View Full Version : enough

03-28-2008, 01:39 AM
Those of you who know me will know who this is. Those that dont...give me your number and I'll call you. Why does this crap continue? Why do we bash our brothers and sisters where the public can see? Why? Why do we not confront the people who we feel pose a danger to us....co-workers.....instead of talking crap behind their backs? Why do we talk crap about our bosses? Why do we ALWAYS......ALWAYS do this. Heres an idea...grow a set.

Heres the thing. No good moral will ever be built. I was with a very strong union up north. Not law enforcement buit one thats been around for 80 years. I am still a member. I still have pride in what I was involved with. What was grown and what was evolved.

I am here now and have been for about 7 years....not 10...not 15...not 20. I love this job. I do. If you dont....get another.

I am not a huge supporter of the PBA. Even though I feel the Brickman should go....but I still pay my dues. Why??? Because I believe in the greater cause. WE have this union to protect us. WE have this union to protect us when we retire. RETIRE. RETIRE.

That word is what we strive for. To work safe...to go home at night. To make some money. At the end of 25-30.....go somewhere and be happy knowing that we made a little dent in the crap thats out there. To show the new guys/girls whats right from wrong.

We are not ditch diggers.....we are not roofers. We are taking bad guys/girls off the street. We are trying. We are human garbage men/women.

I sometimes sit in my office and listen to this crap. He does this...she does that.

Im sitting on my small patio....going through a divorce....she got the house...lol. Drinking a glass of wine and smoking a cigar and wondering if we will ever come togeather.

Thats all. Protect who are ours. Its that simple. If you dont like them....protect the uniform. This uniform has been around longer than all of us. Im proud of what I do. My kids are proud of me. That matters.

We work with what we have. We do our best. We protect our own. We are moving in the right direction. We need to UNITE.....but not like action heros...lol.

03-28-2008, 04:45 AM
CA, that you? Well said!

03-28-2008, 11:15 AM
You should have put that much "LOYALTY" into your marraige, you wouldn't be getting divorced!

03-29-2008, 01:33 AM
You should have put that much "LOYALTY" into your marraige, you wouldn't be getting divorced!
everyone has to get a shot in :?: