View Full Version : Conspiracy Theories...?

01-29-2008, 02:04 PM
Tell me more about the nano things

01-29-2008, 02:07 PM
Very small, microscopic often, created by Gov. to enter through breathing passages and intravenously, multiply exponentially, enter cell membranes and eventually take up entire intraspatial cell membrane region, mimic probiotic functions and are impossible to distinguish from normal cellular activity in mammalian hosts, spread by the individuals named

01-29-2008, 06:00 PM
I didn't know that...........Thanks

01-29-2008, 06:13 PM
Very small, microscopic often, created by Gov. to enter through breathing passages and intravenously, multiply exponentially, enter cell membranes and eventually take up entire intraspatial cell membrane region, mimic probiotic functions and are impossible to distinguish from normal cellular activity in mammalian hosts, spread by the individuals named

Someone should do something. be sure to tell the people who were fired and have lawsuits, should help with the cases. this proves the value of a forum like this. hat is off to you moderator, seeker of truth, worker of special projects.

01-29-2008, 10:09 PM
What the hell is that about?

01-30-2008, 01:12 AM
Don't believe that "nano" crap. Enter breathing passages??? NO possible way. Look - everyone knows this "microscopic" nano nonsense was created by the "MAN." It is nothing more than an attempt to draw attention from the radio waves being beamed into our heads!!! Don't fall for it. Make a foil hat and wear it. It is your only hope.

01-30-2008, 11:43 AM
You are the documented liar if you do not believe in advanced government created nanotechnology. The Orlando chain of command is documented liars because they participated in the development and spread of this technology. In the future documented liars will be sent from the past to destroy the opposition to the nanotechnology before it becomes a self aware singularity, takes over all networked technology systems, and initiates armageddon, and enslaves the few resistors who survive.

01-31-2008, 01:55 AM
You are the documented liar if you do not believe in advanced government created nanotechnology. The Orlando chain of command is documented liars because they participated in the development and spread of this technology. In the future documented liars will be sent from the past to destroy the opposition to the nanotechnology before it becomes a self aware singularity, takes over all networked technology systems, and initiates armageddon, and enslaves the few resistors who survive.
Nanotech will be used by the Orlando office supervisors to create smaller and smaller machines. I'm talking machines no larger than a human stem cell, but a thousand times smarter. Once those machines are slaved to a certain task at the cellular level, they will respond to commands much more exotic than the simple 1's and 0's of silicon chip based thinking machines. The task at hand now is self evidently clear: For nanotechnologists, the cellular machines will soon be able to break the strong bonds holding neutrons in orbit with electrons around the nuclei of isotopes of uranium 238 and/or plutonium. The isotopes will not have to be gas-diffused or centrifuge purified, saving years time and millions of dollars, making nuclear technology readily available. We are talking about intercontinental ballistic missiles the size of Estes model rockets, with tiny payloads able to deliver hundreds of megatons of destructive atomic force. That is why GG is coming back. It all has to stop before it even begins. Szabo, Bong, Yonce, Fannin, Gilmore, Hooper, Merrill, and the others must be stopped. The future is at stake.

01-31-2008, 12:19 PM
where did the nanotech come from?

01-31-2008, 12:21 PM
Some believe the origins of the technology go back to the late '40s when the government scaled up its project to evaluate crashed alien technology in its Groom Lake, Nevada facility.

01-31-2008, 02:18 PM
What a bunch of BULLSH*it

02-01-2008, 12:18 AM
Oh it goes much further than you even suspect. Back in the late '50s when the lab boys from Cal Tech and Northwestern Univ established the internet backbone, the reverse engineering project at Groom Lake was scaling up for the coming digital age explosion of products and knowledge, all the result of recovered alien technology.

02-01-2008, 12:21 AM
Whoa. Isn't Groom Lake still in use? It's the over 100,000 acres known from declassified government maps as area 51, right? So you're saying the aliens landed there, huh? Sounds kooky. And what was that stuff about atomic model rockets-you sound nuts!

02-01-2008, 12:30 AM
OK one more time. Listen up. Area 51 is real. Aliens are not kept there. Aliens did not land there. However, in the late 1940's, on a farm in New Mexico, artifacts that are not of terrestrial origin were definitely recovered. A government cover story was concocted, a conspiracy took place, and the place was locked down and scrubbed clean by military from the nearby base. Today the region is unmarked, though background radiation levels are markedly increased below ground. Much of the artifacts were taken to Groom Lake. A reverse engineering project was begun that continues to this day, and has yielded much of what we know about digital technology, silicon etched computer chips, microwave transmitters, laser focused energy, electromagnetic dry transfer, liquid nonmetal corrosives, blast welding, edge geometry, and high/low energy chemistry. Military defense contractors profited for decades slowly patenting, outsourcing, and selling this harvested technology.

02-01-2008, 12:32 AM
What was that about model rockets? I made one of those as a kid in cub scouts.

02-01-2008, 12:41 AM
Today's advances in development of critical isotopes of certain enriched elements could, in the very near future, yield extremely powerful, high energy yielding nuclear fission devices, smaller than any previously seen. Under certain circumstances, it may very soon be possible to create cell sized machines, visible under electron microscopes. It is not outside the bounds of logic to suggest that these machines could be used to split the strong bonds holding atoms together in unstable, high energy atoms, causing a sudden uncontrolled release of protons, triggering the chain fission reaction currently utilized by much bigger nuclear devices. Currently a 100 megaton yield nuclear warhead is the size of a dishwasher and sits atop a seven story ICBM. Soon, a nano machine powered nuclear device would neatly fit inside an ipod. It could literally ride atop a much smaller missile, mortar, even a fifty caliber bullet. This, unfortunately, is not "science fiction", but "science possible."

02-01-2008, 02:57 AM
Laugh all you want but when we are all wearing exoskeletons and lifting cars over our heads during training, we'll be wondering where all this great tech came from. Biologically engineered artificial corneas will see in the dark, x-ray suitcases and clothing with the naked eye, and react to threats 30-40 times faster than olympic athletes, all without steroids or other ingestible agents. Connective tissue will be self generating. Torn ACL's will heal in the time it takes to recover from a paper cut. This is why GG has sworn to stop the Orlando supervisors.

02-01-2008, 03:24 AM
I was among the first to alert the masses to the Blackberry conspiracy. I shared my knowledge with the uninformed when it came to the merits of a foil hat. I worried about the impact of the "Man" in our daily exsistence. I must speak again, and I ask you pay attention - I have nothing to gain, but you have everything to lose.

Theoretical physics has been hopelessly stalled for over 30 years. The standard model of particle physics uses over 20 ad hoc constants and no one knows why they are necessary or why they have the values they do. Quantum physics and general relativity remain incompatable. Theorists stopped asking why a long time ago. Without the why, a search for mathematical symmetries becomes numerology, not science. No telescope, alien spacecraft or particle accelerator is going to tell us why the universe is the way it is. When the why's remain unanswered, there is no understanding. When there is no understanding, there is no progress.

02-02-2008, 03:06 PM
I was among the first to alert the masses to the Blackberry conspiracy. I shared my knowledge with the uninformed when it came to the merits of a foil hat. I worried about the impact of the "Man" in our daily exsistence. I must speak again, and I ask you pay attention - I have nothing to gain, but you have everything to lose.

Theoretical physics has been hopelessly stalled for over 30 years. The standard model of particle physics uses over 20 ad hoc constants and no one knows why they are necessary or why they have the values they do. Quantum physics and general relativity remain incompatable. Theorists stopped asking why a long time ago. Without the why, a search for mathematical symmetries becomes numerology, not science. No telescope, alien spacecraft or particle accelerator is going to tell us why the universe is the way it is. When the why's remain unanswered, there is no understanding. When there is no understanding, there is no progress.


02-03-2008, 07:47 PM
I was among the first to alert the masses to the Blackberry conspiracy. I shared my knowledge with the uninformed when it came to the merits of a foil hat. I worried about the impact of the "Man" in our daily exsistence. I must speak again, and I ask you pay attention - I have nothing to gain, but you have everything to lose.

Theoretical physics has been hopelessly stalled for over 30 years. The standard model of particle physics uses over 20 ad hoc constants and no one knows why they are necessary or why they have the values they do. Quantum physics and general relativity remain incompatable. Theorists stopped asking why a long time ago. Without the why, a search for mathematical symmetries becomes numerology, not science. No telescope, alien spacecraft or particle accelerator is going to tell us why the universe is the way it is. When the why's remain unanswered, there is no understanding. When there is no understanding, there is no progress.

This has to be one of the most insightful and profound statements ever posted on this sight. I have spent the last few days thinking about what the statement really means. I think I understand what the "hidden warning" in the message is - We can't progress as an agency without understanding the "why" that surrounds our existence. This is what has troubled mankind (and beverage agents) since time began. Since the question can never be answered, we are destined to always wonder "why?"

"Our purpose is not to reason why,
Our purpose is to do surveys."
Unknown Agent

"Ours not to reason why, ours but to do and die."
Alfred Lord Tennyson

02-05-2008, 02:57 AM
What in the world does all this mean?

02-28-2008, 10:54 PM
What in the world does all this mean?

It means that a lot of our agents slipped through the physiological and drug screening tests.

02-29-2008, 02:20 AM
What in the world does all this mean?

It means that a lot of our agents slipped through the physiological and drug screening tests.

I don't think that is true in all cases. In my situation for example, I was perfectly normal mentally and did not drink when I was hired. I wish I could say the same thing today.

03-01-2008, 12:36 AM
[quote="What the heck":23h8x7n0]What in the world does all this mean?

It means that a lot of our agents slipped through the physiological and drug screening tests.

I don't think that is true in all cases. In my situation for example, I was perfectly normal mentally and did not drink when I was hired. I wish I could say the same thing today.[/quote:23h8x7n0]

You have a point Uncle Buck. When I first started I was a genius. Now I'm a moron.

Ghost writer