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04-02-2008, 07:17 PM
Comments from the Executive Director

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Board of Directors of the West Central Florida PBA has chosen to elect me unanimously to the position of Executive Director. The election occurred at the February Charter Board Meeting and followed several changes in the organization.

I wish to thank each the Board and the General membership for having the trust and confidence in my performance to assign the duties of such an office.

Many of you already know of my participation in the organization for over three decades and for the last seven years I have been an advocate for Officers and Deputies serving as both the Senior Vice President and Labor Relations Director. I have successfully negotiated contracts for all of the agencies that we represent over that period of time including landmark pension enhancements for Bartow, Lakeland and Tampa.

There have been several changes in the organization of late that will change the way we do business in the future; however, I have an optimistic view of the future and the service we provide our membership.

During the last year, some of the changes that have occurred have been documented over the internet from one view point or another, many versions are not exactly correct and I will try to briefly describe these changes in language all of us can understand.

The Tampa Police Chapter decided to separate from the Charter, this occurred when the newly elected Chapter executive board demanded a change in the Charter Constitution and By-Laws to allow the new TPD Chapter President to become the Charter President. When the other twelve seated Charter Board Members decided that experience counted and voted not to do so, TPD chose to separate. In so doing they have isolated themselves within their agency. The reorganization and separation has limited their political endorsements, power and influence to only the City Council and the Mayoral races and limits the Chapters growth to only that of the Tampa Police Department.

This move in my opinion was not in the best interest of Tampa Police Officers as it has always been my philosophy that there is strength in numbers both in membership and the agencies we represent. I have therefore recommended to the Charter Board of Directors that the now vacant four seats be filled by representatives of the remaining agencies that used to comprise the Tampa Chapter. These seats will be occupied by the representatives of the Tampa Airport Police, University of South Florida Police, New Port Richey Police and Port Richey Police Departments.

The contract negotiations between the Hillsborough County Sheriff and Hillsborough Deputies in Law Enforcement and Detention reached impasse last year over several issues and resulted in the Sheriff being able to petition the Public Employees Relations Commission for a decertification vote for Law Enforcement Corporals and Deputies.
It was brought to my attention by many Hillsborough members that members of the Tampa Chapter were assisting the Sheriff in supporting the Hillsborough decertification vote. This information was confirmed by Sheriff Gee in our meeting on March 19th of this year.

The decertification vote resulted in the decertification of the PBA as the bargaining unit for HCSO Law Enforcement and the negation of their contract. This was a great personal disappointment, for acting as the Lead Negotiator of that Contract team we were able to obtain the first comprehensive Step Plan for Deputies and the abolishment of the topped out step for deputies. The first contract was a learning process for all and was not impacted by the current and severe tax reform movement emanating from our representatives in Tallahassee. In point of fact the time period of the Contracts were made in agreement with the Sheriff to allow the PBA and your representatives to participate in the budgetary process. Though not perfect, it was a great step in the right direction.

It is also necessary for all to know that the Step Pay Plan Sheriff Gee criticizes in his March 14th memo is his Staff’s own work product. The PBA accepted this form after much debate in the interest of the majority and to establish a minimum step plan and with the intent to bargain for adjustment the next contract. This fact was presented at informational and ratification meetings on multiple occasions. Secondly, there was no Detention Sergeants Contract for him to correct. Deficiencies that exist are the product of the Sheriffs system which was why most Deputies believed that Collective Bargaining was necessary to begin with. The decertification once again causes the Members of the Sheriff’s Department to rely on the generosity and benevolence of the Sheriff and his Staff.

Since the vote, the Sheriff has made many promises to his Deputies as incentive for voting the PBA out and agrees that he will have to find new and creative funding for the retroactive raises and other benefits he has promised his deputies. I hope for the benefit of the Deputies that he keeps his promises; however, he has previously made statements about the impact of the Tax reductions and those to come which cause me to have serious doubts as to his ability to find the extra monies or to change the Civil Service classifications for Plain Clothes Deputies to Detectives within a reasonable time frame, if at all.

The PBA believes in job security for its members both financially and through lawful due process, something that appeared lacking in the latest incident involving the jail and Detention members. All of our members should take note that even the most heinous criminals are given the benefit of the doubt and afforded due process. The Sheriff’s leadership responding to video clips without thorough investigation and passing immediate public judgment is not due process regardless how egregious the act may have appeared to be.

All of Law Enforcement knows how video is edited and portrayed to accomplish the agenda of the media, perhaps examination of the unedited tape may have lent information as to the location and activities of all persons caught up in the rush to judgment.

Many Deputies have called me personally to relate the threats and coercion they have been subjected too to cause the rejection of the PBA. These acts and statements are improper but, without subjecting our members to the full wrath of the agency, are extremely difficult to pursue. I urge all Hillsborough Deputies to maintain membership for the purposes of Legal Representation and support in Internal Affairs investigations at the Sheriff’s Office. Further, I remind you that your membership is voluntary, lawful and one of the Rights guaranteed you in the State of Florida.

Finally the Charter Board has decided to reduce the dues for members not represented by a current contract and bargaining unit. This change will be reflected in your upcoming statements.

In closing I would like to thank the membership of the West Central Florida PBA for your confidence and Brotherhood that I have enjoyed for over thirty one years.

Strength, Honor, Country and Service,

Jim Diamond III
Executive Director WCFPBA

04-02-2008, 09:15 PM
Comments from the Executive Director

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Board of Directors of the West Central Florida PBA has chosen to elect me unanimously to the position of Executive Director. The election occurred at the February Charter Board Meeting and followed several changes in the organization.

I wish to thank each the Board and the General membership for having the trust and confidence in my performance to assign the duties of such an office.

Many of you already know of my participation in the organization for over three decades and for the last seven years I have been an advocate for Officers and Deputies serving as both the Senior Vice President and Labor Relations Director. I have successfully negotiated contracts for all of the agencies that we represent over that period of time including landmark pension enhancements for Bartow, Lakeland and Tampa.

There have been several changes in the organization of late that will change the way we do business in the future; however, I have an optimistic view of the future and the service we provide our membership.

During the last year, some of the changes that have occurred have been documented over the internet from one view point or another, many versions are not exactly correct and I will try to briefly describe these changes in language all of us can understand.

The Tampa Police Chapter decided to separate from the Charter, this occurred when the newly elected Chapter executive board demanded a change in the Charter Constitution and By-Laws to allow the new TPD Chapter President to become the Charter President. When the other twelve seated Charter Board Members decided that experience counted and voted not to do so, TPD chose to separate. In so doing they have isolated themselves within their agency. The reorganization and separation has limited their political endorsements, power and influence to only the City Council and the Mayoral races and limits the Chapters growth to only that of the Tampa Police Department.

This move in my opinion was not in the best interest of Tampa Police Officers as it has always been my philosophy that there is strength in numbers both in membership and the agencies we represent. I have therefore recommended to the Charter Board of Directors that the now vacant four seats be filled by representatives of the remaining agencies that used to comprise the Tampa Chapter. These seats will be occupied by the representatives of the Tampa Airport Police, University of South Florida Police, New Port Richey Police and Port Richey Police Departments.

The contract negotiations between the Hillsborough County Sheriff and Hillsborough Deputies in Law Enforcement and Detention reached impasse last year over several issues and resulted in the Sheriff being able to petition the Public Employees Relations Commission for a decertification vote for Law Enforcement Corporals and Deputies.
It was brought to my attention by many Hillsborough members that members of the Tampa Chapter were assisting the Sheriff in supporting the Hillsborough decertification vote. This information was confirmed by Sheriff Gee in our meeting on March 19th of this year.

The decertification vote resulted in the decertification of the PBA as the bargaining unit for HCSO Law Enforcement and the negation of their contract. This was a great personal disappointment, for acting as the Lead Negotiator of that Contract team we were able to obtain the first comprehensive Step Plan for Deputies and the abolishment of the topped out step for deputies. The first contract was a learning process for all and was not impacted by the current and severe tax reform movement emanating from our representatives in Tallahassee. In point of fact the time period of the Contracts were made in agreement with the Sheriff to allow the PBA and your representatives to participate in the budgetary process. Though not perfect, it was a great step in the right direction.

It is also necessary for all to know that the Step Pay Plan Sheriff Gee criticizes in his March 14th memo is his Staff’s own work product. The PBA accepted this form after much debate in the interest of the majority and to establish a minimum step plan and with the intent to bargain for adjustment the next contract. This fact was presented at informational and ratification meetings on multiple occasions. Secondly, there was no Detention Sergeants Contract for him to correct. Deficiencies that exist are the product of the Sheriffs system which was why most Deputies believed that Collective Bargaining was necessary to begin with. The decertification once again causes the Members of the Sheriff’s Department to rely on the generosity and benevolence of the Sheriff and his Staff.

Since the vote, the Sheriff has made many promises to his Deputies as incentive for voting the PBA out and agrees that he will have to find new and creative funding for the retroactive raises and other benefits he has promised his deputies. I hope for the benefit of the Deputies that he keeps his promises; however, he has previously made statements about the impact of the Tax reductions and those to come which cause me to have serious doubts as to his ability to find the extra monies or to change the Civil Service classifications for Plain Clothes Deputies to Detectives within a reasonable time frame, if at all.

The PBA believes in job security for its members both financially and through lawful due process, something that appeared lacking in the latest incident involving the jail and Detention members. All of our members should take note that even the most heinous criminals are given the benefit of the doubt and afforded due process. The Sheriff’s leadership responding to video clips without thorough investigation and passing immediate public judgment is not due process regardless how egregious the act may have appeared to be.

All of Law Enforcement knows how video is edited and portrayed to accomplish the agenda of the media, perhaps examination of the unedited tape may have lent information as to the location and activities of all persons caught up in the rush to judgment.

Many Deputies have called me personally to relate the threats and coercion they have been subjected too to cause the rejection of the PBA. These acts and statements are improper but, without subjecting our members to the full wrath of the agency, are extremely difficult to pursue. I urge all Hillsborough Deputies to maintain membership for the purposes of Legal Representation and support in Internal Affairs investigations at the Sheriff’s Office. Further, I remind you that your membership is voluntary, lawful and one of the Rights guaranteed you in the State of Florida.

Finally the Charter Board has decided to reduce the dues for members not represented by a current contract and bargaining unit. This change will be reflected in your upcoming statements.

In closing I would like to thank the membership of the West Central Florida PBA for your confidence and Brotherhood that I have enjoyed for over thirty one years.

Strength, Honor, Country and Service,

Jim Diamond III
Executive Director WCFPBA

Jim Diamond: “Many of you already know of my participation in the organization for over three decades and for the last seven years I have been an advocate for Officers and Deputies serving as both the Senior Vice President and Labor Relations Director.”

Jim is these representations include the 300-dollar penalty for a traffic crash you included in HCSO contract that came from TPD because of “cut and paste ” from an old TPD contract. Then you realized it you couldn’t take it out because of the backlash that may have came from TPD’s membership so you left it in ours. How about posting how two PBA attorney’s recommended against HCSO impasse yet it went forward without the memberships knowledge until the Sheriff told us.

Jim Diamond: “During the last year, some of the changes that have occurred have been documented over the internet from one view point or another, many versions are not exactly correct and I will try to briefly describe these changes in language all of us can understand. “

Jim does this include allowing Kevin Durkin to change the by-laws so he can create a lifetime position for himself along with you and Gary Bradford. Where were you during these votes?

Jim where were you when Mike Rouleau was running amuck with his media attack ads against the Sheriff. I didn’t see you or any other board members trying to stop that, and now you come crawling back to the Sheriff with an olive branch because WCFPBA in almost bankrupt. Jim how about posting the audiotapes of your meetings with you boy from Tallahassee on how the PBA was going to topple the Sheriff on the next election.

Where were you when Mike’s credit card was pulled for lavish spending on golf and dinning, then returned so you, Kevin Durkin and Gary Bradford would get HCSO LEO and Detentions board votes to change the by-laws for your lifetime membership? I guess you never anticipated Greg Stout coming in the picture and stopping your scam before the vote could take place.

Jim Diamond: The Sheriff’s leadership responding to video clips without thorough investigation and passing immediate public judgment is not due process regardless how egregious the act may have appeared to be.

All of Law Enforcement knows how video is edited and portrayed to accomplish the agenda of the media; perhaps examination of the unedited tape may have lent information as to the location and activities of all persons caught up in the rush to judgment.

Jim tell us if WCFPBA or the State Board in Tallahassee hired a PBA attorney in the one and only case out of many that the Sheriff or his staff did not defend. And please don’t say it was because she hired her own.

Jim quit sugar coating the stability of the WCFPBA, you know why TPD left. They saw where the leadership of you and Kevin Durkin and Mike Rouleau was taking the PBA. They saw the strong-arm tactics that you allowed Mike Rouleau to get away with before he became Charter President. Greg Stout saw the abuses that you and the boys were doing. They knew the WCFPBA was a sinking ship.

Jim the bottom line is without the Detention PBA dues/dollars, the WCFPBA will go bankrupt. Who’s going to pay your 25,000-dollar stipends without the HCSO Detention PBA dues?

Your bridge with HCSO is not only burned but it was blown to hell, so have a little pride and quit crawling into the Sheriff’s Office and begging for forgiveness then coming on this site and acting like you are the PBA’s messiah, because I can go on with a lot more details if you like. We are done with the PBA.

04-02-2008, 09:20 PM
wow are we a bit bitter??????????????

04-02-2008, 09:25 PM
wow are we a bit bitter??????????????

No it's called quit trying to polish a turd, it may look shinny but it's still just a a turd.

04-02-2008, 09:45 PM
"Justice for Sheriff " you could find the sheriff butt naked in a minivan with a 9 year old boy and somehow find away to turn it around on the PBA. The PBA has plenty of faults, but the Sheriff has not been the knight in shinning armor you dream of either. By the way, where is that raise he promised you? You get your Sr deputy stripe yet? Didn't see a memo changing the plain clothes deputy title to detective yet, must be lost in cyber space. Tic toc tic toc the days are passings......

04-02-2008, 09:55 PM
"Justice for Sheriff " you could find the sheriff butt naked in a minivan with a 9 year old boy and somehow find away to turn it around on the PBA. The PBA has plenty of faults, but the Sheriff has not been the knight in shinning armor you dream of either. By the way, where is that raise he promised you? You get your Sr deputy stripe yet? Didn't see a memo changing the plain clothes deputy title to detective yet, must be lost in cyber space. Tic toc tic toc the days are passings......

I can care less, the Sheriff's not perfect but it's not the sheriff that came on here and posted about the PBA. If you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen. And about your comment on the raise, The Sheriff has already addressed that and it will be soon.

04-02-2008, 10:03 PM
[quote="Food for thought!":314gzlgy]Comments from the Executive Director

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Board of Directors of the West Central Florida PBA has chosen to elect me unanimously to the position of Executive Director. The election occurred at the February Charter Board Meeting and followed several changes in the organization.

I wish to thank each the Board and the General membership for having the trust and confidence in my performance to assign the duties of such an office.

Many of you already know of my participation in the organization for over three decades and for the last seven years I have been an advocate for Officers and Deputies serving as both the Senior Vice President and Labor Relations Director. I have successfully negotiated contracts for all of the agencies that we represent over that period of time including landmark pension enhancements for Bartow, Lakeland and Tampa.

There have been several changes in the organization of late that will change the way we do business in the future; however, I have an optimistic view of the future and the service we provide our membership.

During the last year, some of the changes that have occurred have been documented over the internet from one view point or another, many versions are not exactly correct and I will try to briefly describe these changes in language all of us can understand.

The Tampa Police Chapter decided to separate from the Charter, this occurred when the newly elected Chapter executive board demanded a change in the Charter Constitution and By-Laws to allow the new TPD Chapter President to become the Charter President. When the other twelve seated Charter Board Members decided that experience counted and voted not to do so, TPD chose to separate. In so doing they have isolated themselves within their agency. The reorganization and separation has limited their political endorsements, power and influence to only the City Council and the Mayoral races and limits the Chapters growth to only that of the Tampa Police Department.

This move in my opinion was not in the best interest of Tampa Police Officers as it has always been my philosophy that there is strength in numbers both in membership and the agencies we represent. I have therefore recommended to the Charter Board of Directors that the now vacant four seats be filled by representatives of the remaining agencies that used to comprise the Tampa Chapter. These seats will be occupied by the representatives of the Tampa Airport Police, University of South Florida Police, New Port Richey Police and Port Richey Police Departments.

The contract negotiations between the Hillsborough County Sheriff and Hillsborough Deputies in Law Enforcement and Detention reached impasse last year over several issues and resulted in the Sheriff being able to petition the Public Employees Relations Commission for a decertification vote for Law Enforcement Corporals and Deputies.
It was brought to my attention by many Hillsborough members that members of the Tampa Chapter were assisting the Sheriff in supporting the Hillsborough decertification vote. This information was confirmed by Sheriff Gee in our meeting on March 19th of this year.

The decertification vote resulted in the decertification of the PBA as the bargaining unit for HCSO Law Enforcement and the negation of their contract. This was a great personal disappointment, for acting as the Lead Negotiator of that Contract team we were able to obtain the first comprehensive Step Plan for Deputies and the abolishment of the topped out step for deputies. The first contract was a learning process for all and was not impacted by the current and severe tax reform movement emanating from our representatives in Tallahassee. In point of fact the time period of the Contracts were made in agreement with the Sheriff to allow the PBA and your representatives to participate in the budgetary process. Though not perfect, it was a great step in the right direction.

It is also necessary for all to know that the Step Pay Plan Sheriff Gee criticizes in his March 14th memo is his Staff’s own work product. The PBA accepted this form after much debate in the interest of the majority and to establish a minimum step plan and with the intent to bargain for adjustment the next contract. This fact was presented at informational and ratification meetings on multiple occasions. Secondly, there was no Detention Sergeants Contract for him to correct. Deficiencies that exist are the product of the Sheriffs system which was why most Deputies believed that Collective Bargaining was necessary to begin with. The decertification once again causes the Members of the Sheriff’s Department to rely on the generosity and benevolence of the Sheriff and his Staff.

Since the vote, the Sheriff has made many promises to his Deputies as incentive for voting the PBA out and agrees that he will have to find new and creative funding for the retroactive raises and other benefits he has promised his deputies. I hope for the benefit of the Deputies that he keeps his promises; however, he has previously made statements about the impact of the Tax reductions and those to come which cause me to have serious doubts as to his ability to find the extra monies or to change the Civil Service classifications for Plain Clothes Deputies to Detectives within a reasonable time frame, if at all.

The PBA believes in job security for its members both financially and through lawful due process, something that appeared lacking in the latest incident involving the jail and Detention members. All of our members should take note that even the most heinous criminals are given the benefit of the doubt and afforded due process. The Sheriff’s leadership responding to video clips without thorough investigation and passing immediate public judgment is not due process regardless how egregious the act may have appeared to be.

All of Law Enforcement knows how video is edited and portrayed to accomplish the agenda of the media, perhaps examination of the unedited tape may have lent information as to the location and activities of all persons caught up in the rush to judgment.

Many Deputies have called me personally to relate the threats and coercion they have been subjected too to cause the rejection of the PBA. These acts and statements are improper but, without subjecting our members to the full wrath of the agency, are extremely difficult to pursue. I urge all Hillsborough Deputies to maintain membership for the purposes of Legal Representation and support in Internal Affairs investigations at the Sheriff’s Office. Further, I remind you that your membership is voluntary, lawful and one of the Rights guaranteed you in the State of Florida.

Finally the Charter Board has decided to reduce the dues for members not represented by a current contract and bargaining unit. This change will be reflected in your upcoming statements.

In closing I would like to thank the membership of the West Central Florida PBA for your confidence and Brotherhood that I have enjoyed for over thirty one years.

Strength, Honor, Country and Service,

Jim Diamond III
Executive Director WCFPBA

Jim Diamond: “Many of you already know of my participation in the organization for over three decades and for the last seven years I have been an advocate for Officers and Deputies serving as both the Senior Vice President and Labor Relations Director.”

Jim is these representations include the 300-dollar penalty for a traffic crash you included in HCSO contract that came from TPD because of “cut and paste ” from an old TPD contract. Then you realized it you couldn’t take it out because of the backlash that may have came from TPD’s membership so you left it in ours. How about posting how two PBA attorney’s recommended against HCSO impasse yet it went forward without the memberships knowledge until the Sheriff told us.

Jim Diamond: “During the last year, some of the changes that have occurred have been documented over the internet from one view point or another, many versions are not exactly correct and I will try to briefly describe these changes in language all of us can understand. “

Jim does this include allowing Kevin Durkin to change the by-laws so he can create a lifetime position for himself along with you and Gary Bradford. Where were you during these votes?

Jim where were you when Mike Rouleau was running amuck with his media attack ads against the Sheriff. I didn’t see you or any other board members trying to stop that, and now you come crawling back to the Sheriff with an olive branch because WCFPBA in almost bankrupt. Jim how about posting the audiotapes of your meetings with you boy from Tallahassee on how the PBA was going to topple the Sheriff on the next election.

Where were you when Mike’s credit card was pulled for lavish spending on golf and dinning, then returned so you, Kevin Durkin and Gary Bradford would get HCSO LEO and Detentions board votes to change the by-laws for your lifetime membership? I guess you never anticipated Greg Stout coming in the picture and stopping your scam before the vote could take place.

Jim Diamond: The Sheriff’s leadership responding to video clips without thorough investigation and passing immediate public judgment is not due process regardless how egregious the act may have appeared to be.

All of Law Enforcement knows how video is edited and portrayed to accomplish the agenda of the media; perhaps examination of the unedited tape may have lent information as to the location and activities of all persons caught up in the rush to judgment.

Jim tell us if WCFPBA or the State Board in Tallahassee hired a PBA attorney in the one and only case out of many that the Sheriff or his staff did not defend. And please don’t say it was because she hired her own.

Jim quit sugar coating the stability of the WCFPBA, you know why TPD left. They saw where the leadership of you and Kevin Durkin and Mike Rouleau was taking the PBA. They saw the strong-arm tactics that you allowed Mike Rouleau to get away with before he became Charter President. Greg Stout saw the abuses that you and the boys were doing. They knew the WCFPBA was a sinking ship.

Jim the bottom line is without the Detention PBA dues/dollars, the WCFPBA will go bankrupt. Who’s going to pay your 25,000-dollar stipends without the HCSO Detention PBA dues?

Your bridge with HCSO is not only burned but it was blown to hell, so have a little pride and quit crawling into the Sheriff’s Office and begging for forgiveness then coming on this site and acting like you are the PBA’s messiah, because I can go on with a lot more details if you like. We are done with the PBA.[/quote:314gzlgy]

It is sad how you can come on here and go on and on and not say one thing that is true.

So you sat in the meetings for the first contract? NO!
Was the 300$ issue from the TPD contract? YES. Was it an error? NO!
Was it a cut and paste job? NO! It was part of the give and take, the PBA offered it as a give to get a step plan. If you had bothered to show up you would know that.

Did a PBA attorney suggest that an impasse not be called? NO! Had you gone to a meeting you would know that!

Do they have a "life time positions"? NO! I checked.
They were offered a lifetime membership! Duh! I checked.
Kevin is back doing cop stuff with TPD and no loger holds a position with the WCFPBA, Gary retired over a year ago from TPD and no longer hold a position with the WCFPBA, Jim retired many years ago from TPD, Jim is the only one of that group who still works for the WCFPBA. I checked.

The media ads brought truthful information to light, if you did not like them too bad, get over it.

Mikes credit card was never "pulled". The WCFPBA is doing very well finically. I know because I checked. Go look at the books, I did.

What are you speaking of with the Attorney issue?

TPD left because they wanted to be in charge of the charter, and they could not be in charge of the charter because TPD changed the by laws.
TPD changed the by laws before the HCSO ever came into the fold with the WCFPBA. They did this to make sure that the HCSO could not come in and take over with out getting their feet wet, pay some dues and be involved for two years. The by laws read to some it up that no one can be president with out serving two years on the exec. board. So when TPD elected a whole new board for themselves, guess what? none of them had been on the exec. board for two years. Got it? I checked.

TPD left after Kevin was voted out, after Gary retired and after Jim was not in any Exec. position. I checked.

Jim does not get a stipened, he is an employee. Duh! Jim does not have any vote on any issues he was not voted in he was hired as a labor rep and now is the Exec. Director for the same pay. Doing both jobs. DUH! I checked.

Make a call and check before you make your self look even dumber! I checked, you should also.

Bottom line here, you never showed your face at a meeting, you never checked your info, you never made an effort to find out any info first hand.

04-02-2008, 10:43 PM

Glad you were able to climb off your stool at Jamie B's bar long enough to write such a poisonous e-mail about the agency that kept you and your family fed for thirty years, and way to slander Greg Stout who's only mistake that I can see was not demanding you were tossed from the PBA when he was elected, as many of us asked him to do. Did he try to get rid of you ? no ! In fact he spoke well of you, and told us that we didn't know you like he did, and that you were a needed part. and here's how you repay him. And for what ? stopping that gravy train that you were so accustomed to. As far as helping the sheriff, P-L-E-A-S-E when Greg was elected Gee called him, thats a fact. Gee offered to sit down with Greg and try to settle this impass. BIG MIKE REFUSED GREG's HELP. and thats the truth as god as my witness

And while were at the truth, lets talk about T.P.D.'s demands, because I was at the meetings also. The demands were that Greg and the other T.P.D. exec. members be allowed to run for office, thats it, they didnt demand to be handed the office, they probably would not have even won, they only asked to be able to run. YOUR attorney Jeff Stull, even openly agreed that they should be allowed to run and that the rule that prohibited them from running should have "sunsetted" out of the constitution. And yet still BIG MIKE tried to hold T.P.D. out even though they were contributing over half the money, and thats wrong.

Jim why dont you tell me when you can stop by the front deck at TPD, so I can have a little bag for you with thirty pieces of silver, you have become a Judas, and thats not the only term which I am thinking describes you, but its the most appropriate one for this forum. Please don't come around the Tampa Police Department anymore pretending to be one of us, because clearly your not a cop anymore, and the thin blue line is obviously a distant memory in a shadow box somewhere in your house.

As far as the political cloute that you have inferred that we lost, lets look at the differences between the WCFPBA and the TPD PBA, TPD PBA members have a contract, WCFPBAS biggest agency doesn't, TPDS MEMBERS are happy, as evident by the positive messages of the TPD site, WCFPBAS members are in open revolt (and who could blame them) WCFPBA dues money is going to stipends, golf games and executive directors, TPDS MEMBERS $ is going where it was intended, into services for their members. (you remember them right ? the little guys who pay the money?) I could go on and on, but I wont. You Jim have stepped on a big ant pile, and I assure you in the end its not Tampa Police department that will need the WCFPBA, but the other way around how have all of your golf games, trips, and meals helped HCSO get a contract for either of its bargining units ? Of thats right it hasn't helped one bit.

Strength, Honor, Service, Country, TRUTHFULNESS, and believe in the brotherhood of law enforcement.

04-02-2008, 11:11 PM

Glad you were able to climb off your stool at Jamie B's bar long enough to write such a poisonous e-mail about the agency that kept you and your family fed for thirty years, and way to slander Greg Stout who's only mistake that I can see was not demanding you were tossed from the PBA when he was elected, as many of us asked him to do. Did he try to get rid of you ? no ! In fact he spoke well of you, and told us that we didn't know you like he did, and that you were a needed part. and here's how you repay him. And for what ? stopping that gravy train that you were so accustomed to. As far as helping the sheriff, P-L-E-A-S-E when Greg was elected Gee called him, thats a fact. Gee offered to sit down with Greg and try to settle this impass. BIG MIKE REFUSED GREG's HELP. and thats the truth as god as my witness

And while were at the truth, lets talk about T.P.D.'s demands, because I was at the meetings also. The demands were that Greg and the other T.P.D. exec. members be allowed to run for office, thats it, they didnt demand to be handed the office, they probably would not have even won, they only asked to be able to run. YOUR attorney Jeff Stull, even openly agreed that they should be allowed to run and that the rule that prohibited them from running should have "sunsetted" out of the constitution. And yet still BIG MIKE tried to hold T.P.D. out even though they were contributing over half the money, and thats wrong.

Jim why dont you tell me when you can stop by the front deck at TPD, so I can have a little bag for you with thirty pieces of silver, you have become a Judas, and thats not the only term which I am thinking describes you, but its the most appropriate one for this forum. Please don't come around the Tampa Police Department anymore pretending to be one of us, because clearly your not a cop anymore, and the thin blue line is obviously a distant memory in a shadow box somewhere in your house.

As far as the political cloute that you have inferred that we lost, lets look at the differences between the WCFPBA and the TPD PBA, TPD PBA members have a contract, WCFPBAS biggest agency doesn't, TPDS MEMBERS are happy, as evident by the positive messages of the TPD site, WCFPBAS members are in open revolt (and who could blame them) WCFPBA dues money is going to stipends, golf games and executive directors, TPDS MEMBERS $ is going where it was intended, into services for their members. (you remember them right ? the little guys who pay the money?) I could go on and on, but I wont. You Jim have stepped on a big ant pile, and I assure you in the end its not Tampa Police department that will need the WCFPBA, but the other way around how have all of your golf games, trips, and meals helped HCSO get a contract for either of its bargining units ? Of thats right it hasn't helped one bit.

Strength, Honor, Service, Country, TRUTHFULNESS, and believe in the brotherhood of law enforcement.

Otis, Just lock the cell door behind you . Make sure you put the key back where you found it when you sober up.

04-02-2008, 11:57 PM
I can care less, the Sheriff's not perfect but it's not the sheriff that came on here and posted about the PBA. If you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen. And about your comment on the raise, The Sheriff has already addressed that and it will be soon.

Actions speak louder than words.......

04-02-2008, 11:58 PM
Dear Otis, please go back your the tpd board since your obviously an officer with them. Stay out of hcso business, we dont want your help unlike you calling us constantly for help on the road.

04-03-2008, 12:53 AM
awwwwww I'm sorry that I wrote on your board, and as for calling HCSO, I know that we are constantly calling you guys to help us heave our large checks and pensions into the trunks of our cars that we can then drive to our homes in surrounding counties, bottom line there heavy and we appreciate the help :)

In all honestly I have called HCSO twice for help, Once I had a loose cow and didn't have the training to handle it, and the second time I had a large amount of stolen oranges and wasn't sure on the current fruit theft laws. You guys were a hugh help in both cases and I appreciate it.

04-03-2008, 02:30 AM
Jim Diamond does a wonderful job --- of looking out for HIMSELF.


04-03-2008, 03:58 AM
awwwwww I'm sorry that I wrote on your board, and as for calling HCSO, I know that we are constantly calling you guys to help us heave our large checks and pensions into the trunks of our cars that we can then drive to our homes in surrounding counties, bottom line there heavy and we appreciate the help :)

In all honestly I have called HCSO twice for help, Once I had a loose cow and didn't have the training to handle it, and the second time I had a large amount of stolen oranges and wasn't sure on the current fruit theft laws. You guys were a hugh help in both cases and I appreciate it.


Your post was right on the money, Jim has TWO HUGE FACES and it's sad he's had to stoop to this level with Greg Stout. Don't let a few negative comments spoil your posting. And yes you can call me anytime with any other fruit questions and I always have extra rope :lol:

04-03-2008, 04:07 AM
awwwwww I'm sorry that I wrote on your board, and as for calling HCSO, I know that we are constantly calling you guys to help us heave our large checks and pensions into the trunks of our cars that we can then drive to our homes in surrounding counties, bottom line there heavy and we appreciate the help :)

In all honestly I have called HCSO twice for help, Once I had a loose cow and didn't have the training to handle it, and the second time I had a large amount of stolen oranges and wasn't sure on the current fruit theft laws. You guys were a hugh help in both cases and I appreciate it.

Ok that was pretty funny

04-03-2008, 11:26 AM
Otis, your brewing some bad blood between our agencies and I suggest you stop before it gets out of control. Just a suggestion, but dont be surprised when the chief law enforcement officer for the county, your leader technically since we trump your power, rolls out a pay plan that with the retirement, cafe, and deferred comp matches you dollar for dollar. Oh and as far as calling us twice in your career, come on dude, I cant tell you the number of times I hear you guys calling for our avation and k9 units.

04-03-2008, 11:49 AM
I heard our new Executive Director was considering going to law school so he could be our attorney...

He backed out when he heard he would have to pass the bar!

Drink up buddy!

04-03-2008, 12:46 PM
Comments from the Executive Director

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Board of Directors of the West Central Florida PBA has chosen to elect me unanimously to the position of Executive Director. The election occurred at the February Charter Board Meeting and followed several changes in the organization.

I wish to thank each the Board and the General membership for having the trust and confidence in my performance to assign the duties of such an office.

Many of you already know of my participation in the organization for over three decades and for the last seven years I have been an advocate for Officers and Deputies serving as both the Senior Vice President and Labor Relations Director. I have successfully negotiated contracts for all of the agencies that we represent over that period of time including landmark pension enhancements for Bartow, Lakeland and Tampa.

There have been several changes in the organization of late that will change the way we do business in the future; however, I have an optimistic view of the future and the service we provide our membership.

During the last year, some of the changes that have occurred have been documented over the internet from one view point or another, many versions are not exactly correct and I will try to briefly describe these changes in language all of us can understand.

The Tampa Police Chapter decided to separate from the Charter, this occurred when the newly elected Chapter executive board demanded a change in the Charter Constitution and By-Laws to allow the new TPD Chapter President to become the Charter President. When the other twelve seated Charter Board Members decided that experience counted and voted not to do so, TPD chose to separate. In so doing they have isolated themselves within their agency. The reorganization and separation has limited their political endorsements, power and influence to only the City Council and the Mayoral races and limits the Chapters growth to only that of the Tampa Police Department.

This move in my opinion was not in the best interest of Tampa Police Officers as it has always been my philosophy that there is strength in numbers both in membership and the agencies we represent. I have therefore recommended to the Charter Board of Directors that the now vacant four seats be filled by representatives of the remaining agencies that used to comprise the Tampa Chapter. These seats will be occupied by the representatives of the Tampa Airport Police, University of South Florida Police, New Port Richey Police and Port Richey Police Departments.

The contract negotiations between the Hillsborough County Sheriff and Hillsborough Deputies in Law Enforcement and Detention reached impasse last year over several issues and resulted in the Sheriff being able to petition the Public Employees Relations Commission for a decertification vote for Law Enforcement Corporals and Deputies.
It was brought to my attention by many Hillsborough members that members of the Tampa Chapter were assisting the Sheriff in supporting the Hillsborough decertification vote. This information was confirmed by Sheriff Gee in our meeting on March 19th of this year.

The decertification vote resulted in the decertification of the PBA as the bargaining unit for HCSO Law Enforcement and the negation of their contract. This was a great personal disappointment, for acting as the Lead Negotiator of that Contract team we were able to obtain the first comprehensive Step Plan for Deputies and the abolishment of the topped out step for deputies. The first contract was a learning process for all and was not impacted by the current and severe tax reform movement emanating from our representatives in Tallahassee. In point of fact the time period of the Contracts were made in agreement with the Sheriff to allow the PBA and your representatives to participate in the budgetary process. Though not perfect, it was a great step in the right direction.

It is also necessary for all to know that the Step Pay Plan Sheriff Gee criticizes in his March 14th memo is his Staff’s own work product. The PBA accepted this form after much debate in the interest of the majority and to establish a minimum step plan and with the intent to bargain for adjustment the next contract. This fact was presented at informational and ratification meetings on multiple occasions. Secondly, there was no Detention Sergeants Contract for him to correct. Deficiencies that exist are the product of the Sheriffs system which was why most Deputies believed that Collective Bargaining was necessary to begin with. The decertification once again causes the Members of the Sheriff’s Department to rely on the generosity and benevolence of the Sheriff and his Staff.

Since the vote, the Sheriff has made many promises to his Deputies as incentive for voting the PBA out and agrees that he will have to find new and creative funding for the retroactive raises and other benefits he has promised his deputies. I hope for the benefit of the Deputies that he keeps his promises; however, he has previously made statements about the impact of the Tax reductions and those to come which cause me to have serious doubts as to his ability to find the extra monies or to change the Civil Service classifications for Plain Clothes Deputies to Detectives within a reasonable time frame, if at all.

The PBA believes in job security for its members both financially and through lawful due process, something that appeared lacking in the latest incident involving the jail and Detention members. All of our members should take note that even the most heinous criminals are given the benefit of the doubt and afforded due process. The Sheriff’s leadership responding to video clips without thorough investigation and passing immediate public judgment is not due process regardless how egregious the act may have appeared to be.

All of Law Enforcement knows how video is edited and portrayed to accomplish the agenda of the media, perhaps examination of the unedited tape may have lent information as to the location and activities of all persons caught up in the rush to judgment.

Many Deputies have called me personally to relate the threats and coercion they have been subjected too to cause the rejection of the PBA. These acts and statements are improper but, without subjecting our members to the full wrath of the agency, are extremely difficult to pursue. I urge all Hillsborough Deputies to maintain membership for the purposes of Legal Representation and support in Internal Affairs investigations at the Sheriff’s Office. Further, I remind you that your membership is voluntary, lawful and one of the Rights guaranteed you in the State of Florida.

Finally the Charter Board has decided to reduce the dues for members not represented by a current contract and bargaining unit. This change will be reflected in your upcoming statements.

In closing I would like to thank the membership of the West Central Florida PBA for your confidence and Brotherhood that I have enjoyed for over thirty one years.

Strength, Honor, Country and Service,

Jim Diamond III
Executive Director WCFPBA


I remember that dozens of officers e-mailed (over 100), called and attended the meeting trying to stop the Executive Director scam. Kevin said it would be taken under advisement and an hour later once all of the critics left, they created the position anyway. When everyone heard what happened, Kevin back peddled and left office in shame after being soundly defeated for re-election. John Swope and Mike Niemi all had to retire in shame after all this came out.

TPD doesn't need an Executive Director. We have 3 officers assigned to the BPA full time. How many does HCSO have? Why should TPD officers have to pay for an Executive Director to handle HCSO business? Wasn't the Executive Director the same guy that was driving new trucks with his Corporal on the PAL dime when all of the kids were being driven around in rust bucket vans with holes in the floor? Ask one of us that worked over there with good ole Jim.

There were three people elected as Life Members: Jim Diamond, Kevin Durkin and Gary Bradford. The common denominator here: Mike Rouleau nominated them for membership. Mike Rouleau was endorsed for President by Kevin Durkin immediately afterwards. Mike Rouleau, not the board, hired Jim Diamond as Executive Director.

Where's the money? There hasn't been a financial report discussed in years. I know, they keep saying come by and check out the books. I did that one time. They had someone stand over a budget to make sure I didn't take down any notes. The budget made no mention of the exorbinent stipends, golf outtings, etc. There were many entries marked "Misc. Expenses". I checked and the minutes make no mention of authorizing expenditures for vehicles, stipends or anything else.

As far as political endorsements go, I remember the old Gary Bradford expression that you endorse the winner, not the best candidate. That is the perfect reason that we don't need that ability.

As for strength in numbers, TPD is still part of a state police union with over 30,000 members and tons of political clout. TPD is just under "new management". New management with accountability, responsibility, integrity and a whole lot more. Just look at the www.tampapba.org (http://www.tampapba.org) website and then you will see all of the accomplishments of the new group in just a short time.

04-03-2008, 01:07 PM
Otis....that was a good one.....gotta give it to you!
And your post was right on about Jim...

04-03-2008, 01:10 PM
wait just a minute.......TPD calling for OUR avaition? What alley have u been smoking crack in. K-9's yes, many calls for that. We call them for avaition 10 times more than they ever called. They have 5 birds you moron. I didn't even know we had a full time avaition unit!

04-03-2008, 03:00 PM
Please allow me to CORRECT you sir,

So you sat in the meetings for the first contract? NO!
Was the 300$ issue from the TPD contract? YES. Was it an error? NO!
Was it a cut and paste job? NO! It was part of the give and take, the PBA offered it as a give to get a step plan. If you had bothered to show up you would know that.

Yes, the $300 issue WAS a mistake. It WAS in the very first contract submitted by Jim in the very first negotiation meeting. I CHECKED!!!! To validate that....check the minutes of the very next board meeting.!!!!

Did a PBA attorney suggest that an impasse not be called? NO! Had you gone to a meeting you would know that!

You sir are a bold face liar. Again, go check the board meeting records (they are recorded idiot). Both attorneys clearly state that the 100% recommended AGAINST going to impasse at that early of a stage. You come on here and tell direct lies

Do they have a "life time positions"? NO! I checked.
They were offered a lifetime membership! Duh! I checked.
Kevin is back doing cop stuff with TPD and no loger holds a position with the WCFPBA, Gary retired over a year ago from TPD and no longer hold a position with the WCFPBA, Jim retired many years ago from TPD, Jim is the only one of that group who still works for the WCFPBA. I checked.

I dont know what you "check" idiot, but read the constitution on the web site. It clearly states what a life time member is. At the same meeting that Kevin Durkin recommended Rulough be the next president, Roulough recommended Jim Diamon, Kevin Durkin and Gary Bradford all receive life time memberships. AGAIN, IDIOT....go read the records!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How stupid are you that you cant see that it was TPD who told you that TPD people were dirty. Go back and look at how much money Bradford was spending over the last 5 years when he was the Treasurer. I will make sure that I tell you that I dont know for a fact. but I have heard that it was in excess of $100.000 over a 5 year period!


04-03-2008, 04:24 PM
Please allow me to CORRECT you sir,

So you sat in the meetings for the first contract? NO!
Was the 300$ issue from the TPD contract? YES. Was it an error? NO!
Was it a cut and paste job? NO! It was part of the give and take, the PBA offered it as a give to get a step plan. If you had bothered to show up you would know that.

Yes, the $300 issue WAS a mistake. It WAS in the very first contract submitted by Jim in the very first negotiation meeting. I CHECKED!!!! To validate that....check the minutes of the very next board meeting.!!!!

Did a PBA attorney suggest that an impasse not be called? NO! Had you gone to a meeting you would know that!

You sir are a bold face liar. Again, go check the board meeting records (they are recorded idiot). Both attorneys clearly state that the 100% recommended AGAINST going to impasse at that early of a stage. You come on here and tell direct lies

Do they have a "life time positions"? NO! I checked.
They were offered a lifetime membership! Duh! I checked.
Kevin is back doing cop stuff with TPD and no loger holds a position with the WCFPBA, Gary retired over a year ago from TPD and no longer hold a position with the WCFPBA, Jim retired many years ago from TPD, Jim is the only one of that group who still works for the WCFPBA. I checked.

I dont know what you "check" idiot, but read the constitution on the web site. It clearly states what a life time member is. At the same meeting that Kevin Durkin recommended Rulough be the next president, Roulough recommended Jim Diamon, Kevin Durkin and Gary Bradford all receive life time memberships. AGAIN, IDIOT....go read the records!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How stupid are you that you cant see that it was TPD who told you that TPD people were dirty. Go back and look at how much money Bradford was spending over the last 5 years when he was the Treasurer. I will make sure that I tell you that I dont know for a fact. but I have heard that it was in excess of $100.000 over a 5 year period!


The 300$ was not a mistake, it was done on purpose, like I said part of the give and take. You are wrong. Idiot!

I do not nedd to check the minutes I was there, no PBA attorney advised against an impasse. Idiot!

There is a difference between a life time member and a life time position, idiot!

You are right that you are not sure, Idiot, I have looked at the books and no such thing has taken place. bradford had the books at every meeting and offered them up each time for any one who wanted to look.

04-03-2008, 04:48 PM
Comments from the Executive Director

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Board of Directors of the West Central Florida PBA has chosen to elect me unanimously to the position of Executive Director. The election occurred at the February Charter Board Meeting and followed several changes in the organization.

I wish to thank each the Board and the General membership for having the trust and confidence in my performance to assign the duties of such an office.

Many of you already know of my participation in the organization for over three decades and for the last seven years I have been an advocate for Officers and Deputies serving as both the Senior Vice President and Labor Relations Director. I have successfully negotiated contracts for all of the agencies that we represent over that period of time including landmark pension enhancements for Bartow, Lakeland and Tampa.

There have been several changes in the organization of late that will change the way we do business in the future; however, I have an optimistic view of the future and the service we provide our membership.

During the last year, some of the changes that have occurred have been documented over the internet from one view point or another, many versions are not exactly correct and I will try to briefly describe these changes in language all of us can understand.

The Tampa Police Chapter decided to separate from the Charter, this occurred when the newly elected Chapter executive board demanded a change in the Charter Constitution and By-Laws to allow the new TPD Chapter President to become the Charter President. When the other twelve seated Charter Board Members decided that experience counted and voted not to do so, TPD chose to separate. In so doing they have isolated themselves within their agency. The reorganization and separation has limited their political endorsements, power and influence to only the City Council and the Mayoral races and limits the Chapters growth to only that of the Tampa Police Department.

This move in my opinion was not in the best interest of Tampa Police Officers as it has always been my philosophy that there is strength in numbers both in membership and the agencies we represent. I have therefore recommended to the Charter Board of Directors that the now vacant four seats be filled by representatives of the remaining agencies that used to comprise the Tampa Chapter. These seats will be occupied by the representatives of the Tampa Airport Police, University of South Florida Police, New Port Richey Police and Port Richey Police Departments.

The contract negotiations between the Hillsborough County Sheriff and Hillsborough Deputies in Law Enforcement and Detention reached impasse last year over several issues and resulted in the Sheriff being able to petition the Public Employees Relations Commission for a decertification vote for Law Enforcement Corporals and Deputies.
It was brought to my attention by many Hillsborough members that members of the Tampa Chapter were assisting the Sheriff in supporting the Hillsborough decertification vote. This information was confirmed by Sheriff Gee in our meeting on March 19th of this year.

The decertification vote resulted in the decertification of the PBA as the bargaining unit for HCSO Law Enforcement and the negation of their contract. This was a great personal disappointment, for acting as the Lead Negotiator of that Contract team we were able to obtain the first comprehensive Step Plan for Deputies and the abolishment of the topped out step for deputies. The first contract was a learning process for all and was not impacted by the current and severe tax reform movement emanating from our representatives in Tallahassee. In point of fact the time period of the Contracts were made in agreement with the Sheriff to allow the PBA and your representatives to participate in the budgetary process. Though not perfect, it was a great step in the right direction.

It is also necessary for all to know that the Step Pay Plan Sheriff Gee criticizes in his March 14th memo is his Staff’s own work product. The PBA accepted this form after much debate in the interest of the majority and to establish a minimum step plan and with the intent to bargain for adjustment the next contract. This fact was presented at informational and ratification meetings on multiple occasions. Secondly, there was no Detention Sergeants Contract for him to correct. Deficiencies that exist are the product of the Sheriffs system which was why most Deputies believed that Collective Bargaining was necessary to begin with. The decertification once again causes the Members of the Sheriff’s Department to rely on the generosity and benevolence of the Sheriff and his Staff.

Since the vote, the Sheriff has made many promises to his Deputies as incentive for voting the PBA out and agrees that he will have to find new and creative funding for the retroactive raises and other benefits he has promised his deputies. I hope for the benefit of the Deputies that he keeps his promises; however, he has previously made statements about the impact of the Tax reductions and those to come which cause me to have serious doubts as to his ability to find the extra monies or to change the Civil Service classifications for Plain Clothes Deputies to Detectives within a reasonable time frame, if at all.

The PBA believes in job security for its members both financially and through lawful due process, something that appeared lacking in the latest incident involving the jail and Detention members. All of our members should take note that even the most heinous criminals are given the benefit of the doubt and afforded due process. The Sheriff’s leadership responding to video clips without thorough investigation and passing immediate public judgment is not due process regardless how egregious the act may have appeared to be.

All of Law Enforcement knows how video is edited and portrayed to accomplish the agenda of the media, perhaps examination of the unedited tape may have lent information as to the location and activities of all persons caught up in the rush to judgment.

Many Deputies have called me personally to relate the threats and coercion they have been subjected too to cause the rejection of the PBA. These acts and statements are improper but, without subjecting our members to the full wrath of the agency, are extremely difficult to pursue. I urge all Hillsborough Deputies to maintain membership for the purposes of Legal Representation and support in Internal Affairs investigations at the Sheriff’s Office. Further, I remind you that your membership is voluntary, lawful and one of the Rights guaranteed you in the State of Florida.

Finally the Charter Board has decided to reduce the dues for members not represented by a current contract and bargaining unit. This change will be reflected in your upcoming statements.

In closing I would like to thank the membership of the West Central Florida PBA for your confidence and Brotherhood that I have enjoyed for over thirty one years.

Strength, Honor, Country and Service,

Jim Diamond III
Executive Director WCFPBA


I remember that dozens of officers e-mailed (over 100), called and attended the meeting trying to stop the Executive Director scam. Kevin said it would be taken under advisement and an hour later once all of the critics left, they created the position anyway. When everyone heard what happened, Kevin back peddled and left office in shame after being soundly defeated for re-election. John Swope and Mike Niemi all had to retire in shame after all this came out.

Ok, so TPD tried to screw TPD, OK!

TPD doesn't need an Executive Director. We have 3 officers assigned to the BPA full time. How many does HCSO have? Why should TPD officers have to pay for an Executive Director to handle HCSO business? Wasn't the Executive Director the same guy that was driving new trucks with his Corporal on the PAL dime when all of the kids were being driven around in rust bucket vans with holes in the floor? Ask one of us that worked over there with good ole Jim.

Correct TPD has three full time on release the city unstands the need. This crap obout PAL is old and tired and nothing ever came of it did it?

There were three people elected as Life Members: Jim Diamond, Kevin Durkin and Gary Bradford. The common denominator here: Mike Rouleau nominated them for membership. Mike Rouleau was endorsed for President by Kevin Durkin immediately afterwards. Mike Rouleau, not the board, hired Jim Diamond as Executive Director.

Life time members, not a life time position.

Where's the money? There hasn't been a financial report discussed in years. I know, they keep saying come by and check out the books. I did that one time. They had someone stand over a budget to make sure I didn't take down any notes. The budget made no mention of the exorbinent stipends, golf outtings, etc. There were many entries marked "Misc. Expenses". I checked and the minutes make no mention of authorizing expenditures for vehicles, stipends or anything else.

The financial report is given every meeting.

As far as political endorsements go, I remember the old Gary Bradford expression that you endorse the winner, not the best candidate. That is the perfect reason that we don't need that ability.

You will need to endorse, Mayors, city counsel right?

As for strength in numbers, TPD is still part of a state police union with over 30,000 members and tons of political clout. TPD is just under "new management". New management with accountability, responsibility, integrity and a whole lot more. Just look at the www.tampapba.org (http://www.tampapba.org) website and then you will see all of the accomplishments of the new group in just a short time.

Until you at TPD vote you are not part of anything other than WCFPBA, a new fancy web site proves nothing.

04-03-2008, 04:49 PM
Please allow me to CORRECT you sir,

So you sat in the meetings for the first contract? NO!
Was the 300$ issue from the TPD contract? YES. Was it an error? NO!
Was it a cut and paste job? NO! It was part of the give and take, the PBA offered it as a give to get a step plan. If you had bothered to show up you would know that.

Yes, the $300 issue WAS a mistake. It WAS in the very first contract submitted by Jim in the very first negotiation meeting. I CHECKED!!!! To validate that....check the minutes of the very next board meeting.!!!!

Did a PBA attorney suggest that an impasse not be called? NO! Had you gone to a meeting you would know that!

You sir are a bold face liar. Again, go check the board meeting records (they are recorded idiot). Both attorneys clearly state that the 100% recommended AGAINST going to impasse at that early of a stage. You come on here and tell direct lies

Do they have a "life time positions"? NO! I checked.
They were offered a lifetime membership! Duh! I checked.
Kevin is back doing cop stuff with TPD and no loger holds a position with the WCFPBA, Gary retired over a year ago from TPD and no longer hold a position with the WCFPBA, Jim retired many years ago from TPD, Jim is the only one of that group who still works for the WCFPBA. I checked.

I dont know what you "check" idiot, but read the constitution on the web site. It clearly states what a life time member is. At the same meeting that Kevin Durkin recommended Rulough be the next president, Roulough recommended Jim Diamon, Kevin Durkin and Gary Bradford all receive life time memberships. AGAIN, IDIOT....go read the records!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How stupid are you that you cant see that it was TPD who told you that TPD people were dirty. Go back and look at how much money Bradford was spending over the last 5 years when he was the Treasurer. I will make sure that I tell you that I dont know for a fact. but I have heard that it was in excess of $100.000 over a 5 year period!


The 300$ was not a mistake, it was done on purpose, like I said part of the give and take. You are wrong. Idiot!

I do not nedd to check the minutes I was there, no PBA attorney advised against an impasse. Idiot!

There is a difference between a life time member and a life time position, idiot!

You are right that you are not sure, Idiot, I have looked at the books and no such thing has taken place. bradford had the books at every meeting and offered them up each time for any one who wanted to look.

Hey Mr. Noooooooooooo

Thanks, you are exactly why the union was voted out. What planet do you live on. 300 dollar crash fee put in on purpose??? I refuse to think you are that stupid....the first contract when it was proposed still had "Tampa Police" in the language where the "search and replace" function didn't catch all the TPD's and relace with HCSO.

No more energy on you, your like a fly that just came off a corpse!!

04-03-2008, 05:34 PM
I hope you guys are following this string, this is what you have to look forward to. Jim Diamond and Mike Rouleau duo. But it's not just here check out the TPD board. Better yet ask the TPD guys when they come into booking why they bailed out of WCFPBA!!

04-03-2008, 06:57 PM
I hope you guys are following this string, this is what you have to look forward to. Jim Diamond and Mike Rouleau duo. But it's not just here check out the TPD board. Better yet ask the TPD guys when they come into booking why they bailed out of WCFPBA!!

They left because they wanted their chapter president to be the Charter president. Most TPD cops do not know that they maybe leaving the WCFPBA because there has been no vote. JFS you are were wrong on all your points so you keep going back to one article out of an intire contract that you do not like and keep harping on it. One article. blah blah blah

04-03-2008, 08:00 PM
wait just a minute.......TPD calling for OUR avaition? What alley have u been smoking crack in. K-9's yes, many calls for that. We call them for avaition 10 times more than they ever called. They have 5 birds you moron. I didn't even know we had a full time avaition unit!

I'm trying to decide if you are:

Just kidding
Incredibly ignorant or
An outright liar.

HCSO has had a 24/7/365 aviation operation for DECADES.

Currently flying are:

Two AStar 5 passenger helicopters (mfg. Eurocopter)
One EC-120, (mfg. Eurocopter) brand new, state of the art 5 passenger helicopter (with shrouded tail rotor)
One Bell Jet Ranger (soon to be retired)
One Cessna fixed wing, constant speed prop.
And an additional AStar will be picked up in the next couple of weeks.

Capabilities include:

Color camera
Night Vision
High powered spotlight
Moving map navigation
Some units have inflatable pontoons.
Ability to transport K9s to scenes.
And the new helicopter will also have a rescue winch.

Perhaps you are a bit more enlightened now.



04-03-2008, 09:40 PM
I hope you guys are following this string, this is what you have to look forward to. Jim Diamond and Mike Rouleau duo. But it's not just here check out the TPD board. Better yet ask the TPD guys when they come into booking why they bailed out of WCFPBA!!

They left because they wanted their chapter president to be the Charter president. Most TPD cops do not know that they maybe leaving the WCFPBA because there has been no vote. JFS you are were wrong on all your points so you keep going back to one article out of an intire contract that you do not like and keep harping on it. One article. blah blah blah

Sorry, I read your board to see whats up with my brothers and sisters in green and I go back to my board afterwards. However, on this occasion I feel compelled to set the record straight about your comment. I do not know of a single TPD cop that is unaware of the split from WCFPBA. Our new board has sent out e-mails department wide on the department e-mail system and it has been posted on our roll-call boards. From talking to Greg Stout we left because we contributed more money than any other agency in the WCFPBA and had little to no say as to how our money was going to be spent or allocated. I believe taxation without representation has been covered in this country in the past. You are correct, we will have to vote to approve the official move to the TampaPBA. The result is a foregone conclusion, we are united and we are standing behind the officers we elected with an overwhelming majority.
Sorry, I'll go back to my board now. Please don't speak for me and I will not have to feel compelled to set the record straight again.

04-04-2008, 01:00 AM
Dear Otis, please go back your the tpd board since your obviously an officer with them. Stay out of hcso business, we dont want your help unlike you calling us constantly for help on the road.


Brother testify. Thank you for your comments. You are welcomed to comment anytime. I would rather hear from you, who worked with this Jimbo Dimbo, than one of ours who walks with his eyes closed.


04-04-2008, 01:46 AM
You should change your name to "Diamond Jim". You fool. I remember when we first met you. You lied and said that the only people that could vote for a contract were union members. Huh?,you say. Yep. I remember you.

Go Away.


04-04-2008, 07:08 PM
You should change your name to "Diamond Jim". You fool. I remember when we first met you. You lied and said that the only people that could vote for a contract were union members. Huh?,you say. Yep. I remember you.

Go Away.


So, he made a mistake, that is bad really bad! I understand how you perfect people cannot stand him now!

04-05-2008, 04:38 AM
but dont be surprised when the chief law enforcement officer for the county, your leader technically since we trump your power, rolls out a pay plan that with the retirement, cafe, and deferred comp matches you dollar for dollar.


The thing about the cow and the oranges was funny, but THAT has to be the funniest thing said in this thread so far!!

I think you need to be drinking some more Kool-Aid.

04-05-2008, 02:45 PM
You should change your name to "Diamond Jim". You fool. I remember when we first met you. You lied and said that the only people that could vote for a contract were union members. Huh?,you say. Yep. I remember you.

Go Away.


So, he made a mistake, that is bad really bad! I understand how you perfect people cannot stand him now!

MISTAKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You would think the idiot would of at least known who could vote on contracts and who couldn't.

04-05-2008, 05:17 PM
Like he said it's a mistake, much like the same your mother made with contraception and ooops mistake!! you came along. let it alone