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03-18-2008, 02:26 PM

South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com
At council meeting, fired Davie sergeant gets support from police
Ex-Davie sergeant addresses council
By Susannah Bryan

South Florida Sun-Sentinel

March 16, 2008


As a cop, Mike Necolettos risked his life on the job every day.

None of it compares to the "nightmare" of being fired for having a heart attack, the former sergeant told the Town Council recently as his wife and three daughters looked on.

More than 30 off-duty police officers came to Town Hall to support Necolettos, who was fired Jan. 9 after suffering a heart attack on duty in May.

Lt. Greg Mize, who had suffered several heart attacks, was fired the same day.

Jeff Poole, a Davie resident and detective with the Broward Sheriff's Office, urged the council to reinstate both men.

"The job we do brings a stress you can never imagine," Poole said. "At 38, I had a heart attack and I had a heart attack because I'm a police officer."

Florida law presumes police officers and firefighters with heart disease got it from on-the-job stress. The same law requires cities and counties to pay workers' comp and retirement benefits to officers and firefighters with heart disease.

Necolettos, 37, has filed a grievance with the town claiming he was wrongfully terminated. As a sergeant, he earned $82,857 a year.

Town officials have said they cannot publicly defend the firings due to privacy laws.

During the March 5 town meeting, Davie resident Keith Lanford demanded the town give Necolettos his job back and fire Town Administrator Gary Shimun — with no severance pay.

"Let him go to court and see how it feels to live without an income," Lanford said, drawing applause.

Lanford wore a T-shirt that read, "Town of Davie doesn't have a heart when it comes to its employees."

Officers have vented about the firings on leoaffairs.com, a Web site for law enforcement agencies.

In a March 6 posting, one author calling himself "Sgt. Dude" said he was sorry more officers did not show up.

"This could easily have been any one of us," he wrote. "Shame on those of you that could have attended but chose not to."

The union objected to the way the town treated Necolettos and Mize in a Feb. 15 letter to the Town Council.

"It doesn't just affect Mike," union president John Nasta said during the council meeting. "It affects the morale of all the police officers who live and work in this town."

Since receiving the letter, Shimun has asked the union to help write a policy for handling cases in which officers are permanently disabled.

Most officers who can no longer do the job are given time to apply for disability pensions, rather than being fired and left with no health insurance or workers' comp benefits, said David Murrell, executive director of the Florida Police Benevolent Association.

Town officials are close to settling the Mize case. The town has reinstated his medical benefits and agreed to pay him retirement and temporary disability benefits, said his attorney, Andrea Wolfson.

Potentially, Mize will earn his entire $91,960 salary, including Social Security, pension and worker's comp benefits, Wolfson said. She is negotiating a permanent disability agreement that would give him a 3 percent cost-of-living increase each year.

Susannah Bryan can be reached at sbryan@sun-sentinel.com or 954-385-7929.

03-18-2008, 02:47 PM
No wonder Mize hasn't showed up to any meetings. The article says he'll be making $91,000 plus a 3% COLA every year.

03-19-2008, 07:26 PM
What... He wasnt allowed to get his pension because he had 3 heart attacks?. The Town followed the Heart and Lung Bill and reinstated his health insurance. Thats what the Heart Bill is. Isnt that what the issue is. What did the Town do wrong !!! Mize couldnt get insurance and his WORKMAN COMP DOCTORS will never allow him to work again. WHAT DO YOU GUYS WANT !! THE DOCTORS WONT LET HIM WORK !!!!! NOT THE TOWN !! WHAT DID THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR DO WRONG !! NOW THE FACTS ARE STARTING TO COME OUT. MAYBE SOME HALF TRUTHS WERE BEING TOLD. THINK ABOUT IT.

03-19-2008, 07:34 PM
Sounds like everybody jumped on the Town Administrator for following the law. It sounds like somebody has a problem with workmans comp. Dont blame the Town Administrator. Its the doctors who define catastrophic, not the Town Administrator. Maybe the doctors reports could clear EVERYTHING UP. Why has one officer had a problem with workmans comp and the other hasnt. HMMMMMMMMMMMM.

03-19-2008, 07:39 PM
Maybe he hasn't showed up is because he's been in the hospital every month since his first HEART ATTACK.

03-19-2008, 07:41 PM
This reporter must know Sgt. Nic. LOL

03-19-2008, 07:43 PM

03-19-2008, 07:46 PM
Workmans Comp is the boss. Why can't he get it !

03-19-2008, 07:55 PM
Way to go Mr. Shimun! We all knew there was more to the story. Now the news is saying you followed the law. Shame on those of us that didn't get ALL the facts.

03-19-2008, 07:59 PM
I guess Mr. Shimun was doing his job. Maybe we all were wrong.
Sorry !

03-19-2008, 08:25 PM
Things are getting really fishy. 91,000 a year? How about pension and cobra insurance. That is pretty close. Insurance is approximately 1700 a month. Please don't distort the facts. The media always tells the truth.
The Heart Bill only requires Health Benifits. It sounds like the city followed the law. Now we know that the city does take care of it's employees !

03-19-2008, 10:12 PM
I guess the 30 people that attended the council meeting in support of their fellow officers are due an explanation from somebody. The Town and the City Manager took a beating for following the Heart Bill. I HATE HALF TRUTHS. MR. Shimun deserves an apology and the Town deserves an apology !

03-20-2008, 01:39 AM
The last 5 or 6 posts all have the same theme. Sounds like they're all from the same person.

03-20-2008, 02:18 AM
Ummmm. what half truths were told ???? There were no facts listed above and the Town did not follow the Heart Bill... Shows just how uniformed most of you really are??? Explain to me how the Town followed the Heart Bill??? You really are idiots

03-20-2008, 10:19 AM
The officer now has health insurance. What else do you want.

03-20-2008, 01:20 PM
OK, if you continue to call us names we again will stop talking to you.
Why dont you educate us on what the heart bill is. OR what your perception of it is.