View Full Version : never again

02-26-2008, 07:09 PM
The worst part of this whole Union business is no matter which way it goes is that David Gee and and his admin will never have the respect of the majority of his deputies. NEVER

There will be the usual loyal troops and those that are loyal to HCSO but Gee and his henchmen will never be trusted. A person who has lost the trust and confidence of his troops can not be effective because no one will buy in to any of his ideas. There will always be a suspicion that he is pulling something over.

I say this and again repeat that this is true no matter which way this union matter goes in or out the damage to his credibility and trustworthiness has been lost forever.

Now the ususal suspects will chime in immediately arguing that this is not the case but those not promised promotion and those who seek an agency where they have a voice without back door politics going on know the truth.

ok Cpl's soon to be Sgt's (maybe) your turn

02-26-2008, 07:33 PM
The only good thing about getting rid of the union is that the staff will no longer have the union to blame the internal problems of the office on.

Average Joe
02-26-2008, 08:17 PM
What you are saying is true. Even before this PBA mess I talked with majors and captains that openly were critical of Sheriff Gee and some of his staff.

02-26-2008, 08:22 PM
IF the union gets voted out, and IF your sheriff give you that fat pay raise that a few of you have spoken of, that will mean two things. 1 he lied to you for months. He told you there was no money to give everyone a decent raise. 2 the rasie will be because of the union, that is right the union. If he gives you the raise it is out of fear that you might wake up and try to bring the union back. If he gives you retro pay then he lied again. If those of you in the union keep your jobs watch your backside, you will be picked off one by one. Those who kissed butt, you will get promoted because of THAT, not because you deserve the promotion. You will never have the respect of your Deputies. Heck, you do not respect yourself, so you should be use to not haveing it. You also should watch your backsides, friendly fire. Your boss will if the union gets voted out send out a memeo telling you how grateful he is and how he hopes that time will heal, bygones will be bygones all that warm and fuzzy stuff. After a few months what ever changes that will occur will start, because he thinks by then you will have forgotten about the hows and whys of what happened. Transfers, promotions, relocations etc, watch. when in reality he will think "what a bunch of puzzies these people are" all I had to do was stomp my feet, hold my breath and they folded like a cheap pup tent. Good luck with your agency.

02-26-2008, 09:16 PM
Thats the irony. The sheriff will never trust the ones he used to promote the decert because he now KNOWS you can be bought. He'll face you and speak well but behind doors he'll never give you anything of merit because he is aware you have no personal ethics, and can be had for a price.

02-26-2008, 10:22 PM
Hey look! A thread consisting of pro-union flunkies chiming in and supporting each other, assuming a loss that hasn't even been announced yet.

If the union is dumped that means a majority of the deputies support the Sheriff and not the union.

Grow up.

02-26-2008, 11:20 PM
Talk about grow up, find a mirror.

No one is assuming a loss but it seems at though something has hit home with you.

Was it the sellout portion? or the never will be trusted because you have no morals? or just was it a hint of your conscious trying to get through to you.

Either way you are the one that needs to grow, try to realize life isnt about YOU sometimes people do things to benefit everyone. I know this is not understandable to you.

Know this, you attain your rank for selling out those you work with, but you'll never have respect or know true friendship because you are a person who is out for himself and a poor example of a human.

Many years from now your passing will be noted on the obits page and they will struggle with a epitath, "was always in it for #1"........"always did was was best just for him"

Your passing will not be noticed or mourned as you have no ties or true friends to mourn you. At least you get to be buried in a uniform with stripes, that should help when you arrive at whatever your afterlife destinantion is.

Average Joe
02-26-2008, 11:26 PM
I would not call it a support for the Sheriff, but more of a no confidence vote against Mike. I would bet the world that if Mike had stepped down and replaced with a person the members believed in the PBA would had been retained by numbers larger than when they were voted in as the bargaining unit.

02-27-2008, 12:00 AM
I would not call it a support for the Sheriff, but more of a no confidence vote against Mike. I would bet the world that if Mike had stepped down and replaced with a person the members believed in the PBA would had been retained by numbers larger than when they were voted in as the bargaining unit.


I believe the vote will retain the union. but lets say Mike had stepped down, then what? Who steps up? No one, there are cowards running their mouths behind closed doors and on this site but no one would step up.

02-27-2008, 12:26 AM
Just remember keep your enemies close to you until you dont need them anymore.
If the union is decertified we will see if the suck ups get promoted.

02-27-2008, 12:59 AM
A vote for the sheriff amounted for a vote for docobo which is what is going to happen. He will take over again, the sheriff will disappear, and the revenge factor will begin because that is how the chief works.

02-27-2008, 04:08 AM
Talk about grow up, find a mirror.

No one is assuming a loss but it seems at though something has hit home with you.

Was it the sellout portion? or the never will be trusted because you have no morals? or just was it a hint of your conscious trying to get through to you.

Either way you are the one that needs to grow, try to realize life isnt about YOU sometimes people do things to benefit everyone. I know this is not understandable to you.

Know this, you attain your rank for selling out those you work with, but you'll never have respect or know true friendship because you are a person who is out for himself and a poor example of a human.

Many years from now your passing will be noted on the obits page and they will struggle with a epitath, "was always in it for #1"........"always did was was best just for him"

Your passing will not be noticed or mourned as you have no ties or true friends to mourn you. At least you get to be buried in a uniform with stripes, that should help when you arrive at whatever your afterlife destinantion is.

And again we see the pathetic union line that disagreeing with you is equal to being a sellout.

You are apparently incapable of understanding that it is not necessary to agree with you to be right.

But, that is typical of small minded people.


02-27-2008, 04:39 AM
Pot meet kettle

02-27-2008, 01:43 PM
Iam just curious how long it will be before the chief starts moving deputies around that were apart of the pba board. One was on a specialty team and a few others are detectives. Lets hope cooler heads prevail it will be interesting to see if the sheriff will allow that kind of movement.

02-27-2008, 03:06 PM
Sooner than you think. :shock:

02-27-2008, 03:37 PM
Iam just curious how long it will be before the chief starts moving deputies around that were apart of the pba board. One was on a specialty team and a few others are detectives. Lets hope cooler heads prevail it will be interesting to see if the sheriff will allow that kind of movement.

"allow that kind of movement"? ALLOW?, he will be the pulling the cord.

02-27-2008, 08:01 PM
I trust no one.