View Full Version : How Does One-Legged ACOP Fare in an A$$-Kickin' Contest

01-14-2008, 07:29 PM
If any of you don't know, LePere decided to do real police work this morning. The end result...a suspect who fled from him on foot when LePere got out of his car...and all he could do is teeter-totter back on his good leg and yell "stop!" This led to a barricaded subject and extra personnel necessary to finish the job. Does anyone else find this a problem in that LePere is the one who told Townsend that he was unfit for duty with his shoulder injury? Let's not forget that policy was changed to accommodate the ACOP in that he is not held to the same physical requirements as all the other sworn officers are. This is a perfect example of what's wrong with our staff and the lack of standards the rest of us suffer from.

01-15-2008, 03:54 AM
Are you suggesting that a forced retirement is in order?
I second the motion.
Wonder if "our" friends at city hall are aware of this double standard in policy. And lastly, if he took action outside the job description as defined by this specially crafted policy then did he not indeed commit a policy violation.

01-15-2008, 12:20 PM
To begin with, even without the hip issue and even if he was wearing a track suit and flash sneakers, he still wouldn't have caught the guy. He has never been a street cop and couldn't make a real arrest with 10 backup units. It is because he is not a street cop that he is one of the occupants of the Ivory Tower. In every police agency you have the street cops and then you have those who are not street cops that become adminstrators. Good cops don't make ACOP or even COP, paper pushers, test takers, and rats who will step all over you to become administrators.

Is it fair? No. Is is reality? Yes. One perk of being an administrator besides crapping all over the troops is the ability to change the rules to suit their particular situation.

Medical retirement? That is too funny, that limping, anal, charts and graphs master is going to be the next COP no matter who he has to step on to do it.

01-15-2008, 02:09 PM

you are dead on. I am a LEO from another agency and it is the same here. The city hall people don't care what the police admin do to the rank and file (don't ever think they do), why? because THEY are doing the same thing to the city hall rank and file.

Every now and then a good LEO admin type will get lucky and make his way up. When that happens enjoy it (it never lasts for long), otherwise find the guys you can trust and depend on and get the job done.

02-09-2008, 12:51 PM
remember....another officer got the door for the same ailment, while another enjoys 6 figure's....where is the media? two vetran officer's gone a job description changed behind closed door's and we stick our head's in the sand. what happened to the american's with disabilaties act? WHERE IS THE MEDIA? this is 2008 except in the empire of lakeland. you could be next. don't forget our brother's who lost their career's while the select few have no problem's as long as there is white out and the emporer's select circle....

02-14-2008, 05:23 PM
sounds like a valid ADA beef, especially when the Dep chf is sworn, same as the street officer and expected, per written requirements, to be able to perform the SAME duties, or else...REGARDLESS the position held.....why isn't the union stepping in?

02-21-2008, 02:23 PM
we are still waiting for an answer on this one. that's how bad this place disrespect's it's officer's. have the highest ranking sworn member give out, the get out notice's and does'nt he need one? i can remember, at least, two that can verify that. it's boderline sadistic and i'm pretty certain that if we had someone, that represented us, look into this mess it's most likely more than that. but once again we'd need someone in our corner, who'd represent us, look into it. good luck i guess! it's too late for a couple of other's, so we've got to watch our own back's until someone's man's up!. be safe and watch out for one another. were all we got for now.

02-28-2008, 03:32 PM
I think this is why LePere is limping,,

Legendary pop star Prince would soon be undergoing a secret hip replacement surgery, after being crippled due to years of sexy dancing.