View Full Version : Steve ****ey why?

04-02-2008, 12:56 AM

Do you believe that you still have the majority? This wanting a meeting, makes you all look like a bunch of scared rabbits. Why not just have the vote and find out where everyone stands? We have been at impasse for several months, what is a few more weeks of waiting?

I believe you, yourself said, "I have said this before and I will say it again, if you do not want me or this board, vote us out". I understand you feel the guys need the union, but if the majority no longer wants it, then your opion no longer matters.

I am not trying to be harsh, but that is what I had to do (deal with it) when we voted the PBA in. I did not want it but it did not matter, I still had to live with what you and the board decided. Now, we can see if the majority has changed their minds and no longer want the PBA. So, just let us have our vote and then, if we still keep the PBA, you can go forward and fight for us. I will even join this time. But, why, why on God's green earth would you try to force something when it might be what we do not want! Please stop and give us, all of us a chance to find out where we all stand.

That is the American way! You are american? Let the process take it's course. Please!

04-02-2008, 01:26 AM
I have kept up with the union postings for the last two years. I first want to say thanks to Steve ****ey for going to my I.A. interview.

My case did not turn out as I hoped, but he was willing to be there for me!

I have read over and over again about how the union isn't getting the job done when the pay and benifits are on the table.

Most of the people that have never ever been seen at any meeting or support function, are the ones complaining about the lack of power the union has to bargin with the Sheriff...

Steve and a few other deputies have put their jobs and futures at this department on the line to step up and try to make a change for all of you!

The Sheriff and Mr. Docobo are not looking out for your future! These two already have fat check books and do not have to worry about what a 1-2-3-% pay raise will do for their families. Steve and the other leaders have tried to bring a fair wage and good benifits package to all of you.

If the "Union" has no power it is it's members who have failed!

The Sheriff and Mr. Docobo do not want to sit down and give the working man anything!!! That would give some of their power away!

It is that simple. Just keep this in mind when you go into I.A. alone...

Bruce Said "WE OWN YOUR A$$" Right Steve?

If we don't fight for our rights who will? :wink:

04-02-2008, 05:43 AM
Even with the Office trying to set ****ey up he is still trying to do the job he was voted in to do. Until the PBA is voted out he needs to continue to fight for us. We need to fight for us. We have heard all the promises but have seen no action from the brass. They said in the begining they had the money. Now they say they have to find it. They say they have to fix the Sgts. pay because of the PBA, but the Sgts. never had a contract it was the same pay scale the office set up.

I do not understand if you bid for Central Command and Booking is in Central, how you can be out of your area. I also do not understand how if your Lt. is not there and your Sgt. is not there and you are in charge who you will ask permission of to get a cup of coffee. I do not understand if you did not see an incident occure and was not told of it how you are derelict of duty for not reporting it.

Come on Sheriff or should I say Docobo. We know you are only going after him again because he is the PBA president. Thats right you said you would take care of us. You just did not say how.

04-02-2008, 06:29 PM

Do you believe that you still have the majority? This wanting a meeting, makes you all look like a bunch of scared rabbits. Why not just have the vote and find out where everyone stands? We have been at impasse for several months, what is a few more weeks of waiting?

I believe you, yourself said, "I have said this before and I will say it again, if you do not want me or this board, vote us out". I understand you feel the guys need the union, but if the majority no longer wants it, then your opion no longer matters.

I am not trying to be harsh, but that is what I had to do (deal with it) when we voted the PBA in. I did not want it but it did not matter, I still had to live with what you and the board decided. Now, we can see if the majority has changed their minds and no longer want the PBA. So, just let us have our vote and then, if we still keep the PBA, you can go forward and fight for us. I will even join this time. But, why, why on God's green earth would you try to force something when it might be what we do not want! Please stop and give us, all of us a chance to find out where we all stand.

That is the American way! You are american? Let the process take it's course. Please!

Yes, I still believe that union supporters are in the majority. If not time will tell, I understand that. And the PBA understands that the majority will rule just like they did the first time we voted. No problem. If the PBA is voted out so be it. I, nor anyone else on the PBA board want the Detention Department to have a union if the majority in the unit do not want a union. PERIOD.

One of my jobs as President is to get a contract done. I cannot sit around and wait to see if this petition gets enough signatures, and if it does (which it did) gets turned in on time with the dates in place etc. , yes, I know that this time it appears to be in order, but the PBA cannot wait and should not wait. If there is a vote, the PBA cannot and should not wait for that to happen and then wait to see what the outcome is before moving forward.

We are no longer at impasse, we (the PBA) are trying to get the opportunity to negotiate, like we have been before we went to impasse and even during the impasse and now after the impasse is over.

As far as my opinion and wether it matters or not, my opinion will always matter, maybe not to you and maybe not those who may want to give up their rights to Collectively Bargain, but it will matter. Just like your opinion matters.

You and everyone else had a vote, and voted a union in. Now, you want another vote fine, have at it. Nothing is standing in the way for now of you voting again. But, do not act like you never had a say, you did. Do not act like an inmate and keeping asking until you get the answer you want to hear. I am not forcing anything, the PBA is doing the job they are supposed to, get a contract done. And yes I am an American.

Steve ****ey
WCFPBA Detention Chapter President

04-02-2008, 08:25 PM
Steve, that last paragraph is a bit condescending don't you think?

Comparing anyone whose view is different to yours to an inmate is a bit much!

Don't worry about it. If the majority wants to dump the union it will happen, with or without your "permission."

04-02-2008, 08:57 PM
Once again...you ask for his response but don't like what he says...he is not asking for permission he is giving his response...if it is condescending so be it...the original poster made comparisons but that is okay and asked if he was american?

Once again let's attack the person not the post...does it ever get old for you people...you don't want a change fine...but don't fault the guy for stepping up noone else did or wants to...

Steve, that last paragraph is a bit condescending don't you think?

Comparing anyone whose view is different to yours to an inmate is a bit much!

Don't worry about it. If the majority wants to dump the union it will happen, with or without your "permission."