View Full Version : HPK91

01-14-2008, 05:13 PM
To the poster with the handle "HPK91", I was just invited to the July academy. How can I get in touch with you for ideas on how to make the best of my Trooper career? You have a cool attitude, and some great ideas.

01-14-2008, 07:10 PM
Wait a second....what is a trooper "career"? I didn't know I had one of those.

01-15-2008, 08:32 AM
To the poster with the handle "HPK91", I was just invited to the July academy. How can I get in touch with you for ideas on how to make the best of my Trooper career? You have a cool attitude, and some great ideas.

You can call me at .....just kidding. If you are being serious, and I'm not sure you are, all you need to do is decide what you want out of your career and then go get it. There are several opportunities available within FHP - PIO, THI, background inv., recruiter, etc.

Understand that your pay is at the mercy of the legislature, not the FHP executive staff. If you want to make more than a measly salary, you're going to have to work some OT or off-duty.

Know that your mission is primarily traffic enforcement - writing tickets and working crashes. If you want to be busting in doors, then you're in the wrong place.

I would strongly suggest you distance yourself from the trouble makers, lazy troopers and those that do nothing but put FHP down. I wonder how some of the people who post on here can actually wear an FHP uniform.

01-15-2008, 11:28 PM
yeah, HP, I was serious about getting in touch, I'm still on the fence more than ever after reading the latest rounds of posts. That and the fact that I saw an ad in a magazine today for Fort Lauderdale PD that paid 3400 monthly for academy, and 43K to 60K for experience.

01-16-2008, 01:04 AM
yeah, HP, I was serious about getting in touch, I'm still on the fence more than ever after reading the latest rounds of posts. That and the fact that I saw an ad in a magazine today for Fort Lauderdale PD that paid 3400 monthly for academy, and 43K to 60K for experience.

If you live down south you may want to go with a local agency if you are concerned about pay. It's a trade off. You either hump calls all day with a local agency and get paid a little better or you work FHP and go at a more relaxed pace and work a little off-duty to supplement your income. I believe off-duty is paying a minimum of $50 per hour in most places.

01-17-2008, 06:15 PM

I believe that you and I got off on the wrong foot and for that I apologize. We sparred back and forth on another thread about some issues and I will take the blame for inciting it. I to was a Trooper at one time, as I pointed out, and so was my father who started way back in 1962. I do feel that while I do not work at the agency today that I have some what of a right to comment on the current state of affairs, after all FHP was a large part of my life for many years. Believe it or not based on this history I still have a concern for FHP. I often times think about how different my career may have been if things at FHP were what they should be concerning pay and other issues. It is a shame that good people have to leave and go to other agencies, because the job of a State Trooper should be one of the best jobs in law enforcement. We need good Troopers and I am sure that you are, based on your loyalty and commitment to the agency through these tough times.
Anyway, again, I apologize and hope that you stay safe out there and things take a turn for the better concerning you and all of the FHP employees who remain on the job. Be safe, and if there is ever anything I can do to assist you here in Palm Beach County do not hesitate to contact me.

Sgt. L. Poston #4619
Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office
District 8

01-17-2008, 06:29 PM
Thanks Sgt., you are absolutely right. After I re-read my post I can understand where you were coming from. I lumped you in with someone else's negative post and then realized later the point you were trying to make. Seeing that you work for PBSO I can understand that you no doubt have busted your rear end to get to where you are today and would take offense to someone suggesting an officer should sit around all day. Being new to the forum and reading all of the negative post was a little overwhelming and was just trying to bring to light the positives. May you have continued success with PBSO - you guys rock.

01-17-2008, 07:11 PM

how can you tell someone to work OT you should know they will make you offset any OT except court time. Should suggest Off Duty and Hireback even that you cant do some until your off probation :(

01-18-2008, 01:20 AM
Since most non-troopers are not familiar with the term "hireback" or "soar", I simply used the term "OT". You can still work SOAR while on probation and since most off-duty jobs are traffic-related you are also allowed to work them.

01-18-2008, 02:03 AM
Since most non-troopers are not familiar with the term "hireback" or "soar", I simply used the term "OT". You can still work SOAR while on probation and since most off-duty jobs are traffic-related you are also allowed to work them.

Thank you sir for the layman's terms. It helps out civilians like myself.