View Full Version : other Davie departments

03-09-2008, 08:04 PM
While Davie may treat their fellow LEOS with care, I see they often snub other employee's from their town's departments; namely, dispatch, code, etc. Why? They second rate personnel to you?

03-09-2008, 09:22 PM
It is not that cops don't care about the non-police employees of the town. Nothing could be further from the truth. However, you have to realize that officers share unique experiences and are bonded by a single driving force: the love of Chance Ransom. Don't worry, though, Chance respects what you guys do.

03-10-2008, 12:12 PM
While Davie may treat their fellow LEOS with care, I see they often snub other employee's from their town's departments; namely, dispatch, code, etc. Why? They second rate personnel to you?

Stop trolling. We all respect each other and get along. I'm sure some personalities clash like they do in any other organization, but that is not the norm.

03-11-2008, 02:11 PM
While Davie may treat their fellow LEOS with care, I see they often snub other employee's from their town's departments; namely, dispatch, code, etc. Why? They second rate personnel to you?

Stop trolling. We all respect each other and get along. I'm sure some personalities clash like they do in any other organization, but that is not the norm.

Get off of your high horse. Just because someone posts a question that you don't care for, or care to answer in a civil manner, doesn't mean they are a troll. But it does mean you may very well be an alpha hotel.

03-11-2008, 03:07 PM
"Get off of your high horse. Just because someone posts a question that you don't care for, or care to answer in a civil manner, doesn't mean they are a troll. But it does mean you may very well be an alpha hotel."

Fact: Chance Ransom one slew a hundred trolls after being thrown from his high horse. Then he invaded a kingdom of gnomes.

03-12-2008, 10:54 AM
While Davie may treat their fellow LEOS with care, I see they often snub other employee's from their town's departments; namely, dispatch, code, etc. Why? They second rate personnel to you?

Stop trolling. We all respect each other and get along. I'm sure some personalities clash like they do in any other organization, but that is not the norm.

Get off of your high horse. Just because someone posts a question that you don't care for, or care to answer in a civil manner, doesn't mean they are a troll. But it does mean you may very well be an alpha hotel.

"High horse"? I said we all get along and respect each other, and that was not being "civil"? I did not call anybody a "troll" as you put it, rather I stated "stop trolling". I now understand that your reading comprehension is below average, and that you are not familiar with certain terms like "trolling" so I will educate you. Let me define "internet trolling" for you:

"An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial and usually irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, with the intention of baiting other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion".

You need enlightenment from Chance Ransom my friend.

03-12-2008, 01:09 PM
While Davie may treat their fellow LEOS with care, I see they often snub other employee's from their town's departments; namely, dispatch, code, etc. Why? They second rate personnel to you?

Stop trolling. We all respect each other and get along. I'm sure some personalities clash like they do in any other organization, but that is not the norm.

Get off of your high horse. Just because someone posts a question that you don't care for, or care to answer in a civil manner, doesn't mean they are a troll. But it does mean you may very well be an alpha hotel.

"High horse"? I said we all get along and respect each other, and that was not being "civil"? I did not call anybody a "troll" as you put it, rather I stated "stop trolling". I now understand that your reading comprehension is below average, and that you are not familiar with certain terms like "trolling" so I will educate you. Let me define "internet trolling" for you:

"An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial and usually irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, with the intention of baiting other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion".

Hey buddy, to tell somebody to stop trolling is implying they are a troll. Maybe you should get back to doing some "paTROLLING" & get back to work. I wouldn't comment on someone's reading comprehension if I were you. I am sure your chief is very proud of you.

You need enlightenment from Chance Ransom my friend.

03-12-2008, 03:16 PM
"Troll" the noun and "Trolling" the verb are completely unrelated. A troll is like an ogre. Trolling refers to pulling fish lines through the water. It would be like telling someone to stop fishing for compliments and having them respond : "I'm not a fish."

03-12-2008, 03:19 PM
"Troll" the noun and "Trolling" the verb are completely unrelated. A troll is like an ogre. Trolling refers to pulling fish lines through the water. It would be like telling someone to stop fishing for compliments and having them respond : "I'm not a fish."

Not to correct you, but it can be taken both ways. Like the word "party". You can go to a party & "party" or you can just "party". It means the same thing.

03-12-2008, 05:15 PM
Yes, but unlike the recent conversion of the word "party" into a verb, you don't become a troll from trolling. In other words, fishermen who practice the skill of trolling do not become trolls. I also don't become a "party" by partying. I become a partier, playboy or fop, but no one says, "Yeah, that guy is a party." The same people don't see bunch of rods hanging off a fishing boat and say. "Hmmm, that boat must be occupied by trolls." I have a reasonable command over the English language, so you'd better consult with a few of your friends before you come back with another comparison like "party can be taken two ways." I am a kind intellect, but I do not like to be challenged.

To summarize: Trolls do not troll. They live under bridges and bully billy goats. You also don't become Chance by taking chances, but it sure as hell does help.

03-12-2008, 06:22 PM
Yes, but unlike the recent conversion of the word "party" into a verb, you don't become a troll from trolling. In other words, fishermen who practice the skill of trolling do not become trolls. I also don't become a "party" by partying. I become a partier, playboy or fop, but no one says, "Yeah, that guy is a party." The same people don't see bunch of rods hanging off a fishing boat and say. "Hmmm, that boat must be occupied by trolls." I have a reasonable command over the English language, so you'd better consult with a few of your friends before you come back with another comparison like "party can be taken two ways." I am a kind intellect, but I do not like to be challenged.

To summarize: Trolls do not troll. They live under bridges and bully billy goats. You also don't become Chance by taking chances, but it sure as hell does help.

You are a "trip" (not falling down). Excellent response.

03-12-2008, 11:55 PM
Yes, but unlike the recent conversion of the word "party" into a verb, you don't become a troll from trolling. In other words, fishermen who practice the skill of trolling do not become trolls. I also don't become a "party" by partying. I become a partier, playboy or fop, but no one says, "Yeah, that guy is a party." The same people don't see bunch of rods hanging off a fishing boat and say. "Hmmm, that boat must be occupied by trolls." I have a reasonable command over the English language, so you'd better consult with a few of your friends before you come back with another comparison like "party can be taken two ways." I am a kind intellect, but I do not like to be challenged.

To summarize: Trolls do not troll. They live under bridges and bully billy goats. You also don't become Chance by taking chances, but it sure as hell does help.

Me thinks someone has too much free time on their hands.

03-13-2008, 02:15 PM
To summarize: Trolls do not troll. They live under bridges and bully billy goats. You also don't become Chance by taking chances, but it sure as hell does help.

Ahh, yes, but if a trolled decided to charter a fishing boat, and the Captain wished to pursure some pelagic species of fish, would the troll not be trolling?

03-13-2008, 03:15 PM
To summarize: Trolls do not troll. They live under bridges and bully billy goats. You also don't become Chance by taking chances, but it sure as hell does help.

Ahh, yes, but if a trolled decided to charter a fishing boat, and the Captain wished to pursure some pelagic species of fish, would the troll not be trolling?

If a tree falls in the forest & there is no one around to hear it, does it still make a noise?

03-14-2008, 03:04 AM
If a tree falls in the forest & there is no one around to hear it, does it still make a noise?

Duh, trolls don't live in forests.

But trolls do make noises when no one is around.

03-14-2008, 09:44 PM
An older officer once said to me:

"You know, we're not so different from trolls - you and me. A troll is kind of a big scary loner. That's what people think of cops. A troll lives under a bridge. We live under the umm bridge of humanity. A troll carries a large club. We have belong to the union, which is kind of like a club. Maybe it's not such a bad thing to be called a troll. I mean they seem to get to do a lot of fishing."

I'll never forget that crazy old son of a *****.

03-16-2008, 11:35 PM
This is my first time on the Davie website and I am surprised by how childish you all sound. I knew you were selfish but c'mon you sound like little kids bickering in here!

03-17-2008, 12:01 AM
This is my first time on the Davie website and I am surprised by how childish you all sound. I knew you were selfish but c'mon you sound like little kids bickering in here!

Don't let the bandwidth hit you in the ass!

03-17-2008, 02:33 PM
This is my first time on the Davie website and I am surprised by how childish you all sound. I knew you were selfish but c'mon you sound like little kids bickering in here!

If you're making this comment, this is probably your first time to the LEOAFFAIRS site in general and not just the Davie site... Check out BSO, Hollywood, Pines, Seminole, Miramar, Lauderhill, City of Miami, Metro-Dade, etc. etc. etc.... Every one of those boards are just as bad (if not worse) than this one... Give people a computer and the ability to stay anonymous and it's amazing how childish and juvenile they become.

Oh, and if you think it's only cops that act like this, check out the "comments" sections under articles on the sun-sentinel.com site. As bad as this is, it's a million times more civilized than those morons.