View Full Version : Vote of No Confidence

03-08-2008, 11:19 PM
I am proud to see how most of you are standing together to bring a vote of No Confidence against your Chief.
Don't let the fiasco that is going on against our Chiefs in the City of Miami, better known as "The Banana Republic", take place in your Dept.
Tackle the issue strong and hard, but once you start fight hard......Good Luck fellow brothers in blue. God Bless you guys.

03-09-2008, 05:30 AM
Yeah we see it's going great for you guys. You held a vote of no confidence against your chief and now you're hated by both the Chief and the Mayor. Great Job! :evil: We know a vote of no confidence wont help us either. But we know misery loves company, so now we are a part of the miserables with you. Thanks.

03-09-2008, 08:08 PM
I have a question. What has Chief Darling done for his officers since his inception? Everything that Chief Cuccaro has has accomplished is swiftly coming to an end..... The large department will soon be a small one. The large batch of cars has dwindled.... Those great computers are slowly crapping out...... My friends everything goes full circle... Unfortunately the last few years were the best the school police will ever see. The vote of NO CONFIDENCE is years past due. I cant believe that some of you pulled the race card. That was a low blow and by the way the whole race thing is played out. Have a good life :D

03-10-2008, 12:33 PM
Have your vote!! This will show the chief just how disappointed you guys are and hopefully he will talk to Rudy so they can start backing you??
Dont worry about retaliation,unless u are a boot licker can it get any worse??
Stand for something or S.T.F.U.

03-11-2008, 01:57 PM
I have an easier solution to all this mess. Forget the No Vote, just ask the Chief to resign, or have charges of failure to aid a PO and obstruction of justice brought against him. Certainly, that would free up money...By the way, the overtime cuts and this lay off frenzy was brought upon after the article in The Miami Herald was written about overtime misspending. Smoke and mirrors to prevent the public from delving deeper into their misspending...

03-16-2008, 08:07 AM
link to The Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling information