View Full Version : Firearm and Laptop Vehicle Removal

03-08-2008, 06:39 PM
Is it policy or a directive that all firearms and our laptop computer must be removed from our vehicles and be brought into our homes? I looked for a directive and found nothing on paper? If so, will homeowners insurance cover any theft, liability or damage depending on our individual policies? What if we live in apartments and have no insurance? What if a firearm is stolen from a deputies home and used in a horrible and shocking crime.....Who is liable? Can a victim now pursue me in a lawsuit causing my rates to go up or cancelling my policy? I respectfully request answers and direction. I have asked several individuals and received numerous conflicting responses.

03-08-2008, 07:08 PM
Is it policy or a directive that all firearms and our laptop computer must be removed from our vehicles and be brought into our homes? I looked for a directive and found nothing on paper? If so, will homeowners insurance cover any theft, liability or damage depending on our individual policies? What if we live in apartments and have no insurance? What if a firearm is stolen from a deputies home and used in a horrible and shocking crime.....Who is liable? Can a victim now pursue me in a lawsuit causing my rates to go up or cancelling my policy? I respectfully request answers and direction. I have asked several individuals and received numerous conflicting responses.

I guess you find it difficult to turn the key and lock your MDT then remove they key huh???? And I would hope you don't leave a firearm unsecure in your vehicle; cuz you are part of the problem NOT the solution. We have devices in every marked unit to assist with securing the car, weapons, and the yes the MDT. Securing zeroz in your residence should be the same. Ever heard of a SAFE, gun locks or tenants insurance?? This is a real no brainer and NOT sure how you got this job as a responsible public official capable of making logical decisions with little or no supervision. I guess your next posting will be "If i'm out 10/40 and a robbery is going down in the same strip mall should I clear and respond?" or in your case do I have the authority to shoot if confronted with an armed suspect........

You want directions huh? Turnpike North to exit 259 then West to you hit Wallyworld... 8) :?:

03-08-2008, 10:05 PM
I guess you find it difficult to turn the key and lock your MDT then remove they key huh????

If you really think that little lock is adequate against stealing the MDT I have a bridge to sell you.
Some districts have gotten directives from their captains to remove the mdt from their car, along with their firearms, at end of shift.

03-09-2008, 01:32 AM
OK........................Trolln who's going to pay for these locks, safe and tenant insurance you suggest. Do you know how much insurance costs these days? And if something does happen, my insurance may have to pay out a settlement or other costs.....And if so......Do you think there going to keep me as a client? Reference this directive the 2nd post replied with........ Is this directive on paper or is it verbal. There's a big difference between the too.

03-09-2008, 02:19 AM
Reference this directive the 2nd post replied with........ Is this directive on paper or is it verbal. There's a big difference between the too.

03-09-2008, 06:44 PM
If you disagree with any directive, policy, memorandum, etc..., grieve the issue with the PBA. Clearly compelling us to purchase a safe to secrue weapons and/or equipment is a term and condition of our employent. There has to be consistency in POP and the rules and reg's. We can't go back to the dumb ol FBI sheriff days that decentralized everything and turned the agency upside down with conflicting rules for every district. Another issue for the PBA boys to address...

03-10-2008, 07:10 PM
OK........................Trolln who's going to pay for these locks, safe and tenant insurance you suggest. Do you know how much insurance costs these days? And if something does happen, my insurance may have to pay out a settlement or other costs.....And if so......Do you think there going to keep me as a client? Reference this directive the 2nd post replied with........ Is this directive on paper or is it verbal. There's a big difference between the too.

The stand in your car has a lock built into it or can you not figure that out yet??? And if you NOT comfortable with that then bring it inside or lock it in the trunk where there is a alarm for that too. How did you get through FTO?? Gunlocks for your house are FREE if you look hard enough (like CP units) heck i got some in my cruiser to hand out to concerned citizens. It sounds like you maybe one of them so stop by the Okee Corridor someday and I'll GIVE you a handout cuz that what it sounds like your beggin for here....

To cheap to pay for homeowners or tenants insurance is your problem not mine. There are so many companies competing for your business that if they dump you who cares. Find another one of the thousands who will.............Again, your the problem NOT the solution!!!

There's a guy in Westgate that will cover you with a blanket policy on your residence to include weapons and laptops. Guaranteed your belongings won't be there when you get home and in his safe hands. My understanding is free coffee and donuts go with his coverage.

You are obviously an 8000 plus ID with no experience cuz you should have figured out by now everything related to this job is a write-off...

If you want everything under the sun handed to you by the SHERIFF then find one that will....

03-10-2008, 07:49 PM
Troll is right on the money. Time to get real or get out!

03-10-2008, 07:50 PM
And I do want everything handed to me by the Sheriff!!!!!!!!

03-10-2008, 07:51 PM
Wow...doesn't it seem that every other post is some command staff member?

Is someone being paid to post agency propaganda on county time??

I posted it, and I like majority of others love working here. If you don't leave, please. I'm not a member of the command staff, but I've been here and other places long enough to know we have it good here.

03-11-2008, 06:10 PM
Troll is right on the money. Time to get real or get out!

great....like it or leave mentality...way to stand with you brother Officers.

you must have been to the PBSO supervisory school.

You are missing the point here...."like or leave it" exists anywhere in public govt. run entities, so your mentality of I want, I want, give me, give me for free like a panhandler at Okee & the trail just doesn't work brother.....

I have worked for a PD with no union who then became unionized and I still left to work for PBSO which wasn't collective bargaining. I tell you from working at two different places now, you have no clue how damn good we have it here till you been on the other side. I have personal knowledge of peers who have relocated to North FL or North Carolina and guess what? There back here right where they started and says alot.

But as I said earlier you have definitely proven your ignorance again with a lack of investigative skills NOT being able to identify that "life is good" and can always be better but not without our current Sheriff......

Funny thought I just had.....all this dribble of a lack of common sense and your probably not even a PBA member either!! Guess we should hand that out too huh????

03-11-2008, 06:11 PM
And I do want everything handed to me by the Sheriff!!!!!!!!

Then go work for one that will....

03-11-2008, 08:44 PM
Troll is right on the money. Time to get real or get out!

I did go to the PBSO supervisory school. But that has nothing to do with my statement. Have you talked to someone you know in the private sector lately. With all of our benefits (car, equipment, weapons, time off) we are in good shape. Folks in the private field are not only NOT getting raises, they are being forced to take cuts. That's the reality of it. So don't slam me for not sticking by my brother officers, I've been doing that for 15 years. And from what I can see, we have it better than we ever have. We will always have headaches, and police work itself is not going to get better, but our salary, union & benefits are VERY good. And if you can find it better somewhere else, you'd be a fool not to go there.

03-12-2008, 02:52 AM
Is it policy or a directive that all firearms and our laptop computer must be removed from our vehicles and be brought into our homes? I looked for a directive and found nothing on paper? If so, will homeowners insurance cover any theft, liability or damage depending on our individual policies? What if we live in apartments and have no insurance? What if a firearm is stolen from a deputies home and used in a horrible and shocking crime.....Who is liable? Can a victim now pursue me in a lawsuit causing my rates to go up or cancelling my policy? I respectfully request answers and direction. I have asked several individuals and received numerous conflicting responses.

I guess you find it difficult to turn the key and lock your MDT then remove they key huh???? And I would hope you don't leave a firearm unsecure in your vehicle; cuz you are part of the problem NOT the solution. We have devices in every marked unit to assist with securing the car, weapons, and the yes the MDT. Securing zeroz in your residence should be the same. Ever heard of a SAFE, gun locks or tenants insurance?? This is a real no brainer and NOT sure how you got this job as a responsible public official capable of making logical decisions with little or no supervision. I guess your next posting will be "If i'm out 10/40 and a robbery is going down in the same strip mall should I clear and respond?" or in your case do I have the authority to shoot if confronted with an armed suspect........

You want directions huh? Turnpike North to exit 259 then West to you hit Wallyworld... 8) :?:

HAHAHAAAAAA, Good one Trolln

03-12-2008, 08:51 AM
Insurance in a rental property its no expensive at all. I have one.

03-12-2008, 01:30 PM
OK calm down people. The original post has a valid concern regarding his insurance. I actually called my State Farm Agent and explained the circumstances to him. He called the home office and got back to me the next day. I have "replacement value" Insuracnce policy. This was the best State Farm offered and from what I understand, they dont even write this anymore. Anyway they WILL NOT cover SOMEONE ELSES (PBSO) firearms in YOUR home, and only $500 of the cost of the laptop. PBSO is self insured so whats the problem? My handguns are safe inside my home. PBSO's Shotgun is in the rack and the laptop is in THEIRLOCKED STAND and all is their headache, not mine.
In this day and age, even renters need insurance even if for noting other than to cover their TV and computer from lightning hits. Its usually less than $200 anyway.