View Full Version : your check is in the mail

02-28-2008, 12:47 AM
Mark this day as 1 year from now you'll still be looking for that raise.

Good job boys, you're officially morons

02-28-2008, 01:33 AM
I guess you have not seen the memos that came out from the Sheriff today!!!!!!!!!!!

Who is the moron now?

02-28-2008, 01:43 AM
Mark this day as 1 year from now you'll still be looking for that raise.

Good job boys, you're officially morons

Go away numb nuts. Nobody wants to hear your pity party anymore. Go away fool, nobody wants to hear about your beloved PBA anymore. Go away douche bag, nobody wants to hear about how much TPD makes anymore. Go away malcontent, nobody wants to hear your crying & whining anymore. I say these things but am smart enough to know it won't happen. Because today this site has changed. I know, and most people know, that rather than this site being the PBA vs Sheriff campaign, it will now morph into the "see I told you we wouldn't make as much as TPD" site. It doesn't matter that the Sheriff already removed the $300 penalty the PBA placed in our contract, I assure you several people will line up to make negative remarks about him or this post within hours.
See, here's the reality of it all; if you were a hardcore PBA advocate and want to wait & see if the Sheriff "makes good", then you should be quiet on this board while you wait & see. I'm inclined to think that instead you will immediately begin spraying your venom at the Sheriff before he can do anything. Which will prove that you weren't so much pro PBA as you were just simply an azzhole malcontent who will be complaining on here for the rest of your career.
I think my days on LEO Affairs are numbered.

02-28-2008, 01:53 AM
So lets see, in less than 24 hours, the Sheriff has begun to walk the walk. Rescinded the you break it $300 fine, and if you had to pay it after 10/1/2007, you now get your money back. Like I said, I heard him talk the talk, now he's started to walk the walk! David, show everyone you are the SHERIFF, do what you know is right and what you have said and believe. :devil: And for the diehard "unionites" I'm not a supervisor and I've been here longer than about 60% of this agency. Sometimes it's best to raise the white flag to preserve yourself!! Otherwise, continue to believe the babble, you desreve it now. The majority has voted and spoken. G'Nite Seattle !!

02-28-2008, 02:36 PM
Laughable, you're happy because now you get your 10 pieces of gold.

Buy a dog Hughes because no one else will like you.

Hcso Deputy
02-28-2008, 02:45 PM
Laughable, you're happy because now you get your 10 pieces of gold.

Buy a dog Hughes because no one else will like you.

Why won't anybody like him? 689 people were on the same page with him.

02-28-2008, 09:03 PM
I disagree, 689 were against mike and his mismanagement, that is why the number was so in favor of the sheriff. Iam not saying that the office still wouldnt have won, but the truth is multiple troops voted against mike instead of voting for the office. We'll see how the sheriff handles the vote of confidence. If he doesnt increase the top out pay and up the benefits to tpd and ttpd then we will be back in this union or no union fight a few years from now.

02-28-2008, 11:34 PM
I guess you have not seen the memos that came out from the Sheriff today!!!!!!!!!!!

I missed it how much money did you get in your memo?

hold your breath and a year from now you'll still be the lowest paid but you'll have that memo, see how much that gets you

02-28-2008, 11:43 PM
I guess you have not seen the memos that came out from the Sheriff today!!!!!!!!!!!

Who is the moron now?

I guess we both are because I became so happy I took my memo to a car dealer because I need a new car, and they gave me nothing for it........NOTHING....do you believe it. I told them to read it again because you were so happy to get it and still nothing.

hmmmm did we get screwed?.............I think it is too late to think of that

02-29-2008, 01:26 AM
Mark this day as 1 year from now you'll still be looking for that raise.

Good job boys, you're officially morons

Go away numb nuts. Nobody wants to hear your pity party anymore. Go away fool, nobody wants to hear about your beloved PBA anymore. Go away douche bag, nobody wants to hear about how much TPD makes anymore. Go away malcontent, nobody wants to hear your crying & whining anymore. I say these things but am smart enough to know it won't happen. Because today this site has changed. I know, and most people know, that rather than this site being the PBA vs Sheriff campaign, it will now morph into the "see I told you we wouldn't make as much as TPD" site. It doesn't matter that the Sheriff already removed the $300 penalty the PBA placed in our contract, I assure you several people will line up to make negative remarks about him or this post within hours.
See, here's the reality of it all; if you were a . PBA advocate and want to wait & see if the Sheriff "makes good", then you should be quiet on this board while you wait & see. I'm inclined to think that instead you will immediately begin spraying your venom at the Sheriff before he can do anything. Which will prove that you weren't so much pro PBA as you were just simply an azzhole malcontent who will be complaining on here for the rest of your career.
I think my days on LEO Affairs are numbered.

Don't quit reading and posting, my brutha. We'll keep fighting the good fight against the moronic types and we'll keep winning. Yes, it is annoying that there are a few dimwits who will try and rationalize the overwhelming defeat of the PBA. We can always reply, "Scoreboard!". You are right...we will see the dimwits find new and improved ways to make excuses for their indefensible opinions. And we shall continue to make them smash their keyboards in frustration every time we refute their dumb arguments. The vote results confirm what I had suspected: there are a handful of disgruntled people who post repeatedly and reply to there own posts to make it appear the illogical people outnumber the intelligent. So don't quit abusing and annoying the twits.

02-29-2008, 01:29 AM
There is nothing to debate, we are all standing by for Gee to make his move. If he does not deliver, then we (deputies) are the ones who were defeated!

03-02-2008, 02:35 AM
Ok I haven't broken anything in 20 years. BFD!

I supose that you believe every word of the 02/27/08 memo entitled "PBA Decertification". Well, crap in one hand and hold the memo in the other and you tell me the difference.

The ole boy has had plenty of time to make good and he hasn't. HE has LIED. I have no respect for him or any of his overpaid cronies.

Let the myriad of excuses begin to flow..................union busting, tax reform, hummers, helicopters,boats, 37million returned...........

03-02-2008, 03:15 AM
The main thing that needs to be addressed is the piss poor morale at HCSO in general. The deputies on the road seem so pissed at the world all the time and half the time don't even answer up when another deputy needs assistance. I especially like it when you have the deps that are so clueless that they think the proper time to call in 831's is when a deputy just came up on the radio asking for assistance. Maybe if proactive law enforcement was taught a little more in the FTO program, we would not have so many criminals tearing this county apart. The priority for this office needs to focus on taking pride in your area and backing each other up. It's not rocket science.

03-02-2008, 03:45 AM
We need more people out there to be proactive to an acceptible level. But thats another dead horse..