02-13-2008, 02:20 AM

02-13-2008, 06:44 AM
It was hot.

Velasquez laughed at the teacher's pet Morin and she bakered out. We needed a CIT unit but none were available even though it was overlap. Folguera told everyone about split days off, pino laughed. morin cried. alberto told them we need to sell this to the troops. morin said we didnt. ortiz said then that morin representing the chef is shoving it up the troops @ss, mori cried some more. carpenter wanted peace. fernandez wanted more time. gunderman fell asleep. and then everyone left.

02-13-2008, 11:12 AM
I’m going to have to disagree with you here, brother.

I worked with her when we first started (TWT East Little Havana) and she was a real cop. If you don’t know her don’t make judgments, if you have a comment she is receptive to criticism. I don’t know what her official job title is but anytime I’ve had a union related question she was quick with an answer. It wasn’t always the answer I was looking for but the response was usually within the hour. I can’t say I’m a fan of many on the fourth floor but I’ll go to bat for her any day of the week.

I would like to see that tattoo though.

02-13-2008, 04:03 PM
Kerr, stop trying to be on both sides of the fence.

02-13-2008, 04:40 PM
We need more time, and leaders that treat Officers as individuals, not like shi$t

02-14-2008, 12:05 AM

We understand that you are a newly promoted lieutenant and on probation, but whose side of the fence are you going to roost on, the FOP or BK's. You are a nice guy bro but one thing about double agents, sooner or later you piss both sides off. Either stay on our side or ascend to the power of the Dark Side.

02-14-2008, 12:06 AM
What is up with MORIN

02-14-2008, 04:28 AM

02-14-2008, 08:22 AM
No, I was in MTW West Little Havana “C”. My point was no one can call her lazy or imply that she’s faking an injury to get upstarts. If you worked with her you would know that she is nobody’s do-boy.

As far as picking a side, whoever thinks of it that way is a simpleton. Everything isn’t a conspiracy or a war. I look at the situation and decide on what is right or wrong.

Nobody likes upheaval but at least she’s attempting a dialogue and considering suggestions. This kind of stuff was unheard of prior to September ’08

Yes, that vote was six months ago…

02-14-2008, 10:42 AM
whats wrong with morin, she likes fine to me, nice legs

02-14-2008, 10:43 AM
sorry: looks fine

02-14-2008, 11:42 AM
No, I was in MTW West Little Havana “C”. My point was no one can call her lazy or imply that she’s faking an injury to get upstarts. If you worked with her you would know that she is nobody’s do-boy.

As far as picking a side, whoever thinks of it that way is a simpleton. Everything isn’t a conspiracy or a war. I look at the situation and decide on what is right or wrong.

Nobody likes upheaval but at least she’s attempting a dialogue and considering suggestions. This kind of stuff was unheard of prior to September ’08

Yes, that vote was six months ago…
Kerr, you got caught lying. you worked C-shift WLH she was in B-shift ELH different days off and different shifts and you came here vouching for her. You just lost major credibility points. Go back to the attic of your cathedral.

02-14-2008, 03:28 PM
Liar Liar, pants on fire.

What dialogue does she bring? She just repeats the barking orders of the DC. I was told at the rep meeting for sgts she said: The deputy isn't doing this for a popularity contest. And, we don't need to sell this to anyone.

Everyone knows that those meetings are a waste. The glass walls of the guys with high brass are coming down.

Looks like the dialogue is bullcrap.

02-14-2008, 03:31 PM
No, I was in MTW West Little Havana “C”. My point was no one can call her lazy or imply that she’s faking an injury to get upstarts. If you worked with her you would know that she is nobody’s do-boy.

As far as picking a side, whoever thinks of it that way is a simpleton. Everything isn’t a conspiracy or a war. I look at the situation and decide on what is right or wrong.

Nobody likes upheaval but at least she’s attempting a dialogue and considering suggestions. This kind of stuff was unheard of prior to September ’08

Yes, that vote was six months ago…

September 2008? Papa, there you go lying again about the facts. Mr. Back to the Future, we are in 2008.

02-14-2008, 09:46 PM
well it still went nowhere and now we will get the shaft

02-15-2008, 01:54 AM
Kerr, you got caught lying. you worked C-shift WLH she was in B-shift ELH different days off and different shifts and you came here vouching for her. You just lost major credibility points. Go back to the attic of your cathedral.

Brother, you obviously didn’t work the shift.

She was midnights E Little Havana TWT with The Cheetah, DeLosSantos, Melancon, and McCormik. Big Alvarez was the Sergeant. Not that I should be even auguring about this crap.

Don’t post anonymously discount my credibility, coward.

02-15-2008, 01:55 AM
Uhh.... arguing

02-15-2008, 06:02 AM
Kerr I got your back. You are a straight up 35 and thats why we love you.
Keep it real my brother.

02-15-2008, 11:24 AM

02-15-2008, 01:40 PM
She is one of the few P.O.'s here that has balls. Had them when she was on the street and when she went to homicide. Would work for/with her any day of the week. As far as the other disgruntled Sgts here, remember who we are talking about. When did he EVER do anything here?

02-15-2008, 01:58 PM

02-15-2008, 11:11 PM

Whatever dude, if you make that statement I know you weren't there. She had a problem with slug detectives and made it known. The only difference between her and you is she had the balls to say it to their faces. Your problem comes from either not liking women police officers or being embarrassed that she is better than you. Oh, forgot one. You could be one of the slugs in homicide that she was talking about.

02-16-2008, 01:39 AM
Let's not forget the time she handed up a B shift crew for hanging out at a
gas station.

02-16-2008, 01:50 AM
total hand-up across the board

02-16-2008, 01:57 AM
She was right to do it, what the f... are they doing "hanging out" at a gas station instead of patrolling their zone, like they are supposed to???
Like someone before said, I'll to batt with her any time.
Plus she has some beautiful legs!!!

02-16-2008, 02:00 AM
I like her.....she is there to soften the message coming from BK.....if she handed people up....so what....... some of you need a good kick in the A$$ every now and then. You think this job is a welfare check you pick up every other Thursday. Where is everyone who *****ed about changing days to what we have now. It was a wine and cheese fest then and it is a wine and cheese fest now. Suck it up....most of you get a check for getting in a car and wearing a disguise....you dont know what being a real cop is about. most of the idiots that post here havent made more arrests than her anyway. Believe me I have more miles backing out of "the wheel" than most of you morons have on patrol. Lt. Kerr you got some growing up to do on this team before you can speak for anyone....good efforts though....keep it up being a35 does not make you a bad person.........roaming the 4th OUT..............

02-16-2008, 08:07 AM
She was right to do it, what the f... are they doing "hanging out" at a gas station instead of patrolling their zone, like they are supposed to???
Like someone before said, I'll to batt with her any time.
Plus she has some beautiful legs!!!

I guess I failed to mention that the "hanging out" was 30 minutes prior to their 06 & C shift was already out on the road. They had gathered to talk & finish up paperwork. "Miss beautiful legs" drove by & saw the gathering & then went straight to her Sgt. to report what she had observed.

02-16-2008, 02:09 PM
I like her.....she is there to soften the message coming from BK.....if she handed people up....so what....... some of you need a good kick in the A$$ every now and then. You think this job is a welfare check you pick up every other Thursday. Where is everyone who *****ed about changing days to what we have now. It was a wine and cheese fest then and it is a wine and cheese fest now. Suck it up....most of you get a check for getting in a car and wearing a disguise....you dont know what being a real cop is about. most of the idiots that post here havent made more arrests than her anyway. Believe me I have more miles backing out of "the wheel" than most of you morons have on patrol. Lt. Kerr you got some growing up to do on this team before you can speak for anyone....good efforts though....keep it up being a35 does not make you a bad person.........roaming the 4th OUT..............

You must be the conscience of the Miami Police Dept.

02-16-2008, 04:05 PM
[Awww Kerr you finally getting upset. GO hit your baby bottle full of Jack you drunk!

02-16-2008, 04:07 PM

Whatever dude, if you make that statement I know you weren't there. She had a problem with slug detectives and made it known. The only difference between her and you is she had the balls to say it to their faces. Your problem comes from either not liking women police officers or being embarrassed that she is better than you. Oh, forgot one. You could be one of the slugs in homicide that she was talking about.Once a Chiva always a Chiva :roll:

02-16-2008, 06:06 PM

Whatever dude, if you make that statement I know you weren't there. She had a problem with slug detectives and made it known. The only difference between her and you is she had the balls to say it to their faces. Your problem comes from either not liking women police officers or being embarrassed that she is better than you. Oh, forgot one. You could be one of the slugs in homicide that she was talking about.Once a Chiva always a Chiva :roll:

So you do nothing here but I am supposed to bust my butt to cover for your lack of ability or your laziness? I don't think so. You can't handle the job go somewhere else. Don't get upset because you are called what you are.

02-16-2008, 06:15 PM
who is the lt. that screwed up the homicide scene in the south end and didnt notify homicide....any ideas kerr

02-16-2008, 11:17 PM
It was probably olive oil!!!

02-17-2008, 06:45 AM
No, I was in MTW West Little Havana “C”. My point was no one can call her lazy or imply that she’s faking an injury to get upstarts. If you worked with her you would know that she is nobody’s do-boy.

As far as picking a side, whoever thinks of it that way is a simpleton. Everything isn’t a conspiracy or a war. I look at the situation and decide on what is right or wrong.

Nobody likes upheaval but at least she’s attempting a dialogue and considering suggestions. This kind of stuff was unheard of prior to September ’08

Yes, that vote was six months ago…

spoken like a true newbie L T. With this statement, it is apparent you see diamonds and oak leaf's in your near future. Brass virus infection big time.

02-17-2008, 07:09 AM
I never believed any of this crap until today. When Morin the Mouse sold out a cop in roll call. She pulled a Frank Fernandez like no one else could. It reminded me when the mighty FF yelled at a cop in central roll call. She chewed out a cop because he wasn't looking at her while she spoke, and asked him three times if he wanted to leave? what the F*$??? And, then she asked us at the end if we had any questions.

I have some questions:
How do you like being so far up the Deputy's rear-end?
What does it take to work for a guy that thinks he is God?
What gives you the right to single out a policeman when you don't listen to us yourself?
When are you going to stop being a kissbutt and work the streets? OH I forgot your back hurts.
Tell your boyfriend Lt. Karrrr that he will never be a commnader, and that kissing up to you won't get him promoted any faster.

I'm way hotter than you. I need to show you how to do your makeup.

02-17-2008, 02:41 PM
Advice to Morin,

watch who you step on , this current administration is coming to an end, your hook up right now, that’s fine, we all would like to be hooked up, but when this is explodes, what are you going to do, those who you stepped on may be in power. I know you have that f--- all ways, but, your health and back problems are serious. Just slow down, relax, and don’t try so hard.

A friend

02-17-2008, 03:30 PM
I never believed any of this crap until today. When Morin the Mouse sold out a cop in roll call. She pulled a Frank Fernandez like no one else could. It reminded me when the mighty FF yelled at a cop in central roll call. She chewed out a cop because he wasn't looking at her while she spoke, and asked him three times if he wanted to leave? what the F*$??? And, then she asked us at the end if we had any questions.

I have some questions:
How do you like being so far up the Deputy's rear-end?
What does it take to work for a guy that thinks he is God?
What gives you the right to single out a policeman when you don't listen to us yourself?
When are you going to stop being a kissbutt and work the streets? OH I forgot your back hurts.
Tell your boyfriend Lt. Karrrr that he will never be a commnader, and that kissing up to you won't get him promoted any faster.

I'm way hotter than you. I need to show you how to do your makeup.

Whatever you look like a saddle. Time to go.

02-17-2008, 03:32 PM
You can say what you want but she will do something none of you will do. She will say what she has to say to your face. Not here hiding like a little biatch.

02-17-2008, 04:12 PM
You can say what you want but she will do something none of you will do. She will say what she has to say to your face. Not here hiding like a little biatch.she does and at the end, it wont get anywhere, she will be hated, the chief will be gone