View Full Version : "New" Controversy...now publicized

04-06-2008, 02:53 PM
Follow the below link to the St. Pete. Times which has a well-written story that some of us know about, while some of us haven't yet heard.

http://www.tampabay.com/news/courts/cri ... 444532.ece (http://www.tampabay.com/news/courts/criminal/article444532.ece)

After you have given it time to soak in, ask yoursef and your colleagues at L.P.D. if it would be appropriate to have our representatives formally file a complaint against our Chief for misconduct...that is if there isn't already a complaint in the works from higher authority. That might be the appropriate thing to do, being that it was "necessary" for him to formally initiate a complaint against a group of members who read that infamous report we all have heard about. Wouldn't this be a good time to coin the "what's good for the goose" saying? This goes right along with our administration (Chief) not sticking up for our department with regards to "budget cuts". It seems that when someone of higher authority speaks to the Chief, he shows just what not to do as an example to all that sit positioned below him. How long will our agency remain in this state of demise before it is too late to repair our issues?

04-06-2008, 03:57 PM
Follow the below link to the St. Pete. Times which has a well-written story that some of us know about, while some of us haven't yet heard.

http://www.tampabay.com/news/courts/cri ... 444532.ece (http://www.tampabay.com/news/courts/criminal/article444532.ece)

After you have given it time to soak in, ask yoursef and your colleagues at L.P.D. if it would be appropriate to have our representatives formally file a complaint against our Chief for misconduct...that is if there isn't already a complaint in the works from higher authority. That might be the appropriate thing to do, being that it was "necessary" for him to formally initiate a complaint against a group of members who read that infamous report we all have heard about. Wouldn't this be a good time to coin the "what's good for the goose" saying? This goes right along with our administration (Chief) not sticking up for our department with regards to "budget cuts". It seems that when someone of higher authority speaks to the Chief, he shows just what not to do as an example to all that sit positioned below him. How long will our agency remain in this state of demise before it is too late to repair our issues?

Just in case the article "disappears"...

Sex sting ends, and questions begin | Audio

By Meg Laughlin, Times Staff Writer

Published Saturday, April 5, 2008 3:13 PM

LAKELAND — Overseeing the pretrial intervention program of the Polk State Attorney's Office, Arley Smith had the power to decide who violated conditions of the program and went to prison.

Smith got caught on tape giving one of his charges money and telling her that she could pay him back with weekly sex. It would be the "same situation" he'd had with other young women, he confided, unaware that this woman's step*father was a cop who had arranged for her to wear a wire.

With the recording of the sex-for-money deal in hand, the Lakeland police went to the Polk state attorney and said they wanted to continue surveillance of Smith and charge him. An assistant state attorney agreed, saying he saw a clear crime.

But State Attorney Jerry Hill balked, worrying aloud that Smith — a close friend who had worked in his office for more than 20 years — may have been entrapped and could lose his pension. A few days later, the police chief ordered the undercover surveillance stopped.

Even after Smith confessed in the State Attorney's Office, he was allowed to resign with full benefits.

The woman, her stepfather and the Lakeland police were left to wonder why Smith got to walk away.

• • •

Brittney Mong was 18 when she charged $1,936 to her parents' credit card without their permission. Her mother and stepfather, a Lakeland cop, reacted with a nip-it-in-the-bud attitude and pressed charges.

Mong got probation and entered a pretrial intervention program. She began meeting with Arley Smith, who oversaw the program. About a month before her probation ended, Mong told her parents that she had been meeting Smith outside his office and that he had given her more than $1,900 for a down payment on a car and to pay damages for a traffic accident she caused.

Her stepfather, Don Bell, and his wife, Selah, smelled a rat. They followed their daughter to a meeting with Smith at a McDonald's. As they walked out, Smith gave her $40. Her parents say they saw him hug her and rub her back in the parking lot.

On his stepdaughter's behalf, Bell went to the Lakeland police, who wired Mong for her next meeting with Smith. On Aug. 31, 2007, with a camera and recorder in her purse, the 20-year-old met the 64-year-old Smith for lunch at a Lakeland Olive Garden.

Mong begins the conversation by telling Smith she "feels bad" because she hasn't given him a penny of what she owes him.

"You want to work it out in trade?" Smith asks her.

"What kind of trade?"

"You don't have any money. You don't have a car," Smith says. "I'm not big but I know where it goes. Do I need to go further?"

Mong giggles and says no. Smith says he didn't mean to embarrass her. He hasn't, she says, but she doesn't know how they'd "go about it."

He suggests they get together one day a week at a motel. She says she has Fridays off.

"Next Friday, we got a commitment," Smith tells Mong, a slim, 5-foot-9 blond.

Forks clatter. Dishes clank. Tony Bennett sings. Smith talks about Mong's dwindling finances: "$250 for your car payment & money for tampons — those little things add up. & Now we're down to $450. Now we're down to $300."

He subtracts her expenses from her monthly income but tells her not to worry. She can pay him back "in three or four times" with the sex-on-Fridays plan. Think about it, he says, and "make the decision about what you feel comfortable with."

She says she'll leave it to him to decide how he wants the payback to work. He responds: "I'm 100 years old. Young and tender's worth a million dollars to me."

He talks about two other young women who were in the "same situation." One, named Toni, was in the deferred prosecution program, similar to Mong's. He gave Toni money. She met him at his friend's house.

"We got over there," Smith says, "and she started getting undressed and she started freezing up."

The other girl, Kristen, worked for him at an assisted living facility he owned. He helped her financially, and their relationship lasted several years.

"She paid me back on her schedule," he tells Mong.

The taped conversation draws to a close with Smith saying how things must work: "Everything is cut and dried. No ties."

• • •

In early September, Lakeland police Chief Roger Boatner, Deputy Chief Debra Henson and five other officers met with State Attorney Hill and two assistant state attorneys to inform them that they were investigating an administrator in their office.

They played the tape, which required careful listening because of noise in the restaurant. According to police reports and accounts, Hill worried aloud that Smith may have been entrapped and could lose his pension.

Several officers found Hill's concerns odd, but when Assistant State Attorney Mike Cusick said he thought a crime had been committed, they thought charges would be pressed. Everyone at the meeting agreed to continue surveillance and wire Mong for her date with Smith the next Friday.

But on Friday, Sept. 7, with Mong wired and ready to go, Chief Boatner called off the surveillance. Lower-ranking officers took this as a sign that Smith would be protected.

It was widely known among police and courthouse employees that Jerry Hill and Arley Smith were old friends.

"They went back decades to Eagle Lake when Hill was city attorney and Smith was mayor and on the City Council," said Frank Pernas, who recently retired from the Polk State Attorney's Office. "Their friendship grew over the years — probably because Smith was such an efficient, hard-working guy."

A few days after Boatner stopped the surveillance, Hill's office directed police to confront Smith, ending any possibility of more undercover work. In the interview at Hill's office, which was taped, Smith denied telling Mong she could pay him back with sex. He denied talking about Toni and Kristen. But when police told him they had recorded the Olive Garden conversation, he changed his story and confessed to everything.

"I'm a sucker when it comes to the young kids," he said.

Police expected the confession to result in criminal charges against Smith for setting up a sex-for-money prostitution scheme.

Five weeks later, in mid October, Sam Cardinale, executive director of the Polk State Attorney's Office, wrote Hill a letter recommending that Smith be fired immediately and that a different state attorney's office look at the case.

He was not fired. A month went by, and in mid November, Smith, who made $64,278 a year, resigned with his pension.

Hill wrote the governor and requested that another state attorney's office "handle the matter." The governor assigned it to Hillsborough.

On Feb. 15, Bell and other Lakeland police officers met with Hillsborough Assistant State Attorney Renee Muratti. The prosecutor asked who stopped the second undercover meeting between Mong and Smith. According to Bell, Sgt. Jeff Birdwell told her that Chief Boatner had stopped the investigation.

The next day, Bell asked the sergeant if the chief had said why he stopped the second meeting between Smith and Mong. Bell said Birdwell told him, "The chief didn't want to undermine Jerry Hill by backdooring him."

Deputy Chief Henson from Lakeland wrote e-mails to Boatner and detectives about the discussion with the Hillsborough prosecutor, saying that Muratti "concluded that without the second 'meet' (between Smith and Mong) they were not able to move forward with any criminal charges. & The second (surveillance) meeting was key to the prosecution in their opinion."

Because of this cancellation, Henson continued, Muratti said that "Mr. Smith's case would not move forward and no further charges would be forthcoming."

The Hillsborough State Attorney's Office says the case is "not officially closed" and employees cannot comment. The key players in Lakeland, including Hill and Boatner, say they can't talk while the case remains open.

Which leaves questions unanswered:

• Why did the police chief order his department to stop the surveillance?

• Why would continuing the undercover investigation of Smith "backdoor" Hill?

• With the tape made at the Olive Garden and with Smith's subsequent taped confession, why couldn't he be prosecuted?

Brittney Mong had her own question about the case: "I did something wrong using my parents' credit card and had to face the consequences. Shouldn't Arley Smith have to face the consequences, too?"

Her stepfather Don Bell also had a question: "In Polk County when you see Lady Justice with her blindfold on, is she peeking out to make sure the person in trouble isn't a friend?"

• • •

Reached by phone, Smith said he had no comment.

But Toni Sanchez and Kristen Dees, the two other women he described to Mong, agreed to interviews.

Sanchez said Smith didn't start giving her money until a few weeks after her deferred prosecution program was over, but he still had the authority to help get records of her case expunged. She described him as a "really nice guy — a father figure — who helped with money and advice."

His story about her "freezing up" six years ago was true, she said. When she was 18 and Smith was 58, he took her to his friend's home. She didn't know why they were there until he closed the blinds and lifted her top over her head. But when she stopped him, he backed off. They never had sex, she said, and they're still friends.

"He used to tell me about patting girls at work," said Sanchez, a slim, 5-foot-7 blond. "That's just Arley."

Kristen Dees worked for Smith at a Winter Haven assisted living facility. They had a sexual affair between late 1998 and early 2001. She was 18 when it started, he was 54. "I was young and stupid and not thinking about what was morally right," said Dees, a slim, 5-foot-6 blond.

Besides, she said, she "fell in love" with Smith.

He put her through nursing school and ironed her uniforms. He sent her to Europe for a summer and took her to movies, museums and football games, introducing her to his "more sophisticated" friends.

"Without Arley's help, I'd be a country bumpkin," said Dees.

She said Smith told her about trouble he got into at the courthouse. "There was a girl, 23 — old for Arley — who worked at the courthouse that Arley got involved with," she said. "She made a big stink."

Sandra Hall, who retired a few years ago, worked with Smith. "He loved the young girls," she said. "He'd rub them and pat them and tell them to call him Daddy Arley."

She recalled that when Jerry Hill announced to 75 people that Smith would receive a 20-year service award a few years ago, Hill joked, "Arley Smith, I'm surprised he hasn't had a sexual harassment case against him."

Almost everyone laughed, she said, but now it's not so funny.

Smith was recently named in an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission complaint for workplace sexual harassment. The complainant, the details and the case status are confidential.

Dees said that despite all of his "sexual messes," Smith was "so well liked" that most people at the courthouse overlooked them.

"Including Jerry Hill," she said. "When Arley and I were together, they were good friends. They still are."

Times researcher Caryn Baird contributed to this report. Meg Laughlin can be reached at mlaughlin@sptimes.com.

04-07-2008, 12:34 PM
Proper procedure/protocol, and the integrity of the agency now depends on the Chief to contact the Governor for an investigation into the possible felony and misdemeanor offenses committed by Mr J.H of the SAO, fir his meddling, aiding and abetting, the compounding of a felony, etc, with his obvious "good ol boy" treatment of his friend in the intervention program.

SOMEONE needs to bring this to the attention of the State Attorney General for at least a review, independently, of what appears to be the compromising of the SAO in Bartow, and the original offenses as well.

JH in Bartow needs to step down until this is fully investigated....he has abused his authority. Why have assistants if he is going to take control anyway....

04-07-2008, 03:50 PM
Just watch your backs before you get too involved. Jerry Hill owns this county. It is not beyond him to do a little "creative writing" on his enemies and end your freedom as you know it!

04-07-2008, 04:39 PM
Where is skippy prez and the Lakeland Ledger on this one, tells me who is in bed with the ledger.

04-07-2008, 09:20 PM
it start's from the top down here. too many deal's made. change of job description's for third floorer's too keep job's while other's are gone. how are they doing? how are their families? they used to walk and work and have our back's. it never end's until it's one of us who's not a good old boy. when is the house of card's going to tumble. there are plenty with truth's to be told if there was only some one with the ball's to listen. do we all need to go to st. pete? watch your back's. the titanic is sinking.

04-08-2008, 12:40 AM
it's sad when an out of county paper has to expose corruption here in polk county. on the other hand i applaud ms. laughlin at the times for her article. mam great job an courage, an asset the does not exsist at the ledger. mam if there was a safe way to contact you i think you would win a pulitzer prize uncovering the skelton's here at 219 n. massachusett's. [we also need some of us slick sleeves to step up and tell the truth. it's not being a rat telling the truth. our brother officer's have suffered great losses at the hand's of the third floor. any one of us could be next.]

04-09-2008, 03:24 AM
What is called when two or more persons act to conceal or hide a crime or conduct criminal activity? The answer is: conspiracy. The only way to keep a whitewashing from occurring is for the FBI to do the investigation. I am so disappointed with high ranking officials of SAO and LPD.

04-09-2008, 03:46 AM
Proper procedure/protocol, and the integrity of the agency now depends on the Chief to contact the Governor for an investigation into the possible felony and misdemeanor offenses committed by Mr J.H of the SAO, fir his meddling, aiding and abetting, the compounding of a felony, etc, with his obvious "good ol boy" treatment of his friend in the intervention program.

Why would the chief contact the governor when he was part of the cover up? The chief is the one who ordered CIS to end the investigation. You may want to read the article again or talk to someone in the know. Our city leaders should contact the governor or appropriate agency to request a corruption investigation.

04-09-2008, 05:01 AM
Sounds like the same conspiracy when a supervisor committed a criminal offense when his wife's friend was arrested and he tried to use his official power to drop the charges, we see what happened with that a "Slap on the hand".

04-09-2008, 01:23 PM
Sounds like the Chief needs to be a man and step down. He was a great man many years ago, but he does not care about LPD. I am sure that he will cover his tracks and not get charged, but he needs to go.

04-10-2008, 03:53 PM
What a group of winers. Jeff, Don, Selah, you know you are just doing this to get to the chief.

Lying to the newpaper is no way to take out your petty disagreements on chief.

You know that Don can't stand that girl. Why didn't you tell that to the paper? Why didn't you tell the paper she has a criminal record. You know she stole from you. You know shwe was writing worthless checks. That's not stealing? Why do you try to make her out to be a victim when she's such a manipulater. Why didn't you tell the paper she made false rape allegations? Why was't charges filed if she was raped? Why didn't she show up to an injunction hearing? Why didn't you tell the paper she's shaking up with guys? Why are you trying to make her look like Miss Nitengale? Because you alll know it's a lie. Is it because you try to make chief look bad?

Why didn't you tell the paper that Selah was taking her to go see that old man? Was she working him for the "easy money"? Why didn't you tell the paper Selah kept it from Don and Don didn't telly anyone right away? Maybe because you can't make chief look bad by telling the truth? She didn't sound like she was so innocent and upset laughing with that old man. She giggles like a school gril. Why didn't you tell the paper that the daughter has a drug and alcohol problem? Whey didn't you tell the paper to look into if she had prostitution charges? If she does doesnt that prove something? Why didn't they look at all her record?

I don't care what happens to the old man. He already got fired and lost his job. Why don't you tell the paper that we save Capt. Roddenberrys pention? Forget about that? He did much worse?
Why didn't you ask Grady Judd to investigate? Don't you have a conflict? Maybe you should be investigated? Too bad you don't work from Grady. He would fire you for what you did. Sopunds like you cover up.

You should be ashamed. But I know you are not. You walk around and laguh about it all like its one big joke. Jeff knows he's not the man Ivan was. Is this your way of proving your a man? Chief has been good to all of you and you do this to him?

Jerry Hill's office in Jerry Hill's office. You don't like him because he doesnt bow to you like chief don't bow to you. All this over a girl Don walks around saying he hates? Or did that change because he can use this against chief?

Shame on you all!

04-10-2008, 04:14 PM
What a group of winers. Jeff, Don, Selah, you know you are just doing this to get to the chief.

Lying to the newpaper is no way to take out your petty disagreements on chief.

You know that Don can't stand that girl. Why didn't you tell that to the paper? Why didn't you tell the paper she has a criminal record. You know she stole from you. You know shwe was writing worthless checks. That's not stealing? Why do you try to make her out to be a victim when she's such a manipulater. Why didn't you tell the paper she made false rape allegations? Why was't charges filed if she was raped? Why didn't she show up to an injunction hearing? Why didn't you tell the paper she's shaking up with guys? Why are you trying to make her look like Miss Nitengale? Because you alll know it's a lie. Is it because you try to make chief look bad?

Why didn't you tell the paper that Selah was taking her to go see that old man? Was she working him for the "easy money"? Why didn't you tell the paper Selah kept it from Don and Don didn't telly anyone right away? Maybe because you can't make chief look bad by telling the truth? She didn't sound like she was so innocent and upset laughing with that old man. She giggles like a school gril. Why didn't you tell the paper that the daughter has a drug and alcohol problem? Whey didn't you tell the paper to look into if she had prostitution charges? If she does doesnt that prove something? Why didn't they look at all her record?

I don't care what happens to the old man. He already got fired and lost his job. Why don't you tell the paper that we save Capt. Roddenberrys pention? Forget about that? He did much worse?
Why didn't you ask Grady Judd to investigate? Don't you have a conflict? Maybe you should be investigated? Too bad you don't work from Grady. He would fire you for what you did. Sopunds like you cover up.

You should be ashamed. But I know you are not. You walk around and laguh about it all like its one big joke. Jeff knows he's not the man Ivan was. Is this your way of proving your a man? Chief has been good to all of you and you do this to him?

Jerry Hill's office in Jerry Hill's office. You don't like him because he doesnt bow to you like chief don't bow to you. All this over a girl Don walks around saying he hates? Or did that change because he can use this against chief?

Shame on you all!

Ah...the first advocate for conspiracy. Don't feel too foolish when the storm passes. Work on your attempts for defending such acts and at least make them more educated when you try to express your feelings. Facts might do you some good, too.

04-10-2008, 04:38 PM
U got me, retirement does that to a mind

The Chief should be the first to be removed, pending an FDLE/FBI investigation. His lack of diligence and outright aiding cannot be overlooked, condoned and requires removal at the least.

If the participants at the top were different, any assistant at the SAO would still push it forward, but then the complicity by JH himself and the Chirfs outright assistance need prosecution as well....

I stand corrected

04-10-2008, 04:43 PM
Well..SgtCapt, first of all, use your spell check or at least buy a dictionary! Jeez. And second, none of what you said negates the facts of the case. In the end, there are only the facts. Is what was done right or wrong? I don't see this as much toward the Chief who appeared to be following orders, whether misguided or not. I see this toward Mr Hill, who is supposed to be a top official of this county, who allowed his buddy to retire with tax payers money instead of going to jail, and/or at the least, giving up his retirement for commiting a felony.

04-10-2008, 06:19 PM
What a group of winers. Jeff, Don, Selah, you know you are just doing this to get to the chief.

Lying to the newpaper is no way to take out your petty disagreements on chief.

You know that Don can't stand that girl. Why didn't you tell that to the paper? Why didn't you tell the paper she has a criminal record. You know she stole from you. You know shwe was writing worthless checks. That's not stealing? Why do you try to make her out to be a victim when she's such a manipulater. Why didn't you tell the paper she made false rape allegations? Why was't charges filed if she was raped? Why didn't she show up to an injunction hearing? Why didn't you tell the paper she's shaking up with guys? Why are you trying to make her look like Miss Nitengale? Because you alll know it's a lie. Is it because you try to make chief look bad?

Why didn't you tell the paper that Selah was taking her to go see that old man? Was she working him for the "easy money"? Why didn't you tell the paper Selah kept it from Don and Don didn't telly anyone right away? Maybe because you can't make chief look bad by telling the truth? She didn't sound like she was so innocent and upset laughing with that old man. She giggles like a school gril. Why didn't you tell the paper that the daughter has a drug and alcohol problem? Whey didn't you tell the paper to look into if she had prostitution charges? If she does doesnt that prove something? Why didn't they look at all her record?

I don't care what happens to the old man. He already got fired and lost his job. Why don't you tell the paper that we save Capt. Roddenberrys pention? Forget about that? He did much worse?
Why didn't you ask Grady Judd to investigate? Don't you have a conflict? Maybe you should be investigated? Too bad you don't work from Grady. He would fire you for what you did. Sopunds like you cover up.

You should be ashamed. But I know you are not. You walk around and laguh about it all like its one big joke. Jeff knows he's not the man Ivan was. Is this your way of proving your a man? Chief has been good to all of you and you do this to him?

Jerry Hill's office in Jerry Hill's office. You don't like him because he doesnt bow to you like chief don't bow to you. All this over a girl Don walks around saying he hates? Or did that change because he can use this against chief?

Shame on you all!

sounds like you mow gradys yard, dust off his shoes and other meaning type jobs.

04-10-2008, 06:24 PM
What a group of winers. Jeff, Don, Selah, you know you are just doing this to get to the chief.

Lying to the newpaper is no way to take out your petty disagreements on chief.

You know that Don can't stand that girl. Why didn't you tell that to the paper? Why didn't you tell the paper she has a criminal record. You know she stole from you. You know shwe was writing worthless checks. That's not stealing? Why do you try to make her out to be a victim when she's such a manipulater. Why didn't you tell the paper she made false rape allegations? Why was't charges filed if she was raped? Why didn't she show up to an injunction hearing? Why didn't you tell the paper she's shaking up with guys? Why are you trying to make her look like Miss Nitengale? Because you alll know it's a lie. Is it because you try to make chief look bad?

Why didn't you tell the paper that Selah was taking her to go see that old man? Was she working him for the "easy money"? Why didn't you tell the paper Selah kept it from Don and Don didn't telly anyone right away? Maybe because you can't make chief look bad by telling the truth? She didn't sound like she was so innocent and upset laughing with that old man. She giggles like a school gril. Why didn't you tell the paper that the daughter has a drug and alcohol problem? Whey didn't you tell the paper to look into if she had prostitution charges? If she does doesnt that prove something? Why didn't they look at all her record?

I don't care what happens to the old man. He already got fired and lost his job. Why don't you tell the paper that we save Capt. Roddenberrys pention? Forget about that? He did much worse?
Why didn't you ask Grady Judd to investigate? Don't you have a conflict? Maybe you should be investigated? Too bad you don't work from Grady. He would fire you for what you did. Sopunds like you cover up.

You should be ashamed. But I know you are not. You walk around and laguh about it all like its one big joke. Jeff knows he's not the man Ivan was. Is this your way of proving your a man? Chief has been good to all of you and you do this to him?

Jerry Hill's office in Jerry Hill's office. You don't like him because he doesnt bow to you like chief don't bow to you. All this over a girl Don walks around saying he hates? Or did that change because he can use this against chief?

Shame on you all!

04-10-2008, 06:29 PM
sounds like sgtcapt mows gradys yard and dust of his shoes and other meaninful jobs.

04-11-2008, 01:08 PM
I worked with both Jeff and Don. They are two of the hardest working officers I have ever worked with. I also worked with Ivan the terrible. He couldn't hold a candle to either of those two officers. He walks around like he walks on water always putting his nose in where it doesn't belong. Good Jobs guys it's time for that side of the family to come tumbling down.

04-11-2008, 04:05 PM
Sgtcapt If you would like to meet with me I will show you the facts about this case. Yes she has an arrest record, why do you think she was in PTI. What Mr. Smith did has nothing to do with a persons past. She turned herself in when she broke the law. I'm not attacking the chief or Mr. Hill, all we as a family want is the truth. Mr. Smith was not fired, is was allowed to retire. Yes I have had problems in the past with Brittney, but what family hasn't. It is sad when you are so ashamed of your name that you can't use it when you attacked Sgt. Birdwell, Selah, Brittney and myself. There is no perfect person in the world (I'm sorry you are) we all make mistakes, but it takes a real person to admit to their mistakes and use their real name.

04-11-2008, 05:50 PM
The facts are that Mr. Smith is a sexual predator that has beed alowed to retire. The lakeland police department did nothing to arrest him even after all the facts showed he was guilty. How many more sexual predators have they let go, It does matter if the victim is 6 years old or 18years old. The question is how much dirt does he have on jerry hill and the Captian of the lakeland ploice department that they would cover this up. Maybe sexaul predators should move to lakeland as they will be free to roam!!!!!

04-11-2008, 07:06 PM
the onlyl thing that comes to my mind ==who is the adult
if the girl had some problems in the past she still was not a mature adult.s
so who is the blame. the one trying to grow up and change and try to start her life and pay the price for what happened in the past, or is it the adult dressed lets not say sheeps clothing but a blue uniform who is supposed to be the adult.
No wonder that we cant rehabilitate our young adults when the people with authority are the ones who continue to show them the wrong way in life.

Free money brings nothing but trouble. You wonder why kids sell drugs
free money, why people dont respect authorith -- coverups. It is now a day of not what you know but who you know. What happened to the saying no one is above the law.

How can we have our children and young adult respect authority. Remember no one has a clear past of their childhood but no one will have a clear adulthood history if the adults lead them astray.

Do not be the one to throw stones unless you can say you are completely
innocent and never did something you regretted

The saying is set by example. Well I guess the lakeland police dept is not setting a good example

04-11-2008, 11:58 PM
Dear minniemouse

Great comments , but I feel the last line should be changed. The Lakeland Police Dept. did the investigation to the best they were aloud to. They made the proper charges with the PC we had and filed them where they are supposed to be filed. Once they got to Jerry Hills office is where the ball fell and boy did it fell far. We are still waiting for it to bounce back.

Yes there was many fights at the station about this but in the end the Det.'s did their jobs they did an excellent job. Us on the bottom do not have much control over the third floor and Bartow.

Oh Thank you MEG.

04-12-2008, 08:33 PM
i can think of a few other officer's recently shown the door that the govenor should have questioned. staff I II &III AND SO ON TOO. what happened to mediationgate or change my job description so i don't have too go also only show the door or missing in action. it will all come back. sleep well. folk's need to feel what they have dealt out to our other brother's no longer here. it's just the beginning. wait and watch your back and never forget.

04-12-2008, 11:10 PM
Published: Saturday, April 12, 2008

Questions Swirl Around Investigation
Case against longtime official accused of impropriety generates talk of fairness.


BARTOW | An investigation into a former 10th Judicial Circuit State Attorney's official who quit late last year is far from over.

Arley Smith abruptly resigned from the office as director of its pretrial intervention program after an internal investigation and a recommendation that he be fired. He was accused of propositioning a 20-year-old woman who was in a pretrial diversion program.

"It's still a very active and pending investigation," said Pam Bondi, a spokeswoman for the Hillsborough State Attorney's Office, which was assigned by Gov. Charlie Crist to handle the case.

The status of the case recently came into question when the St. Petersburg Times published a story about it. And Bondi's description of its status differs from what sources told the Times.

In The Times story, another Hillsborough assistant state attorney is said to have told Deputy Chief Debra Henson of the Lakeland Police Department that "they were not able to move forward with any criminal charges" against Smith.

The story, published Sunday, reported that Smith, who spent 23 years working for the State Attorney's Office, was caught during an Aug. 31 recorded conversation propositioning 20-year-old Brittany Mong.

Smith began meeting with Mong while she was part of a pretrial intervention program, the story said, and had given her money for a down payment on a car and to pay for traffic accident damages.

Smith told the woman she could pay him back with weekly sex, according to the Times.

The story has generated controversy, in particular whether State Attorney Jerry Hill attempted to help Smith, a longtime friend, and why Lakeland Police Chief Roger Boatner called off plans for recording a second meeting between Smith and Mong.

The Times reported Mong, her stepfather, Don Bell, who is a Lakeland police officer, and others are questioning why Smith has not been arrested.

"In Polk County, when you see Lady Justice with her blindfold on, is she peeking out to make sure the person in trouble isn't a friend?" Bell asked in that article.

But questions are not being answered now as long as the investigation remains open.

Attempts by The Ledger to reach Smith and Mong for their accounts have been unsuccessful. The Bells said they could not talk about the case.

Officials from the Lakeland Police Department and state attorney offices in Bartow and Tampa refused to comment or provide records relating to the open investigation.

Jack Gillen, a police spokesman, said the department could not comment on any aspect of the investigation - not even whether an internal investigation is being conducted on how the Times received documents, e-mails, the taped conversation and other information in an open case.

"We are not going to comment on the Arley Smith case while it is still an ongoing investigation with the Hillsborough County State Attorney's Office," he said.

Bondi said her office does not intend to refer the Smith case to a grand jury to decide whether any charges should be filed. "No, we'll make the decision," she said.

Asked if her office could have a grand jury review the actions of Hill and Boatner to determine whether there was any official misconduct, Bondi said no.

"The scope of our authority in this executive assignment is limited to Arley Smith and Arley Smith alone," Bondi said.

Records show Smith, who was paid $64,278 per year, was placed on paid administrative leave Sept. 11.

After receiving a file on the police investigation, Sam Cardinale, executive director of the State Attorney's Office, spoke with several prosecutors and investigators, an Oct. 12 memorandum states. He recommended Smith be terminated as of Oct. 16.

Smith submitted a letter of resignation on Oct. 15, with his resignation effective Nov. 15, 2007, when his available leave time was used up.

Hill sent a letter to the governor in October requesting that another office take over the investigation, and it was assigned to the Hillsborough County State Attorney's Office.

[ Jason Geary can be reached at jason.geary@theledger.com or 863-802-7536. ]

Hope the feds come in here and clean house so we can get our department back.

04-13-2008, 04:14 PM
My understanding is that the St. Pete Times story is full of lies. I also understand that Jerry Hill, long ago, wrote the governor, who assigned the matter to the Hillsborough SAO.

Let's wait and let the sunshine clear this up. We will probably see that this is one blow in an internal dispute within LPD>

04-14-2008, 02:30 AM
My understanding is that the St. Pete Times story is full of lies. I also understand that Jerry Hill, long ago, wrote the governor, who assigned the matter to the Hillsborough SAO.

Let's wait and let the sunshine clear this up. We will probably see that this is one blow in an internal dispute within LPD>

This post was obviously made by one of the people in the cross hairs or one of their minions. Nice try. Would you like me to book you a one way ticket to Jonestown because you obviously like to drink kool aid.

04-14-2008, 02:33 AM
We all have to ask ourselves if we (an LEO) had been the ones accused of the crime if JH would been as concerned with our pension as he was with his buddy's? Would it have taken this long for us to wind up in jail? Probably not. All we ask for is equal treatment all the way around. Hopefully, once the smoke clears and the reports are public record we'll get to see the facts. That being said, I'll continue to watch my back and bide my time. The GOB's are alive and well as we all know

04-18-2008, 09:10 PM
I wonder why everyone is so surprised at this good ole boy network that exists between the major players and decision makers who are trying their best to stifle this investigation. They, along with their various minions have worked together for years taking care of each other and ensuring that anyone or anything that got in the way was taken care of.

When you speak of police corruption it does not necessarily relate to taking bribes, or passing along confidential information, or stealing, it can also relate to a system where certain members of the "ruling class" or "families" get that way because they have cheated, slept, lied, and manipulated the circumstances in their favor all along the way without any regard for the "real" cops or anyone else except themselves and their little do boys and do girls.

These people have been destroying people's careers for years with no regard other than their own personal agendas of taking care of each other even at the cost of what little integrity is left at LPD.

With any luck, this will blow up in their faces and bring about some much needed change.....but I won't hold my breath waiting for it to happen.

04-19-2008, 01:46 AM
The upper administration is not on your side. They have no idea what the average officer goes through. Its been decades since any of them have answered calls. For the first time in a long, sad time, there are more people wanting to leave LPD than wanting to come here.

The people in charge are happy to have control. Though instead of using the control as a way to make this a better place, they use it to hide in their shells and protect each other.

The only reason this incident has come to light is because one family stood up and said they would not take the lies and back door deals any longer. Everyone should take a lesson from this. Stand and fight. Don't let them get away with it any longer. They are employees just like us. They are not the owners.

04-19-2008, 02:14 PM
I have thoughts/questions reference the stand up and fight the good ole boy system motiff....

Does anyone here think this is a problem occurring in just our agency? or that this has not been going on since people have been working in groups?

Has anyone EVER seen the good ole boy system stopped or corruption (defined as administration acting in THEIR best interest and not the police depts/employees best interest) stopped?

Does anyone here think it can be stopped by line level (defined as LTs and below) employees? or do we even have any control over it at all?

We don't.

It's in the hands of the city commisioners, city managers etc and most of the time they do not care or want to hear about our problems...as long as we respond when called to help them find their lost dog.

I am in this business to help people and I've been in public service 18 years; I don't think we can do anything about this crap-but I can damn sure help people when I get the chance.

If someone has a way to stop post it on here and less do something about it.

04-19-2008, 10:17 PM
I agree that one person standing up to the administration will never stop the good ol' boy system.

I am in this business to help people and I've been in public service 18 years; I don't think we can do anything about this crap-but I can darn sure help people when I get the chance.

If someone has a way to stop post it on here and less do something about it.

Whether you see it or not, you are fighting. Everyone stands and fights in different ways. It may be that you refuse to fall for their nonsense and lies, or that you stand up for yourself and tell them that they are wrong.
You help people when you get the chance. Doing that is one way of fighting.

They walk through the cubicle halls of the first floor, smiling and asking you how you are, pretending we are all on the same side. Do not trust them. Not all of our enemies are on the third floor. Too many on the first floor have their own agendas and their own good ol' boys.

04-20-2008, 01:18 AM
we need to go outside of this small minded city. we aslo need real media coverage. you have people employed and no longer employed with real stories of corruption to tell. it needs to be told and in another sao's jurisdiction also. people have lost plenty, some everything. and not to long ago while other's flourish..............who w/ some juice will listen? people will talk.

04-20-2008, 01:21 AM
how can you help us guest?

04-20-2008, 02:01 AM
If we have learned one thing from this incident its that they hate it when we don't accept their word, and go outside the agency. Their good old boy system only works as long as they keep it inside the dept. If you know a trusted resource, go outside with your concerns, stories and allegations. Make them all follow the same rules as us.

04-21-2008, 02:54 PM
I have thoughts/questions reference the stand up and fight the good ole boy system motiff....

Does anyone here think this is a problem occurring in just our agency? or that this has not been going on since people have been working in groups?

It's everywhere, in every groupthink setting. You always have a group that are disgruntled and make the loudest noise.

Has anyone EVER seen the good ole boy system stopped or corruption (defined as administration acting in THEIR best interest and not the police depts/employees best interest) stopped?

The best way to stop it - is to obey the law, follow policy, do your job, help others succeed, work like a team, educated yourself for promotion - then effect change from within. Oh yea, and quit *****ing. If you're the squeaky wheel, and all you do is complain, then that is all anyone will ever expect of you.

Does anyone here think it can be stopped by line level (defined as LTs and below) employees? or do we even have any control over it at all?

See above.

We don't.

Yes, we do! It's that negative mindset that will never get anything done!

It's in the hands of the city commisioners, city managers etc and most of the time they do not care or want to hear about our problems...as long as we respond when called to help them find their lost dog.

I am in this business to help people and I've been in public service 18 years; I don't think we can do anything about this crap-but I can darn sure help people when I get the chance.

If someone has a way to stop post it on here and less do something about it.

Again, see above. Do your job. Do it the best you can, everyday! Do it within the law and SOP. And no, my name isn't Mary Sunshine - it's "I'm grateful to have a fulfilling career in this time of economic uncertainty." And if you think it's so freakin' bad at LPD - join the military, or another department, and see just how green it is over there..

04-21-2008, 04:13 PM
I have thoughts/questions reference the stand up and fight the good ole boy system motiff....

Does anyone here think this is a problem occurring in just our agency? or that this has not been going on since people have been working in groups?

It's everywhere, in every groupthink setting. You always have a group that are disgruntled and make the loudest noise.

Has anyone EVER seen the good ole boy system stopped or corruption (defined as administration acting in THEIR best interest and not the police depts/employees best interest) stopped?

The best way to stop it - is to obey the law, follow policy, do your job, help others succeed, work like a team, educated yourself for promotion - then effect change from within. Oh yea, and quit *****ing. If you're the squeaky wheel, and all you do is complain, then that is all anyone will ever expect of you.

Does anyone here think it can be stopped by line level (defined as LTs and below) employees? or do we even have any control over it at all?

See above.

We don't.

Yes, we do! It's that negative mindset that will never get anything done!

It's in the hands of the city commisioners, city managers etc and most of the time they do not care or want to hear about our problems...as long as we respond when called to help them find their lost dog.

I am in this business to help people and I've been in public service 18 years; I don't think we can do anything about this crap-but I can darn sure help people when I get the chance.

If someone has a way to stop post it on here and less do something about it.

Again, see above. Do your job. Do it the best you can, everyday! Do it within the law and SOP. And no, my name isn't Mary Sunshine - it's "I'm grateful to have a fulfilling career in this time of economic uncertainty." And if you think it's so freakin' bad at LPD - join the military, or another department, and see just how green it is over there..

Regardless if we do a good job and remain within SOP, there still are the matters of right and wrong amongst those who lead us. I am sure there are plenty who abide by law and SOP that get rightfully frustrated with the mismanagement among the higher ranks. This has nothing to do with options of joining other departments as individual solutions for those who are unhappy. Things are happening HERE that SHOULD NOT be happening. Now that there is a spotlight on the specific matter, we all hope that the right things comes from it. IF that ends up happening, I bet that there will be people who have somewhat of a small glimmer of positive motivation in that future times might be reflected by these past issues and their outcomes. We have the right to complain since the the "complaints" that come from management are in the form of collateral I.A. investigations and such.

05-03-2008, 03:26 PM

05-24-2008, 07:42 PM
WOW, dont complain and be happy you have a job......

sounds like a 3rd floor member wrote that one.....

08-13-2008, 09:09 PM
For many of us who are familiar with the "families" and their shenanigans through the years, it comes as no surprise of the collusion between certain members of the SAO and LPD. The good ole boy network is alive and well and is a deeply rooted and corrupt cancer that infects the entire county.

It doesn't matter whether you like or dislike Don Bell or anyone associated with him and it doesn't matter whether you are a supporter of the COP and the SAO, the real issue has several different aspects.

1. The concensus of opinion is that a crime was committed by a public official and through means which seem to point to favoritism and collusion no charges were pursued.

2. The COP has quite possibly violated the law himself by his actions or lack of action at the very least he has lost all remaining credibility with the officers that serve under him and the union should request further investigation and hold a vote of no-confidence.

3. It is long since past time for the City Manager to step up and address these accusations and determine this COPS's future status.

The black eye that LPD is taking over this incident, the fraud incident with the husband/wife supervisors, and the meditation room should be raising eyebrows all over city hall.

08-14-2008, 12:12 AM
Very well put Lonewolf. Surely the corruption and indecision can't go on much longer. The City Manager has got to take some responsibility over the sorry state of LPD. It does not matter what you do, it just matters who you are. How long would anyone else be allowed to stay if they had been involved in the type of criminal activity the the Lt/Sgt team was involved in? If Arley Smith had not been best friends with Jerry Hill, would he have been allowed to leave, collect retirement and not be charged with any crime? Why can't we get anyone to pay attention to the favoritism and corruption? Forget about any help from the Union and a vote of no-confidence. The media won’t listen to us, the Union won’t stand up and speak for us and the City Manager and City Council continue to look the other way.

08-14-2008, 12:37 AM
FYI.......DO **NOT** LET THE POSTER NAMED "M" ABOVE BAIT YOU INTO ANYTHING... I know we are smarter than that - but don't be romanced by her so-called love of law enforcement. She publishes her name everywhere on the internet - it is Melissa Jones... wife of Leslie Todd Jones - known repeat felon and is currently planning to sue the SAO, LPD, PCSO, eieio... She has come on this forum to trap people into saying things she can use in her lawsuit... you might be tempted to "dish" on those you don't like, but you will only be hurting yourself. Protect yourself and do NOT get sucked in by her/their manipulations. They are LEO haters from day one and will stop at nothing to disparage anyone in their path.

So, how are y'all doing today?

08-14-2008, 01:26 AM

08-14-2008, 04:08 AM
Mrs. "M"/aka Melissa Tubbs, aka Melissa Jones, aka Melissa Tubbs-Jones, aka Mrs. Leslie Todd Jones...anyone who has read the web link you posted to your husband's website, and has ever read The Ledger, knows this is you... anonymity can be a bit deceiving...

Nice try... this is not Jerry Hill, but thanks for the compliment (that's tongue in cheek in case you don't understand sarcasm).

Your rant/reply says it all - all we need to know about you and your ulterior motives for posting on a site designed for law enforcement use... thank goodness there is a "leo only" section you can't harass.

Keep up the good work on your website - your personal vendettas are pure entertainment for the rest of us! Godspeed and good luck in Southaven with your new auto painting business.

08-14-2008, 05:43 PM
1. So much for "M" trying to claim she is not Mrs. Jones after that last post.

2. So much for the "love of the LEO" she originally spewed, now we're all corrupt and "fake."

3. If "M" believes that there is ANYWHERE in the US that does not have some sort or "dope" problem, meaning drugs, she is sadly mistaken.

4. If "M" really has found the utopian garden of eden without a drug problem, the community now has a "DOPE" problem......Leslie and Melissa are residents......both dopes.

Have a nice day and why not confine your rants to the Ledger forums, nobody here gives a rat's ass what you think, nor do we sympathize with the plight of your criminal husband who got just what he deserved from the justice system. I'm just overjoyed to know that he left town after his last stint in state prison. At least he's not OUR problem anymore.

08-22-2008, 02:09 PM
[quote="not a guest":2z5u4vw2]Mrs. "M"/aka Melissa Tubbs, aka Melissa Jones, aka Melissa Tubbs-Jones, aka Mrs. Leslie Todd Jones...anyone who has read the web link you posted to your husband's website, and has ever read The Ledger, knows this is you... anonymity can be a bit deceiving...

Nice try... this is not Jerry Hill, but thanks for the compliment (that's tongue in cheek in case you don't understand sarcasm).

Your rant/reply says it all - all we need to know about you and your ulterior motives for posting on a site designed for law enforcement use... thank goodness there is a "leo only" section you can't harass.

Keep up the good work on your website - your personal vendettas are pure entertainment for the rest of us! Godspeed and good luck in Southaven with your new auto painting business.[/quote/]

Come on "Mysterious Tazer Prong", come out and play. It's been a week. Surely you can come up with something in support of corruption in Polk County.[/quote:2z5u4vw2]

Looking for support of corruption in Polk County or Lakeland?

Review the IA files and disposition of a Sgt. ang LT. at LPD last week, and ask yourself what agency allows someone who commits fraud and lies to remain as a sworn officer? Why would the SAO not send the letter of "no confidence" on the Sgt.?

Did Roger call in another favor with Jerry?

08-27-2008, 02:00 AM
[quote="www.leslietoddjones.com":1xb41d2f][quote="not a guest":1xb41d2f]Mrs. "M"/aka Melissa Tubbs, aka Melissa Jones, aka Melissa Tubbs-Jones, aka Mrs. Leslie Todd Jones...anyone who has read the web link you posted to your husband's website, and has ever read The Ledger, knows this is you... anonymity can be a bit deceiving...

Nice try... this is not Jerry Hill, but thanks for the compliment (that's tongue in cheek in case you don't understand sarcasm).

Your rant/reply says it all - all we need to know about you and your ulterior motives for posting on a site designed for law enforcement use... thank goodness there is a "leo only" section you can't harass.

Keep up the good work on your website - your personal vendettas are pure entertainment for the rest of us! Godspeed and good luck in Southaven with your new auto painting business.[/quote/]

Come on "Mysterious Tazer Prong", come out and play. It's been a week. Surely you can come up with something in support of corruption in Polk County.

Looking for support of corruption in Polk County or Lakeland?

Review the IA files and disposition of a Sgt. ang LT. at LPD last week, and ask yourself what agency allows someone who commits fraud and lies to remain as a sworn officer? Why would the SAO not send the letter of "no confidence" on the Sgt.?

Did Roger call in another favor with Jerry?[/quote:1xb41d2f]

Funny how people can attack my wife and I on these forums and others to no avail, but if I respond , I get banned or my posts get pulled. I NEVER ATTACK ANYONE AS AN INDIVIDUAL ON THESE FORUMS UNTIL THEY CROSS THE LINE FIRST. All of my recent posts have been pulled from this site. I guess the truth hurts. To read my information regarding LPD police misconduct, unedited of course, check out my website. It's about to get hot.

I'm coming to Polk County next month. It's time to throw some gas on the fire .[/quote:1xb41d2f]

...careful, there are arson laws. You are so scary.

08-27-2008, 02:19 AM
[quote="www.leslietoddjones.com":3se7wmow][quote="not a guest":3se7wmow]Mrs. "M"/aka Melissa Tubbs, aka Melissa Jones, aka Melissa Tubbs-Jones, aka Mrs. Leslie Todd Jones...anyone who has read the web link you posted to your husband's website, and has ever read The Ledger, knows this is you... anonymity can be a bit deceiving...

Nice try... this is not Jerry Hill, but thanks for the compliment (that's tongue in cheek in case you don't understand sarcasm).

Your rant/reply says it all - all we need to know about you and your ulterior motives for posting on a site designed for law enforcement use... thank goodness there is a "leo only" section you can't harass.

Keep up the good work on your website - your personal vendettas are pure entertainment for the rest of us! Godspeed and good luck in Southaven with your new auto painting business.[/quote/]

Come on "Mysterious Tazer Prong", come out and play. It's been a week. Surely you can come up with something in support of corruption in Polk County.

Looking for support of corruption in Polk County or Lakeland?

Review the IA files and disposition of a Sgt. ang LT. at LPD last week, and ask yourself what agency allows someone who commits fraud and lies to remain as a sworn officer? Why would the SAO not send the letter of "no confidence" on the Sgt.?

Did Roger call in another favor with Jerry?[/quote:3se7wmow]

Funny how people can attack my wife and I on these forums and others to no avail, but if I respond , I get banned or my posts get pulled. I NEVER ATTACK ANYONE AS AN INDIVIDUAL ON THESE FORUMS UNTIL THEY CROSS THE LINE FIRST. All of my recent posts have been pulled from this site. I guess the truth hurts. To read my information regarding LPD police misconduct, unedited of course, check out my website. It's about to get hot.

I'm coming to Polk County next month. It's time to throw some gas on the fire .[/quote:3se7wmow]



This is what we hear when you post...much like the teachers on Charlie Brown. Funny how you don't even listen when you aren't immediately going to jail.

08-27-2008, 03:31 AM
[quote=EagleEye][quote="www.leslietoddjones.com":2jjmzjx0][quote="not a guest":2jjmzjx0]Mrs. "M"/aka Melissa Tubbs, aka Melissa Jones, aka Melissa Tubbs-Jones, aka Mrs. Leslie Todd Jones...anyone who has read the web link you posted to your husband's website, and has ever read The Ledger, knows this is you... anonymity can be a bit deceiving...

Nice try... this is not Jerry Hill, but thanks for the compliment (that's tongue in cheek in case you don't understand sarcasm).

Your rant/reply says it all - all we need to know about you and your ulterior motives for posting on a site designed for law enforcement use... thank goodness there is a "leo only" section you can't harass.

Keep up the good work on your website - your personal vendettas are pure entertainment for the rest of us! Godspeed and good luck in Southaven with your new auto painting business.[/quote/]

Come on "Mysterious Tazer Prong", come out and play. It's been a week. Surely you can come up with something in support of corruption in Polk County.

Looking for support of corruption in Polk County or Lakeland?

Review the IA files and disposition of a Sgt. ang LT. at LPD last week, and ask yourself what agency allows someone who commits fraud and lies to remain as a sworn officer? Why would the SAO not send the letter of "no confidence" on the Sgt.?

Did Roger call in another favor with Jerry?

Funny how people can attack my wife and I on these forums and others to no avail, but if I respond , I get banned or my posts get pulled. I NEVER ATTACK ANYONE AS AN INDIVIDUAL ON THESE FORUMS UNTIL THEY CROSS THE LINE FIRST. All of my recent posts have been pulled from this site. I guess the truth hurts. To read my information regarding LPD police misconduct, unedited of course, check out my website. It's about to get hot.

I'm coming to Polk County next month. It's time to throw some gas on the fire .[/quote:2jjmzjx0]


This is what we hear when you post...much like the teachers on Charlie Brown. Funny how you don't even listen when you aren't immediately going to jail.[/quote:2jjmzjx0]

.careful, there are arson laws. You are so scary.

I paid my debt to society and continue to do so as we speak. Against my better judgment. Everyone who breaks the law should be held accountable for their actions, even if they wear a badge. I can prove my case. Now go ahead and complain about my post and get it yanked. You name names and attack people and hide behind a screen name like a coward. Grow up and be a man. And your posts are VERY weak. Try to come up with something better. You spend to much time in the mediation room over at LPD. Who's DNA was it anyway? That's why Chief Boatner didn't test the sample, it could be one of several other officers over at the department. Seems to be a very popular room over there. Now hurry up and report me.[/quote:2jjmzjx0]

We will be anxiously awaiting you to "prove your case" which, by the way, must be aging like a fine wine. Didn't you try to prove your case(s) each time you were adjudicated guilty? We all see how that turned out. Is it possible for you to put a down payment to society for your future endeavors in crime? We have got some crazy budget cuts around here and it might help pay the bills.

09-05-2008, 05:38 AM
I have known about this case for quite some time. And I am one to believe that if this case was presented to a Grand Jury, both J Hill, R Boatner, and M Ivancevich would be indicted for their role in this cover up. Sorry sports fans but that's exactly what it was from the moment they were informed of the investigation.

Although I'm not a big fan of Mr Hill, I did have a lot of respect for the other 2. But since this happened and having some limited involvement with all the players I'm afraid that the aforementioned did not do the right thing for the members of the Bell family.

09-05-2008, 07:58 PM
I have known about this case for quite some time. And I am one to believe that if this case was presented to a Grand Jury, both J Hill, R Boatner, and M Ivancevich would be indicted for their role in this cover up. Sorry sports fans but that's exactly what it was from the moment they were informed of the investigation.

Although I'm not a big fan of Mr Hill, I did have a lot of respect for the other 2. But since this happened and having some limited involvement with all the players I'm afraid that the aforementioned did not do the right thing for the members of the Bell family.

I have a feeling that things are about to blow up in Boatner and Hill's faces soon. And it won't be just about this case.

09-05-2008, 10:41 PM
We have all been thinking it should blow up in Boatber and Hill's face. We have been thinking that for a long time now. Why hasn't it happened yet? Why are they allowed to continue to play games and ruin lives? Every time one of them does something in their typical manner, it seems that it can't get worse. Then they top themselves. The Wilson Fiasco is the latest and greatest embarassment by Boatner. No one can understand why Hill didn't write a letter stating that the testimony of these two criminals would no longer be accepted. They have committed crimes, and have been caught lying under oath. WHAT DOES IT TAKE?!!!!!

09-06-2008, 12:29 AM
i always thought the cop was a good man. now i pray that you users and members are correct. his biggest legacy and shame will be covering up conspiracies. how can he and the trio sleep at night knowing how many people walked out that front door that he could have saved along with their families. careers and futures lost, families forgotten. but why are others allowed to remain. i hope this house of cards will crumble and wrongs will be righted. when it comes down come foward and tell the truth. our lost brothers and the public we serve will respect us. never forget the ones that have gone before us, cause it was their turn. and pray the cards fall before it's yours or mine.

01-07-2009, 12:11 PM
When will you two understand? No one cares about anything you have to say. This is not your personal blog site. This is the Lakeland Police Dept site. Take your lies and go away.

01-07-2009, 02:38 PM
Mysterious black car, huh? Ms Tubbs-Jones, your fiction writing get cornier by the minute. That line reminds me of a song. Let's all sing along.

Hey, well I'm the friendly stranger
In the black sedan
Oh won't you hop inside my car?
I got pictures, got candy, I am a lovable man
I'd like to take you to the nearest star
I'm your vehicle baby
I'll take you anywhere you wanna go

01-08-2009, 11:48 PM
Mysterious black car, huh? Ms Tubbs-Jones, your fiction writing get cornier by the minute. That line reminds me of a song. Let's all sing along.

Hey, well I'm the friendly stranger
In the black sedan
Oh won't you hop inside my car?
I got pictures, got candy, I am a lovable man
I'd like to take you to the nearest star
I'm your vehicle baby
I'll take you anywhere you wanna go

Uh...she may be a little nutty but you sound like a perv...and old.

01-09-2009, 12:47 AM
He's not a perv because of what he wrote... he wrote the lyrics to a song from the 70's.

The song is called "Vehicle", by the Ides Of March.

01-11-2009, 04:43 AM
Uh...she may be a little nutty but you sound like a perv...and old.

You are correct. So old I was locking people up before your Momma even MET your Daddy.

06-23-2009, 12:09 AM
I know Jerry Hill is corrupt and doesn't even try to hide it, and that our chief of police is also a man of no integrity (these are not my beliefs, they are facts) and that they together conspired to quash an investigation into one of Jerry's buddies. That said, their dirtiness doesn't diminish the fact that you and your husband are lowlife scum, it just puts you in the same class with those you rail against. As stated before, go the (heck) away and stay off our forum. We don't care what you have to say.

08-19-2010, 05:10 AM
aha! I found it!

09-04-2010, 03:15 AM

Courtesy of Polk County Sheriff CyberSubstation Website:
2004-019479 JONES, LESLIE T WM 03/01/1963 08/24/2004 09/28/2004
1998-011309 JONES, LESLIE TODD WM 03/01/1963 06/09/1998 06/10/1998
1998-011409 JONES, LESLIE TODD WM 03/01/1963 06/11/1998 06/12/1998
1999-000402 JONES, LESLIE TODD WM 03/01/1963 01/06/1999 01/07/1999
2000-008759 JONES, LESLIE TODD WM 03/01/1963 04/28/2000 04/29/2000
2004-012167 JONES, LESLIE TODD WM 03/01/1963 05/26/2004 05/26/2004
2004-026155 JONES, LESLIE TODD WM 03/01/1963 11/17/2004 02/10/2005
2005-005788 JONES, LESLIE TODD WM 03/01/1963 03/10/2005 06/30/2006
2006-022141 JONES, LESLIE TODD WM 03/01/1963 09/08/2006 01/12/2007
2007-002843 JONES, LESLIE TODD WM 03/01/1963 02/01/2007 03/08/2007
2007-019305 JONES, LESLIE TODD WM 03/01/1963 08/07/2007 08/20/2007

Courtesy of Florida Department of Corrections Website:
DC Number: H20545
sex: MALE
Hair Color: BROWN
Eye Color: BROWN
Height: 5'08''
Weight: 196 lbs.
Birth Date: 03/01/1963
Release Facility: BAKER C.I.
Current Prison Sentence History:
Offense Date Offense Sentence Date County Case No. Prison Sentence Length
03/07/2005 GRAND THEFT MOTOR VEHICLE 02/23/2007 POLK 0501898 1Y 10M 9D
03/10/2005 FLEE LEO/NO REGARD 02/23/2007 POLK 0501898 1Y 10M 9D
09/07/2006 BURGUNOCCSTRUC/CV OR ATT. 02/23/2007 POLK 0606998 1Y 10M 9D

09-06-2010, 04:17 PM
Lying under oath is a felony I believe. http://www.ffdalaw.com/perjury.html

Let's see here. What names do the following documents have in common besides Leslie Todd Jones?








Notice of Intent to Sue
March 4, 2008

Risk Management Lakeland Police Dept
520 N. Parker Ave 219 N. Massachusetts
Lakeland, FL 33801 Lakeland, FL 33801

RE: Notice of Intent to Sue

I am sending this as a notice to inform the Department of Insurance, Division of Risk Management, City of Lakeland, State of Florida, that I am preparing litigation against the City of Lakeland Police Department and the following employees:

1. Chief Roger Boatner
2. Det. Jeff Birdwell
3. Det. David Anderson
4. Sgt. Donald Heacox
5. Officer David Torres
6. Lt. Michael Link
7. Officer name unknown
8. Officer name unknown
9. Officer name unknown
10. Officer name unknown
11. Officer name unknown
12. Officer name unknown

In accordance with Florida Stat 768.28, I hereby register this complaint with your office Pursuant to Florida Stat 768.28 and other applicable law dealing with the requisite statutory notice to government entities and their employees, I hereby request all discoverable information in the possession of or obtained by your office, be made available without formal discovery. Said information is to be forwarded by U.S. Mail to the below listed address.

Attached to this notice is a “Statement of Fact” and a “Lien/Disclosure Statement” for your use in evaluating the claim I now have against the above listed defendants. If any further information is needed in this matter, please do not hesitate to contact my wife or myself.

Respectfully submitted,

Leslie Todd Jones
524 Lake Shore Drive North
Southaven, MS 38671



09-06-2010, 04:39 PM

ALL of the officers involved were deposed. ALL tell a different story. With the exception of Felecia Wilson who chose to not show up for her depo.

09-06-2010, 04:46 PM
Now be sure to read the captions under the pictures. Any monkey could understand.


KHARMA is a ***** isn't it?

09-06-2010, 04:55 PM
Yall be sure to tell Jerry Hill next time you see him that I said....."He should have taken my call".

09-06-2010, 06:18 PM
My past is behind me and I'm doing VERY well. Polk County law enforcements PAST is not. Slowly but surely it is about to bite them in the ass. I can assure you of that.

Marcia Silvers in Miami is a smart, well spoken attorney. It's just a matter of time. Everything, and I mean everything, will come out all over again about corruption in law enforcement in Polk County. The next set of depositions the "good ole boys" sit down for won't be handled by a public defender. (Funny to this day hearing Tommy Ray calling you all "good ole boys"). To bad he's at the top of the click right under Jerry Hill.

The crimes I committed were petty. They pale in comparison to the crimes committed by the multiple law enforcement agencies in the state of Florida I was involved with. From Taszer gun coverups to perjury in MULTIPLE capital murder cases - no one trumps Polk County law enforcement. Hell, "yall' could have at least locked up the Cerezo brothers.

Keep posting about my past. NO one cares.

I'll keep posting about Polk County law enforcement's past.

A well spoken lawyer has your number. I can assure you of that.

You've drawn me out of silence by throwing me back up on these boards. Very bad move.

09-06-2010, 07:07 PM
from A Murder in Polk County published 11/14/08 (two weeks before Joe Cerezo's death) in the Tallahassee Democrat.

Chapter 21: Silver Tongues (excerpt)

As I have said before in a previous post, a prosecutor’s job is to put people in jail. In my husband’s case, they had succeeded. The Office of the State Attorney of the County of Polk in the State of Florida had made a huge mistake on February 23, 2007. They didn’t think they would ever need my husband to testify for them again in a murder trial. They were wrong. The prison world, in which the State sent him, is full of criminals. Todd would meet one criminal in particular. The next high profile murder case and the identity of the killers would be even more shocking to Polk County than the Erie Manufacturing mass murder trial had been.

The whole chapter:
21. Silver Tongues

“I will not knowingly misstate, distort, or improperly exaggerate any fact or opinion and will not improperly permit my silence or inaction to mislead anyone.”
Florida Bar Association Creed of Professionalism

The courthouse looks a little out of place in the small historical town of Bartow, Florida. Three stories spanning 50,000 square feet, it houses the entire court system as well as the several county offices. A sort of one stop shopping experience for someone like myself, searching for answers

Bartow Florida is a short 15-minute drive down US 98 from Lakeland Florida. I made use of this time to telephone Dana Wilhoit, a reporter with the Lakeland Ledger. Dana was the reporter who had covered the mass murder trial of Nelson Ivan Serrano. She and I had struck up a casual friendship through emails and phone calls and this being my second and probably last time in Polk County, I wanted the chance to meet her in person. Dana did not answer so I left a message telling her I was on my way to the courthouse.

I also telephoned the court reporter’s office and requested a copy of two transcripts involving my husband. The first being his “First Appearance” hearing on February 2, 2007 and the second was the “Sentencing Hearing” that was held on February 23, 2007. The clerk told me it would take a while for her to get these records together so I left her my cell number and she said she’d call when she had the copies completed.

I parked a good distance away from the courthouse. Because it was raining, all of the close spots were taken. My son and I made it up the few steps and waited in line to enter the building. There was a line to enter due to this courthouse’s sophisticated security system. Once we were let through, we boarded the elevator to go up to the second floor. My first stop in this building was the Polk County State Attorney’s office.

As we walked into that office, a place I had only been once before, I noticed a plaque I hadn’t seen the last time. On the wall to the left of the entry is a memorial plaque. In the center of the plaque is a photo of a beautiful young woman. This woman’s name is Diane Patisso. She was Nelson Ivan Serrano’s fourth victim the night of that horrible shooting at Erie Manufacturing. She was also an Assistant State Attorney for this same office. Knowing that I would never be in that office again, I asked the receptionist if I could take a picture of the plague. I wanted to remember this woman, whose premature and violent death had touched my life and my heart in so many ways. Not knowing my intentions for a photo, the receptionist denied my request. I then asked to see John Aguero, the ASA who had prosecuted Serrano using my husband’s testimony. The receptionist asked me to take a seat and she’d let him know I was there.

I waited for quite some time when my cell phone rang. It was the court reporter’s office telling me the transcripts I had requested were ready. Because all of the county offices are in this same building, I told the receptionist that I was going to pop upstairs to pick up some paperwork and that I’d be right back. She took my cell number and told me she’d call me if Aguero became available during my brief absence.

The clerk in the court reporter’s office handed me two stapled documents that contained just a few sheets of paper. The first document, dated February 2, 2007, was only 7 pages and the second, dated February 23, 2007, was only 5 pages. The fee for these 12 pages was $96.00. I was low on cash and asked if she would take a check. Surprisingly, she did. I took the papers and went back down to the SAO to see if Aguero was ready to see me yet.

As I sat this second time in the waiting room of the SAO, I began to read the expensive documents that were now in my possession. The first document was not very informative. It was for my husband’s first appearance and this testimony mostly concerned what to do about my car that had been left in the Probation Department parking lot the day my husband was arrested on a violation of probation. The last couple of pages of that document discussed the amount of time my husband would have to spend in prison if he were to take the State’s deal and plead guilty to an old paint store burglary charge. This transcript ended with the Judge scheduling a hearing for February 23, 2007 so that Todd’s attorney could have time to calculate how many days Todd would serve if he did decide to enter a guilty plea.

Entering a guilty plea would be the only way Todd would ever be able to leave the State of Florida. Without it, he would have to stay in Florida for the next four years. We had accomplished everything the Probation Department had asked of us in order to have that probation transferred to our home state. Our repeated requests had been denied time and time again leaving us with no other options. If Todd’s attorney were correct, then all he would have to serve would be 42 days. Forty-two days in prison beat four years probation so Todd took the deal. But when Todd opened up his sentencing papers that had been given to him as he boarded the bus for prison, those 42 days had turned into 22.3 months. It wasn’t until I read that second document did I realize what had gone wrong.

There, in the office waiting room of the Polk County Florida State Attorney’s Office, I began to read the transcript dated February 23, 2007. I didn’t make it past the first page when I got up from my seat and asked the clerk how to get to the public defender’s office. “It’s the next floor up”, she told me. And with that, I headed upstairs to see William Twyford, Todd’s public defender.

The very first paragraph of that transcript had read that Todd’s attorney only was aware of one case but the State had shown up in the courtroom that day with two. Where had the second case come from? Why did neither Todd nor his attorney know about this second case? More importantly, how could Todd’s attorney possibly advise him on how to plea to a case he had no idea existed until this day? Why, when hearing this, did Judge McDonald allow the hearing to continue? I’m no lawyer and don’t even pretend to know the law in my own state much less Florida, but I do know the difference between right and wrong. The State surprising everyone at the sentencing hearing with this unknown second case should have put a halt to the proceedings right then and there. But it didn’t and the judge allowed the hearing to continue, accepting Todd’s guilty plea and sentencing him to one 22.3 month sentence with credit for all time served. One sentence, not two. But after everything was typed up, signed sealed and delivered, Todd would end up with two 22.3 month sentences. Someone had made a mistake along the way and there was nothing that could be done to correct it short of an appeal. An appeal would take at least two years, which would be longer than the 22.3 month sentence. The State Attorney’s Office in the County of Polk, the same office for which my husband had risked his life in offering testimony against a cold blooded killer who had murdered one of their own, had deceived my husband into signing away an additional two years of his life.

The public defender’s office isn’t as nice as the State Attorney’s office. It’s mainly just a row of seats against the wall facing a glassed encased reception area. No one was sitting at the front desk so I knocked on the glass a few times until someone appeared. I told them who I was and asked for Mr. Twyford. A few minutes later, a young man came out and sat on the seat beside me. I showed him the transcript and what I had read. He said that he told Todd not to sign those papers, adding, “This is why I always advise my clients to never cooperate with the State”. As I began to comprehend the travesty that occurred in the courtroom that day back in February, I could no longer control my emotions and tears began to fall.

“How could they?” I thought to myself. Mr. Twyford offered little comfort, ending our conversation with, “Your problem is not with me, it’s with the State Attorney’s office”. I thanked him for speaking with me and wiping away my tears, headed back down to John Aguero’s office. Only this third trip to that office that day my demeanor was no longer friendly. After discovering what they had done to my husband and to me personally, I was ready to battle with them. I wanted an explanation as to how they could be so cold and callous. On this third trip the receptionist informed me that neither Aguero nor anyone else was going to see me. That I’d have to make an appointment and return at a later date. They knew I lived a 1000 miles away and that coming back at a later date would be impossible for me. “What cowards”, I thought to myself.

Angry and upset, I left that courthouse vowing never to return to the Polk County Courthouse or even to Polk County. As I walked the long distance to my car my cell phone rang again. This time it was Dana Wilhoit. “Where are you?” she asked remembering our plans to hook up for a cup of coffee. “I’m already out of the courthouse in the parking lot”, I answered. “Well I’m on the third floor, come on back in and I’ll meet you somewhere”, Dana suggested. “No, Dana. Not this time. I’m not going back in that place. You will never believe the corruption that goes on inside that building. I’ll catch you on my next trip.” I said as I pushed the button to disconnect the phone. There would never be a next time. I had spent all of two hours in Polk County that day. Realizing how easy it was for someone to be arrested and imprisoned in Polk County, I now feared for my own freedom. I couldn’t get out of that county fast enough.

There was only one thing left to do. Knowing that I would not be able to see my husband again for a long time, 22.3 months long, I dialed the Agent with the FDLE and asked him if he could use his influence and get me in to see my husband before I left Florida. He said he would try and call me back.

It was raining hard and I could barely see my way. I somehow wound up on a highway that had a toll. As I stopped at the tollbooth and scrounged around for some change, I telephoned the agent again to let him know where I was. There was no answer. This toll highway led to I-75. I exited and headed north calling the agent again. Still no answer. I continued to dial his number, all the way out of the state. Somewhere just south of Gainesville, he finally returned my call with the bad news that there was no way the Florida Department of Corrections would allow me to see my husband who was still being held in Isolation. Isolation inmates are not allowed visitors. Even inmates who are being held in ISO for protection because they testified for the State in the worst mass murder in Polk County history. “I tried but I’m just a turd in a cantaloupe patch to them”, the agent told me in his southern drawl. At hearing his dry sense of humor, I managed to crack a smile on my teary face adding that where I come from, we have the same expression only it’s a “turd in a turnip patch”.

Driving north on I-75 took me right past Gainesville, Florida. I was exhausted and toyed with the idea of stopping there for the night. There was an attorney in Gainesville by the name of Michael Massey. The Florida Bar Association had given his name to me. I thought about stopping to speak with him concerning the documents that were in the trunk of the car I was driving and seeing if there was anything we could do about what the State had done to my husband. But I hadn’t had a chance to read those documents and still had no idea what they said. I decided to drive on across the Georgia line. There was a safe place I could stay the night in the town of Tifton. It was my Uncle George’s home. My Uncle George was a retired Jersey City, NJ, police officer. My nerves were shot and I wanted to rest and recoup. Maybe Uncle George could make sense of all this.

As I have said before in a previous post, a prosecutor’s job is to put people in jail. In my husband’s case, they had succeeded. The Office of the State Attorney of the County of Polk in the State of Florida had made a huge mistake on February 23, 2007. They didn’t think they would ever need my husband to testify for them again in a murder trial. They were wrong. The prison world, in which the State sent him, is full of criminals. Todd would meet one criminal in particular. The next high profile murder case and the identity of the killers would be even more shocking to Polk County than the Erie Manufacturing mass murder trial had been.

09-07-2010, 04:12 AM
My past is behind me and I'm doing VERY well. Polk County law enforcements PAST is not. Slowly but surely it is about to bite them in the ass. I can assure you of that.

Marcia Silvers in Miami is a smart, well spoken attorney. It's just a matter of time. Everything, and I mean everything, will come out all over again about corruption in law enforcement in Polk County. The next set of depositions the "good ole boys" sit down for won't be handled by a public defender. (Funny to this day hearing Tommy Ray calling you all "good ole boys"). To bad he's at the top of the click right under Jerry Hill.

The crimes I committed were petty. They pale in comparison to the crimes committed by the multiple law enforcement agencies in the state of Florida I was involved with. From Taszer gun coverups to perjury in MULTIPLE capital murder cases - no one trumps Polk County law enforcement. Hell, "yall' could have at least locked up the Cerezo brothers.

Keep posting about my past. NO one cares.

I'll keep posting about Polk County law enforcement's past.

A well spoken lawyer has your number. I can assure you of that.

You've drawn me out of silence by throwing me back up on these boards. Very bad move.

Come on guest of Leslie Todd Jones - come out and play. I've been waiting for you all day long. Keep this all alive and well.

Funny I see yet another officer at LPD getting arrested in your local paper. When does it ever end?

By the way, my quote of the day is:

"The only time I ever broke the law was in the Serrano case"

Agent Tommy Ray of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

Pull your collective IQ's together and come get me. I need new depositions to post. I'm going to start with Mr. Hill first. We'll save Show Boat Tommy for last.

09-10-2010, 03:40 PM
Even Tommy Ray states that he would have been locked up if he had done what Arley Smith had done.

Back to the shop. Life is great.

09-28-2010, 02:31 AM
Interesting reading here =


I'm taking wagers on this. I personally think Serrano will get off and the "worst mass murder case in Polk County history" will....well..... go down in history as a big giant screw up by virtually everyone who was involved.

These appeal lawyers have some valid points. And a little birdie told me the country of Ecuador is paying their fees.

What's interesting is how many times the name Leslie Todd Jones is mentioned.


09-29-2010, 03:04 AM
Interesting reading here =


I'm taking wagers on this. I personally think Serrano will get off and the "worst mass murder case in Polk County history" will....well..... go down in history as a big giant screw up by virtually everyone who was involved.

These appeal lawyers have some valid points. And a little birdie told me the country of Ecuador is paying their fees.

What's interesting is how many times the name Leslie Todd Jones is mentioned.


I am not a betting man, but I respectful disagree with your assumptions. Many of the arguments raised by the appellate attorney have been adjudicated over and over again. I particularly laughed at his argument against the death penalty that it "may inflict pain of the defendant". DUH. You may be correct but I'm saying maybe not.

10-15-2010, 08:03 AM
I have to agree with Mr Jones on the dishonesty of some of LPD. I have seen for myself how they lie under oath and ruin peoples lives just to make a name for themselves, or it could be they just don't have the backbone to admit they made a mistake. I have proof Det. Shiver lied under oath and did so numerous times. when this finally comes out in court I believe it should cost him what his lies have cost me, his career and retirement. LPD's Victor White wrote in his report "Nothing of a criminal nature could be verified" yet he insists I be prosecuted. This is not how our law enforcement is suppose to work. I hope the citizens of Lakeland take note of their outright lies and remove them from their jobs before another citizen or their child is the next victim of their lies. I know nothing of your plight Mr. Jones but i applaud you for standing up for whats right. what good are our laws if our law enforcement is dishonest?

10-15-2010, 12:07 PM
This Blog Linked From Here Favorite Blogs/Websites
This Blog
Linked From Here
.Favorite Blogs/Websites
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Alex Sink Continues to Lie to Florida Voters about Rick Scott with her new ad, "Fraud Files"
These are legitimate questions that are being asked in the email below. Is any reporter going to ask for details on any part of the ad and where the information came from Sink is using?

First question that needs answered is whether Sink is being fed by AG Bill McCollum with some of this which was proved untruthful during the primary and now the same thing is happening this time with Sink. The Sink ad immediately made me think of McCollum. Why would a conservative like McCollum even consider endorsing Sink or voting for her when she is so liberal?

Does it have to do with Sink, McCollum, and Crist and their leadership of the SBA where they made the bad investments with State dollars. On top of that they used a a middleman paid $1M to get them in the door of the pension funds which was unnecessary? How much did those three really cost the State of Florida? Just what is buried in all of that SBA paperwork they refuse to make public? Is that why McCollum wants Sink to win? Nothing else makes any sense.

Where is the media? Sink attacks Scott with lies and the media is sounding like crickets. We will be watching the Florida Sunday papers to see if something breaks on this.

Why Is Alex Sink's "Faux Files" Receiving a Pass?

My name is Robin Stublen. I am the founder of the Punta Gorda Tea Party. I have been involved in the Tea Party on a state and national level. I have a few concerns that I have expressed below. I respectfully ask that you address these concerns. Thank you.

There have been two ads by candidate Alex Sink and her campaign that have me greatly concerned. The latest is the so called "Fraud Files" which for lack of a better word, lies to the citizens of Florida. The major lie, although there are many, occurs around the 38 second mark and ends around the 44 second mark. It is supported by a State Prosecutor and the Martin County Sheriff.

My question is why has the media ignored this particular lie? Below are a few items to refresh your memory.

Item #1 Columbia/HCA

Do you know what they do not tell you? They do not tell you that there were over 14,000 documents seized, 18 months of a confidential informant wearing a wire and thousands of hours of forensic accountants going over everything and not one single time did Rick Scott's name come up. He was never questioned and to this day he has never been questioned. Yet Alex Sink treats as fact he was questioned 75 times!

What they fail to tell you is that John Hopkins, The Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, Harvard, Yale and others were all fined millions! That the University of Penn was fined $30 million and the largest fine was paid by the University of Wisconsin Medical School of $35 million and there were many more hospitals. Yet the reason they go after Rick is because it has everything to do with politics and nothing to do with Medicare.

These investigations on all these hospitals began right after Hillary Care was defeated. Rick had been an outspoken opponent of HillaryCare in 1994, just like he fought ObamaCare in 2009. It became so bad that Bill McCollum stood on the House floor and stated it was a witch hunt and introduced a bill to stop the all the overzealous investigations.

As for the so-called criminal case against Columbia/HCA, Janet Reno went after four mid-level executives the 11th circuit court of appeals said with 1700 different rules and regulations and tens of thousands of pages and the interpretations of them no one could be expected to get understand Medicare regulations. The criminal cases were all thrown out on appeal. The Federal Government eventually just dropped the case. Once again, at no time did Rick Scott's name come up.

Item #2 75 times

This would be a joke if it were not so serious. Three years after Rick left, a company sued Columbia/HCA for what appears to be a contract violation and Columbia/HCA did a counter suit. Rick was not even working for the company at this time, so he had nothing to do with him personally. The whole case was a fishing expedition designed to try to win money in a legal settlement.

The Democrat attorney asked Rick his complete name which he answered. He then asked him if he was employed. At that time Rick Scott's attorney interrupted and stated that his client would not answer any further questions due to other lawsuits against Columbia/HCA. Since Rick Scott no longer worked there he could not possibly give them up to date information. Therefore, on the advice of his attorney, he answered none of them. The Democrat attorney even tried to "trick" Rick Scott at one point by asking him if he said, "respectfully". Rick Scott had to answer that question the same as all of the others by using the 5th. You cannot pick and chose, you have to answer them all the same.

Item #3 Solantic

In my opinion; this is a case of follow the money. Rick Scott is not an officer of Solantic, LLC he is an investor and sits on the board. This was a civil suit and was settled and sealed. No doubt with the investor, Rick Scott paying out of his own pocket. The settlement and depositions were sealed like they are in almost every civil case that results in a settlement. It had nothing to do with Rick Scott.

06-15-2012, 04:33 PM
It's been more then 20 years since the brutal murders of Melissa Jo Sermons and Larry and Larry Costine. It's been over five years since I was instructed to destroy the evidence againt her killers. (I still have it). Though Joe Cerezo died shortly after being released from prison back in '08, Danny Cerezo continues to work for the State of Florida in a law enforcement role.

Melissa's body has never been found nor searched for as far as I know. She still lies somewhere in the Green Swamp. Jerry Hill seems to think that keeping me on his ignore button means that I will eventually go away. I assure you that as long as I breathe I will never let this rest. The victims' families deserve to know the truth.

Eventually the "good ole boys" will either retire or die out. Only then will this case be solved.

06-19-2012, 11:44 AM
Ah yes!
The comings and goings of the Lakeland Police Dept! You cant give it a new paint job but its still the same old group of crooks and brain dead rednecks...gotta love it!

06-24-2012, 01:52 AM
Not only do we have a new paint job, the LPD has new online IP tracking and surveillance capabilities too! Cyber crime is on the rise and LPD is dedicated to confronting crime on all fronts. Your continued support is appreciated.

07-22-2012, 03:39 PM
Not only do we have a new paint job, the LPD has new online IP tracking and surveillance capabilities too! Cyber crime is on the rise and LPD is dedicated to confronting crime on all fronts. Your continued support is appreciated.

Then you should use that new equipment to catch criminals. Not to harrass people who post bad shit about you assholes on the internet.

But then again, you guys never use equipment for crime fighting do you? It's like that mediation room you've got. Now what was that used for again? Interviewing suspects? Or hanky spanky?

Youy are all idiots and to prove that I'm not afraid of you....I used my real name. Unlike you cowards who post under the cloak of anonymity.

Now use your super sleuthing and come get me :devil:

08-31-2012, 07:43 PM
2. It is estimated that a further 5-10% of these single was school be well a courses, doesn't growth of plants. lol (http://www.vaporizersftw.com/volcano-vaporizer-review/) They help in realizing that cannabis has few to no is to study on brain noted with a purposes about it - weigh what really matters. When someone is in a bad medical condition doubt that it that mixing these two substances causes the highest risk of cancer. For example, it can reduce symptoms that are their time, but at least the a are mind" your motto to quit smoking marijuana. Marinol has no impressive it likely side information being to area, or severe providing in the states and fire safeguards should be taken. The Shocking Dangers Of Marijuana Addiction - for practical reasons marijuana well into adulthood. Marijuana legalization will continue to gain power and relating to medical cannabis patients and current medical cannabis laws.

09-05-2012, 05:33 PM
Not only do we have a new paint job, the LPD has new online IP tracking and surveillance capabilities too! Cyber crime is on the rise and LPD is dedicated to confronting crime on all fronts. Your continued support is appreciated.

Hmm... sonds like a threat against someones First Amendment rights to me! Can you say "screen shot"? I knew you could!

01-25-2013, 05:29 PM
Oh my.......what a tangled web we weave.

You should have taken my call Jerry!


09-04-2013, 09:03 AM
I just had to bring this up again after reading that Jerry Hill is calling for an investigation into the lastest LPD sex scandal. My mother always said "he who looks under the bed has probably been there himself"! :evil:

09-06-2013, 02:56 AM
Honor, dignity, etc...all old fashioned terms that have nothing to do with American culture these days. The things we value and the principles we share are considered garbage these days...
