View Full Version : Where is it

03-03-2008, 02:25 AM
It has been 5 days since the 1st memo. Prior to the vote everyone said he was ready to give us our money as soon as the PBA was defeated. WHERE IS MY MONEY?

03-03-2008, 02:31 AM
It has been 5 days since the 1st memo. Prior to the vote everyone said he was ready to give us our money as soon as the PBA was defeated. WHERE IS MY MONEY?

O Yeah, he did not tell you? 689 of got our raise two days ago. Sorry, you must have not read the small print. Hey, don't worry, I am sure some of us will buy you lunch now and then.

Get a Life please. Get help or get out. You attitude is no longer welcome.

03-03-2008, 02:38 AM
It has been 5 days since the 1st memo. Prior to the vote everyone said he was ready to give us our money as soon as the PBA was defeated. WHERE IS MY MONEY?

Dear Simpleton,
Please, please, tell me you are joking. Tell me you are using hyperbole to make a funny. That, or tell me you're not a cop. If you are so unintelligent as to think the Sheriff just had to push a button at 3pm last Wednesday and we would all just magically have a raise and back-pay materialize in our bank accounts then you scare me. Ever see the movie "Castaway" where Tom Hanks, after being rescued from seven years on a deserted island, sits in a hotel room amazed by the way the light switch can turn a lamp on and off...hours of entertainment? That's how I imagine you, "Da Union Go Bye-Bye...Where My Money At?"
Get a grip, man, surely you're not that much of a degenerated twit.
See, this was the problem with the union hacks. They thought everything was as simple as the Sheriff unlocking a big safe in his office and pulling out big Santa Claus bags of cash he could just personally pour into everyone's bank accounts whenever he decided to stop being a Grinch.
That sort of simpleton thinking must make the staff consider all of us to be moronic twits. Thanks a bunch, Einstein.

03-03-2008, 02:51 AM
It has been 5 days since the 1st memo. Prior to the vote everyone said he was ready to give us our money as soon as the PBA was defeated. WHERE IS MY MONEY?

Dear Simpleton,
Please, please, tell me you are joking. Tell me you are using hyperbole to make a funny. That, or tell me you're not a cop. If you are so unintelligent as to think the Sheriff just had to push a button at 3pm last Wednesday and we would all just magically have a raise and back-pay materialize in our bank accounts then you scare me. Ever see the movie "Castaway" where Tom Hanks, after being rescued from seven years on a deserted island, sits in a hotel room amazed by the way the light switch can turn a lamp on and off...hours of entertainment? That's how I imagine you, "Da Union Go Bye-Bye...Where My Money At?"
Get a grip, man, surely you're not that much of a degenerated twit.
See, this was the problem with the union hacks. They thought everything was as simple as the Sheriff unlocking a big safe in his office and pulling out big Santa Claus bags of cash he could just personally pour into everyone's bank accounts whenever he decided to stop being a Grinch.
That sort of simpleton thinking must make the staff consider all of us to be moronic twits. Thanks a bunch, Einstein.

I am here to tell you that the movie I co-starred in is REAL. I was snubbed by the Oscars because I pulled off playing the role of a volleyball.

By the way, even in my simpleton head as a volleyball understands that the Sheriff can't GIVE US OUR MONEY overnight.

But I can sure see a witless a-hole like you and chuclkle.

"]It has been 5 days since the 1st memo. Prior to the vote everyone said he was ready to give us our money as soon as the PBA was defeated. WHERE IS MY MONEY?[/quote]

Your genius step-plan wasn't given to us overnight, what is your rush now?

03-03-2008, 03:14 AM
It has been 5 days since the 1st memo. Prior to the vote everyone said he was ready to give us our money as soon as the PBA was defeated. WHERE IS MY MONEY?

Geez, I can't help but keep clicking on this thread to re-read the original post. It's mind-blowing that someone so stupid could figure out how to position the cursor over the "Submit" button and then remember to click the LEFT button on the mouse. I nominate the original post as a LEOAffairs Hall of Shame Inductee. Screw the mandatory five-year waiting period.

03-03-2008, 03:56 PM
The great thing for the "689" will be a year from now, you'll still be defending ol Gee and thinking your paypay is just around the corner.

03-03-2008, 05:22 PM
The great thing for the "689" will be a year from now, you'll still be defending ol Gee and thinking your paypay is just around the corner.

Tell you what, if we don't get the raises and good ones, I will quit (only if you agree to quit if we get the raises!).

I bet you don't have the balls to make that bet do you?

03-03-2008, 06:10 PM
like you would quit a job that keeps you from the midnight shift at Circle K


03-03-2008, 10:37 PM
Tell you what, if we don't get the raises and good ones, I will quit (only if you agree to quit if we get the raises!).

What % of raise our you putting your job on the line for? I'm sure we will get the 1% net raise.

03-04-2008, 03:19 AM
I wAs OuT oF tOwN, dId We GeT oUr RaIsE yEt?

03-04-2008, 06:19 AM
Ok it is day 7. It only took the lord 7 days. Why is it Gee has no info for us? I know we are getting it . I know the raise is comming. BUT SO IS CHRISTMAS.

03-04-2008, 02:22 PM
Ok it is day 7. It only took the lord 7 days. Why is it Gee has no info for us? I know we are getting it . I know the raise is comming. BUT SO IS CHRISTMAS.

So ThAt Is A No?

03-07-2008, 05:40 AM
Ok , it has been 10 days. Where is the money? Payroll goes in Monday.

03-07-2008, 12:27 PM
Ok , it has been 10 days. Where is the money? Payroll goes in Monday.

sO tHaT iS sTiLl A no?

03-09-2008, 09:42 AM
The payroll goes in tomorrow. Guess we did not get the raise he said he was giving. Maybe will get it next pay period. I know he is waiting for the election. We need to trust him until then. I am sure he will give it to us then or the next budget. I am sure he will give it to us then. He is waitng to go before the County Com. to ask for a Big Raise. 6% for the Road and Parioty for the Jail Guards. If not then maybe we will get it before he leaves for the Senate. Yea thats it he will make it his fairwell deed. We will get 6%. Of course WE WOULD HAVE MISSED ABOUT 18% while we wait . That is ok though he will keep his promise. I am sure of it. :wink: :wink: :wink:

03-09-2008, 04:23 PM
$$$..............You are a retard.

03-10-2008, 01:01 AM
I do my best but the Doctor I am going to perscribed meds our insurance will not cover. $800.00 a month is a little high even when you are wise with your money. IIII wwwill TTTRY tttttttoo do BBBBettter.

03-10-2008, 11:21 PM
I do my best but the Doctor I am going to perscribed meds our insurance will not cover. $800.00 a month is a little high even when you are wise with your money. IIII wwwill TTTRY tttttttoo do BBBBettter.

...and the hits just keep on coming from "$$$". The word "doctor" is only capitalized when it is part of a name. For instance, it would be "my doctor" or "I am a patient of Doctor Jones". See? Also, it is "prescribed", not "perscribed". No one takes you seriously because you appear to be an uneducated dimwit. Yes, I am the message board school marm so get over it.

03-10-2008, 11:39 PM
More like your the neal and bob show for the administration

03-11-2008, 03:35 AM

Go ahead Teach tell everyone how I was not suppose to Capitalize every word in the SENTENCE OR START IT WITH AND.

03-11-2008, 03:35 AM
The payroll goes in tomorrow. Guess we did not get the raise he said he was giving. Maybe will get it next pay period. I know he is waiting for the election. We need to trust him until then. I am sure he will give it to us then or the next budget. I am sure he will give it to us then. He is waitng to go before the County Com. to ask for a Big Raise. 6% for the Road and Parioty for the Jail Guards. If not then maybe we will get it before he leaves for the Senate. Yea thats it he will make it his fairwell deed. We will get 6%. Of course WE WOULD HAVE MISSED ABOUT 18% while we wait . That is ok though he will keep his promise. I am sure of it. :wink: :wink: :wink:

Do you not realize that if he enacted a .01 raise tomorrow, that would be a 100% improvement since the embarrasing impasse DEMANDED by your beloved PBA?????

What have we missed since then?

The Sheriff is not leaving for the Senate. Please quit preaching that the sky is falling. You have not seen one shinny penny of a raise since our genius PBA negotiators walked away from the table yet you are not willing to complain about that.

Grow up. Call a spade a spade.

And for the record, I don't think this thing is official until PERC gives it the full waiting period until all appeals are exhausted.

Again, higher thinking. I don't blame you for not knowing that, it is waaay above your head.

GoOd lUck in unDerStanding tHis inForMAtion. You aRe DUMB.

03-11-2008, 03:50 AM
More like your the neal and bob show for the administration

I'm a slicksleeve zone deputy. I don't post my real name. Obviously, I am not reaping any benefits from my opinions stated here. Your neal and bob show comment holds no water. Anyone who doesn't agree with you must have some ulterior motive...unlike you who is selfless right? Hey, HeyNow...here's another game in which I scored double-digit touchdowns on the PopWarner bozos...still not breaking a sweat. Perhaps one day we shall have a formidable debating opponent shwo up here...(((yawn))).

03-11-2008, 03:51 AM
More like your the neal and bob show for the administration

I'm a slicksleeve zone deputy. I don't post my real name. Obviously, I am not reaping any benefits from my opinions stated here. Your neal and bob show comment holds no water. Anyone who doesn't agree with you must have some ulterior motive...unlike you who is selfless right? Hey, HeyNow...here's another game in which I scored double-digit touchdowns on the PopWarner bozos...still not breaking a sweat. Perhaps one day we shall have a formidable debating opponent shwo up here...(((yawn))).

"show"...I caught it so don't start hyperventilating.

03-11-2008, 06:56 AM
I do my best but the Doctor I am going to perscribed meds our insurance will not cover. $800.00 a month is a little high even when you are wise with your money. IIII wwwill TTTRY tttttttoo do BBBBettter.

Out of curiousity, Are you being medicated for stuttering, for not being able to read small print, or for just being an a@$hole who fell for the 'ole union will get me a miracle insurance plan tailored to my medicine?

In any case, you just can't please all of the people all of the time. :roll:

03-11-2008, 07:02 AM
I do my best but the Doctor I am going to perscribed meds our insurance will not cover. $800.00 a month is a little high even when you are wise with your money. IIII wwwill TTTRY tttttttoo do BBBBettter.

Out of curiousity, Are you being medicated for stuttering, for not being able to read small print, or for just being an a@$hole who fell for the 'ole union will get me a miracle insurance plan tailored to my medicine?

In any case, you just can't please all of the people all of the time. :roll:

This was my post. For some reason it didn't show up under my login. By the way, I am not really a violent person but sitting here re-reading your posts, I have never wanted to chest-punch someone more in my life. :evil:

03-11-2008, 02:18 PM
The payroll goes in tomorrow. Guess we did not get the raise he said he was giving. Maybe will get it next pay period. I know he is waiting for the election. We need to trust him until then. I am sure he will give it to us then or the next budget. I am sure he will give it to us then. He is waitng to go before the County Com. to ask for a Big Raise. 6% for the Road and Parioty for the Jail Guards. If not then maybe we will get it before he leaves for the Senate. Yea thats it he will make it his fairwell deed. We will get 6%. Of course WE WOULD HAVE MISSED ABOUT 18% while we wait . That is ok though he will keep his promise. I am sure of it. :wink: :wink: :wink:

Do you not realize that if he enacted a .01 raise tomorrow, that would be a 100% improvement since the embarrasing impasse DEMANDED by your beloved PBA?????

What have we missed since then?

The Sheriff is not leaving for the Senate. Please quit preaching that the sky is falling. You have not seen one shinny penny of a raise since our genius PBA negotiators walked away from the table yet you are not willing to complain about that.

Grow up. Call a spade a spade.

And for the record, I don't think this thing is official until PERC gives it the full waiting period until all appeals are exhausted.

Again, higher thinking. I don't blame you for not knowing that, it is waaay above your head.

GoOd lUck in unDerStanding tHis inForMAtion. You aRe DUMB.

Charlie, please ask Lucy to help remove your head from your arse.
Please, lets call a spade a spade, the HCSO is the group that walked away from the table. The union tried for months to get them back to the table. They would not. After many months the union called the impasse, if you cannot talk contract you cannot sit around and wait, the union had to crap or get off the crapper, the went to impasse. They went to impasse only because they had no choice. The union still is trying to sit down with the HCSO to get a Detention contract completed, nothing no response, so much for good faith.

03-11-2008, 04:19 PM
Your a clown. Thats why everybody is picking on you. Fe Fe Fi Fi Fo Fo Fum I smell somthing and its Charlie Brown. :lol: :lol: :lol:

03-11-2008, 06:46 PM
Your a clown. Thats why everybody is picking on you. Fe Fe Fi Fi Fo Fo Fum I smell somthing and its Charlie Brown. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh my...you even misspelled your screen name. Ahem...here we go. It's "you're", not "your". It's "that's", not "thats". The phrase you are trying to quote has only one Fe, one Fi, one Fo, and one Fum. I believe there is supposed to be an "e" somewhere in "somthing" (note the way I spelled "somewhere" for a hint).

Again, your writing style indicates you are of less than average intelligence so anything you have to say is dismissed as the ramblings of a buffoon. Go back to running around and finger painting at the group home.

03-11-2008, 10:38 PM
Your a clown. Thats why everybody is picking on you. Fe Fe Fi Fi Fo Fo Fum I smell somthing and its Charlie Brown. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh my...you even misspelled your screen name. Ahem...here we go. It's "you're", not "your". It's "that's", not "thats". The phrase you are trying to quote has only one Fe, one Fi, one Fo, and one Fum. I believe there is supposed to be an "e" somewhere in "somthing" (note the way I spelled "somewhere" for a hint).

Again, your writing style indicates you are of less than average intelligence so anything you have to say is dismissed as the ramblings of a buffoon. Go back to running around and finger painting at the group home.

Ist of all it was not me. 2nd you obviously know nothing about music. It was the start of the song Charlie Brown not the fairy tail Jack And The Bean Stalk. Now get your bottle and tell mommy to read you another bed time story about how the BIG BAD PBA was trying to take over and the good Sheriff of Notingham came to the rescue once his 2nd in command screwed things up .

03-12-2008, 03:15 PM
Do you not realize that if he enacted a .01 raise tomorrow, that would be a 100% improvement since the embarrasing impasse DEMANDED by your beloved PBA?????

What have we missed since then?

The Sheriff is not leaving for the Senate. Please quit preaching that the sky is falling. You have not seen one shinny penny of a raise since our genius PBA negotiators walked away from the table yet you are not willing to complain about that.

Grow up. Call a spade a spade.

And for the record, I don't think this thing is official until PERC gives it the full waiting period until all appeals are exhausted.

Again, higher thinking. I don't blame you for not knowing that, it is waaay above your head.

GoOd lUck in unDerStanding tHis inForMAtion. You aRe DUMB.

Charlie, please ask Lucy to help remove your head from your arse.
Please, lets call a spade a spade, the HCSO is the group that walked away from the table. The union tried for months to get them back to the table. They would not. After many months the union called the impasse, if you cannot talk contract you cannot sit around and wait, the union had to crap or get off the crapper, the went to impasse. They went to impasse only because they had no choice. The union still is trying to sit down with the HCSO to get a Detention contract completed, nothing no response, so much for good faith.

This head up arse comment that has now been overused doesn't make sense. You can clearly see Charlie's arse in the picture and his body is in no way contorted.

By the way, the spade I am calling is that the HCSO holds the checkbook and therefore had the ability to walk away from the bargaining table when they were met with ridiculous self-serving demands.

Now tell me, what power did the PBA have? :oops:

They have been beaten much like this dead horse of an argument.

We will be rewarded. It just takes a little time. Where was all of this pizz and vinegar when the impasse was declared (not by the HCSO by the way)?

The Nitely Blog
03-12-2008, 03:31 PM
This head up arse comment that has now been overused doesn't make sense. You can clearly see Charlie's arse in the picture and his body is in no way contorted.

They have been beaten much like this dead horse of an argument.

Hey dude, I gotta agree with ya. The head up the ass comment made by "You said what?", aka.. the DTN Chapter Prez, was a good one at first but some sayings can be overused. As far as your dead horse comment, are you tryin to steal one of my lines there. :lol: :lol: Just messin bro. Go beat the hell out of that dead horse if ya want too. "Need more cowbell, gotta have it!"

Hey, you should also know that a signal 8 was located over the last two days. The LEO Prez was spotted logged into a zone so the BOLO can be cancelled. :lol: Take care bro. Peace out.

03-12-2008, 05:07 PM
We will be rewarded. It just takes a little time.
Around this time next year you will still be saying this to yourself. You just keep believing, it might come true.

03-13-2008, 01:59 AM
We will be rewarded. It just takes a little time.
Around this time next year you will still be saying this to yourself. You just keep believing, it might come true.
And if Rouleau's corrupt union was still in effect we would be waiting 10 years. I don't see the downside.

03-13-2008, 02:01 AM
We will be rewarded. It just takes a little time.
Around this time next year you will still be saying this to yourself. You just keep believing, it might come true.
And if Rouleau's corrupt union was still in effect we would be waiting 10 years. I don't see the downside.

Whoa sporty, "corrupt" please go and read the site conditions for use. You really should not go around using that type of word.

The Nitely Blog
03-13-2008, 02:05 AM
We will be rewarded. It just takes a little time.
Around this time next year you will still be saying this to yourself. You just keep believing, it might come true.
And if Rouleau's corrupt union was still in effect we would be waiting 10 years. I don't see the downside.

Whoa sporty, "corrupt" please go and read the site conditions for use. You really should not go around using that type of word.

Ok. So bodhi screwed up and called them corrupt. He should of just called them lame ass and he woulda been good to go. :shock:

03-13-2008, 02:58 AM
We will be rewarded. It just takes a little time.
Around this time next year you will still be saying this to yourself. You just keep believing, it might come true.
And if Rouleau's corrupt union was still in effect we would be waiting 10 years. I don't see the downside.

Whoa sporty, "corrupt" please go and read the site conditions for use. You really should not go around using that type of word.

Okay...I retract the use of the word "corrupt" as it has several definitions and some may take it to mean the worst possible way. How about I just say it failed in meeting the expectations of those who originally voted it in (as evidenced by the overwhelming vote to oust it). Feel better, sporty?

03-13-2008, 06:16 AM
We will be rewarded. It just takes a little time.
Around this time next year you will still be saying this to yourself. You just keep believing, it might come true.

If I am saying this over and over one year from now, I promise I will come on here and officially denounce the Sheriff and his staff. There, does that make you feel better?

03-17-2008, 12:29 AM
We will be rewarded. It just takes a little time.
Around this time next year you will still be saying this to yourself. You just keep believing, it might come true.

If I am saying this over and over one year from now, I promise I will come on here and officially denounce the Sheriff and his staff. There, does that make you feel better?

DiD tHe DaNg RaIsE cOmE yEt?

03-17-2008, 01:20 AM
^^^ no but we got an email from the Sheriff promising it's coming if they can find the money in the budget.

If he said it, it must be true.

03-17-2008, 03:39 AM
^^^ no but we got an email from the Sheriff promising it's coming if they can find the money in the budget.

If he said it, it must be true.

Not going to happen. Now he is going to wait for detention. Then he will wait for the next fiscal year, Then it will be time for the next budget. No matter how you look at it we lost money, and there is no one to blame but your self( meaning everyone). We put a stop to everything my doing the decert. Once we started it we gave him a reason to hold off on everything. So when nothing comes do not blame the Sheriff or the PBA, BLAME YOUR SELF.

03-18-2008, 12:21 AM
^^^ no but we got an email from the Sheriff promising it's coming if they can find the money in the budget.

If he said it, it must be true.

I saw an memo from GEEEEEEE, it said that he was going make a "new plan rather than correcting the existing PBA plan", For Detention Sergeants. Hey GEEEEEE, what existing PBA plan for Detention Sergeants? There never was an existing plan for Detention Sergeants, that screwed up mess is your plan. Had you paid attention you would know that the Detention Sergeants never had a step plan, the reason we went to a union in the first place is because our pay scale, the one you made up, is the most screwed scale in the entire office. I am not a union person, but put the blame where it should be, on you. This is your crapey scale.

03-18-2008, 10:42 AM
^^^ no but we got an email from the Sheriff promising it's coming if they can find the money in the budget.

If he said it, it must be true.

I saw an memo from GEEEEEEE, it said that he was going make a "new plan rather than correcting the existing PBA plan", For Detention Sergeants. Hey GEEEEEE, what existing PBA plan for Detention Sergeants? There never was an existing plan for Detention Sergeants, that screwed up mess is your plan. Had you paid attention you would know that the Detention Sergeants never had a step plan, the reason we went to a union in the first place is because our pay scale, the one you made up, is the most screwed scale in the entire office. I am not a union person, but put the blame where it should be, on you. This is your crapey scale.

SmOkE AnD mIrRoRs FrOm ThE bRaSs, WhAt A sHoCk... NiCe GoInG DeT. sGt'S.

03-18-2008, 01:03 PM
WhAt ThE HeCk, BoY yOu HaVe A gReaT AttItUdE! i WouLd hATe To hAVe yOu aS A zOnE ParTNer. I feeL SoRRy foR yOUr sPOuSe (aNd fAMiLy). yOu sOUnD LIkE A mIsERaBle pERsON. iS YOur lIfE ReaLLy tHAt bAd?

03-18-2008, 05:20 PM
WhAt ThE HeCk, BoY yOu HaVe A gReaT AttItUdE! i WouLd hATe To hAVe yOu aS A zOnE ParTNer. I feeL SoRRy foR yOUr sPOuSe (aNd fAMiLy). yOu sOUnD LIkE A mIsERaBle pERsON. iS YOur lIfE ReaLLy tHAt bAd?

WhAt AtTiTuDe? I aM jAiL sGt. I cOuLd LeSs AbOuT yOuR zOnE, pArTnEr.
LiFe Is GoOd, WhAt DoEs My AtTiTuDe AnD lIfE hAvE tO dO wItH ShErIfFs SmOkE aNd MiRrOrs?

03-18-2008, 06:40 PM
WeLL tHen, SiT BacK aNd Be PaTIeNt. YOur rAiSe iS cOMiNg AnD whEN iT doES, YoU wILl eAT CroW, mY frIEnD!

03-18-2008, 08:08 PM
WeLL tHen, SiT BacK aNd Be PaTIeNt. YOur rAiSe iS cOMiNg AnD whEN iT doES, YoU wILl eAT CroW, mY frIEnD!

WhAtEvEr, My PoInTs ArE, tHe ShErIfF sAyS tHaT hE iS gOiNg To FiX sOmEtHiNg ThAt ThE pBa MeSsEd Up (DETENTION SGT. PAY). WeLl ThE sHeRiFf Is ThE OnE wHo MeSsEd It Up. ThEsE sGtS nEvEr hAd A cOnTrAcT wItH tHe PbA. tHe ShErIfF iS oUt Of ToUcH, aNd AgAiN sHoWs ThAt He PaYs No AtTeNtIoN tO tHe PeOpLe In ThE jAiLs.

03-18-2008, 09:16 PM
WhAt ThE h, fORTy-5 oF yOU VoteD To GeT Rid oF ThE UnIOn. ONLY TeN wANteD tO keEP iT. i bElIeVe yOU ArE sPEAkinG FoR tHE MInorItY. GIve iT uP, YOu wERe oUTvOTeD. QuIt bEInG A soRE lOsER! YOuR pOINt iS mUTe!

03-19-2008, 04:03 AM
You will see your raise. Docobo is waiting for the blue cards to come in for the Detention Corporals and Deputies. He will then give Patrol their raise in hopes that it will sway the Detention side to vote out the PBA. Once this happens, they will raise the starting salary to make it competitive with the surrounding counties. This will not leave much for the rest of the troops, but that is no concern for them because you have to much time invested to leave without starting over somewhere else with no seniority and less pay. CHECK MATE.

03-19-2008, 02:33 PM
WhAt ThE h, fORTy-5 oF yOU VoteD To GeT Rid oF ThE UnIOn. ONLY TeN wANteD tO keEP iT. i bElIeVe yOU ArE sPEAkinG FoR tHE MInorItY. GIve iT uP, YOu wERe oUTvOTeD. QuIt bEInG A soRE lOsER! YOuR pOINt iS mUTe!

YoU dOpE, tHiS hAs NoThInG tO dO wItH tHe UnIoN. iT hAs To Do WiTh ThE pAy ScAlE oF dEtEnTiOn SgTs, AnD tHe FaCt ThAt ThE bOsS iS cLuElEsS aBoUt ThOsE sGtS pAy AnD tHe FaCt ThAt He WiLl NoT mAn Up AnD oWn ThE sItUaTiOn He MaDe HaPpEn. NoT a UnIoN mEmBeR, nOtHiNg To Do WiTh AnY uNiOn. OK?

03-19-2008, 06:46 PM
WhAt ThE h, YouR fIRsT ThREE poST On THIs THreaD WerE ImmAtuRE POst ASking iF We gOt OuR RAIse YET (INtenTionALLy CapITAliZED). "YET" imPLIes SomE SOrt oF sTARt pOINt oR tIMEFraMe. i aM cerTaiN yoU weRe ReFErRinG tO tHE deCERTifIcatION oF tHE PbA. doN't eVen tRY tO tALK yOUR wAY arounD iT. ThEN YoU sTARt rUNning yOUR mOUTh ABout The BraSS, ANd SmOKe aND miRROrs. aS i saID, sIT baCk, SHut yOUr MouTH, aND reLAX, yOUr RAiSe wiLL CoMe. iT MAy, oR MAy NoT bE WhAT yPU WANt or ExPECT; HOWeveR, whEN iS thE LasT TimE yOU goT To tELL yOuR BoSS WHat wAgES hE/sHe wouLD pAY yOU. AnD, iF hE Or THE SHERIFF (iNTENtioNALLy CapITALiZeD) dIDn"t/DON'T MEet YouR EXPectATioNS, THeRE WEre/Are SEVeral OPtioNs: QuiT oR SHUT UP (iNtENtionALLY CapitALizED) aNd dO YOuR jOB (whICh yOU prOBAbLY don'T dO veRY WEll wiTh YouR aLL abOUT mE ATtituDE). bY tHe wAy, tHERe iS anOTHer OPTion, QuiT (reSIGn oR reTirE), iF yOu ARe nOt HAppY wiTH YouR InCoME. AtLeasT iN tHE OlD DAys, YoU hAd To HAve ThE BallZ to WaLK iN aNd ASk YoUr BosS foR a RaISe. NowADAys, YoU CaN bE a CowARd aND BAd MOuth YoUR BoSS an maKe DeMAnds On ThiS WebSiTE!

03-19-2008, 07:09 PM
WhAt ThE h, YouR fIRsT ThREE poST On THIs THreaD WerE ImmAtuRE POst ASking iF We gOt OuR RAIse YET (INtenTionALLy CapITAliZED). "YET" imPLIes SomE SOrt oF sTARt pOINt oR tIMEFraMe. i aM cerTaiN yoU weRe ReFErRinG tO tHE deCERTifIcatION oF tHE PbA. doN't eVen tRY tO tALK yOUR wAY arounD iT. ThEN YoU sTARt rUNning yOUR mOUTh ABout The BraSS, ANd SmOKe aND miRROrs. aS i saID, sIT baCk, SHut yOUr MouTH, aND reLAX, yOUr RAiSe wiLL CoMe. iT MAy, oR MAy NoT bE WhAT yPU WANt or ExPECT; HOWeveR, whEN iS thE LasT TimE yOU goT To tELL yOuR BoSS WHat wAgES hE/sHe wouLD pAY yOU. AnD, iF hE Or THE SHERIFF (iNTENtioNALLy CapITALiZeD) dIDn"t/DON'T MEet YouR EXPectATioNS, THeRE WEre/Are SEVeral OPtioNs: QuiT oR SHUT UP (iNtENtionALLY CapitALizED) aNd dO YOuR jOB (whICh yOU prOBAbLY don'T dO veRY WEll wiTh YouR aLL abOUT mE ATtituDE). bY tHe wAy, tHERe iS anOTHer OPTion, QuiT (reSIGn oR reTirE), iF yOu ARe nOt HAppY wiTH YouR InCoME. AtLeasT iN tHE OlD DAys, YoU hAd To HAve ThE BallZ to WaLK iN aNd ASk YoUr BosS foR a RaISe. NowADAys, YoU CaN bE a CowARd aND BAd MOuth YoUR BoSS an maKe DeMAnds On ThiS WebSiTE!

YoU aRe DrOnE, yOu CaNnOt EvEn Be OrIgInAl. aNd ReFuSe To ReSpOnD tO tHe PoInT oF mY pOsT. TyPiCaL Of IdIoTs WiTh ThE iF yOu Do NoT lIkE iT lEaVe ReSpOnSe. TrY ThIs sLuG, rEsPoNd To PoSt, If yOu ArE AbLe To FoRm SoMe ThOuGhTs On YoUr OwN. iF aSkInG tHe BoSs To MaN uP aNd OwN hIs MeSs, Is A bAd AtTiTuDe ThEn So Be It. Oh, YoUr STUPID iNtEnTiOnAlLy CaPiTaLiZeD pArT oF yOuR pOsTs Be DuMbEr ThAn DiRt.

03-19-2008, 11:07 PM
WhAt ThE h, iT iS FuNNY How YoU THiNK tHAt yOu haVE thE RIGhT tO teLL YouR BoSS, THE SHERIFF (IntEnTEntionALLy CaPITAlizED) tO mAn uP bUt yOu doN'T haVe THe ballz (LoWEr caSE to RESemBle yoURS) tO pRAncE iN aNd teLL hIm to. hOw daRE yOU aCT sO braVE beHind a keyBOaRD, YOU COWARD (IntEnTIONaLLY CapitaLIZED). aND oH bY tHe wAy, i hAve PLAyED thIs LittLE CapItaliZatiOn GaMe wITh YOu BuT iN nO wAy woULD i WAnT yOU tO mISUnderStAnD ThE eMPHAsiS oN tHE CapITALiZeD woRDs!

03-19-2008, 11:59 PM
whats with the typing like a 14 year old? what gives? YoU IdIoT

03-20-2008, 12:38 AM
WhAt ThE h, iT iS FuNNY How YoU THiNK tHAt yOu haVE thE RIGhT tO teLL YouR BoSS, THE SHERIFF (IntEnTEntionALLy CaPITAlizED) tO mAn uP bUt yOu doN'T haVe THe ballz (LoWEr caSE to RESemBle yoURS) tO pRAncE iN aNd teLL hIm to. hOw daRE yOU aCT sO braVE beHind a keyBOaRD, YOU COWARD (IntEnTIONaLLY CapitaLIZED). aND oH bY tHe wAy, i hAve PLAyED thIs LittLE CapItaliZatiOn GaMe wITh YOu BuT iN nO wAy woULD i WAnT yOU tO mISUnderStAnD ThE eMPHAsiS oN tHE CapITALiZeD woRDs!

AgAiN yOu CaNnOt AnSwEr ThE pOiNt Of My PoSt, PrAnCe tHaT.

03-20-2008, 01:21 AM
I agree with Guest (despite his all caps,lowercase mess) that the Detention Sgts. pay has been overlooked for some time. There are several in this small group of quiet, highly ignored group that are WAY underpaid.

Let me ask a question: how fair is is that a NEW Detention Sgt (just promoted in December) makes over $28.50 an hour while there are several Detention Sgts. that have over 5 yrs in their rank making barely $1.00 an hour over topped out deputies($26). That folks is a huge disparity that the office and the Sheriff continue to ignore. Unionizing was never about anything else that getting a fair step plan like the Corporals.

The Major likes to get in front of his troops and say that if we aren't happy with our salaries to choose the promotional process. That is a good one...anytime I want a good laugh, I think about him saying that. This office like to call itself paramilitaristic..I have news for you: in the military (in which I proudly served), I knew if I got a certain score, did my job, and was the most qualified..I would be promoted. That is CERTAINLY not the case here. I have seen time and time again, the good old boy and favorite system at work. It makes me sick.
And now, for those whose snap answer is to say-well go somewhere else... why should a person with who has spent almost half their life LOYALLY serving 3 sheriffs leave?? It is unjust and unfair to reward those who have done nothing. Nothing but get into trouble, have affairs with married women on the job..you name it.. this behavior gets rewarded with promotion. Get an education, come to work and do your job day after day and you will certainly be passed over for a more UNQUALIFIED candidate.

So, for the brass that says Detention Sgts. are UNLOYAL.. well, loyalty goes both ways. The office has done nothing to fix the HUGE pay disparity and they don't care. They will just tell you to get promoted.

03-20-2008, 02:10 AM
siNCe thIS iSSue hAS to dO wiTH dETEnTioN, aS yOu saiD, cAN wE tAKe tHis dISCusssIoN tO tHe DeTeNtIoN FoRUM?

03-20-2008, 03:23 AM
Detention Sergeants deserve nothing. They didn't have the ballz to stay organized. I don't want to hear any whining now.

That goes for 70+% of LE Deps too.

03-20-2008, 04:05 AM
How can you say they didn't have the ballz to stay organized? No counter offer was EVER brough to the table by the office. EVER. Period. That is the same as taking your toys from the sandbox and going home. Forever.

You and the other union lovers need to realize that the union never did anything for anyone. Period. Oh, except take your time donations and $35/month. Everything that was gotten under the "union facade" was given by.. the SHERIFF. He, and only he has the last word on any and all proposals, counter-offers,etc.

The union had no strength and THAT is why it is not around anymore. Does this office NEED a union? Yes, I believe that it does..a STRONG union that backs its members and is not designed by the laws of Flrida to allow the Sheriff to have the last word. There is many injustices and inequities that exist DAILY in this office and that is why people were searching for some kind of solution. They just wrongly believed in our PBA chapter. :?

03-20-2008, 07:12 AM
How can you say they didn't have the ballz to stay organized? No counter offer was EVER brough to the table by the office. EVER. Period. That is the same as taking your toys from the sandbox and going home. Forever.

You and the other union lovers need to realize that the union never did anything for anyone. Period. Oh, except take your time donations and $35/month. Everything that was gotten under the "union facade" was given by.. the SHERIFF. He, and only he has the last word on any and all proposals, counter-offers,etc.

The union had no strength and THAT is why it is not around anymore. Does this office NEED a union? Yes, I believe that it does..a STRONG union that backs its members and is not designed by the laws of Flrida to allow the Sheriff to have the last word. There is many injustices and inequities that exist DAILY in this office and that is why people were searching for some kind of solution. They just wrongly believed in our PBA chapter. :?

Wow. We need a union that is only strong if there were Florida laws to the contrary????!!!???

Move up north if you want a STRONG union that doesn't have to abide by the laws of this state. I'm sorry you feel penalized that you live in FLORIDA.

03-20-2008, 11:49 AM
How can you say they didn't have the ballz to stay organized? No counter offer was EVER brough to the table by the office. EVER. Period. That is the same as taking your toys from the sandbox and going home. Forever.

You and the other union lovers need to realize that the union never did anything for anyone. Period. Oh, except take your time donations and $35/month. Everything that was gotten under the "union facade" was given by.. the SHERIFF. He, and only he has the last word on any and all proposals, counter-offers,etc.

The union had no strength and THAT is why it is not around anymore. Does this office NEED a union? Yes, I believe that it does..a STRONG union that backs its members and is not designed by the laws of Flrida to allow the Sheriff to have the last word. There is many injustices and inequities that exist DAILY in this office and that is why people were searching for some kind of solution. They just wrongly believed in our PBA chapter. :?

Well, yes there was a counter offer from the hcso, it would have cost a master Sgt. a 7 1/2 % loss of income. The union was able in the first contract to get a nice step plan for those who were willing to wait, the Sgts were not, they bailed and now the boss says he will fix the union messed up pay plan the sgts have. That is a shame that the Sheriff does not understand that the pay plan for detention sgts was not the work of the union, he screwed that pooch.

03-22-2008, 01:53 AM
Still have not heard anything but excuses. 5 days short of a month. 7 more months and we will be in the New Fiscal Year.

03-26-2008, 05:16 PM
Still have not heard anything but excuses. 5 days short of a month. 7 more months and we will be in the New Fiscal Year.

Ok, I kNoW yOu Ba$tArD$ GoT yOuR RaIsE aNd DiD nOt TeLl Me. It HaS bEeN a MoNtH, i KnOw YoU mUsT hAvE gOtTeN iT, RiGhT? JeFf, WhErE aRe YoU?

03-27-2008, 01:05 AM
[quote="$$$":xd5vbljb]Still have not heard anything but excuses. 5 days short of a month. 7 more months and we will be in the New Fiscal Year.

Ok, I kNoW yOu Ba$tArD$ GoT yOuR RaIsE aNd DiD nOt TeLl Me. It HaS bEeN a MoNtH, i KnOw YoU mUsT hAvE gOtTeN iT, RiGhT? JeFf, WhErE aRe YoU?[/quote:xd5vbljb]

They are waiting to have the dinner with the troups . Then they are going to wait for the vote. Then when the PBA is gone, he got what he wanted with out giving up anyrthing.

If you remember in the beginning before the LE side decertified, everyone was told that the money was there. They were just waiting for the decertification. Then came the Detention Sgts. they were told they had to fix the pay problems caused by the PBA. If you remember the Sgt. never had a contract so it was a problem caused by them not the PBA. Now they are saying they have to find the money.

Like I said he will get rid of the PBA and never give up a thing. Got to hand it to him. He is smarter then all of his troups put together.

04-06-2008, 12:36 AM
Ok it has been almost 6 weeks and still no raise. Guess we are going to get it in the spring. Or maybe in the summer. Oh wait 6 more months we will be in the new Fiscal year and just prior to the election. That is when we will get it just prior to the election. Everyone will think he is the second comming. All will sing his praise and cheer. At the 2.5 percent you will get.

04-06-2008, 03:39 AM

04-06-2008, 11:49 AM
How about we get the 3.5% that all the other county employees received last year, and then we go from there. That money was budgeted for us, yet we didn't get it because of the union issue, which is now gone. So, where did the money allotted for the raise we didn't get go too?? :?:

04-15-2008, 05:43 PM
It has been 5 days since the 1st memo. Prior to the vote everyone said he was ready to give us our money as soon as the PBA was defeated. WHERE IS MY MONEY?

It's here. How'd that taste, dummy?

04-16-2008, 12:40 PM
It has been 5 days since the 1st memo. Prior to the vote everyone said he was ready to give us our money as soon as the PBA was defeated. WHERE IS MY MONEY?

It's here. How'd that taste, dummy?

What is here? What did you get? Please braggggggggg to us!

04-16-2008, 05:07 PM
[quote="$$$":3kbnk628]It has been 5 days since the 1st memo. Prior to the vote everyone said he was ready to give us our money as soon as the PBA was defeated. WHERE IS MY MONEY?

It's here. How'd that taste, dummy?

What is here? What did you get? Please braggggggggg to us![/quote:3kbnk628]

Don't get yourself all in a twist, jailer...just vote it out.