably not realistic with the current political climate. People have forgotten how much money a take home program saves, for the short term benefit of 'cutting costs.'

5. Overtime details need to be expanded. I'm not sure contract negotiations are the right place for this. We should be bringing up a grievance outside of the negotiations to get these opened up. If we pursue this as a contract item, we are likely going to have to give something else up.

6. We are very short staffed on the road and in investigations. This is a huge issue in both service to the public and officer safety. I guess if you are a resident, you need to keep in mind "When seconds count, the police are only (30) minutes away." Is this a contract item? Probably not, but again it is something we need to address through the PBA reps. Believe it or not, I suspect most of the residents would like to have more of us out there.

7. Alternative work schedules. Five 8's suck. I know some folks whined when 12-hour shifts were brought up before, but seriously...everyone would get a lot more days off -AND- it would actually increase the # of officers on the road at any given time. Is this a contract item? Probably not, as I suspect admin would go for it any time the officers would pull together and agree to TRY it out. I know some of the biffers hate the idea, but they can f-off.

04-09-2008, 02:39 PM
My new dept. does this for scheduling:

5 Platoons (permanent shifts/no rotation) each consisting of 1 LT, 2 SGTS, and approx. 10-14 officers

Platoon 1 (days), P2 (evenings), P3 (mids) work Tue-Fri. and have off Sat-Mon. There's overlap of a couple hours where the new shift takes calls primary and the shift that's been on takes the back and can catch up on paper. Platoon 4 works 0600-1800 Sat, Sun, Mon...along with an 8 hr day every other Tues. Platoon 5 works the same except they go from 1800-0600.

In regards to the alternating Tues...each Platoon gets one 8 hr training day per month, except for the folks on Mids who get it all packed into 1 week in the summer (like LPD). It's obviously a lot more detailed than this but just throwing it out there as an idea. YES 12 HR DAYS CAN RUN A LITTLE LONG. But those working the week get a 3 day weekend every week...and the folks on weekend shift get an alternating 3-4 day break every week. The time off is definitely worth the couple extra hours/day finishing up a few reports or taking the back on a call.

04-09-2008, 02:55 PM
For the cynical SOBs.......yes I know you don't have the same numbers for staffing. It was just a suggested model that perhaps some intelligent officers could make to work for you.

04-10-2008, 05:05 AM
The four 10's give us three days off as it is. Hopefully management won't use amendment 1 as an excuse to take those away from us. If we go 12 hours, it will be with a funkier schedule than what you are talking about.

For wishes....

1.) More money. We are not keeping up with the cost of living. Officers (along with teachers, firefighters, etc.) are struggling to live in Pinellas County, where they serve. That's just wrong.

2.) Better health plan, including the dental someone else mentioned. Our health plan is costing us more and more money each year and the coverage gets crappier as we go.

Don't open the comp time door!!! That's a bad idea. Once you get that started, we will be taking comp time in exchange for OT. Then when it comes time to use your comp time, there won't be enough staffing. Ask St. Pete how the comp time thing is working out for them. We get a fair amount of vacation and the longer you stay, the more you get. If you save your vacation and use it wisely, it gets the job done. Also, don't forget... if you don't call in sick, you can ultimately trade your sick time for vacation time. No comp time!!! Bad!

04-10-2008, 05:05 AM
The four 10's give us three days off as it is. Hopefully management won't use amendment 1 as an excuse to take those away from us. If we go 12 hours, it will be with a funkier schedule than what you are talking about.

For wishes....

1.) More money. We are not keeping up with the cost of living. Officers (along with teachers, firefighters, etc.) are struggling to live in Pinellas County, where they serve. That's just wrong.

2.) Better health plan, including the dental someone else mentioned. Our health plan is costing us more and more money each year and the coverage gets crappier as we go.

Don't open the comp time door!!! That's a bad idea. Once you get that started, we will be taking comp time in exchange for OT. Then when it comes time to use your comp time, there won't be enough staffing. Ask St. Pete how the comp time thing is working out for them. We get a fair amount of vacation and the longer you stay, the more you get. If you save your vacation and use it wisely, it gets the job done. Also, don't forget... if you don't call in sick, you can ultimately trade your sick time for vacation time. No comp time!!! Bad!

04-10-2008, 07:14 PM
Keep 4-10's on ALL shifts (with the mix of 5-8's). Enough SAID.

04-13-2008, 03:28 PM
Don't open the comp time door!!! That's a bad idea. Once you get that started, we will be taking comp time in exchange for OT. Then when it comes time to use your comp time, there won't be enough staffing. Ask St. Pete how the comp time thing is working out for them. We get a fair amount of vacation and the longer you stay, the more you get. If you save your vacation and use it wisely, it gets the job done. Also, don't forget... if you don't call in sick, you can ultimately trade your sick time for vacation time. No comp time!!! Bad!

Sorry, but I disagree.

According to labor laws and court rulings, the PD cannot use "we're short handed" to deny an officer's request for using comp time. We would just have to make sure the city understood this prior to agreeing to the comp time addition to the contract. There are significant fines to a city that violates FLSA as it relates to comp time.

Just because St. Pete f's something up doesn't mean the rest of us will do the same.

I know I'm not alone in this. A lot of the officers with families would rather spend time with their wife/kids/husband than be at the PD. When we get slapped for OT, it would be nice to get an extra day off now and again.

Ultimately, it is how we work the contract. It should be the officer's CHOICE to elect overtime pay or comp time. Comp time is only 'bad' if you mess up the negotiations and contract AND fail to stand up for your rights under the law.

04-13-2008, 06:52 PM
Agree about the comp time- we need it, gives officers a good OPTION.

04-13-2008, 10:46 PM
Good posts thus far. For my 2 cents I would like to see better health care and dental. Why not search for more plans on our own instead of being tied with the city. Lets see, we are told how to live our lives such as no tobacco use, yet city hall employees and comm center can chain smoke all they wish. If that increases their use of health care doesn't that increase how much we pay? And dental is pretty bad.

Second, how bout those that didn't get in on the take home plan living outside the ten mile radius, if the plan continues to exist. I would say with gas prices rising that those that got the radius plan just got a raise this past year over all of the others. Any ideas in regards to that? Those living outside of the city can't really argue with that point because that is a luxury and a raise that you received over all others.

I would agree with the comp time as long as it can remain an option. Dealing with not being able to take time off, I would say the majority of supervisors try to give you the time you request off unlike other places.

Like the first post said, get some solid points together and the department needs to start standing together on issues. If we can get all the whiners together then that would be a pretty loud cry huh.

04-18-2008, 11:26 PM
I got an Idea.. Lets work for CIS security and make extra cash that way???

04-20-2008, 04:46 PM
Listen, I've been around long enough to know that if you put comp time in the contract the city will tell Lester to tighten the strings on OT to save money. If you want comp time instead of OT I have never heard of a supervisor denying that request! So, in reality we already have it. I'm telling you, if it goes in the contract whether it be "officers choice" we will get burned!!

Much more important issues then comp time. Gotta think of more ways to put money in the pockets.....

04-20-2008, 04:57 PM
I would like the option for more time off- your not going to get burned. As long as you don't have 70 as your SGT, they will allow you to take the OT or comp it.

04-20-2008, 07:23 PM
We won't get burned? Ask the Sheriff's Office about how happy they are with comp time. This is a slippery slope, everything will be comp. Missed a meal? Comp. Took 30 minutes worth of paper? Comp. It's interesting, people complain about the lack of details and money making opportunities, but prioritize comp time?

Our Wish List should read: Money, Money, Money and more officers on the street.

04-21-2008, 03:41 AM
We won't get burned? Ask the Sheriff's Office about how happy they are with comp time. This is a slippery slope, everything will be comp. Missed a meal? Comp. Took 30 minutes worth of paper? Comp. It's interesting, people complain about the lack of details and money making opportunities, but prioritize comp time?

Our Wish List should read: Money, Money, Money and more officers on the street.

If the SO sits on their rights, that doesn't mean we have to. Case law and statutory law is quite clear on the issue. If you don't like the idea of comp time, fine...tell the PBA reps.

Money and more officers--both needed--are going to be a tough sell. The city isn't looking to increase its budget. We need to push for the cash, but be prepared for a drawn out battle.

A step plan needs to be put into place with COLA on it to keep up with the economy.

04-28-2008, 03:24 AM
actually, having had comp time in the past, you cant be told to take comp time. it is purely up to the officer what they want to take. if it is worded correctly in the contract, which it will be, there wont be any issues. look at the labor laws dealing with it before you base your opinion on what other people and other agencies say. Once it is in your bank, it is just like vacation or personal, as long as there is staffing, you can use it.

04-28-2008, 07:48 PM
You're exactly right - "as long as there is staffing, you can use it." That's simple - sorry, we don't have the staffing to let you take the comp time today. Try again on Wednesday when we have more people on the road.

Someone already said it - supervisors will already aprove "comp time" if you ask for it. Let's not give admin another tool to take money away from us.

Someone else already said this - how can we complain about not having enough overtime opportunities and then ask for comp time.

If you want extra time off, let your sick bank build and then trade it in for vacation. I know it's 2 for 1, but in most other jobs, you lose your sick time altogether at the end of the year and start at zero again.

Not to be a dik, but good luck with your career when you go to the labor folks and whistle-blow on the PD for forcing you to take comp time instead of overtime. That would be known in the private sector as a CEM - career ending move. I'm all about extra time off, but if we put comp time as an option in our contract, you're going to see a lot of pressure from supervisors to take comp time instead of overtime - even if doing so is illegal.

Take care of each other, even if we disagree on some of this silliness.

04-29-2008, 02:39 AM
You're exactly right - "as long as there is staffing, you can use it." That's simple - sorry, we don't have the staffing to let you take the comp time today.

The courts have already ruled on this. Staffing is not an excuse.

Different people have different priorities. Some officers want lots of overtime to pay bills or save for a special purchase. Some officers would rather accrue some extra comp time so they can spend it with their kids and families.

If you want OT, great, have at it. Just don't screw me if I would like to accrue comp time instead. Your priorities are not mine.

04-29-2008, 02:55 AM
It must be nice to be so naive. Are you 12?
Just because the courts have ruled doesn't mean it happens.

Look at St Pete, I'm pretty sure it's illegal for them to steal pension dollars when people leave, but they do.

Look at Largo, by statue they legally have to do QRODs, but they don't.

Look around, rules and laws are broken everyday. Job security for us, but please no comp time.

04-29-2008, 04:32 AM
It must be nice to be so naive. Are you 12?

Insults (especially lame ones) are the best you've got? Get over yourself. I've been policing longer than you've been legally allowed to buy booze. How about trying to keep this reasonable and related to the negotiations?

Just because the courts have ruled doesn't mean it happens.

Look at St Pete, I'm pretty sure it's illegal for them to steal pension dollars when people leave, but they do.

If you don't want the option of comp time, fine, let your reps know. But, there are more than a few of us who would like the option of getting comp time.

I know you seem to think that you are going to get poked in the keister if comp time becomes an option. But again, it all comes back to how the contract is written. No one is advocating comp instead of OT. If you don't trust the department to let you use accrued comp time, fine...just fill out the sheet for OT like you do right now. For you, nothing would change.

If I want comp time, I will take that option. And again, for you, nothing would change.

04-30-2008, 10:32 PM
For F sake!! If you want comp time go someplace else b/c I guarantee that it will not be put on the table nor should it. Quit quoting labor laws and all that other nonsense and come up with something else to fight for then dumb ass comp time! As far as I'm concern the two union reps are useless. Wait for the negotiation team to be voted on and get with them. Reps cannot do anything without a vote. The negotiation team decides the fate of the contract. Vote for people who know how to get things done and not just whine about what they wish they had.

05-01-2008, 12:21 AM
For F sake!! If you want comp time go someplace else b/c I guarantee that it will not be put on the table nor should it.

First, I have no interest in going anywhere else. Largo is a good department to work for.

Second, you cannot offer any guarantees. Your opinion that comp time should not be considered is merely your opinion. Some people agree with you, while others do not.

Quit quoting labor laws and all that other nonsense and come up with something else to fight for then dumb ass comp time!

Labor laws are the only things that allow us to have representation and negotiate for pay and benefits. Frankly, I would hope that all members of the department would have a deep appreciation for that fact. A lot of agencies do not have it as good as we do.

For or against, comp time is a contract issue.

As far as I'm concern the two union reps are useless.

I don't know if you have ever gone to a rep and discussed your concerns about department issues. Regardless, you are entitled to your opinion about them.

I hope that you can step back, take a deep breath, and understand that your wants and desires mirror some other officers, but not all. We all have ideas on what to negotiate for and what we would like to improve. We won't all agree, but all of the ideas put forth in this thread have some merit.

I personally would like to see a step plan with a COLA and everything else is secondary.

Let's not let this thread devolve into more of the same old name calling. Rather, let's hear what people would like to negotiate for.

05-01-2008, 10:09 PM
If this discussion is to go any further I think that the differance between "COMP" time and "FLEX" time should be pointed out. COMP time is accrued at the rate of 1 1/2, meaning that for every hour you work you get an hour and a half off. FLEX time is an hour for an hour.

I keep seeing people state that "any supervisor will approve comp time if you ask". This is not true...they will approve FLEX time (which is obviously smart since they are actually paying you at straight pay rate). To the best of my knowledge, supervisors do not make a habit of giving us "comp' time if we ask. And if they are, let me know which ones!

05-02-2008, 03:04 AM
If this discussion is to go any further I think that the differance between "COMP" time and "FLEX" time should be pointed out. COMP time is accrued at the rate of 1 1/2, meaning that for every hour you work you get an hour and a half off. FLEX time is an hour for an hour.

I keep seeing people state that "any supervisor will approve comp time if you ask". This is not true...they will approve FLEX time (which is obviously smart since they are actually paying you at straight pay rate). To the best of my knowledge, supervisors do not make a habit of giving us "comp' time if we ask. And if they are, let me know which ones!


05-02-2008, 03:35 PM
LOL!!! Okay, you can keep comp time AND flex time!!!

Show me the money!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: