View Full Version : Booking Nurses- Lack of training?

Hcso Deputy
02-23-2008, 10:46 PM
How much has the company that provides our nurses cost the county taxpayers? It seems to be getting worse and worse with them sending the X15's to the hospital. They make their assement without taking any vital signs most of the time. Also there is no consistancy with their decision making. Something needs to be done.

02-24-2008, 06:55 AM
I agree, no common sense whatsoever. Let's face it, the nurses that work at the jail are hardly the cream of the crop. I once took a guy in for DUI that had a cut over his eyebrow from 2 days earlier. The cut was beginning to heal and the subject had refused treatment when the cut had first occurred. The IDIOT nurse at booking made me take the guy to the E.R. to get him medically cleared, so I was tied up for 2 hours only to have the Doctor at the E.R. ask why I had bought somewhere there who had a wound that was healing. Total idiots.

02-24-2008, 09:23 AM
They are not there for you, they are there to save on liability. Also they know how short we are in the jail. It use to be we would take them, then we would end up at that hospital due to them needing treatment. Taking a Deputy off post with no one to cover his position. Unlike Patrol we can not over lap 2 zones to cover 3. Now we just do not have the people to spare to send to the hospital. So they have orders when in doubt send them out. This is to help us from getting short handed more then we are. Besides where is your medical degree? If they take someone and that person should have gone to the E.R. first they could loose their license. IF YOU ARREST THE PERSON WE ARE NOT TAKING THEM ANYMORE IF THEY NEED TREATMENT FIRST. Not being mean just stating the facts.

Hcso Deputy
02-24-2008, 08:21 PM
Of all the people I've arrested and been sent to the hospital not 1 has needed it. We have a medical unit in falkenburg lets use it.

02-24-2008, 09:55 PM
They are not there for you, they are there to save on liability. Also they know how short we are in the jail. It use to be we would take them, then we would end up at that hospital due to them needing treatment. Taking a Deputy off post with no one to cover his position. Unlike Patrol we can not over lap 2 zones to cover 3. Now we just do not have the people to spare to send to the hospital. So they have orders when in doubt send them out. This is to help us from getting short handed more then we are. Besides where is your medical degree? If they take someone and that person should have gone to the E.R. first they could loose their license. IF YOU ARREST THE PERSON WE ARE NOT TAKING THEM ANYMORE IF THEY NEED TREATMENT FIRST. Not being mean just stating the facts.

As stated before, when I took my X15 with the healing eyebrow laceration to Tampa General, the Doctor WHO HAS A MEDICAL DEGREE couldn't understand why the X15 needed a medical clearance. The nurses at ORJ act like a bunch of Nazi's who have way too much authority and use way too little common sense. Lets face it, if they were any good at their jobs they wouldn't be working as a nurse in a jail!

02-24-2008, 11:45 PM
They are not there for you, they are there to save on liability. Also they know how short we are in the jail. It use to be we would take them, then we would end up at that hospital due to them needing treatment. Taking a Deputy off post with no one to cover his position. Unlike Patrol we can not over lap 2 zones to cover 3. Now we just do not have the people to spare to send to the hospital. So they have orders when in doubt send them out. This is to help us from getting short handed more then we are. Besides where is your medical degree? If they take someone and that person should have gone to the E.R. first they could loose their license. IF YOU ARREST THE PERSON WE ARE NOT TAKING THEM ANYMORE IF THEY NEED TREATMENT FIRST. Not being mean just stating the facts.

As stated before, when I took my X15 with the healing eyebrow laceration to Tampa General, the Doctor WHO HAS A MEDICAL DEGREE couldn't understand why the X15 needed a medical clearance. The nurses at ORJ act like a bunch of Nazi's who have way too much authority and use way too little common sense. Lets face it, if they were any good at their jobs they wouldn't be working as a nurse in a jail!

Now you are the expert on what makes a good nurse and where they work? Ok super cop.

02-25-2008, 10:37 AM
They are not there for you, they are there to save on liability. Also they know how short we are in the jail. It use to be we would take them, then we would end up at that hospital due to them needing treatment. Taking a Deputy off post with no one to cover his position. Unlike Patrol we can not over lap 2 zones to cover 3. Now we just do not have the people to spare to send to the hospital. So they have orders when in doubt send them out. This is to help us from getting short handed more then we are. Besides where is your medical degree? If they take someone and that person should have gone to the E.R. first they could loose their license. IF YOU ARREST THE PERSON WE ARE NOT TAKING THEM ANYMORE IF THEY NEED TREATMENT FIRST. Not being mean just stating the facts.

As stated before, when I took my X15 with the healing eyebrow laceration to Tampa General, the Doctor WHO HAS A MEDICAL DEGREE couldn't understand why the X15 needed a medical clearance. The nurses at ORJ act like a bunch of Nazi's who have way too much authority and use way too little common sense. Lets face it, if they were any good at their jobs they wouldn't be working as a nurse in a jail!

Now you are the expert on what makes a good nurse and where they work? Ok super cop.

You are either (a) A nurse who works at the jail or (b) someone that's never been to the jail to book someone in.

02-25-2008, 10:53 AM
Iam just curious if the rumor is true that the entire command staff to include the sheriff and chief have been taking turns working booking over the weekend.

02-25-2008, 08:38 PM
They are not there for you, they are there to save on liability. Also they know how short we are in the jail. It use to be we would take them, then we would end up at that hospital due to them needing treatment. Taking a Deputy off post with no one to cover his position. Unlike Patrol we can not over lap 2 zones to cover 3. Now we just do not have the people to spare to send to the hospital. So they have orders when in doubt send them out. This is to help us from getting short handed more then we are. Besides where is your medical degree? If they take someone and that person should have gone to the E.R. first they could loose their license. IF YOU ARREST THE PERSON WE ARE NOT TAKING THEM ANYMORE IF THEY NEED TREATMENT FIRST. Not being mean just stating the facts.

As stated before, when I took my X15 with the healing eyebrow laceration to Tampa General, the Doctor WHO HAS A MEDICAL DEGREE couldn't understand why the X15 needed a medical clearance. The nurses at ORJ act like a bunch of Nazi's who have way too much authority and use way too little common sense. Lets face it, if they were any good at their jobs they wouldn't be working as a nurse in a jail!

Now you are the expert on what makes a good nurse and where they work? Ok super cop.

You are either (a) A nurse who works at the jail or (b) someone that's never been to the jail to book someone in.

Neither, Listen being a booking nurse is a tuff job. They get pulled many different ways. Medical bosses want to reduce liability, booking supervisors never want to send any 10 15 out to TGH with a Jail Deputy. Medical wants everyone who maybe, possibly might need to be sent out, sent out. The booking supervisor wants the LEO to transport, not one of his own Deputies. Just about every inmate has a problem, every inmate must been seen ASAP, booking is trying to get inmates out of booking ASAP. The medical staff is short handed just like us, pay sucks, working conditions suck. The medical staff has few supervisors who have jail experience, if they do they do not stay long, neither do nurses, there is an almost constant turn over. There are good ones and not as good ones. Most work hard with what they have.

Hcso Deputy
02-25-2008, 08:47 PM
I saw them send an inmate out the other day for being dizzie. They took no vital signs, they got no medical history from him, they just asked him if he was ok, and he said he was dizzie. So they say we can't exept him. The citizens want reduced taxes. One way we can help reduce them here is get some qualified nurses to screen the inmates. Send the ones out with life threatining emergencies and leave all the bogus BS in the jail. They can get it fixed on their own dime when they bond out.

02-25-2008, 09:21 PM
I think the County Health Department needs to take back medical. The past, current and future private medical providers are in it to make a profit.

Here's one for y'all, every bridge troll, overpass orville and homeless person nine times out of ten gets classified as a "Psych inmate" and gets put into lockdown in the bug mod. They are all put on a 15 minute watch because the psych doctors are scared to do a proper evaluation. This is a total waste of time. If the psych doctors are scared to do their jobs, here's some advice, quit.

02-25-2008, 11:43 PM
I met Colonel Parrish in Central Booking the other day while he was observing the goings-on. Seemed like a nice, friendly guy. I was wondering why they opened the sallyport gate and entry doors before I even pushed the buzzer. Then I walked in and met the Colonel. Funny how everyone stays on task when the boss is on hand. Again, he seemed like a good guy.

02-26-2008, 09:07 PM
Just call AMR 3 56 at the sally port for transport everytime. That'll get the supervisors (and others) at the jail's attention and maybe save us a 6 hour trip at TGH.

02-26-2008, 09:17 PM
Per SOP (look in red book) if the person is refused by the jail an ambulance will be called. Just think if something happens to the X15 in the back seat of your car after a medically trained person refuses them whos going to be held responsable?

02-27-2008, 12:10 AM
They are not there for you, they are there to save on liability. Also they know how short we are in the jail. It use to be we would take them, then we would end up at that hospital due to them needing treatment. Taking a Deputy off post with no one to cover his position. Unlike Patrol we can not over lap 2 zones to cover 3. Now we just do not have the people to spare to send to the hospital. So they have orders when in doubt send them out. This is to help us from getting short handed more then we are. Besides where is your medical degree? If they take someone and that person should have gone to the E.R. first they could loose their license. IF YOU ARREST THE PERSON WE ARE NOT TAKING THEM ANYMORE IF THEY NEED TREATMENT FIRST. Not being mean just stating the facts.

As stated before, when I took my X15 with the healing eyebrow laceration to Tampa General, the Doctor WHO HAS A MEDICAL DEGREE couldn't understand why the X15 needed a medical clearance. The nurses at ORJ act like a bunch of Nazi's who have way too much authority and use way too little common sense. Lets face it, if they were any good at their jobs they wouldn't be working as a nurse in a jail!

Well thats what the SO gets for going for low bid contracts that's # 1 and # 2 how about hiring more RN's and a few less LPNS. Not all nurses are created equally and some initals behind a name can matter in some cases vs years of experience as well. Also nurses of all kinds wheter in a jail or not have a right to decline involvement in certain matters and refer it to a PA, MD, or ARNP. If thats a problem for some people then contact the BON and take them on and see how that plays out.

Far as 6 or 7 hour waits at TGH watch your mouths, nurses do the triaging not the docs and your wait time can be increased to your whole shift if you anger the wrong one.

As far as lets face it, many could say if you were so smart you would be the MD yourself and not a cop.

02-27-2008, 04:37 AM
Henderson was the consultant for this medical company. That is why they got the contract.

03-30-2008, 07:13 PM
Not all booking nurses are the same!!!! There are those that actually CAN do the job and are very good at it. Sure there has been some arguing & debate when someone is to be refused but believe it or not I've heard an appolgy or two because of a job well done. Those are the nurses you would want saving you're hard earned tax dollars from a potential law suit. Can anyone say Kimberly Grey? How many pretty pennies did that cost us. So when you have your sig 20's come in, or your shake and bake bridge trolls, you're gonna want one, how about demand one of those nurses whose been there for several years not because they can't find a 'real' job but maybe because they know the clientele. So when you keep seing the same nurses face and they tell you they know the individual's history take that into cosideration.
P.S This is for the SO, it seems your fearless leader has allowed a new administrator in for medical who is forcing out ALL of those nurses of whom I speak; Those that can actually do their job. All you will be left with is the unfamilliar, un sure, and inept ones. Please speak up don't let this happen. If you don't like the way it is the first complaint should be is about medicals DEVINE ONE!!!!!

04-10-2008, 05:30 AM
I agree, no common sense whatsoever. Let's face it, the nurses that work at the jail are hardly the cream of the crop. I once took a guy in for DUI that had a cut over his eyebrow from 2 days earlier. The cut was beginning to heal and the subject had refused treatment when the cut had first occurred. The IDIOT nurse at booking made me take the guy to the E.R. to get him medically cleared, so I was tied up for 2 hours only to have the Doctor at the E.R. ask why I had bought somewhere there who had a wound that was healing. Total idiots.

Yeah, blowhole, just to let you know, the Nurse Practice Act in Florida does not allow independent decision making in an institutional setting in instances such as you mention above. There are SOPs and protocols that are written and that must be followed. To do otherwise is to lose your nursing license.

Perhaps total losers such as yourself with at best an HCC edumacation should NOT COMMENT about people with professional licenses. Just mho, MF.

04-10-2008, 06:20 PM
Just call AMR 3 56 at the sally port for transport everytime. That'll get the supervisors (and others) at the jail's attention and maybe save us a 6 hour trip at TGH.

Regardless you could call any AMR you want as long as they leave. You get everyones attention either way by getting AMR or standing there whinning and moaning about the decision.

04-23-2008, 08:45 AM
Perhaps total losers such as yourself with at best an HCC edumacation should NOT COMMENT about people with professional licenses. Just mho, MF.

Wow, that's pretty sad. A higly trained, licensed "professional" such as yourself isn't allowed to make independent decisions. I may only have an HCC "edumacation," but at least my supervisors and the Florida legislators allow me to make independent decisions.

And if this is true, what's the point of having one of these highly trained licensed professionals in booking? I propose that we save money by making the booking nurse position a post for a trustee. After all, they aren't allowed to make independent decisions either and can just as easily use the same excuse!

04-24-2008, 01:05 AM
Perhaps total losers such as yourself with at best an HCC edumacation should NOT COMMENT about people with professional licenses. Just mho, MF.

Wow, that's pretty sad. A higly trained, licensed "professional" such as yourself isn't allowed to make independent decisions. I may only have an HCC "edumacation," but at least my supervisors and the Florida legislators allow me to make independent decisions.

And if this is true, what's the point of having one of these highly trained licensed professionals in booking? I propose that we save money by making the booking nurse position a post for a trustee. After all, they aren't allowed to make independent decisions either and can just as easily use the same excuse!

Acutally Registered Nurses have autonomy and many can make independent decisions depending on that particular nurse's level of education such as Masters vs Bachelors vs an Associates, all three of those vs the Doctoral level. ARNPS have prescriptive authority and CRNA's adminster anthesia and try not to confuse a CRNA with a CNA, they are not even close to the same thing.

I would say writing scripts and adminstering anethesia takes a tremendous amount of education, pratice, and intuition. However that is not seen at the jail because that is outside the scope of correctional nursing. Jails tend to hire one or two RNS and bunch of LPNS. Nothing wrong with being an LPN except it is vocation, not a discipline and they are not allowed to work without an RN or MD's supervision.

What may be true or real at the correctional level isn't true of all nursing.
Both sides (LEO and nurses) are being overly defensive regarding who got educated where. If everyone stopped finangling their way out of doing what they are paid to do the right way the first time around, and stop passing the proverbial buck, a lot tension, lawsuits, and just plain drama would end.

Both LEOS and nurses on this board are spinning half truths. There are state boards and federal regulations that allow both LEOS and nurses to make decisons within a parameter. There is no 100% freedom in any field. Everyone answers to someone and all the someones answer to some type of commission or board.

Flame me if you want but just about everyone is sick of both LEOS and nurses always whining, no wonder the two sides often end up married to each other. It's a match made in a perfect hell.

04-24-2008, 06:30 AM
the last time that i had a t15 that the nurses refused i simply checked the nta box on the cra, gave him a court date, and recogged him in the parking lot of orj. there's not a word in the statutes or in the general orders about where we can recog someone we arrest. i got no problem recogging someone in the parking lot and making them the jail deputy's problem to get off the property.

04-24-2008, 04:16 PM
Latest guest, I am just wondering if the people that you ror where people that met the criteria for doing a ror in the first place. After all, there is protocol on who we ror at the scene and who gets transported to central booking. The jail is overcrowded and we should always follow the protocol. I do agree with you decision to ror and not create a financial burden on the tax payer, or you zone partners for being tied up endlessly in a medical clearance; however, many deputies are needlessly booking criminals that meet the criteria for ror. I am not throwing stone, just curious to know!

04-25-2008, 06:08 AM
Ouch, no answer?

04-25-2008, 04:57 PM
Latest guest, I am just wondering if the people that you ror where people that met the criteria for doing a ror in the first place. After all, there is protocol on who we ror at the scene and who gets transported to central booking. The jail is overcrowded and we should always follow the protocol. I do agree with you decision to ror and not create a financial burden on the tax payer, or you zone partners for being tied up endlessly in a medical clearance; however, many deputies are needlessly booking criminals that meet the criteria for ror. I am not throwing stone, just curious to know!

There is a broad misconceptions about RORs, just because the have a local address and its a misd are not the only considerations. For example maybe someone who has been arrested for FTA or the same misd numerous times should be booked. The CRA may seem petty on the face, but knowing all the facts, in whic the deputy based his decision is why he is in booking. With that said, if the jail won't except someone on a misd due to medical reasons, it makes since to ROR regardless, rather than have the tax payer fund a visit to TGH, or taking a deputy off the street for 10 hours to baby sit for minor crimes

04-28-2008, 03:09 AM
I agree, some of the time there may be certain circumstances. But other times, a lot of deputies want the statistic for the arrest so they transport when there are not "circumstances". They figure if they have to do the paperwork, the bad guy is going to take the ride. Let's agree to let a dead dog lie and not continue this. My suggestion is to follow protocol. And yes, i agree, save the tax payer a buck when you can and ror, especially those that will need medical care!

04-29-2008, 02:31 PM
Some people just need to take the ride my friend. I am not here to throw stones. A LPN is a one year course. (with a GED) The cost alone for one x15 at TGH, has got to be high. the deputies time, the open zone while you are at TGH, come folks. My guy had a bump on the head. A bum cleared by EMS at scene. not even a band-aid. for god sakes he was not even drunk. x15 at 1915. (I come on at 1900.) I was relived at, yep you gessed it 0600. The day guy was out in 29 minutes. come on....

I was sitting there with the stupid vibrator in my hand like I was at Outback for goodness sakes.

05-23-2008, 12:04 AM
Again, there are those of you that quite haven't goten the point. Just because your BKW nurse is an LPN or an RN does not mean that one is better than the other. Two years of school vs. one makes no difference. I have seen some of the RN's at work @the jail & iI wouldn't let them work on my dead dog!!!! There are some outstanding LPN'S and even MA's.
Yes there are SOP's we ALL must follow yet there are those that continue to refuse. They even go so far as to FIRE the ones that do by lying and saying they are "Trying to undermine authority and have the medical administrators fired!" Because nurses do follow detention/LEO SOP's they are the first to recieve the ax.
After they are gone the jail will be left with the new, inexperianced, the scared, & the ones who are only in it for the $$$$$!!
Sure the nurses have supervisors, as do LEOS, those supervisors have people too.. It is usually called a chain of command!!!!! Again it does not always work... I have seen good people allowed to be fired for standing up for themselves and going up the rungs of the command ladder; All was done in attempt to save a liscense, a reputation, friendships, and even tax payers money.
How customary is it to terminate someone (civillian employee) in the front lobby of the county's detention facility with people waiting for their visits, deputies that were coming and going within the facility as well as CSO's.
The medical company is costing an arm and a leg. they have allowed a new administrator to come in and strong arm everyone she thinks she can. She flies to/from Mich. on the companies dime---gee who pays the company??? Also she has been quoted as saying "I'd rather work AGENCY than staff they're nicer & more appreciative of the hours I have to offer them" That's nice & good but agency costs 2x's what your staff does & they have no computer acces & are limited to what they can & most of the time will do. Again who pays that bill??? Next juicy tidbit we seem to be wanting to do away w/ALL agencies but one---- I wonder why?? Could it be that Armor co-owns it--- imagine that!!!!
So when those of you that have taken your state tests for your LEO certifcation want to bicker w/those that ave the other certifications or vice versa just keep this in mind---- all the mony that is being paid out to Armor from HCSO; some of it has to be comped somewhere, like the tax-payers. So there goes any hope of pay increases or parity pay.
Be thankfull for the good ones that are still there that have not been affected by the DEVINE INTERVENTION and pray for those who have.
Maybe one day some will be allowed to return!!!!

05-27-2008, 01:29 AM
all i can say is Devine intervention should watch out because the true DEVINE INTERVENTION is watching and doesn't like people taking HIS ideas. hope devine owns stock in icee corp. she's gonna need it some day!!!

05-27-2008, 01:21 PM
We can send you off for a fun filled shift of waiting in the TGH lobby with all the other "medical emergencys". Why won't you try being nice to us?
We work at the jail because we love the way you smell...gun cleaner and boot polish.,,,,uuummmm. You want your x15 accepted? Then "accept" us. My triage skills improve like you would not believe after I have been bent over the back of you car and given a "DT lesson". Nurses need love too!

05-27-2008, 02:52 PM
We get the arrest stat whether taken to jail or ROR.

06-02-2008, 05:42 AM
We understand the deputies don't want to waste time at TGH, and granted some of the nurses in Booking need to give some instances a little more thought and use some common sense. But, don't classify all nurses because their are a few who don't know their job. It doesn't matter if they have an RN or LPN behind their name, it's how much common sense they have. Many RNs aren't even as good as some experienced LPNs.
Or you get the lazy ones, who like to "dumb" on the LPNs, and unfortunately Armor has a lot of them. Check out their staffing, ask how many of the nurses actually work for Armor and how many are Agency. Most are from agencies, because their experienced staff has quit.
You need to look at the whole picture, not just your side, if you were aware of everything, I think some of your attitudes might change. :shock:

06-03-2008, 06:20 PM
We understand the deputies don't want to waste time at TGH, and granted some of the nurses in Booking need to give some instances a little more thought and use some common sense. But, don't classify all nurses because their are a few who don't know their job. It doesn't matter if they have an RN or LPN behind their name, it's how much common sense they have. Many RNs aren't even as good as some experienced LPNs.
Or you get the lazy ones, who like to "dumb" on the LPNs, and unfortunately Armor has a lot of them. Check out their staffing, ask how many of the nurses actually work for Armor and how many are Agency. Most are from agencies, because their experienced staff has quit.
You need to look at the whole picture, not just your side, if you were aware of everything, I think some of your attitudes might change. :shock:


06-04-2008, 04:56 PM
you might care if something happened to you at work and one of these nurses were needed to care for you.
would you want the one with LPN behind her name who knew what she was doing, or the RN who didn't know what to do in an emergency?
Like maybe she didn't administer CPR to you.
Think about that and again say, "Who cares"

06-05-2008, 03:57 AM
you might care if something happened to you at work and one of these nurses were needed to care for you.
would you want the one with LPN behind her name who knew what she was doing, or the RN who didn't know what to do in an emergency?
Like maybe she didn't administer CPR to you.
Think about that and again say, "Who cares"

Sorry Nancy Nurse but I have to agree with who cares on this issue. Us guys and gals who work the street could care less about the title of some nurse in booking. If we fall out we know that our zone partners are there for us and they are all trained in CPR & AED use and how to summon HCFR to give us advanced care and transport us to where we need to be. The last guy I arrested and transported to booking that the "nurse" refused had a small scratch on the top of his head. The physicians assistant that seen him at the hospital could'nt believe that he was even in the ER for such a minor scratch. He looked at the scratch and told the x15 not to pick at it or it may become infected. He was given no further treatment or advice. The x15 was then medically cleared at taxpayers exspense and trasnsported back to booking by me a few hours later. What a waste of time and money in these hard economic times. Us road guys could care less about the title of the supposed nurse at booking. We would just like a little common sense displayed now and then.

06-05-2008, 07:08 AM
The following has nothing to do with the "good people"....so don't even go there........you know who you are......

Does the jail have a medical director?

Tattoo palors are supposed to have a medical director according to SS.

Each time a minor abrasion or something else that seems ridiculous happens, have it noted. When TGH or whoever clears the patient WITHOUT x-rays, sutures, antibiotics and other minor treatment...note that too.

Each LEO should make personal copies of their observations and then turn it in to management for forwarding to the medical director. The attached letter should state that your agency is requesting an investigation into each occurrence due to the money paid and the loss of a sworn LEO for "XYZ" hours on such and such a date "as we work for the tax paying public and are accountable". "We look forward to a response from you Dr. so and so by..........(always 30 days from the date of the letter).

Remember that all medical are certified/licensed through the State of Florida and can be individually investigated by the State on a legit complaint.

If a legit complaint is founded, the State of Florida will take action against that medical person.

Some things to consider:

Scratch on the head......LPN/RN wants cleared due to mechanism (i.e. fell back and hit head on ground).......why? Mechanism of injury.

In this case.......why did they fall? Fainted (r/o heart problems, r/o brain problems)........tripped and/or intoxicated? Ok (subdural hematoma).........even though the pupils are "PEARLA", there is no blood/CSF from nose/ears......CAOX3/4, no echymosis and etc............this could be a scary thing for a beginner or a substandard medical person AND also a concern for a good seasoned pro at times due to certain circumstances.

Some x15's should be observed for a few hours.......do they have the capability or are they forced to send them out for medical clearance first and who's dime is it if there was a legit med problem? It's Medical's....not the LEO (respectfully).

On the other hand................all LEO's are certified first responders AND YOU KNOW this stuff...............on top of this...all LEO's see more illness/injury as first responders than probably any LPN/RN. Well that's most of them.

The only exception is combat medicine unless the LPN/RN work in emergency medicine or an emergency room with over 1 year experience (with few exceptions).

There are some real good ICU nurses too and just a few other exceptions regarding nurses. Especially with all of the hospital's downsizing and using PRN nurses over the last 15 to 20 years........although there are some GREAT nurses, this has opened the door to SUBstandard nurses (too damn many) and nobody really knows the laws or the channels to get info or to complain about the SUBstandard ones.

LEO's work the streets! Your not stupid.

The only problem for LEO's? LPNs/RNs have a medical legal standing (right or wrong).............this is why you take notes and inquire as to the investigation's outcomes (as above) or complain to the State (even an anonymous complaint off duty IF and only IF it's justified.....you don't need IA calling you on BS either......kind of similar).

All of this is excellent information and whoever denies it or belittles it DOES NOT know how the real world works, lacks advanced information regarding medical direction and the State of Florda or is not a medical professional.

This is generic and applies everywhere. NOBODY has been put down in this post except the SUBstandards.

Take it or leave it.
Good luck.

06-05-2008, 11:25 PM
The following has nothing to do with the "good people"....so don't even go there........you know who you are......

Does the jail have a medical director?

Tattoo palors are supposed to have a medical director according to SS.

Each time a minor abrasion or something else that seems ridiculous happens, have it noted. When TGH or whoever clears the patient WITHOUT x-rays, sutures, antibiotics and other minor treatment...note that too.

Each LEO should make personal copies of their observations and then turn it in to management for forwarding to the medical director. The attached letter should state that your agency is requesting an investigation into each occurrence due to the money paid and the loss of a sworn LEO for "XYZ" hours on such and such a date "as we work for the tax paying public and are accountable". "We look forward to a response from you Dr. so and so by..........(always 30 days from the date of the letter).

Remember that all medical are certified/licensed through the State of Florida and can be individually investigated by the State on a legit complaint.

If a legit complaint is founded, the State of Florida will take action against that medical person.

Some things to consider:

Scratch on the head......LPN/RN wants cleared due to mechanism (i.e. fell back and hit head on ground).......why? Mechanism of injury.

In this case.......why did they fall? Fainted (r/o heart problems, r/o brain problems)........tripped and/or intoxicated? Ok (subdural hematoma).........even though the pupils are "PEARLA", there is no blood/CSF from nose/ears......CAOX3/4, no echymosis and etc............this could be a scary thing for a beginner or a substandard medical person AND also a concern for a good seasoned pro at times due to certain circumstances.

Some x15's should be observed for a few hours.......do they have the capability or are they forced to send them out for medical clearance first and who's dime is it if there was a legit med problem? It's Medical's....not the LEO (respectfully).

On the other hand................all LEO's are certified first responders AND YOU KNOW this stuff...............on top of this...all LEO's see more illness/injury as first responders than probably any LPN/RN. Well that's most of them.

The only exception is combat medicine unless the LPN/RN work in emergency medicine or an emergency room with over 1 year experience (with few exceptions).

There are some real good ICU nurses too and just a few other exceptions regarding nurses. Especially with all of the hospital's downsizing and using PRN nurses over the last 15 to 20 years........although there are some GREAT nurses, this has opened the door to SUBstandard nurses (too darn many) and nobody really knows the laws or the channels to get info or to complain about the SUBstandard ones.

LEO's work the streets! Your not stupid.

The only problem for LEO's? LPNs/RNs have a medical legal standing (right or wrong).............this is why you take notes and inquire as to the investigation's outcomes (as above) or complain to the State (even an anonymous complaint off duty IF and only IF it's justified.....you don't need IA calling you on BS either......kind of similar).

All of this is excellent information and whoever denies it or belittles it DOES NOT know how the real world works, lacks advanced information regarding medical direction and the State of Florda or is not a medical professional.

This is generic and applies everywhere. NOBODY has been put down in this post except the SUBstandards.

Take it or leave it.
Good luck.

None of the cops on this message board really care about all of this Guiding Light drama. You people are writing long essays as if you are exposing evil corruption...it's not all that big of a deal to 99.9% of us. Write a letter to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi...I'm sure she'll drop everything and jump on this important case.

06-06-2008, 12:13 AM
"Why cant we all just get along?"
You guys out there on the road know those in BKW who you can and cant trust at least I hope you can!! Same goes for those of you in the facilities.
Believe me if there was an easier fix to this issue Id be the first on the bandwagon!!
Even the top lawyers in the county dont want to take on Armor. So I guess
the DEVINE ONE needs to keep asking her nurses to cover up med errors, lock up needed meds & supplies so patients cant get them, and medical doesnt have access to equipment to propper supplies after certain hours in case of signals. Hope no one else dies... Oh yeah no on dies in the jail!!! :wink:

06-06-2008, 01:25 PM
you might care if something happened to you at work and one of these nurses were needed to care for you.
would you want the one with LPN behind her name who knew what she was doing, or the RN who didn't know what to do in an emergency?
Like maybe she didn't administer CPR to you.
Think about that and again say, "Who cares"
Ive sen that happen w/in the walls of the jail-the LPN's tried to administer CPR to one of YOUR fallen comrades and the RN said NO at first she panicked and didnt know what to do! Nedles to say that RN is no longer w/the agency-the LPN is. And a D*** god one too!
Hell EMS was there the same time I am talking about they werent much better but thats water under the bridge.

06-09-2008, 03:54 AM
With your long response/more like a term paper, sounds to me like
you are management.
Could it be a management person for Armor?

06-09-2008, 02:38 PM
If you want the honest truth; I'm one of the many that have been singled out for actually DOING my job; and standing up for myself and what is right. And also fighting for pt care, sure they are inmates, but negligence is wrong & inhumane. I for one WILL not lie for Armor to cover up their shortcommings!!!!

P.S. To the families of the recently injured brethren doing their duty my prayers go out to them!