View Full Version : Moderators or Managers

02-10-2008, 04:06 AM
I agree that the site needs to be cleaned up without infringing on our rights to free speach. I just find it real odd, that the Moderator has selected to pick through posts and skip over other posts deleting those negative comments on managers only, not doing anything abou the agents. By the way some of the negatove posts are being deleted even though the people are relating facts supporting those negative posts. The Moderators are determining that those facts are not true, can you say censorship.

Mod 361
02-10-2008, 06:45 AM
The posts that have been deleted so far were mainly about managers, but others relating to agents have been moved as well. In case you are not aware, the most abusive posts have been against the managers, and have also tended to be the longest, most outspoken ones, therefore catching the most attention.

In regards to the "facts" mentioned, with few exceptions, have been what is defined as hearsay. If you truly have witnessed such egregious legal violations, this forum isn't the place to report them. I'm well aware that actual investigative reports and IA case numbers can support some of those prior claims. That still does not excuse the public bashing that goes on here. The posts are from anonymous sources that cannot be verified, thereby making the claims useless.

If you insist on accusing others of committing crimes, you will need to register yourself as an official user. You will need to post your real name, and cite your sources. You will have to follow the Terms of Use. Of course, if you do so, you will also be responsible for answering to IA for not properly reporting your claims. You will also be held accountable civilly. As if that were not enough, you will also have to deal with the public knowledge that you have called out another LEO. Who's going to back you or trust you then? And, even then, I still cannot guarantee that the post will not be moved. Mod 463 and I are not the only moderators who can delete; the leoaffairs.com administration has far more capabilities than we do. We are ALL bound by the terms of use policy. Additionally, insults have no place on here.

Regarding the claim of censorship: Yeah, right. Calling this censorship is akin to saying that arresting someone for standing on a sidewalk corner while slandering another is censorship. People get arrested for disorderly conduct all the time, and the courts don’t blame the officers for “censorship”. It all goes back to one thing; there is a place and time for everything. I understand that not everybody gets along. Regardless, this forum is to handle issues that affect how we work, not who we work with. Coming up with viable solutions to problems can help us make this a better place to work. If you have a problem with an agent or supervisor, use your chain of command. This forum cannot help you with interpersonal matters.

02-10-2008, 05:09 PM
Where in the statue book does it say that you can arrest someone for standing on the corner slandering someone?

02-10-2008, 06:04 PM
Where in the statue book does it say that you can arrest someone for standing on the corner slandering someone?

Here you go. Openly admitting to slandering your fellow Agents. Hats off to the moderators for finally stepping up and taking some action to clean up this site. You are an embarassment to the profesion and more importantly to yourself. You should be ashamed to call yourself a LEO.

02-10-2008, 06:20 PM
Where in the statue book does it say that you can arrest someone for standing on the corner slandering someone?

Here you go. Openly admitting to slandering your fellow Agents. Hats off to the moderators for finally stepping up and taking some action to clean up this site. You are an embarassment to the profesion and more importantly to yourself. You should be ashamed to call yourself a LEO.

Amen! They should be ashame! LEOs, I think not, more like pure trash!

Mod 463
02-10-2008, 10:15 PM
I agree that the site needs to be cleaned up without infringing on our rights to free speach. I just find it real odd, that the Moderator has selected to pick through posts and skip over other posts deleting those negative comments on managers only, not doing anything abou the agents. By the way some of the negatove posts are being deleted even though the people are relating facts supporting those negative posts. The Moderators are determining that those facts are not true, can you say censorship.

What rights do you have on this message board or this forum? None. This web site is owned by individuals who set it up to allow LEOs to come together and share ideas and concerns. The only thing they asked was for individuals to follow the terms of use agreement. If you post something that violates this agreement your post will be moved, could be deleted, and possibly end up with the poster being banned. MOD 361 and myself tried to let you all "police" yourselves, it did not work, now we are stepping in.

If you want to post what you want, when you want, and where you want, then get your own site. Until then you will follow the user agreement.


02-10-2008, 10:47 PM
Funny, this web site is just like working for ABT. You can only say things that do not offend to people that are "in charge". I do disagree with personel attacks against anyone, how ever I also disagree with self appointed "leaders/moderators" deciding what is ok and not ok to say here. The editing should be restricted to the terms of use and that is it, not your opinion of what is good and bad. As i said earlier, personel attacks are wrong but readers also can understand juvenile behavior and let the readers decide what they take as fact or fiction. Some people realt need to wake up and realize that these posts are due to hugh problems at the agency and that makes some pissed off people.

02-11-2008, 01:34 AM
Where in the statue book does it say that you can arrest someone for standing on the corner slandering someone?

Its called creative police work. It happens all the time. You got a guy who is standing on the street shouting slanderous comments... and you really want to arrest him... you find something to arrest him for. 90% of arrests that don't technically meet a certain statute can be gotten around with creatively spinning (note: not lying) your report.

But then, no one ever blamed us for getting too much police work done.

02-11-2008, 01:58 AM
Where in the statue book does it say that you can arrest someone for standing on the corner slandering someone?

Its called creative police work. It happens all the time. You got a guy who is standing on the street shouting slanderous comments... and you really want to arrest him... you find something to arrest him for. 90% of arrests that don't technically meet a certain statute can be gotten around with creatively spinning (note: not lying) your report.

But then, no one ever blamed us for getting too much police work done.

Sounds like a lie to me. Either it is or it ain't. Let me see if I have this right..............I'm not sure that what you did is a violation, however, since I have this silver tongue I'm gonna creatively haul your ass to jail for violating 10% of something. Now that's due process extraordinaire.

Ghost writer

02-12-2008, 02:49 AM
"Either it is or it ain't" is wrong. People who only think in black and white absolutes really get under my skin.

I'm not saying lie and make up a violation. I am saying if the person needs arrested, you be creative and find something to arrest him/her for. If they are shouting slanderous comments, what time is it? What area are they in? Is it a residential neighborhood? Is anyone being disturbed by the shouting? Maybe you got a case of disturbing the peace on your hands. How loud are they shouting? Maybe they are breaking a noise ordinance. Is the person standing in the street? Maybe you can write him/her a jaywalking ticket, or more if they are obstructing any traffic. Is it in city limits, and does that city have an ordinance requiring people to register to picket/campaign/stand on the street with a sign or message? If so, did this person register? What about a solicitation charge? Are they within 1000 feet of school grounds and maybe they are a registered sex offender? Is it a young person out after curfew? Are they drunk (and possibly, therefore, disorderly?) Heck, maybe they just have an arrest warrant out for something and that makes it a lot simpler. You could always go have a nice consentual encounter with the guy and develop PC for an arrest that way (might have drugs in his pocket. Might be armed and not tell you. Might have a fake ID. There are any number of things that might be wrong, but you won't ever find them unless you LOOK)

The point I am getting at is that too many times I see people with this agency go "oh, well that isn't a face-value violation, so I am looking the other way." Granted, there is not always a time you can find something to arrest someone for, but if you look hard enough you can usually find SOMETHING. Its like working traffic. Almost every car on the road can be pulled over for something. Tag light out, too much tint, music too loud. Follow them long enough, they'll cross the yellow line or cross a stop-bar.

02-12-2008, 01:53 PM
"Either it is or it ain't" is wrong. People who only think in black and white absolutes really get under my skin.

I'm not saying lie and make up a violation. I am saying if the person needs arrested, you be creative and find something to arrest him/her for. If they are shouting slanderous comments, what time is it? What area are they in? Is it a residential neighborhood? Is anyone being disturbed by the shouting? Maybe you got a case of disturbing the peace on your hands. How loud are they shouting? Maybe they are breaking a noise ordinance. Is the person standing in the street? Maybe you can write him/her a jaywalking ticket, or more if they are obstructing any traffic. Is it in city limits, and does that city have an ordinance requiring people to register to picket/campaign/stand on the street with a sign or message? If so, did this person register? What about a solicitation charge? Are they within 1000 feet of school grounds and maybe they are a registered sex offender? Is it a young person out after curfew? Are they drunk (and possibly, therefore, disorderly?) Heck, maybe they just have an arrest warrant out for something and that makes it a lot simpler. You could always go have a nice consentual encounter with the guy and develop PC for an arrest that way (might have drugs in his pocket. Might be armed and not tell you. Might have a fake ID. There are any number of things that might be wrong, but you won't ever find them unless you LOOK)

The point I am getting at is that too many times I see people with this agency go "oh, well that isn't a face-value violation, so I am looking the other way." Granted, there is not always a time you can find something to arrest someone for, but if you look hard enough you can usually find SOMETHING. Its like working traffic. Almost every car on the road can be pulled over for something. Tag light out, too much tint, music too loud. Follow them long enough, they'll cross the yellow line or cross a stop-bar.

Now that's more better. Had you articulated that in your first post I would have kept my mouth (keyboard) silent. You've obviously been around the block a few times and you and I would probably make a good team but your first post did sound a little (lot) like making something up. Yeah, I know "more better" ain't good english. Have a good day.