View Full Version : GUARANTEE

03-05-2008, 12:55 AM
Will Brinkman's boy guarantee 5/5/5?

03-05-2008, 12:40 PM
The answer to that question, Mr./Mrs. Kazoo is NO. He won't promise crap.

I don't agree with a lot of your posts, but you know the fix is in. Typical politics, the little people always get screwed. Wait until Hollywood starts running this place, your rants should be real good, unless your on their team.

Be safe.

03-05-2008, 08:53 PM
I'll go with anyone that guarantees over 5/5/5 and no increase on anything else.

03-05-2008, 09:19 PM
I'll go with anyone that guarantees over 5/5/5 and no increase on anything else.

I go too ! Let's go... Listen all joking aside. we have been promised the moon and the stars, and I'm so sorry to say, I like the PBA, but they are not doing crap. they should take a lesson from the FOP and get some balls and do something.

they have their motto which makes me throw up ! "the union is as strong as its membership". we have hired them to do the job, they know exactly what we want because they want it too ! just like hiring an attorney, attorney knows he wants either money for you, or get you the best deal. he goes out there and doesn't say, I'm as strong and good as my client is... let's cut the damm crap, get some balls, make enemies if you have to and get the members what THEY DESERVE ! ENOUGH !

03-05-2008, 09:31 PM
I'll go with anyone that guarantees over 5/5/5 and no increase on anything else.

I go too ! Let's go... Listen all joking aside. we have been promised the moon and the stars, and I'm so sorry to say, I like the PBA, but they are not doing crap. they should take a lesson from the FOP and get some balls and do something.

they have their motto which makes me throw up ! "the union is as strong as its membership". we have hired them to do the job, they know exactly what we want because they want it too ! just like hiring an attorney, attorney knows he wants either money for you, or get you the best deal. he goes out there and doesn't say, I'm as strong and good as my client is... let's cut the damm crap, get some balls, make enemies if you have to and get the members what THEY DESERVE ! ENOUGH !

My friend, you are uninformed. It is the divided board members that can't come together and challenge Lame-berti. Lame-berti knows this because the board is full of rats (somebody call Orkin). Divide and conquer. The oldest trick in Lame-berti's book. I hope you guys enjoy working more details for the next three years.

03-06-2008, 12:25 AM
The PBA members finally understand that while they were busy trying to figure out what they wanted in their contract their fearless leader Brickman was busy recruiting Lemack to run for sheriff.

One would have to ask how you would expect to have any success at the bargaining table when the person you are negotiating with knows that you are trying to take their job. I am not an expert but this may not be the best strategy.

Brickman, as of today, has not publicly endorsed Lamberti. What does that say especially when considering that Lemack had his fund raising event at the PBA hall?

It may not be IUPA but we need to have someone represent our interests and future at the table rather that one who is pissing off the person that we are supposed to be negotiating with.

03-06-2008, 12:31 AM
The PBA members finally understand that while they were busy trying to figure out what they wanted in their contract their fearless leader Brickman was busy recruiting Lemack to run for sheriff.

One would have to ask how you would expect to have any success at the bargaining table when the person you are negotiating with knows that you are trying to take their job. I am not an expert but this may not be the best strategy.

Brickman, as of today, has not publicly endorsed Lamberti. What does that say especially when considering that Lemack had his fund raising event at the PBA hall?

It may not be IUPA but we need to have someone represent our interests and future at the table rather that one who is pissing off the person that we are supposed to be negotiating with.


03-06-2008, 01:12 AM
We can we do another PERC election? How do we get started?

03-06-2008, 06:37 AM
We can we do another PERC election? How do we get started?

Two things. First off.... I don't care what you name it (PBA or FOP) if you don't have the solidarity of the members behind it, it's garbage. So scream all you want to about the PBA. All of it's failures or it's sucesses are the faults of the members.

Second..... Negotiations are just that. Give and take with dialogue. It will not happen over night as we all wish it would. I personally am currently happy with the way the PBA is handling things. That being said,all things are subject to change.

03-06-2008, 06:05 PM
www.policepay.net (http://www.policepay.net)

03-07-2008, 06:15 PM
Well a lot of us do care if it is called the PBA or FOP. In fact, nearly a third of the members are dissatisfied with the PBA. Making it worse is what appears to be sabotage on the behalf of the Brickman/PBA during negotiations. We will never have unity if a large portion of our union is not on board.

There will always be debate amongst the senior deputies and the junior deputies. As we all know, the senior deputies want money too but more importantly for them it is benefits and retirement benefits. The junior deputies will always want money. This difference will always be there but throw in a large portion of dissatisfied members with the union and we have even more division within our ranks.

Negotiations or dialogue are more difficult when Brickman is dealing with Lemack when he should be dealing with Lamberti. In fact, I believe that if the membership was polled it would probably support Lamberti rather than Lemack, a Brickman crony.

Multiply these concerns with an attorney who can’t get thru a sentence during the negotiations without using an expletive and you have all the ingredients with a prolonged negotiation. This is somewhat confirmed when you take into consideration that the FOPE and I believe the Lt’s have come to an agreement. Note, we all started our negotiations at the same time. The bottom line is the PBA is not handling this in a manner that is best for the deputies and sergeants who fall under this collective bargaining unit. Brinkman’s failure to support Lamberti could not have come at a worse time. Also consider that Lamberti made several changes in his administration at the request of Brickman. Where is the give and take? With all this being said the PBA is not bad it’s just Brickman and his support of his friend in Hollywood.

03-07-2008, 07:41 PM
Good point. Clear conflict of interest.

03-07-2008, 07:49 PM
Very True, it is not the PBA that has to go, but Brickman certainly does. Get rid of Morano also.

03-07-2008, 08:57 PM
I heard some CLOWN Sergeant from B.S.O. is trying to separate there contract from the rank and files. Oh just great, fall right into their trap DIVIDE & CONQUER!!!!!!!!

03-07-2008, 10:19 PM
what time were our board meeting today about the contract? or have they met already? any news. only serious may reply.

03-08-2008, 03:43 PM
More Fed Up- Great post.

Now we are getting somewhere. The only way to find out how the membership feels about what's on the contract table is to vote on it. I have been saying this all along. LET THE MEMBERSHIP DECIDE. Talk is cheap. The PERC vote put the PBA in charge. This was done fairly and thru a vote.

Bring our contract to a vote and LET THE MEMBERSHIP DECIDE.

03-08-2008, 07:02 PM
Common denominator-Brickman- for the sake of of BSO contract please resign.