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02-16-2008, 02:18 AM

02-16-2008, 02:48 AM
What does everyone think about John being back? :evil:

02-16-2008, 02:56 AM
I think its bad news

02-16-2008, 03:56 PM

Criminals Police Department

02-17-2008, 02:37 AM

Criminals Police Department

Wow, did it take all 12 of your brain cells to come up with that one? :snicker:

02-17-2008, 05:00 PM
No just the same standard 10 you used to type your little gem. :mrgreen:

02-17-2008, 07:51 PM
No just the same standard 10 you used to type your little gem. :mrgreen:

You come to this board and put down CPD in general.

Go away. Shoo.

02-18-2008, 07:31 PM
He's back? Where is he working... patrol?

02-20-2008, 01:39 PM
How can this department set the a standard of excellence when you have so many that have been on The wrong side of the law. Hodgie, JB, McGarry...no wait...you got rid of him over a MINOR crime.

02-20-2008, 07:27 PM
All I have to say is please watch your backs. Short of him killing someone you have him til he retires. Good luck!

02-21-2008, 06:05 PM
Since CPD is notorious for being on the losing end of the arbitration stick, y'all need to watch your backs...the administration certainly isn't going to watch out for you. If they were, they would have built a stronger case in the first place.

02-21-2008, 09:20 PM
There was no case thats why he is back anyone worth a lick that worked with him knows JB is a good cop. The investigators were on a witch hunt trying to get bars, then they wrote a synopsis of the investigation that was skewed to influence the brass. Now read the abitration, look at the evidence (or lack there of) and decide if JB should be back. The abitrator has no interest other than the truth and what was fair. Then you throw Hodgy in the pile, what he did was stupid, he was punished, get over it. Now Mcgooch is a different ball of wax, should never have been hired, then should have been fired numerous times for actions he had taken. Trust me none of us here are virgins unless you have less than a year on and that may be just a few and if you feel you have not made one bad decision or taken the wrong action in your career, then the first bad decision and action was when you applied in the begining. Those eight pointed hats don't sit on any halos. Welcome back JB walk proud and make those SOB's nervous, forgive but never forget.

02-22-2008, 04:56 PM
Then you throw Hodgy in the pile, what he did was stupid, he was punished, get over it.

so you can lie and steal and that is called stupid?

02-22-2008, 07:45 PM
Guest1001, you are an ignorant dillusional idiot. No one likes to investigate a dirty cop but when it has to be done, you do your job, suck it up and call it like it is. You don't stick your head in the sand and pretend it didn't happen.

It's obvious you either don't have integrity or are misinformed. The arbitrator did his job correctly and the City lost the arbitration, but not because of the lack of truth or skewing the report to influence brass, it was lost because it wasn't done in a timely manner when the worst of the allegations originally happened, (7) or so years ago. Don't look to the investigators for that error, look elsewhere.

Now go hug the thug and you two can be zone buddies.

02-22-2008, 08:04 PM
Guest1001, did you make up your facts as you typed? The arbitrator sustained ALL of the allegations against Brown and issued a 60 Day suspension. The timeline was the issue and you can go talk to Staff 2 about that problem.

02-23-2008, 12:13 PM
Let's see I'm Ignorant, other than a few typo's my post is on the same 8th grade level as yours, delusional, no I pretty much see what is and is not there. (No one likes to investigate a dirty cop) I think you must have never met those that did the investigation, if it meant they would get ahead they would jump at the chance get some one fired. My integrity has never been questioned either in Court or in IA, HAVE I SAID OR DONE THINGS THAT WERE POLICY VIOLATIONS, YES, ADMITTED AND PUNISHED. THANK YOU
(Not because of the lack of truth or skewing the report to influence brass, it was lost because it wasn't done in a timely manner), another interesting point “lack of truth” whose truth? I guess you have never done an investigation with a lack of credible witnesses? Done in a timely manner interesting also, did not the lead investigator respond to at least one alleged scene, minutes after the occurrence, THEN again I just might be delusional. Hug him and be zone buddies not a problem.
Next did I make up what I wrote, I don’t think so re-read it as I said it’s on an 8th grade level so you can handle it. I did not say it was not sustained, I said he should not have been fired, that, I guess I could have been clearer. As for talking to Staff 2, are you inferring staff 2 had prior knowledge and was protecting JB that would be criminal, or are you saying staff 2 was then made aware of the delay and still chose to move forward with it? Just a few more thoughts, oh and by the way BACK TO GUEST1002 as in many other post on this site the name calling makes one question your INTEGRITY AND MATURITY.

02-23-2008, 05:09 PM
Guest 1001 you admit there was a crime. Cops can't commit crimes and expect to enforce the law. That is one of your guiding principles.....we I guess it's not yours. Guest 1002 thanks for telling it how it is.

02-23-2008, 07:45 PM
Nice come back Guest1001. You know your argument sucks when your biggest point is about someone's grammar. Get a clue.

Again, the arbitrator found him Guilty. :roll: :roll: :roll:

02-24-2008, 05:56 PM
Yep, same ol' CPD!

02-26-2008, 05:09 PM
How can this department set the a standard of excellence when you have so many that have been on The wrong side of the law. Hodgie, JB, McGarry...no wait...you got rid of him over a MINOR crime.

When this website was first started, someone told me that it was a place where cowards, hiding behind anonymity, post uninformed opinions and make ridiculous statements. Let me tell you “Guest,” you did not disappoint. I see that you’re still bitter over the grade school bully taking your lunch money everyday, and now you’re quick to yell “thief” when no one will know who you are.

I heard my name had been brought up on this site and decided to check it out. I, unlike you “Guest,” will not post my uniformed opinions on this site for all to read. As for J.B. and McGooch, I don’t know the facts of the cases and I don’t even care to get the facts. I am not defined by this job and it does not totally define me. I have another life and what J.B. and McGooch went through has no bearing on me. I will say that both of their situations were based on an alleged series of ongoing events and an alleged pattern of conduct.

My case was an isolated incident, which you have chosen to bring up on this site. Salvaging something from the trash to get a little more use out of it, until the Department provides something better, is trying to make more out of less. It is done in the military, of which I have over six years of experience in the Marines, to get around some of the red tape and bureaucracy. It’s kind of an ‘improvise, adapt, and overcome,” mentality that you probably know nothing about. In a politically sensitive climate, was conducting myself in a manner that left me open to speculation stupid? Yes. Was it criminal? No. Thankfully, the powers that be over at HR, with no personal agendas, read the facts and called it as they put it “unauthorized use, at best.”

A 10+ year old computer, that in sworn statements was described as “useless, had no value, and was going to be thrown away,” does not fit the elements of a crime. I hope “Guest,” that you check your “elements of a crime” section in your little pocket law guide before you make another case, if you’ve ever made a case. Then again, you don’t seem to be concerned with elements or facts.

If you truly stand by your words, then put your name on your next ridiculous post. I have a solid reputation and a good work ethic at CPD. I realize that there are better Officers than I at CPD, and I could learn something from them, but I can say with certainty that you “Guest” are not one of them. If I ever post something again on this site, I have no problem putting my name to it. “Guest,” put your name on your next post and you will probably hear them laughing all of the way into Greenwood.

A little word of advice here “Guest,” to borrow a line from the book Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement by Kevin Gilmartin, “this is career not a crusade.” In other words, get a life. You should read the book, but I think the next book he is coming out with is probably more appropriate for you. It’s called “Why You Never Became the Cop You Thought You Would.”

Again I offer, contact me if you wish “Guest.” You know the number to my voicemail. I’ll call you back and I’ll even give you my word that I won’t name you on this site. Anyone who knows me knows that my word is golden. Maybe in a week or two I’ll post again to update those scoring at home to let them know if you contacted me or not. I doubt that you will because you’ve already shown that you’re a coward.

02-26-2008, 05:44 PM
Wow...did I hit a nerve or what :lol:

02-26-2008, 11:01 PM
No tard, you did not hit a nerve, you ran face first into integrity.

Hodgie Manned up'

He is a well respected cop

He faced his mistake (one at that) with no shame

And you lumped him in the same boat as people that have spreadsheets of issues

Take your lumps and move on

....Nice post from 'Hodgie"

02-26-2008, 11:20 PM
Comparing Hodgy's mistake to the others is completely wrong. The others set a pattern of activities and needed to be reeled in. I don't think Hodgy's motive was to steal an ancient computer that was being discarded. It was as he says improvising to use it at another office.

There are some people here that love to see others fail and are happy at others misery. I haven't worked with Hodgy often but the times I have been around him he has been a hard worker. Lets not get in the habit of taking shots at each other for bull crap.

02-27-2008, 01:23 AM
Wow...did I hit a nerve or what :lol:

No you just proved you are a little punk-azz, sissy.

02-28-2008, 12:48 AM
Good job, Hodgie!

02-29-2008, 07:12 PM
No one can say that JB is not competent as an LEO, he simply lacks good sense when it comes to making decisions when he is away from the job (or on the fringe of it). JB is not stupid, in fact, he is far from it. Make no mistake, at one time, Staff-2 had BIG plans for JB. I would love to have been a fly on the wall when Staff-2 had to tell his daddy (Staff-1) about JB's alleged adventures...that would have been priceless! Everyone knows that Staff-2 is, for the most part, sinister, extremely deceitful and has NO loyalty to anyone (except Staff-1). I cannot help but laugh when I see the sheer brilliance exhibited by Staff-2 when he chose JQ to head up this little fishing expedition! He had done such a fine job on the Stverek investigation...hell, why not? (hahaha) Anyone who was privy to this in its infancy, knew the direction that it was going to take, and also what the ultimate outcome would be (i.e, welcome back JB). Oh well, it turned out just like many predicted that it would...again! The only way that it will ever change is if Staff-1 finally leaves and takes his moronic little lap dog (Staff-2) with him! I feel confident saying that Staff-2 will never be made the top cop at CPD, but stranger things have happened!

02-29-2008, 10:37 PM
Hodgie is a good man, and a leader that I would follow into battle any time. You be safe Devil Dog Semper Fi.

03-01-2008, 02:51 AM

First off, I have to refuse comment about JB. I wasn’t there and don’t know the FACTS of the case. I’ve met JB twice in passing and have only heard rumors. So I cannot comment on that.

But, you made some derogatory comments about Hodgie and I find those comments to be very discerning…

It truly amazes me how people can come to a website designated for LEO use and cowardly talk trash here when they are not man enough to do it to that person's face. "Guest," how dare you hide behind anonymity and trash talk an officer. I'd like to say another officer, but I'm guessing you are either not an officer or an officer with your head in the clouds who shouldn't be a cop, but Target wasn't hiring.

Yes, I am a fairly young officer at this department; however, I do have roughly 8 years in civilian law enforcement (excluding all military obligations) and have already learned who I can rely on to cover my back and who to steer clear of. Hodgie is definitely someone you can turn to in a time of need and he knows I've got his back any day or time.

Hodgie is a good person and an even better cop. I can say with all sincerity, that he is one of the better cops I've met since moving to Florida. Did he make a mistake with the stupid computer? Yeah, probably, but I can’t say for sure as I wasn’t there. I'm sure his true intentions were good, just done incorrectly. It's life, my friend. You live and learn. As any cop knows, we are human. We make mistakes. Suck it up, take your lashes, and move on. Done. End of story.

Don’t talk trash about other officers to make yourself feel better or sound like a superstar. Any REAL cop knows that crap happens. We are the only ones we have. We are an elite breed of people who must rely on and support each other. No one else will. The minute you start to backstab one of your brothers, we fail. You fail.

I'm truly disgusted, as should you be, because you have just weakened a nation.

Hodgie, we've got your back brother.

03-01-2008, 03:18 AM
What? You want me to pull and wait for my food. How far should I pull up? Is the an exact spot I should park. I hear this Officer Parco is out to get us all. :twisted:

03-27-2008, 06:05 PM
H, thanks for your military service and the job that you do but don't you think your misrepresenting the facts... Be thankful you only received the punishment you did because it could have been much worse. Imagine being dispatched to a call with similar circumstances, a computer stolen from an enclosed secure garage. Be thankful you have a second chance and that certain people did not push the issue. Try being humble, quit wearing shirts with your message of denial and maybe others will see you the way you proclaim.

04-03-2008, 06:16 PM
This thread is not about Hodgie, its about JB and his integrity.

04-05-2008, 08:00 AM

04-07-2008, 11:22 PM
Believe me, there are plenty of people who have the balls to confront JB but won't because he is in one of those protected classes we are constantly being told about in those Human Resource classes. It's a shame you can't speak your mind cuz your not in a protected class. Political correctness at it's finest.

04-07-2008, 11:54 PM
typical. Dont talk about the hodge stealing because he is your friend, just talk about JB's dusty file from the safe. Can you say double-standard.

04-08-2008, 07:00 AM
To Rocks, you are clearly misinformed about the facts. Please go read the JB files. Again if you want to start another thread about the other guy; fine, but this one is not about him.

04-08-2008, 10:14 PM
We have had other officers and even a SGT or two that have kept company with those on the "fringe" and across the country it happens much more than the average citizen would know. JB is very intelligent and hopefully will finish out his time here in good standing. We should all hope for the best for him and just try to "police" each other without any official documentation, quit being "clannish" and try to make the right decisions for the situations both off and on duty. Thats all I'm sayin'......

04-08-2008, 11:02 PM
Are you suggesting that some of us act "Clannish" because we are discussing the activities of a minority officer. I think it's a shame when someone describes conversation as RACIST when it's the truth. The Liberal Media and so-called Civil Activists already cry wolf on the minority issue. Do you work for them?

Just call it like it is, a fast rising Star that got caught up in his own "God Like" syndrome and forgot that he took an oath. Hopefully he got straightened out and will be a productive employee.

This didn't happen because of his race, it happened because of his own presonal decision making. That's All. It would have been the same if he was orange, green or purple.

Always trying to make race an issue. If anything, the race card helped him.

That's all I'm sayin.

05-05-2008, 05:51 PM
What the hell has happened to CPD?? What a bunch of whiney b@&%$#s!
Try to remember WHY you came to CPD and WHY you decided to pin on that badge!! SHOW SOME LOYALTY TO YOUR DEPARTMENT..THE STAFF..and YOUR BROTHERS and SISTERS!!

06-23-2008, 07:01 PM

06-29-2009, 06:15 PM
Guest1001, did you make up your facts as you typed? The arbitrator sustained ALL of the allegations against Brown and issued a 60 Day suspension. The timeline was the issue and you can go talk to Staff 2 about that problem.

01-15-2010, 07:16 AM
Guest1001, did you make up your facts as you typed? The arbitrator sustained ALL of the allegations against Brown and issued a 60 Day suspension. The timeline was the issue and you can go talk to Staff 2 about that problem.

01-16-2010, 11:16 PM
Guest1001, did you make up your facts as you typed? The arbitrator sustained ALL of the allegations against Brown and issued a 60 Day suspension. The timeline was the issue and you can go talk to Staff 2 about that problem.

The Public defenders office has his mug shot up...will try any case he is the A/O...I know of a case he is about to get his azz handed to him by a private defense,,,how can he go before a judge/jury and have the beans spilled about his past and reliability? What is the prosecution gonna do, try to plea it or just drop it to save them/him the embarassment?

01-17-2010, 06:23 PM
To all you without a life perhaps you should look into your own closets and let this thread go. It seems some of you have nothing better to do than to talk ill of other people. Ref his pending case, does this affect you and/or your job? No. So tend to your own business and let others tend to theirs.

I worked with John prior to this and since he has come back and I will say he is a hard worker, (unlike many out there collecting a paycheck who's entire shift is filled with how to stay busy and not have to do police work). I have NEVER seen John be out of line with anyone, either the public or fellow employees and I would welcome him as a back up anytime, (and prob over you).

Again, just let it go and find a hobby, (other than gossip), to fill your hours here on earth.

01-17-2010, 09:52 PM
To all you without a life perhaps you should look into your own closets and let this thread go. It seems some of you have nothing better to do than to talk ill of other people. Ref his pending case, does this affect you and/or your job? No. So tend to your own business and let others tend to theirs.

I worked with John prior to this and since he has come back and I will say he is a hard worker, (unlike many out there collecting a paycheck who's entire shift is filled with how to stay busy and not have to do police work). I have NEVER seen John be out of line with anyone, either the public or fellow employees and I would welcome him as a back up anytime, (and prob over you).

Again, just let it go and find a hobby, (other than gossip), to fill your hours here on earth.

Hey fool, I've been on calls where he has verbally abused, belittled and made fun of people ...real mature and professional, just like you CHUMP.

MOD 22
01-19-2010, 12:32 AM
Sorry, Guest, no need for the name calling.

01-19-2010, 01:24 AM
Sorry, Guest, no need for the name calling.

Since when is an opinion that someone is unprofessional and immature "name calling"? Give me a break. All of the stuff having to do with the "individual" is all public info anyway, so if you don't want to solicit posts and opinions why don't you list your own tou policy.

MOD 22
01-19-2010, 10:45 AM
The opinion was fine, however the name calling of the previous poster was unacceptable. No need for it.. Not tolerated.
Mod 22

08-27-2010, 06:37 AM
Guest1001, did you make up your facts as you typed? The arbitrator sustained ALL of the allegations against Brown and issued a 60 Day suspension. The timeline was the issue and you can go talk to Staff 2 about that problem.

The Public defenders office has his mug shot up...will try any case he is the A/O...I know of a case he is about to get his azz handed to him by a private defense,,,how can he go before a judge/jury and have the beans spilled about his past and reliability? What is the prosecution gonna do, try to plea it or just drop it to save them/him the embarassment?


03-11-2011, 08:27 PM
Leave JB alone. Find someone else to go after. JB won his case. Get over it.