View Full Version : Make sure you put money in he bank.

03-02-2008, 09:48 AM
God forbid anyone gets seriously injured, be prepared. When the PBA is totally gone so will the cafiteria. If you use all of your time due to heart attack, cancer or some other illness you will have to have money to pay for your share of the health insurance. Now it is a benefit but it will become part of your hourly wage. You are also going to loose the 2.5 percent defered comp you are getting know. Speaking of which, did you ever wonder why you have to get permission from the Sheriff to take your earned money out of the defered comp if you need it before you retire?

03-02-2008, 10:25 AM
God forbid anyone gets seriously injured, be prepared. When the PBA is totally gone so will the cafiteria. If you use all of your time due to heart attack, cancer or some other illness you will have to have money to pay for your share of the health insurance. Now it is a benefit but it will become part of your hourly wage. Speaking of which, did you ever wonder why you have to get permission from the Sheriff to take your earned money out of the defered comp if you need it before you retire?

Please allow me license to point out how negative you really are. I would like to extract the (ovresumptive) parts of you angry message:

When the PBA is totally gone so will the cafiteria

If you use all of your time due to heart attack, cancer or some other illness you will have to have money to pay for your share of the health insurance.

You are also going to loose (sic) the 2.5 percent defered comp you are getting know. (sic)

I won't even touch your money problems.

Listen to yourself. If this is your fate, then let it be your fate. Not all of us are anticipating heart attacks and cancer...we are playing the odds.

Gloom and doom will always dominate your world.

If I do come down with cancer (and I AM NOT making light of cancer by the way) I trust that I am already prepared. I also hope that I have been a good enough person that the friends I have made will help me if it is necessary. After all, we are in a profession that relies on helping each other.

Not to mention the fact that I have financially prepared my family for a disaster.

That is my burden, not the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Offices'.

Let me guess something here, you are angry about the fitness standards (which are very low at this point) yet you live eating a high fat diet and exercise is an evil term to you.

Make yourself feel better. Don't be so angry and quit spreading so much hate. Believe me, it is liberating.

None of this has nothing to do woth your beloved PBA.

03-02-2008, 10:47 AM
I am glad you are prepared so am I. Unfortunetly not everyone is. Also why should anyone have to rely on the kindness of friends to make it thru life. The cafiteria benefit was just that a benefit that they are taking away. Now I do not eat fat or carbs and work out regularly. I think I am in pretty good shape for 60. Mario was in better shape and younger. Unfortunetly his heart did not know it.

03-02-2008, 01:38 PM
Let see no cafeteria and loss of deferred comp, yea that 300 you dont have to pay when you break something was well worth it. Give me a break, again, the ball is in the sheriff's court, if this is what is planned then the union will be right back in the picture two years from now.

03-02-2008, 06:21 PM
God forbid anyone gets seriously injured, be prepared. When the PBA is totally gone so will the cafiteria. If you use all of your time due to heart attack, cancer or some other illness you will have to have money to pay for your share of the health insurance. Now it is a benefit but it will become part of your hourly wage. You are also going to loose the 2.5 percent defered comp you are getting know. Speaking of which, did you ever wonder why you have to get permission from the Sheriff to take your earned money out of the defered comp if you need it before you retire?

You assume all kinds of information which is not in evidence. The (most welcome) departure of the union leaves us with an entirely new slate of how benefits will be provided. Let's see what develops.

With regard to the deferred compensation plan you must be misinformed. The plan is a state plan operated in accordance with federal IRS law. Federal law dictates when and how you can withdraw from the fund for emergency purposes.

Quote from https://www.myfloridadeferredcomp.com/SOFweb/index.htm:

"The State of Florida's Deferred Compensation Program is a participant directed investment program, pursuant to Internal Revenue Code section 457. Participating employees best know their retirement needs, time horizons and risk tolerance, and therefore must make their own investment decisions. An employer can not know these needs or make appropriate investment decisions for the individual."

You are simply an alarmist, sore-loser unionizer. We are done with you. Be a good boy and go away. Shooo!


03-02-2008, 10:39 PM
More anti-Sheriff's Office rhetoric...Nobody is losing the cafeteria benefit and nobody is losing their 2.5% Deferred Comp which is given to you by the Sheriff.

Yes, the Cafeteria Benefit and 2.5% Deferred Comp is being added into your hourly rate and the Sheriff is not taking it "away" from you...On top of that, you will receive an additional pay increase...The city of Tampa doesn't get a 2.5% Deferred Comp and/or Cafeteria Benefit...Both of these benefits are "given" to you by the Sheriff...Now he is just trying to help everyone out even more by putting that same money into your hourly wage, which becomes astronomical over the life of your career. If you are concerned that not seeing that money, will affect the way you live your life, then have $160.00 deducted out of your check and put into another account and then figure out what 2.5% of your hourly wage was normally given to you in another column and then add that to your existing deferred comp account. Geez..It's not rocket science...

Have some faith that the Sheriff is going to take care of us..If he doesn't then bring back a Union...

03-03-2008, 12:47 AM
More anti-Sheriff's Office rhetoric...Nobody is losing the cafeteria benefit and nobody is losing their 2.5% Deferred Comp which is given to you by the Sheriff.

Yes, the Cafeteria Benefit and 2.5% Deferred Comp is being added into your hourly rate and the Sheriff is not taking it "away" from you...On top of that, you will receive an additional pay increase...The city of Tampa doesn't get a 2.5% Deferred Comp and/or Cafeteria Benefit...Both of these benefits are "given" to you by the Sheriff...Now he is just trying to help everyone out even more by putting that same money into your hourly wage, which becomes astronomical over the life of your career. If you are concerned that not seeing that money, will affect the way you live your life, then have $160.00 deducted out of your check and put into another account and then figure out what 2.5% of your hourly wage was normally given to you in another column and then add that to your existing deferred comp account. Geez..It's not rocket science...

Have some faith that the Sheriff is going to take care of us..If he doesn't then bring back a Union...

I had faith in Beard, Walter, Cal, and Gee and look what that got me. Third best paid in the flippin COUNTY. And wow if you are a Jail Deputy that got you what? One of may two counties in the state not on board with parity pay. Over 200 Deputies under staffed on the street and in the Jail.
You Goobers keep up the FAITH, that will work. Me, just going to do my job, and hope to get a 1% pay hike and keep my pretty lighted car, damn my stickers look good. Hey, can I wear that little star the boss gave me on my uniform if the big one breaks, budget is tight? If my AR gets messed up will they give me one of those fancy ones they got locked up?
I was thinking in a little while we can rent the trailers out as time shares, you know the ones out at Wally's play ground on HWY 39. Maybe we can rent out the choppers at the fair next year for rides. That fancy tour bus errr command post would be a good weekly rent for some travelers. Thinking outside the box. Hummer rides or rentals, gun boat charter fishing trips? We could rent out that multi million dollar traing center to the TV show the BIGGEST LOSER? Just a thought.

03-03-2008, 01:55 AM
Yes, the Cafeteria Benefit and 2.5% Deferred Comp is being added into your hourly rate and the Sheriff is not taking it "away" from you...On top of that, you will receive an additional pay increase...The city of Tampa doesn't get a 2.5% Deferred Comp and/or Cafeteria Benefit...Both of these benefits are "given" to you by the Sheriff...Now he is just trying to help everyone out even more by putting that same money into your hourly wage, which becomes astronomical over the life of your career. If you are concerned that not seeing that money, will affect the way you live your life, then have $160.00 deducted out of your check and put into another account and then figure out what 2.5% of your hourly wage was normally given to you in another column and then add that to your existing deferred comp account. Geez..It's not rocket science...

Have some faith that the Sheriff is going to take care of us..If he doesn't then bring back a Union...[/quote]

B.S The Sheriff did not give that stuff to us. It is a NON TAXED COUNTY BENEFIT. Now we will be taxed on it. So it works out less. Also if like the above said, you run out of time you better have money to pay for your medical because the Benefit is gone as part of your salary. Also if the priemiums go up on health care he will now just pass the cost on to us instead up picking it up like the rest of the county does. If he was going to do something he should have done it. The PBA is gone. Now I want what he promised. As far as the $300.00 he said he will give back if anyone paid it, I do not believe anyone did. Just more smoke and mirrors.
TRUST THE SHERIFF THAT IS A LAUGH. With each pass of the torch over the last 25 years this place has gone to $hitz and now it is worse then ever.

03-03-2008, 02:08 AM
Yes, the Cafeteria Benefit and 2.5% Deferred Comp is being added into your hourly rate and the Sheriff is not taking it "away" from you...On top of that, you will receive an additional pay increase...The city of Tampa doesn't get a 2.5% Deferred Comp and/or Cafeteria Benefit...Both of these benefits are "given" to you by the Sheriff...Now he is just trying to help everyone out even more by putting that same money into your hourly wage, which becomes astronomical over the life of your career. If you are concerned that not seeing that money, will affect the way you live your life, then have $160.00 deducted out of your check and put into another account and then figure out what 2.5% of your hourly wage was normally given to you in another column and then add that to your existing deferred comp account. Geez..It's not rocket science...

Have some faith that the Sheriff is going to take care of us..If he doesn't then bring back a Union...

B.S The Sheriff did not give that stuff to us. It is a NON TAXED COUNTY BENEFIT. Now we will be taxed on it. So it works out less. Also if like the above said, you run out of time you better have money to pay for your medical because the Benefit is gone as part of your salary. Also if the priemiums go up on health care he will now just pass the cost on to us instead up picking it up like the rest of the county does. If he was going to do something he should have done it. The PBA is gone. Now I want what he promised. As far as the $300.00 he said he will give back if anyone paid it, I do not believe anyone did. Just more smoke and mirrors.
TRUST THE SHERIFF THAT IS A LAUGH. With each pass of the torch over the last 25 years this place has gone to $hitz and now it is worse then ever.[/quote]
If I felt as you, I would consider finding another career or at least another agency.

03-03-2008, 09:52 PM
More anti-Sheriff's Office rhetoric...Nobody is losing the cafeteria benefit and nobody is losing their 2.5% Deferred Comp which is given to you by the Sheriff.

I am completely pro-Sheriff, but you have made an error in fact which needs to be corrected.

The deferred compensation program is a STATE program in which the Sheriff has no voice in whether or not to participate. It is mandated by the state based upon IRS rules and regulations. If an employee of a state government agency, such as the Sheriff's Office, chooses to participate it is mandatory for the agency to cooperate. So, you see, this program is not a gift from the Sheriff.

Incidentally, anyone who does not participate in deferred comp simply has no concept of what an incredible benefit it is.

03-04-2008, 09:20 PM
I haven't seen the official order regarding all of this talk, has it been issued ??

03-04-2008, 09:23 PM
I haven't seen the official order regarding all of this talk, has it been issued ??

Of course not. The union malcontents have never dealt in fact --- only in speculation.

03-04-2008, 11:14 PM
...The city of Tampa doesn't get a 2.5% Deferred Comp and/or Cafeteria Benefit...Both of these benefits are "given" to you by the Sheriff

True, but a 10 year TPD officer does make $34.67 an hour, which goes to $36.23 an hour on October 1st *(we are at $27.95). They get $160.00 a month for shift premium pay (about 2/3 of Officers), $750.00 a year longevity, $395.23 extra in pay for being accident free for the year, $ 395.23 extra in pay for shooting master, Detective is a promotion, which is a nice dollar value for about 20% of the force, $3300.00 in cash holiday pay,Etc, Etc....

Any when you calculate in the cafe plan, Deffered comp contribution and free pension, we are still a good 20% behind. I'm not really sure why people keep trying to compare the two. Maybe we should compare ourselves with Plant City, I would say the Seminole Tribe Police, but they make more than us now.

I don't expect the sheriff to catch up to TPD in these times, he could have when things were good over the last five years, but not now. I have a problem with someone combining things in my current monetary package and calling it a raise by renaming it as part of a COLA. Its a shell game that anyone with a brain can see through from a mile away. I'm hoping the sheriff takes care of us, but if this is was his master plan is, its not what I consider taking care of us. It will cost us more money because we will have to pay federal income taxes on average between 15 to 25% and social secirity taxes of 7.2% on what was once tax free, which would likeley wipe out any COLA we may get.

03-05-2008, 12:50 AM
I concur with the previous post. Talked to a TPD buddy today and everything the poster said is true.
True, we will never come close to TPD in salary. We could have. When I started we were ahead of them in salary. So tell me now that the union doesn't pay. The last two administrations could have easily kept pace but instead continually gave millions back. Last return was 37 million? So you say the sheriff will take care of you? Well, 16 years of lies says otherwise. So you say the sheriff will take care of us? I'm tellin you he won't. Were you 'nosers stupid enough to believe the propaganda or just that determined to make a name for yourself? Congrats on decertification. Welcome back to the status quo, smoke and mirrors power point presentation.

03-05-2008, 03:48 AM
I concur with the previous post. Talked to a TPD buddy today and everything the poster said is true.
True, we will never come close to TPD in salary. We could have. When I started we were ahead of them in salary. So tell me now that the union doesn't pay. The last two administrations could have easily kept pace but instead continually gave millions back. Last return was 37 million? So you say the sheriff will take care of you? Well, 16 years of lies says otherwise. So you say the sheriff will take care of us? I'm tellin you he won't. Were you 'nosers stupid enough to believe the propaganda or just that determined to make a name for yourself? Congrats on decertification. Welcome back to the status quo, smoke and mirrors power point presentation.

Well since your TPD buddy told you that it happened, it must be fact and I am trully sorry that I didn't vote to keep the PBA.

I wish you could have come in during the eleventh hour with the information that your TPD buddy had, becuase it probably would have swayed the vote for the entire office.

The sixteen years of lies that you so childishly refer to means that we have not been under the chains of PBA for the last sixteen years like TPD has.

Ask your TPD guru if things were always diamonds and pearls.

The answer is NO. Every year come contract time, it was blood, sweat, and tears for the TPD guys. It is almost insulting to them that we were demanding an equal contract in year (what?) three or four of forming the union.

WE ARE NOT TPD, and quite frankly, I didn't apply and earn my job at TPD. I earned my job at the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office.

Take nothing form them, I just wear a different color uniform, and answer to a different boss.

As far as your return of 37 million to the County comment, quit thinking like a kid expecting that to be your allowance should be divided up and realize that certain money goes to certain purposes. Certain monies (money) can be used for salary purposes and certain money can only be used for special types of equipment. Some of the other money is grant money that must be returned if it is not used for that specific purpose.

The Sheriff has tried to explain this to you at the USF meeting and the 'State of the Office' address that the Union embarrased us by winning the right to claim about fifty cents for.

Name one lie.

If this is over your head, ask your TPD buddy to explain it to you. He is probably laughing at you, and not for your lack of salary.

03-05-2008, 06:56 AM
So TPD makes about $35 bucks an hour huh? Stop comparing us to TPD. Do you know why? They have to pay into their own pension. In essence if they are making $35 an hour in reality they are making about $27 or $28 an hour. Up to 13% of their bi-weekly salary goes back into their pension. Plus, if economic times are bad they may have to put off their retirement until the "pool" is built back up.

FRS is one of the best pension plans overall, public or private in the U.S.

03-05-2008, 01:31 PM
So TPD makes about $35 bucks an hour huh? Stop comparing us to TPD. Do you know why? They have to pay into their own pension. In essence if they are making $35 an hour in reality they are making about $27 or $28 an hour. Up to 13% of their bi-weekly salary goes back into their pension. Plus, if economic times are bad they may have to put off their retirement until the "pool" is built back up.

FRS is one of the best pension plans overall, public or private in the U.S.

YoU wOuLd Be CoRrEcT fRs Is SoLiD. iF yOu dO nOt LiKe ThE tPd/HcSo CoMpArEsIoN cOmPaRe hCsO dEtEnTiOn To PiNeLlAs DeTeNtIoN, tHeY mAkE mOrE. pAlM BeAcH, mAnAtEe, PaScO, tHe lIsT gOeS on.