View Full Version : Will PBA dues incease to pay the bills

02-27-2008, 10:41 PM
Well if you have not heard it has been a wild week at the PBA Office.

TPD left West Central Florida PBA, which is 49% of the members and started their own union.

Today PERC certified HCSO law enforcements election to be removed from the union. Thats another couple hundered due paying members gone.

So what is left is us, HCSO jail Deputies, Tampa Airport Police and USF. So we now have to cover the expenses for the downtown Tampa lease, phone, electric, vehicles, lawyers, research etc... with about a 75% revenue cut.

Enjoy the increase from your recent raise!

02-27-2008, 10:55 PM
The Lakeland rep got with HCSO reps to bully TPD on votes and now due to their childish behavior we will have to pay for it.

03-02-2008, 01:04 AM
You are right and you are wrong.

TPD put in 59% of the money. Your president with HCSO refused a simple request of the TPD Board to allow TPD to make their own decision on arbitrations. YOUR president said no. That said, your right in that childish behavior is what led to TPD leaving.

Now go ask to see the books and bills. Your rates will most likely go up to around $70-$80 a month to cover the bills. If you think I am wrong....go ask YOUR president. Also ask him how much the "new" charter president has spent in the last 6 months on GOLF on his union credit card!

03-13-2008, 11:43 PM
has anyone asked yet?

03-15-2008, 03:22 AM
Based on what our union has done I ain't payin a dime much less 70 bucks a pay period

03-15-2008, 04:43 AM
Based on what our union has done I ain't payin a dime much less 70 bucks a pay period

Yeah, after all they only got us a 14% raise, higher starting pay and a competetive pension so we can get back to hiring experienced and qualified people like we used to. Go whine somewhere else. Perhaps you will be unfortunate enough to be involved in a shoot or some other situation where you need the PBA. But then again with the quality of our reps they would probably even offer assistance to the few scabs that we have. If anyone has concerns about a dues increase they should ask a rep or ask on the WCFPBA website. If one is coming I'm quite certain it won't be as drastic as suggested above.

03-15-2008, 06:29 PM

I dont really udnerstand your post above....do you think TPD left the PBA? They only left th WCFPBA.

So what if they make more? SO what if they have a better pension. Ask one of us what it was like to pay 12% into it a few years ago. !!!

Why on earth would we EVER call you guys for representaton in a shooting???? At least thats what I think you were sayin.

03-15-2008, 08:24 PM

I dont really udnerstand your post above....do you think TPD left the PBA? They only left th WCFPBA.

So what if they make more? SO what if they have a better pension. Ask one of us what it was like to pay 12% into it a few years ago. !!!

Why on earth would we EVER call you guys for representaton in a shooting???? At least thats what I think you were sayin.

That is because it was not directed to TPD, this is LPD's site. The post was in reference to the quoted post which appeared to be from a LPD 1%er whining about how the union did him wrong. If it was from a TPD person then I have the same reply as you "I don't really understand your post above" and really do not care since you guys are no longer a part of WCFPBA.

03-16-2008, 02:10 PM
I went to the WCFPBA site and there is no information being posted for us about this change at the PBA and what the effect will be on us and our dues.

Union board members, could you please clear up these rumors?

03-16-2008, 11:31 PM
No longer part of WCFPBA

HCSO road deputies/Cpls
HCSO Detention SGts
TPD gone
HCSO Jail charter expected to opt out within the nex few months.

Bills left

Lease payment on the office in downtown Tampa, Lawyers, office managers, cars, insurance, electric, phone, internet, supplies, any arbitration cost,debt, etc....

Left to pay

Tampa airport
USF police.

What sad is our reps decided to align themselves with HCSO, who has been on the brinks of distention for a year, thus causing TPD to leave so they could have some say in things. Clearly he gambled on them being around. There is no way they can afford to fund that office without a dues increase. It takes about 100 members full dues just to pay the rent. Do the math TPD brought in 58% of the dues. Now we are left with a weaker union at a higher cost.

03-21-2008, 09:05 PM
Actually, TPD brought in about 52% of WCFPBA's money and did not want to leave WCFPBA. After all, it was their union in the first place. TPD's repeated requests to be in charge of their own money fell on deaf ears. The arbitration issue was actually worked out to everyone's satisfaction at a Charter Board Meeting a couple of months ago (I believe Jan 9th).

Let's face it, if your members put in most of the money and they're not satisfied with how other people are spending it, you better protect the interests of you members if you want to represent them. It's no secret as to what was going on with the money and how the spending of membership dues was being abused, so I won't go into it here. One of the biggest abusers was TPD with that $25,000 stipend Durkin was paying himself every January while still being paid Full Time by TPD and working OFF DUTY at the stadium. Once the problem with Durkin was solved by his removal, they focused on the trimming the other fat.

Personally, I don't have a problem with Union reps on part-time release being paid a reasonable stipend so they don't have to work using their personal time for free. Your HCSO presidents were being paid $10,000 stipends and your Lakeland president is being paid $8,000 p/year.

Who knows what the future holds for these two organizations? TPD got what they wanted (being in charge of their own money) by breaking away. Should the other 3 Chapters have met TPD's requests in order to keep them around? Does the union now lack stability with TPD gone? That can only be answered by the union reps left at the WCFPBA. Maybe they feel it was worth it or maybe they feel it was a mistake. Who knows? No one is beating down TPD's door though trying to put the pieces back together again.

As for the leases, the Lakeland and TPD offices amount to $4,000 per month collectively. So, you only need 160 HCSO deputies paying dues of $35 per month to cover the leases (after the State PBA gets their cut). So, it's doable.

03-23-2008, 02:49 AM

03-23-2008, 03:05 PM
As for the leases, the Lakeland and TPD offices amount to $4,000 per month collectively. So, you only need 160 HCSO deputies paying dues of $35 per month to cover the leases (after the State PBA gets their cut). So, it's doable


03-23-2008, 04:34 PM
doable? wow that's why were top's.

03-23-2008, 04:36 PM
talked to a tampa airport officer the other day, there ready to ''take off,'' also.

03-26-2008, 12:27 AM
I was at a Charter meeting of the WCFPBA before the break-up when your president (Nick) refered to us (T.P.D.) as spoiled and over-paid.

It was at that moment that I knew that I would do all that I could on the word of mouth war-front to help our newly elected leaders pull away from WCFPBA. And sadly as long as "Nick" is your president I assure you that T.P.D. would not want to be in a union or even a loose affiliation with you guys.

I am sorry, but we have never thought that you guys are paid to much, or thought of you as lesser because you were smaller, so how we could ever want a "representitive" such as "Nick" on any board that might directly or indirectly represent us would be beyond me.


Tampa P.D. Officer and EX MEMBER OF WCFPBA

03-26-2008, 12:40 AM
we [lpd] never had a delegate election. so ''brother'' and i mean that! don't hold the action of one as the opinion of all, i have worked with tpd officer's on cases on several occasion's and you guy's were great. so, i know you did'nt and we wont either we are all in the same boat. i respect your agency and as we grow i hope the feelings are mutual. be safe spread the word we are all in this mess :cop: together.

03-26-2008, 02:26 AM
I'd have to echo the above post and say that we all don't feel that way. I've never met an overpaid officer. We risk our necks for a living so overpaid is not a word I would use for any officer anywhere. Spoiled? I would say that.....but it's only from a jealousy standpoint. TPD officers are spoiled with toys we could never and will never have here in Lakeland. But then that's what I would expect to find in a larger agency. Anyone wanting to be spoiled like that need go only as far another large city's recruiting office. I know Nick and the kind of guy he is, and I find it difficult to understand what context he might have have said these words. I guess I'll ask him.

03-26-2008, 04:59 AM
I was at a Charter meeting of the WCFPBA before the break-up when your president (Nick) refered to us (T.P.D.) as spoiled and over-paid.

It was at that moment that I knew that I would do all that I could on the word of mouth war-front to help our newly elected leaders pull away from WCFPBA. And sadly as long as "Nick" is your president I assure you that T.P.D. would not want to be in a union or even a loose affiliation with you guys.

I am sorry, but we have never thought that you guys are paid to much, or thought of you as lesser because you were smaller, so how we could ever want a "representitive" such as "Nick" on any board that might directly or indirectly represent us would be beyond me.


Tampa P.D. Officer and EX MEMBER OF WCFPBA

To all the T.P.D. and any other outside agency people posting here I really don't understand why you feel the need to post here. You guys decided to split from WCFPBA so move on. For the one's posting the negative union stuff, believe me, we know who you are and you are the minority. Actually I don't know if 1 to 2% of a group our size even qualifies as a minorty. For all the people stirring the pot maybe a little reasoning will ease your anxiety. All of the questions about how is the WCFPBA going to survive without TPD and afford all this. Well, since TPD is no longer a member agency then they can probably rent space somewhere other than downtown Tampa which will be centralized to the member agencies and much cheaper. As far as stipends go, I don't think our guys are taking the full stipend, I would have to double check. I see no problem with taking it since we have no rep's on full release to do union business and union matters prevent them from working as much S-15 and o/t as others. Golf and dinners? I have no problem with that either, it is a part of doing business. More deals are made in the business world on the golf course and over vittles than in a boardroom. And besides, I don't think any reps will be getting their PGA card and joining the tour any time soon. If our dues go up some, again I wouldn't have a problem with it. Don't get me wrong I don't want to pay more but anyone here prior to the union knows what they have accompllished. So as said before, if you have a question or concern ask a rep or ask on the WCFPBA website. I've asked a rep before and they said they will not answer you on here.

03-26-2008, 10:31 PM
All of the questions about how is the WCFPBA going to survive without TPD

It's TPD and the Hillsborough County Sheriffs Office (law Enforcement) that are gone in the same month. Then the jail deputies are expected to follow. So I belive that was 75-80% of the revenue source. I hear the lease on that office is not up til 2010, so not so sure we can just turn the lights off and open up in a POD next month.

03-30-2008, 04:38 PM
I've asked a rep before and they said they will not answer you on here.

Thats funny, The Tampa Chapter president and vice-president are on the Tampa forum answering questions all the time. Steve ****ey with HCSO detention is on the HCSO forum answering questions all the time. The answers are not appearing on the WCFPBA website, so it would appear that the rep just doesn't want to answer the questions. I guess that when you stop and look at it there is no earthly excuse for calling an entire agencie's officers spoiled and over-payed. That would be as intelligent as saying all LPD officers were idiots for the statement one rep made. No one that I have seen or heard has uttered that remark, so I guess we all are intelligent enough to realize that. What that statement is indicative of is the attitude of the rep and his true character. I for one know that his attitude is not representative of mine or anyone else that I have heard. Maybe its time for a reality check for that particular rep.

03-30-2008, 11:11 PM
Cry Babies, you left that is fine now please turn off the lights and shut the door.
PLEASE LEAVE. Cry on your site we have enough cry babies we do not need yours.

Thank you

03-31-2008, 01:31 PM
Cry Babies, you left that is fine now please turn off the lights and shut the door.
PLEASE LEAVE. Cry on your site we have enough cry babies we do not need yours.

Thank you

Hmmm, looks like the rep finally spoke. In case you are curious this is my site.

This would be the attitude that seems to be going around the WCFPBA. Its embarrassing and it reflects poorly on us.

05-22-2008, 02:07 AM
Looks like you were right. It appears our rates are going up by $20 a money (thats $240 a year).

What are we getting for this increase?

WOULD one of our reps please answer this question here.

05-22-2008, 08:06 AM
After the night Bravo squad had last night I'll gladly pay my increased dues. Nick was on scene with our involved officer providing support and it was good to see him. It's kinda like insurance. Ya might hate paying it every month but you're damned sure glad you have it when you need it. Our union reps have worked very hard for our interests and continues to do so.

05-26-2008, 10:40 PM
We had that service before the rate increase, The rates are going up because we have lost 2,000 members this year. We need to look at taking more control of the union now we are the major source of money. Paying 80% of the bills and having only one person on the executive board is BS.

05-29-2008, 11:59 PM
Espically if we paying $20,000 to two HCSO deputies on the board who do not have a membership. Get rid of that and we could decrease our dues.

06-05-2008, 09:50 AM
how bout those of us who are members without a union. i pay in 300\year just in case i get into a bind. the paper said 600 or so hcso people would be doing that. so there's a chunk of change to pay for bills

06-16-2008, 02:05 PM

Is this true? Do we really pay two HCSO deputies $10,000 a piece run the union?

If so, what is the money being paid to them for? Do they get their full salary at the Sheriff's Office? If they are not being paid their full salary ant the 10k fills the gap, then I am all for it. If not could you please explain.

LPD Officer

06-16-2008, 07:19 PM
Nick has said if you have a question for him to call him and ask or e-mail him. He said he does not answer questions on this site.

06-17-2008, 01:08 AM
Nick has said if you have a question for him to call him and ask or e-mail him. He said he does not answer questions on this site.

Gee, thats rather arrogant isn't it? So much for being here for the guys, huh?

06-17-2008, 02:35 PM
No Dumb Ass , I will type slowly so you will understand,,,, This is a Public Site and real Police work and information should not be posted. Nick does not even look at this site to know if you asked him a question. Call Him if you are not scared to confront someone in person. Turn in your badge if you have one.

06-17-2008, 02:50 PM
Uh, how is a PBA question "real police work"? Unless of course you are so far up the PBA's butt that you think it is police work.

06-17-2008, 05:35 PM
Why do we have to "call him"?

Why isnt HE keeping us informed of what is going on in OUR union?

Seems like the same old union to me. Why is ANY of this secret? Why isn't this informaion readily posted on the site or at a meeting or in the minutes of the meetings?

I WILL NOT call him or ask him. If you get on his wrong side you may pay for it later. That is what makes this site effective.

If you think he doesn't come here EVERY day....your naive!

06-17-2008, 08:22 PM
who is the voice of nick on this site?

06-18-2008, 12:15 AM
No Dumb Ass , I will type slowly so you will understand,,,, This is a Public Site and real Police work and information should not be posted. Nick does not even look at this site to know if you asked him a question. Call Him if you are not scared to confront someone in person. Turn in your badge if you have one.

Why am I a Dumb Ass, because I don't agree with Nick's policy of avoiding this site? And why should I turn in my badge? That's rather harsh isn't it? Is this how Nick feels? Are we not allowed to disagree with him? Are you his official spokesperson?

I am not trying to confront anyone, or trying to avoid confrontation. A legitimate question has been posed in an open forum. We were just not aware of the rules on how and when we were allowed to ask our rep a question.

06-18-2008, 02:45 AM
This seems to be no different than what is said about the 3rd floor. It's just a matter of time before this becomes another "who you know" "Better stay on someone's good side" "make sure you join the right family" type of organization. It would be nice to remove the "power" trips people eventually go on and keep things professional. Doubt it will ever happen in this county with anything. For what its worth, i don't think that was an unfair request to make at this point. It would be nice to have better communication so this kind of in-fighting doesn't get started. Not just "call them if you have a question/complaint". It doesn't have to be here...just refer people to the PBA website and keep us informed there.

Just a little proactive communication instead of a "call if you don't like it" attitude would probably help alot of those who seem disgruntled. This is exactly what we complain of from those on the 3rd floor. We shouldn't expect or accept that from this organization as well.

06-18-2008, 02:36 PM
Try this http://wcfpba.org/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=cf84ef85e8dffb6e0d9be926fce343 66&board=7.0


06-24-2008, 02:40 PM
Try this http://wcfpba.org/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=cf84ef85e8dffb6e0d9be926fce343 66&board=7.0


Notice NOTHING has been postedsince May second. Prior to that it was March.


You (and your mouth piece) keep telling us to goto the PBA site. However, there is no information there. Why wont you or another board member answer the question. I generally dont post on here. However, I find the question to be simple and important to us all. Is this true or not????????????????????????????????????????????

LPD Officer

06-25-2008, 03:25 PM
Hey at least our contract that expired in 2006 is still posted. They are Johnny on the spot over there. If you want information "you have to ask for it" what a line of crap. It should be coming to us freely.


06-26-2008, 01:39 PM
If you go to wcfpba.org and click on forum all of your contracts are posted there. Quite a few people figured that one out...

Hey at least our contract that expired in 2006 is still posted. They are Johnny on the spot over there. If you want information "you have to ask for it" what a line of crap. It should be coming to us freely.


06-26-2008, 09:58 PM
I see the title...don't see an attachment

06-27-2008, 12:08 PM
The attachments are there...I see them are you signing in as a member???

I see the title...don't see an attachment

07-06-2008, 11:02 PM
yea. see it now u have to sign in to see the attachment. Be nice if they would just update the info link with are stuff and get rid of TPD and HCSO crap

07-08-2008, 02:34 AM
who is the voice of nick on this site?

I don't know but it sounds like he likes him...a lot!

10-21-2008, 01:12 AM
who is the voice of nick on this site?

I don't know but it sounds like he likes him...a lot!

Did anyone ever figure out what these guys are making? It seems no one seems to know.

Do they get allowances on gas, phone, internet?

How much of the dues go to support them?


10-21-2008, 04:14 AM
Did anyone ever figure out what these guys are making? It seems no one seems to know.

Do they get allowances on gas, phone, internet?

How much of the dues go to support them?


Who cares? The PBA is here to represent us when it comes to a city that will nickel and dime us to death. Without a voice we would be sucking hind tit. You can bet on that. I am willing to pay a portion of my paycheck every two weeks to have the PBA represent me. If your aren't, withdraw your membership. This city just bent us over and rammed a baseball bat up up our collective azzes (sideways). If you are OK with that then denounce your PBA membership. If you're not, then you MUST support our mission to be treated fairly and bring our benefits package up to par with other growing cities in this State. If not, we will continue to hire these misfits we have been. Just outta high school, no life experience, no common sense, little kids to do a job that requires drive, persistence, and life experience. Notice that we have gone from being the place people want to move up to from a smaller agency to getting the bottom of the barrel? That started in 2003 when our retirement package got f**ked and we no longer paid step increases for experience. Everyone else does, why would good experienced cops come here? We are a training ground for these rookies we've hired. If they can hack this line of work for 2 yrs they have their choice of great dept's statewide that will provide them the benefits we cannot. The PBA is the only thing standing between each of us and becoming a joke of a small town BS dept. Support your PBA!!

10-21-2008, 07:43 PM
Ok folks, let's keep our eye on the ball here. :shock: You have a morally and probably criminally corrupt COP and staff. You have two felons that are still wearing the badge and blue. You have a City Manager and City Commission (excluding 2) that is supporting the mismanagement and corruption, and all you can do is fret about your Union dues? C'mon, the union and your representatives have flat out busted their a$$e$ for you guys and will continue to do so.

Focus on the issues of No Confidence, corrupt and incompetent management. Don't let yourselves get caught up in the nickel and dime bickering that the 3rd floor loves to see, because it takes the heat off them when you fight among yourselves.

10-22-2008, 06:11 PM
You have had very good officers come here with loads of experiance. We have had that for years. We also have a practice might as well say ''policy'' of letting them go as soon as they get hurt or injured. But it seems the community and some of us fight harder for felons to keep their jobs then these professional police officers that we already had here. Guys who worked hard and would go to the wall for any one of us. There all gone exept for one. Yeah the one that could not find Florida ave. and starts to leave an hour early so he can slug to his car by 1700 or when he feels like leaving. Why is he still here sure he can make pretty charts, but would anyone here want him as your back on a hot call. I'd take any officer they have thrown out of here before that. We should worry about that anyone of us could be next. One slip or fall or joint ache that we dont have a free pass for unlike him and were gone just like several of our last few outstandind brothers that watched the aquarium in the lobby wating for the elevator door to open and the snake slither out with his bye-bye message. Watch your backs were all we have. They already have the Media, City Manager, lol, and the commission except for two.