View Full Version : Return of the poet but.............grand finale

02-21-2008, 06:22 PM
I said that I wouldn’t post again
Then placed on my desk, the poet’s pen
But now by request that comes from within
I’ve been asked to post again

I’ll do it just once for this friend of mine
A friendship that’s lasted a very long time
We were joined at the hip others did say
Inseperable by night, inseperable by day

That of course was while on the clock
Performing our duties with awe and shock
To be any closer some would say
They might be funny
They might be gay

I’ll tell you now that that ain’t so
We were macho dudes from head to toe
Kicking ass and taking names
While engaged in all those ABT games

For many years we did our job
We loved the job we had
But now we hear that times have changed
And things are pretty bad

The many years that we put in
Were not, all peaches and cream
You have to take the good and bad
Don’t let others destroy your dream

Somebody once said “nothing is good or bad
Thinking is what makes it so”
So square with that what you do each day
And take counsel from those in the know

Stay away from those who speak ill of all
And everything from without and within
They are the ones to keep at bay
They are not your friends

Time moves on and times do change
Years from now you’ll see different names
Be it good or bad it’s hard to know
Just roll with the punches and go with the flow

If you take my counsel and embrace the wise
You’ll one day reach your journey’s demise
I speak of course of that retirement date
The day when you pass through that distant gate

Look back or not, it’s your’s to decide
I guess it depends on how rocky the ride
*My friend and I will still be here
Figure out who we are and I’ll buy you a beer
~Secret poet

“One who understands others has knowledge;
One who understands himself has wisdom.”

• * FYI: Neither of us are still with ABT. We’re at the old folks home telling war stories to little old ladies and trying to get ownership to obtain a 2-cop license.