View Full Version : Fort Lauderdale commissioner admits $4.32 ethics breach

04-05-2008, 06:11 AM
Well well well...it looks like Mr. Robert Bates will have his hands full again. For those of you who don't know who Mr. Bates is, he is in charge of the city's Office of Professional Standards. He is the guy that confronted and belittled a Fort Lauderdale Police Officer in 2005 for accepting a free $5.00 salad from Wendy's. It was the policy of Wendy's to give salads, drinks etc. to officers but Mr. Bates felt the need to have a full investigation and recommended discipline. His case fell apart when the Wendy's manager refused to cooperate and basically told Bates to go away. It's time to redeem yourself Mr. Bates. Another $5.00 ($4.32 to be exact) case for you to investigate and persecute, I mean prosecute. Why does Christeen Teel have to make the complaint? Let Bates initiate the investigation and question Hutchinson just like he did before. Let justice be done with these corrupt city employees!!! Of course no one was corrupt in Fort Lauderdale until the White Plains Mafia arrived in town and hired their cronies to come down and cash in at the taxpayer's expense but that has never been investigated. Wait a minute, I think Bates is from White Plains. Coincidence? I think not.

04-05-2008, 01:30 PM
Isn't Cindi Hutuchinson the only city commissioner who supports the police? If she says she made a mistake then I belive her. She hasn't told anymore lies then the City Manager does when he talks to the City Commission.

04-06-2008, 12:30 PM
Hutchinson was/is the ONLY city commissioner who consistently supports the PD. She was the only CC who showed up @ the last promotional ceremony. She was the only CC to show up @ the annual officer awards banquet. She was also the only CC to vote YES on the most recent contract proposal the FOP presented. Don't be so quick to alienate her. She admitted she goofed
up. Think GeorgeG, DavidH, BobB, BruceR or anyone else in senior command is going to do that publicly?

04-06-2008, 01:46 PM
Ok great we now support a thief. Yes it’s minor but she lied and did steal from the city. Where was she when officer Bill J was getting his ass kicked over a free salad at Wendy’s? I want to know if you could keep your job if you did the same thing. I think not

04-06-2008, 04:00 PM
Ok great we now support a thief. Yes it’s minor but she lied and did steal from the city. Where was she when officer Bill J was getting his ass kicked over a free salad at Wendy’s? I want to know if you could keep your job if you did the same thing. I think not

And you think the other people listed above aren't stealing from the city...and chances are the amounts are more like $4.32 MILLION

04-06-2008, 04:12 PM
That is so true!

04-08-2008, 05:20 AM
What about the Oscar unit that got fired for stealing the cash from South Beach Lot till....

04-11-2008, 01:23 PM
Go Carlton Moore-on.