View Full Version : Respect

03-11-2008, 04:34 PM
I seldom get on this sight, based on the lack of intelligent comments and responses. I don't think many of these comments are without merit, albeit the way they are expressed. As a deputy for a long time I have observed the many flaws in this agency that begins from the top. The posts that indicate Sheriff Hall's administration is without fault are relatively accurate. He did vow to relocate some of the admin personnel but instead, he promoted them. SC is a good example. He has no patrol experience. His career has been sitting behind the desk, second guessing the patrol deputies since the days of Coffman. Same goes with WS, who demonstrated his lack of ability to cope with the stresses of patrol. Both SC and WS were slated to be demoted, in fact WS was when Hall took office. After the re-election fiasco both were promoted. JF spent 25 years being in charge of dispatch. I will give JF credit; as a late bloomer he has somewhat broken away from the status of the "yes man" mentality. JO is caught between doing the right thing and the ever present influence of his supervisor to sway a certain way. Good intentions are part of his mentality but like the rest of us, he does what he is told. JK should have never been brought back. His is a long history of making idiotic decisions to include writing up as many people as he can. His has transferred to several different divisions and yet, the sheriff doesn’t know what to do with him. He demands respect but has lost in the process. He’s not a “bad” guy, but his attitude toward the people he outranks downright stinks. LB has been in special projects for 7 or 8 years, including fleet maintenance. Known for his personal gain while changing the fleet from Ford to Chevrolet, LB has been a disappointment. The posts about not issuing out the new cars in a timely manner is for the most part at the fault of his assistant may be partly true, but the lion share of the responsibility falls back to LB. He should have long since retired. This is the admin we have to run this agency, like it or not. It is not perfect by, no means. In fact our admin could use a major overhaul. Will it happen while Hall is in office? Probably not. Will it change if another becomes the new sheriff? From the agency’s history of the same guys that dates back to Jim Powell I would have to say no. They seem to always hit the sweet spot with the new sheriff’s even after they talked smack about the new sheriff before he was elected. And when the new sheriff takes office, they seem to say “I didn’t like him anyway.” At least with the people we have now are predictable. We know how they work and what they do (even if it is nothing). Perhaps the sheriff, if he “really” cared about his workforce, should open his eyes and ears and realize the most important aspect of his job was lost: Respect. Even if he did not do it intentionally, he did so by virtue of having the responsibility he acquired when he was twice elected

03-11-2008, 06:56 PM
Maybe i am speaking out of line. Maybe i should just keep my mouth shut, but i feel that the truth must prevail. As a Deputy, off duty i have spoken to Mr. Van Camp several times. He assured me and the Deputies of Santa Rosa three things WILL happen when he takes office.
First, he WILL exercise his discression given to him in Florida State Stautes chp 30. He will completely overhaul the management from capt and up. Most will go, a couple will stay, but it will be a very progressive agency, and it starts from the top down. The days of the good ole boys will be LONG gone. If i was a Major i`d start looking at retirement homes in Tenn.
Second, there will be a signed FOP contract.... Van Camp is pro-union and pro-Deputy, and his admin will be of the same mind or they will be gone.
Third, no more chevys...

The choice is obvious, i`m looking forward to August. See you at the polls.

03-11-2008, 07:58 PM
Maybe i am speaking out of line. Maybe i should just keep my mouth shut, but i feel that the truth must prevail. As a Deputy, off duty i have spoken to Mr. Van Camp several times. He assured me and the Deputies of Santa Rosa three things WILL happen when he takes office.
First, he WILL exercise his discression given to him in Florida State Stautes chp 30. He will completely overhaul the management from capt and up. Most will go, a couple will stay, but it will be a very progressive agency, and it starts from the top down. The days of the good ole boys will be LONG gone. If i was a Major i`d start looking at retirement homes in Tenn.
Second, there will be a signed FOP contract.... Van Camp is pro-union and pro-Deputy, and his admin will be of the same mind or they will be gone.
Third, no more chevys...

The choice is obvious, i`m looking forward to August. See you at the polls.

If you were the major I hope you can spell better than that. BTW The Sheriff did say the same thing and he kept the same bunch in office, which brings me to my next question. If Van Camp does give some of the admin the boot who is going to take their place?

03-11-2008, 08:21 PM
I just went to all four candidates' websites. Only Jeff's seem to be the best. At least he puts stuff out there. Sheriff Hall's is outdated and most of the links say"under construction." Woopie. Roper's and Randle's only talk about what they have done, not what they want to do. I'm impressed. I think Jeff needs to also consider the fact that KM was hired as a major ut he supposed to write grants. His position has been redundant useless but he is not. He does try to get stuff for us. I'd keep KM but get rid of the other major SC. Can't speak for the jail's major except don't bring himback to the LEO side. Second guessing the troops is part of SC's mentality but making tactical decisions is not. When the state CO was shooting over the deputies and shot Watson's car SC said "no dont return fire." When Roman got shot the same SC said "no he'll come out." The man with no leo experience is giving tactical orders on the scenes. If the SWAT team is on scene let them make the tactical decisions. Give em hell, Jeff

03-11-2008, 08:28 PM
Websites only tell a little bit about the people. If you're voting from what you seen on a website, well then shame on you. I would suggest talking to each of the candidates if you're really serious about making an informed decision. Listening to rumor and inuendo doesn't make for good voting practices. I would hope at least the websites have their contact information on them. Call the guys, ask them questions, get to the point.

03-11-2008, 09:30 PM
Looks like the poster was only trying to make a point about the better websites. At least Jeff's gives you an idea about what he's hoping to accomplish. None of the other candidates too theirs seriously.I think the other posts hit the nail and I mean hard about Hall's administration. I also read from the other thread about Fleet. It does apear Fleet is more interested in issuing cell phones than the cars. Ironic the wife of unit one works for Nextel and an email from LB has cc'd her the email. The damn Nextels do nothing for the men and women driving around in old cars that stay in the shop. LB, get off your ass and get those cars out. They are doing nothing just sitting in the parking lot collecting dust. I don't need one but there are others out there that do.

03-11-2008, 09:41 PM
Let KM go with Hall. Hall brought him with him, let him go with him. Don't need him, never did. Has he earned his pay? Tell me how? Everybody needs to get behind another candidate (any candidate) and ensure Hall has seen his last year as Sheriff.

03-12-2008, 09:50 PM
KM has been pro-law enforcement. Anytime we have needed anything he has been good about getting it. The other major, however, is an indecisive individual who has done nothing for this agency. Send him packing. The Allstar wannabe needs to be gone for good. The lies about he being a 30 year homicide detective rates up there with Bill Clinton's denial of having sex with Monica Lewinsky. Get rid of JK, he's useless. JF is a puppet and does whatever SC tells him to do. I say give them one way ticket to the employment line or make them retire.

03-13-2008, 03:40 AM
Guest, some of your points are valid but you're way off base on the ole KM being pro-leo and providing anything for anybody but his "pets!" Its true that King Kammo gets what he wants whenever he wants it but the rest of us have never gotten anything. Could you think of ANY reason major crimes gets what they want from KM? Major crimes is not under KM on the org chart, right? Any reason at all? Maybe you don't really know how things work up at the admin office but all you have to do is contact one of your buds up there or just hang around for awhile and you'll pick up the truth Everyone up there constantly talks about how he keeps everything stirred up with his petty jealousies and is extremely anti-detention! Are they all wrong? During the accredidation process he put it out to his minions that he didn't care about detention passing or not and to treat them all like a third world country. That story has been told by EVERYONE over and over in detention! That's real support for his boss ain't it! How would it have helped Hall if they had failed! Can you tell me what has ever been given to patrol! Just name something! Now compare that list with what has been given to his "pets" and lets see how your list stacks up now. I can understand some of your other points but it sounds like maybe you're either one of the pets or else you just don't know any better! How come FOP only gets to meet with KM and not the sheriff? How many times have we asked for things and it never gets past KM to the sheriff? Have you ever wondered about that one? Ask Earl, one of our own, about some of his dealings he's told us about in his dealings with KM! So if the rest have to go then KM needs to go with them! All or none!

03-13-2008, 05:18 AM

03-13-2008, 12:19 PM
Boot them all, including KM

03-13-2008, 08:16 PM
SR Deputy, why do you have such a problem with the admin? What did they do to deserve what you are saying? If anyone should going that would be you. SC is a good man and would do anything for us. He has always been fair and honest. He has been begging the Sheriff to get us a raise. LB is a good man too. He dedicated his life to serving Santa Rosa County with poise. Buying the Impalas was LB's way of making this agency better. If he bought Fords he would have only been able to buy 10. Instead he bought 20 Chevys. Be thankful for the Chevys are safer than the Ford. That makes perfect sense. JK is not perfect but he too is a great man. I never had any issues with and if he wrote up a few people that is fine with me. They probably deserved it.

03-13-2008, 09:00 PM
i'd like to comment about websites.
they are a way of filling in what doesn't fit on 1 page, doesn't fit in a 30 second meet/greet conversation.
a website is supposed to be nothing more than a means to inform.
if somebody asks "what are your goals" then you want to tell them face to face but you also want to be able to tell 10 other people who you can't meet to go read them.
websites are a way to inform and ask for opinion and that is about it.
i guess what you have to look at is not how pretty a site is but does it aim to inform and present opportunities for discussion or is it just a billboard?
is the candidate willing to step forward and make statements and define objectives or just put "under construction" under a link?

and yes, i support jeff van camp. not because of a website or a dislike for the current admin or any other reason. i simply believe that he is the right guy for the job.

if he is concerned enough to share information via his website then that must indicate that he is interested in what people think.

03-14-2008, 12:47 AM
FOP Girl
Guess you believe that the FOP has your best interest in mind also. Get a life, open your eyes and believe the truth; not many people in the orgainzation above the rank of of Sgt and none above the rank of Capt care anything about anyone other than theirselves. Hall could care less if anyone other than his chosen Good-ol-boys get anything.

03-14-2008, 10:46 AM
SR Deputy, why do you have such a problem with the admin? What did they do to deserve what you are saying? If anyone should going that would be you. SC is a good man and would do anything for us. He has always been fair and honest. He has been begging the Sheriff to get us a raise. LB is a good man too. He dedicated his life to serving Santa Rosa County with poise. Buying the Impalas was LB's way of making this agency better. If he bought Fords he would have only been able to buy 10. Instead he bought 20 Chevys. Be thankful for the Chevys are safer than the Ford. That makes perfect sense. JK is not perfect but he too is a great man. I never had any issues with and if he wrote up a few people that is fine with me. They probably deserved it.

Fop girl. get yer head outa the ass your kiss'n so you can smell somethig not so repulsive.

03-14-2008, 04:39 PM
The Chevy`s got to go!!! safer??? FOP girl... i can see that you dont have much time pushing a green and white... a full sized "police package" vehicle is built for the abuse and wear and tear of police work... the 20 chevy wont last half as long... now if it was the old caprice that would be different, but these are NOT police packages... right now its either the Ford Vic or the Dodge....

03-14-2008, 06:09 PM
You go girl!! I mean, you need to go and wipe the booty funk off your lips. If you think SC has been begging for us a raise your on crack (butt crack)

03-15-2008, 02:47 AM
Larry has "poise." Wow. He's Mr. America.

03-15-2008, 03:18 AM
I am glad that so many people feel qualified to say ugly things about how people do their jobs. I wonder when the last time was that they worked in one of the positions they complain about. Maybe we should all start criticizing how everyone does their job - I don't think that some people would be happy with they heard about themselves.

03-15-2008, 07:59 AM
If he bought Fords he would have only been able to buy 10. Instead he bought 20 Chevys. Be thankful for the Chevys are safer than the Ford. That makes perfect sense.

Better yet, why not buy 30 Toyota's? Much better gas mileage and better cars. You wouldn't survive a crash, but hey, you get more cars.

03-15-2008, 12:58 PM
Why??? based on your reasoning people that screw up and make dumb decisions shouldnt be critizied. so what are you to do when people do boneheaded things?
i guess we should never say anything bad, dont want to hurt anyones feelings! GROW UP! people need to be acountable for their actions, thats what is wrong with the world today...no acountability. starts from the top and goes down hill.

for example..i cant spell to save my life..so if someone critizied me for it..then they would be correct! if you accept the facts then you dont have to worry about getting your 'feelings' hurt!!

03-15-2008, 11:22 PM
Actually I believe people should be held accountable for their actions but I also believe that people should know what they are talking about before they make a comment. I also believe that if people have a problem with something or someone they should address it with the person they are talking about instead of talking behind their backs. But apparently that is how "Grown Ups" handle it.

03-17-2008, 06:45 PM
Good Luck Paw Paw Harley on your retirement at the end of the year.
30 years is very noble.

03-17-2008, 09:46 PM
End of the year cant come soon enough. Does he ride a fatboy with dual 300" tires to hold all that?

03-18-2008, 03:44 PM
Aside from the hateful comments, LB should retire much sooner. His credibility stinks.

03-20-2008, 04:58 PM
I read some posts about Bryant. He should start packing his office and go ride his fatboy. If he doesn't like you you'll never get a new car.

03-21-2008, 10:46 PM
If he dont like I guess my next car will be a vw bug

05-08-2008, 10:44 AM
His credibility stinks.

There's a huge amount of others around here that have this disease as well except no one has found out about it yet.

08-04-2008, 12:34 AM
Might I remind everyone that KM is one of the two people that negotiate the FOP contract. It's him and the attorney.
I have to say this about KM though, at least he doesn't lie to the Sheriff about everything like SC does. SC will lie to the Sheriff's face in the presence of others and not bat an eyelash. Then he runs to his underlings and does what he wants to do. I really wish the Sheriff would see him for what he is. He is ruining this department and the Sheriff doesn't even see it.

08-04-2008, 01:58 AM
I just went to all four candidates' websites. Only Jeff's seem to be the best. At least he puts stuff out there. Sheriff Hall's is outdated and most of the links say"under construction." Woopie. Roper's and Randle's only talk about what they have done, not what they want to do. I'm impressed. I think Jeff needs to also consider the fact that KM was hired as a major ut he supposed to write grants. His position has been redundant useless but he is not. He does try to get stuff for us. I'd keep KM but get rid of the other major SC. Can't speak for the jail's major except don't bring himback to the LEO side. Second guessing the troops is part of SC's mentality but making tactical decisions is not. When the state CO was shooting over the deputies and shot Watson's car SC said "no dont return fire." When Roman got shot the same SC said "no he'll come out." The man with no leo experience is giving tactical orders on the scenes. If the SWAT team is on scene let them make the tactical decisions. Give em hell, Jeff

After the article in the PNJ today, I think Jeff has bigger issues to concern himself with than how much better his website is... and I don't think a million signs and a cool website are going to help him. Randle really nailed his competition on that one.

08-04-2008, 02:33 PM
Might I remind everyone that KM is one of the two people that negotiate the FOP contract. It's him and the attorney.
I have to say this about KM though, at least he doesn't lie to the Sheriff about everything like SC does. SC will lie to the Sheriff's face in the presence of others and not bat an eyelash. Then he runs to his underlings and does what he wants to do. I really wish the Sheriff would see him for what he is. He is ruining this department and the Sheriff doesn't even see it.

You have it all wrong. The Sheriff sees it all, he just doesn't care about his deputies. He has done nothing in his history of Sheriff that will change my mind about that.