View Full Version : Our Own Prison

02-22-2008, 02:25 AM
Do many of you remember not too many years ago down in Miami when they were in a "crisis" to hire minorities (mostly hispanics)? They went out on a full court press recruiting mission and lowered the standards in an effort to fill as many of these "needs" as possible. The results: a lower standard officer, increased misconduct, and eventually several officers being fired for drug dealing, planting evidence, and I believe ripping off dope dealers & killing them. Not a very good PR move on their part. Now we can sit here & play dumb and turn a blind eye all we want, but facts are facts. The hiring process, to include the standard qualifications, for detention were "eased or lowered" in an effort to hire more deputies. Granted, this doesn't reflect on Jones because she is senior. But to try and act as if lowering the hiring standards has little effect on the policy and rule violations is ridiculous. We reap what we sew. Period.

02-22-2008, 02:41 AM
Do many of you remember not too many years ago down in Miami when they were in a "crisis" to hire minorities (mostly hispanics)? They went out on a full court press recruiting mission and lowered the standards in an effort to fill as many of these "needs" as possible. The results: a lower standard officer, increased misconduct, and eventually several officers being fired for drug dealing, planting evidence, and I believe ripping off dope dealers & killing them. Not a very good PR move on their part. Now we can sit here & play dumb and turn a blind eye all we want, but facts are facts. The hiring process, to include the standard qualifications, for detention were "eased or lowered" in an effort to hire more deputies. Granted, this doesn't reflect on Jones because she is senior. But to try and act as if lowering the hiring standards has little effect on the policy and rule violations is ridiculous. We reap what we sew. Period. I applied twice with HCSO and got turned down I have a clean background and 1 1/2 exp cert detention dep.
they want to hire people with 5 plus yrs exp and they dont give us a chance .

02-24-2008, 10:04 PM
Do many of you remember not too many years ago down in Miami when they were in a "crisis" to hire minorities (mostly hispanics)? They went out on a full court press recruiting mission and lowered the standards in an effort to fill as many of these "needs" as possible. The results: a lower standard officer, increased misconduct, and eventually several officers being fired for drug dealing, planting evidence, and I believe ripping off dope dealers & killing them. Not a very good PR move on their part. Now we can sit here & play dumb and turn a blind eye all we want, but facts are facts. The hiring process, to include the standard qualifications, for detention were "eased or lowered" in an effort to hire more deputies. Granted, this doesn't reflect on Jones because she is senior. But to try and act as if lowering the hiring standards has little effect on the policy and rule violations is ridiculous. We reap what we sew. Period.

I've been trying to make the point that affirmative action doesn't work for years now. It's nothing more than reverse discrimination. This political correct B.S has got to stop, we're all suffering because of it. We should have the same hiring standards for everyone, regardless of race or gender. If you make the cut, welcome aboard, if not, hit the road!

02-25-2008, 10:51 AM
Funny that you mention affirmitative action. While I was watching college basketball tonight and noticed all ten players on the floor were black as well as most of the bench. Do you think they will ever force colleges to allow more non black players in the game to desegregate the sport. I would assume they would since that is exactly what they are doing in the work place, forcing organizations to take on lower standards to make the numbers look good. Just a thought I had

02-25-2008, 07:37 PM
Funny that you mention affirmitative action. While I was watching college basketball tonight and noticed all ten players on the floor were black as well as most of the bench. Do you think they will ever force colleges to allow more non black players in the game to desegregate the sport. I would assume they would since that is exactly what they are doing in the work place, forcing organizations to take on lower standards to make the numbers look good. Just a thought I had

That's right up there with forcing the NFL to put females on their roster.


Affirmative action is only enforced where big money is NOT involved. Like in police work or the military.


02-25-2008, 08:10 PM
College basketball is kids playing for a scholarship not big money, there is a difference. They are playing and getting a free education on the taxpayers dime. So how is it differnet from hiring a leo and forcing affirmitative action on the hiring process.

02-26-2008, 08:13 PM
Uh...how exactly have hiring standards been lowered. As a new DDEP, it appears to me that many (not all) of the people who have been around a while would not or could not have made it through recent selections and academies based on morals, work ethic, integrity or physical ability. There is now a major emphasis on physical fitness during the training process, and the background checks, polygraph, psych exam were pretty freaking thorough... I saw people dismissed during training for even the suggestion of dishonesty in work or personal matters.

Many in my academy had some combination of education (a few with advanced degrees), military (including combat) experience and several years of experience in the corporate sector.

I am just citing my observations, but I don't really buy that hiring standards have been lowered. Does someone have data, observations or otherwise that prove me to be wrong?

02-26-2008, 09:40 PM
just for the record i was hired quite some time ago and if you had answered that you had ever done any illegal drugs you weren't hired. if you were living with another deputy and you weren't married you were fired. if the sheriff came walking through and he didn't like your haircut you were fired. things ARE alot different now.............................

02-26-2008, 10:19 PM
just for the record i was hired quite some time ago and if you had answered that you had ever done any illegal drugs you weren't hired. if you were living with another deputy and you weren't married you were fired. if the sheriff came walking through and he didn't like your haircut you were fired. things ARE alot different now.............................

That was in the Beard era.

Even he could not get away with doing those things today.

02-27-2008, 12:25 AM
Do many of you remember not too many years ago down in Miami when they were in a "crisis" to hire minorities (mostly hispanics)? They went out on a full court press recruiting mission and lowered the standards in an effort to fill as many of these "needs" as possible. The results: a lower standard officer, increased misconduct, and eventually several officers being fired for drug dealing, planting evidence, and I believe ripping off dope dealers & killing them. Not a very good PR move on their part. Now we can sit here & play dumb and turn a blind eye all we want, but facts are facts. The hiring process, to include the standard qualifications, for detention were "eased or lowered" in an effort to hire more deputies. Granted, this doesn't reflect on Jones because she is senior. But to try and act as if lowering the hiring standards has little effect on the policy and rule violations is ridiculous. We reap what we sew. Period.

I've been trying to make the point that affirmative action doesn't work for years now. It's nothing more than reverse discrimination. This political correct B.S has got to stop, we're all suffering because of it. We should have the same hiring standards for everyone, regardless of race or gender. If you make the cut, welcome aboard, if not, hit the road!

White Devil has a point and that being said that being said those hiring "standards" should also include an addendum for those who interviewed while on their knees, and those who were hired thanks to rampant nepotism or as payment for some previous political favor. :lol:

02-27-2008, 04:13 AM
White Devil has a point and that being said that being said those hiring "standards" should also include an addendum for those who interviewed while on their knees, and those who were hired thanks to rampant nepotism or as payment for some previous political favor. :lol:

The benefits of having "contacts" is a fact of life no matter where you work.

Grow up and quit whining.

You sound like a pathetic loser.


02-27-2008, 11:04 PM
[quote="So Sad":3jm3qoy6]White Devil has a point and that being said that being said those hiring "standards" should also include an addendum for those who interviewed while on their knees, and those who were hired thanks to rampant nepotism or as payment for some previous political favor. :lol:

The benefits of having "contacts" is a fact of life no matter where you work.

Grow up and quit whining.

You sound like a pathetic loser.


Guess you got your job from being on your knees. You're rather defensive. I even had a smiley inserted in there to take out the sting but it apparently caused a little ouchie in your sensitive heart.

Since you are a budding Dr. Phil with your stunning observations lets take a look at you just for giggles.

You type a lot like a teenage girl with that "you sound like a pathetic loser." I believe this is called a defensive ego mechanism. Don't give up though, there are many stages of development and by the time you are 65 you may progress into the 3rd or 4th one.

It isn't your fault though you are obviously another mentally underdeveloped "contact" hired person. You are not encouraged to think for yourself, just follow the leader and do so blindly. Are you good a goosestepping by chance? You have been patted on the back and told how wonderful you are for so long for no reason other then you exist; it probably hurts to hear anything to the contrary.

How many years can one ride on the coattails of that contact until the contact retires or gets tired of defending their chosen village idiot and the SO ditches you like so many others in the past?

Moving on to the next topic since you obviously are the kind that needs a detailed explanation of every paragraph since you are not good at inferences so the reader's digest version won't work for you.

There is noticing someone because of contacts and then there is retaining someone simply because of who their contact is. Keep a screwup any field besides law enforcement and say the highest branches of the federal government and you're out the door regardless of those contacts.

How long do you think a piss poor surgeon or a sloppy electrician can stay on in a single place before their contacts cup runneth over or the liability becomes too large to risk? (notice the little pun in there)

That being said did you feel like your zone partners had your back when people like oh lets hypothetically use the name Madiedo was on the road? :shock:

Yep being hired based on contacts alone and not being made to prove that a person is worthy of a position sure makes the public and deputies alike feel safe :twisted:

Did you like my Hemmingway style of typing this post? Or are you unfamilar with him besides in the context of drinking and Cliff notes? 8)

Don't answer that right now. You may refrain from replying until your vocabulary expands to something more substantial than phrases that have been plagarized from some ten year's myspace account.

02-27-2008, 11:23 PM