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View Full Version : Atta Boy Needed

01-29-2008, 04:33 PM
I read in the Tampa Bay Tribune about the arrests made during the parade. Yet, they made great hype about the boat pursuit and the shots fired. Yes, those guys did a great job. So a atta boy there.

But for the real atta boy is for the 2 officers (Book and Hattle) with TPD, and he 3 HCSO deputies who assisted for arresting the prick that broke into the RV and punched the owner. The two officers also were struck by the prick. These two officers did a GREAT job defending themselves, retrieving the property, and tasering that peice of crap. You boys acted quickly and did so without regard for yourselfs. So, for that, you get a ATTA BOY from Joe Public for a job well done.

P.S. You two guys are more than welcomed to our lil party at the same corner next year and i will have a special bottle of Jack for ya.

01-29-2008, 09:43 PM
Great job on the arrest! I heard that someone was t15 for s25 charges over the radio, and until now, was unsure about it. Great job Eric, and Im glad he didnt't run!! seriously though, im glad ur ok...

01-30-2008, 01:40 AM
He did run and they purused, tasered, and stuff that POS in the car. Once again, it just shows how GOOD the GRUNTS really are. They observed what was going on at approx. 100 yards and ran to investigate. Great Job!!

01-31-2008, 06:03 PM
I heard Eric got punched in the head, made it swell up...